Growing a Real Estate Business From Scratch

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all right today i'm joined by heidi harris she is the owner broker with home sweet heidi realty in raleigh north carolina also um powered by obviously berkshire hathaway up there and so one of the things i want to mention about this episode is specific if you've had an excuse that you don't have an soi we're going to solve that problem if you are wondering how do i build my presence on social media we're going to solve that problem if you're at a place and you're wondering how do i get put deals together when there's no inventory heidi's going to solve that problem stick with us and let's get to it [Music] all right heidi so this is really i i'm super excited for you to share with some of the things i told you offline that i have kind of almost been following you from afar for a long time and just admiring the way that you um that you really brand your business you brand your your your team and just everything that you do and so if somebody doesn't know you can you tell them a little bit about yourself where you are and the team makeup if you don't mind oh that's awesome yeah i'm heidi harris i'm from raleigh north carolina we service all of the triangles so that's like durham chapel hill raleigh wake forest cary and then probably like a hundred other cities that i'm forgetting about uh but yeah we service that area it's we have a team of five i'm the team leader and then we have four others and we're all really really good friends so like they hang out without me sometimes it hurts my feelings but um yeah we've got a really cool team dynamic we're all high energy we all really love our clients we believe in doing the right thing and we believe in making a lot of money and having a good time while doing it and i think that it sets us apart in our industry um we do a lot on social media we do a lot for our listings so everything that we're doing we're just like putting out so much love and then naturally we're getting love back which has been really yeah it is i i'm excited to share with everybody a little bit about you know the amount of business average sales price if you don't mind that kind of things and also where you when you started in the business how long you've been in the business okay great so i've been in the business since 2012 and i was a solo agent for more than half of that um and our average gosh i did this a couple months ago i think that our average price is like 325 350. in wake county which is the main county that we serve it's 306 is the average so we're just like a smidge above that um and last year we helped over 100 families and i think we did like 37 million or 36 million or something like that that's awesome incredible yeah um and so let's go back to when you started so what got you into real estate how did that originally start i'm going to be honest with you jimmy so i hope so i know yeah my husband was right okay i have to lead with that because i know i hate it when he's right okay and um i was working i was selling radio ads and so i was literally selling air and hoping that it worked and it's a very turn and burn job i did it for seven years i'd come home crying and i'm not an emotional person at all i was just drained and um one night i was crying in bed and my husband was like why don't you get your real estate license and i got so mad at him it's like how dare you say that to me that is so mean i don't like realtors you know they're all used car salesmen this is you know why would you even think to say that to me and i remember turning around and just like crying into my pillow and then i woke up the next day and i was like i can be different i can make money because i can switch the perception of what people think about realtors and actually service my clients and care about them and love them when we bought the house that i was crying in um our realtor called us one night and said hey the appraisal came in low and we were like oh so what do we do next and she was like i don't know we'll figure it out she hung up the phone and we didn't get hold of her for 48 hours and it was just like so to me that's what realtors were was like hey i'm just going to do the bare minimum right let you figure it out and so i came in here with a chip on my shoulder and also nobody to sell to um i'm originally from a small town in maryland called westminster maryland and i came down to north carolina i went to college at barton college which is a small college and that's where i met my husband i followed him here to rock he has like eight close friends so that was my sphere of influence it was like that and then like maybe a couple co-workers so um but i didn't think about it nobody told me i should have known like i take full responsibility but nobody told me like hey do you have 50 people that might support you or you know whatever the rule is i'm sure it's out there somewhere um so i went in it like just like blind bravery and um i wrote notes to people and i was like hey just want to let you know this is what i'm doing i got my real estate license if you know anybody that can help i'd love to help here's a business card um you know i saw on facebook that your daughter got engaged congratulations or like just like something um making it a little personal but then also something about me i did that and then i wrote um notes to other realtors in other areas so i'm in raleigh charlotte is another big city and so i went to charlotte's websites of their top real estate companies and i saw who the top producers were and i wrote them letters and on the front i wish i had it on the front it said i love paying referral fees and then you'd open it and it was hey my name's heidi harris i'm based in the triangle if you ever have anybody moving that way let me know i'd love to pay your referral fee hope you have a great day and i included two of my business cards still today i'm getting referrals from those people um it cost me a postage stamp um my sphere of influence supported me immediately i got in gosh what year how old was i i don't know i guess i was like 27 when i got there um and so people were like just buying their first houses and stuff yeah so i think i was beginning to miss that first wave of people buying their first houses but i caught the tail end and now people are buying their second houses you know starting their family stuff like that um but doing those things in the beginning yeah set a different tone this is what's awesome i mean a lot of people um you know what i love is is that a lot of people will use any excuse they can find well i just don't know anybody here i don't have a sphere of influence but that was not what you did i want to go back to this and talk about this from a standpoint because this is such a great idea every single market in america has a feeder market some have multiple and some like us in the coast i mean these are people coming from everywhere into our market right now so let's talk about that specifically so let's really get tactical on this so you went to the website let's start from okay i'm identifying charlotte now what was the next step okay so the company that i used to work for was alan t realtor so immediately i went to the l t realtors in charlotte i started in january so the the list of top producers had just come out so i found it on the website boom top producers and then i went to berkshire hathaway boom top producers keller williams boom top producers the finding them was not hard right it was just trying to google it and look if you can't find where the top producers are or maybe you're watching this and it's not january send it to anybody because just because you're i mean you could be a top producer and just be so overwhelmed that you get a piece of mail and you're like that's cute you throw it away right you know you all you need is a call so it can be anyway if you just want to go drill an office and just do it i mean it's the it's a postage stamp that is all so what was the first one what did that first one look like and you were like wait a minute i think i got something here what was the first i mean you got to remember some of these oh no this story you're gonna think i made it up so i am um there's a super successful realtor in town his office was right next to my office and i went in there defeated once again i was crying the person that doesn't cry was crying and i was like hey van um how how do you stay in this business it was like what do you mean i was like i'm putting out so much energy i'm not sleeping i'm missing meals i am hustling i am working so hard and i don't have a commission check everything that i'm doing today isn't gonna pay off for like years what do i do and he was like exactly what you are doing like this is what it's supposed to be like this is what you're gonna look back on one day and be like this is the soil that like brought all this produce out he was like exactly what you're doing right now is what most people don't do which is why only what 13 of realtors and realtors make it um so he was like remember this moment as painful as it is remember it and when you feel big remember it when you feel little remember it and it's going to go far for you and i was now i think about it and i kind of get goosebumps because i'm like dang you know what a magical moment but in that moment i was like i just want you to feel bad for me right yeah um but he knew because he knew it because he had done it um so anyway so that happened the next day jimmy i got a phone call and it was somebody that i wrote a letter to the referral letter hey i still remember it hey my name's tony you sent me a card saying that you work in raleigh i've got a buddy i just sold his house it just went under contract this morning he's gonna be moving to an air a city right outside a rally called clayton here's the thing he needs to look at houses tomorrow i'm sure you're busy do you have time i know yes let me see if i can organize my busy schedule of complaining right and so i was like ooh let me see what i can do and i showed him i showed this guy one house he bought it for cash he closed in two weeks come on it was my first closing i had it was super easy it was new construction so there wasn't really too much to yell about um it validated that what i was doing finally worked how many do you think you sent out total that first year probably not enough um because when i did it you know you're kind of hoping for immediate response you got to think when i sent it out i sent that out in january my first closing was in july yeah so i probably sold it sent out 50. that's it i did not yeah um but i have still today probably seven or eight of these people that we constantly pass stuff back and forth to um and and my very first closing they just bought and sold a couple months ago so it was like totally full circle and it was nice yes i'll say this what would this have looked like if you've done 500 you know what i mean that's the thing we always because we just don't think about it when we're doing it we want to wait for results but if you understand so somebody that's listening this right now that's sitting there going oh you know how he did 50 she got one let me just say this if you had done i mean why would you not as long as you understand that it works you know that's what we all do in our own business but that's the beauty of like this and this is why i appreciate you coming on so much because now you're sharing something with somebody that i'll promise you somebody's gonna text you in the next couple months or email you and they're gonna say hi to i listen to that and i got my i can't thank you enough that's the value of us being you know helping each other so much in this business i pray that you're right because jimmy i've told this story to so many people i've never had one person say that they did it so my challenge to whoever's watching this right now is i challenge you to text me and give me your um your success story it will work people how many times do you just get online you're like i need a realtor in charleston south carolina you're just googling somebody like instead be proactive send them your business card i want to make sure that they make that a two person included on that text also i want to be on that too um because i'm gonna ride your i'm gonna ride your wave a little bit so i appreciate this listen let's go back a little bit because listen if you don't have an soi you've got to build your brand or you've got to build it where people begin to know you um i i know from your background but talk a little bit about your background in college that prepared you and what you did with that to start working on social media to build that brand all right so um i wish i knew that you're gonna ask me this question i have a news article from my uh college newspaper so my college town newspaper and it's me in my dorm room and it's me being on facebook at myspace and i was so cool because i had both and it was like the future is here and it was me on social media um so i mean i started out just having a page because i was in college it was a cool thing to do um but again i had eight people in my sphere of influence um i was writing letters to strangers i was freaking out um and i just got on social media i started a home sweet heidi that's the name of my team homestead heidi facebook page um i later started an instagram page once that came around um linkedin has been amazing yeah um so but what i do is i just update people people people like real estate that's why bravo and hdtv work with all these like real estate shows it's interesting to people and so i just i'm just myself on it um but i i post at least twice a week yeah um it's important people you need to be top of mind the moment that somebody thinks i want to buy a house i want them to think heidi that's right so um but yeah so really just college it was just feet in the water doing it for fun yeah and now it's business and last year we closed 30 of our business was closed from social media and i'm not talking about like you know my buddy who i also know from somewhere else i'm talking about strangers people that don't know us from social media reaching out to us hiring us and look the cool thing about social media is people think that they know me because they see me right when i go in i'm not being interviewed people aren't asking weird questions like well how often do you get fired you know like like this person's like well i don't know are you gonna fire me what's happening um i have the job if they call me i have the job because they automatically trust me because i'm myself um i keep in touch with them often even though they're following me um but it is i'm excited to see what 2021 is going gonna bring with our social media if we did that and because the year before we did 20 last year we did 30 so can we do 40 this year hey so this is what's cool so how do i mean how did you get started what did that look like when you started to build your audience um was it just the consistency or were there certain things you did to build the audience oh i got started so rocky um i mean i was really just googling the word home or like houses with a red door i just like make posts and i'd get like three likes i didn't know what i was doing but i was doing it and so little by little none of this is overnight none of this is you know i don't have a rich daddy you know i didn't used to do this as a job i just did it and i figured it out um blood sweat and tequila but it uh social media has been really cool because i've met a lot of friends on it um i've met a lot of realtors locally that now what they do is when they list a house they tag me in it because they hope that they have my buyer so it's been a really amazing evolution there but it's really raised raised our trust level i guess is the right way to say i don't really know how it absolutely does it helps people move you know if we're in the know like trust business they get to know you initially when on there they begin to all of a sudden they're like well i really like heidi i mean she's got i mean this is she's got our energy this is what we like and then all of a sudden it moves to the trust because they start seeing you having success with other clients i've seen some of your posts where you've got where it's talking about those people and how you help them how it's talking and telling the story of those folks and so all of a sudden now the second they come to you yeah they feel like they know you because they've walked with you through listings they've walked with you through transactions they've met your friends that that were your clients have now become friends that can't they're just gushing over you and the whole team so it's absolutely that way you brought up a good point though this is something i always tell people i had an agent sitting across me yesterday that said and i was like you will kill on instagram right now you should be doing and this is not you know and i don't want to go through the shame of only having a couple people like something about posting i said it happens for everybody you don't get to a thousand likes or a hundred likes or 50 likes without those first one or two that you didn't be that way you're right and i'm pulling up my instagram right now because we started on instagram way too late it was i can't believe we didn't do it sooner um but i want to see what my first post was because it wasn't good and i bet i got like three likes but i don't care about likes right i care about being seen and if anybody's like my husband he will go on and cert and doesn't like anything um because he's just scrolling so i don't really care about likes i care about business reaching out to me i'm doing something right um but yeah our our social media we originally started it as like it's raleigh and it's the weekend what's going on not so much about houses and then oh it's all about real estate yeah let me ask you this also because obviously you know this comes down to um y'all do some really great stuff as far as um video as far as visually with photos um you know nobody starts at that level how did that start and what does it evolve to now as far as visually your stuff is just stunning i mean so what did how did it start and now what does it look like thank you so when i was in college funny story i went i used to date a guy that was deaf in high school and so i just got really big into the deaf community which is maybe why i talk with my hands so much um so i went to this specific college because it had a major for the deaf and hard of hearing and i was like being a teacher and i was like oh great this is this is what i know this is what i'll do i get there and i i'm in it for i'm in the program for a year and a half my college advisor i guess that's who it is who like helps you pick out your classes she makes a joke to me and she says heidi i'm surprised this is what you want to do with your major because you talk a lot and i laughed and i was like funny you're funny and i got back to my dorm room and i felt like somebody punched me in the gut i was completely breathless and i was like i've been here for a year and a half and i'm studying something i don't want to do right so this is coming from a place of failure just like my real estate story um and i went to the admissions department or wherever you're changing your major i don't know what it's called and i was like hey i'm heidi uh can i please change my major and they're like sure what do you want and i was like would you have a list like i had no thought here okay this is blind faith and um i looked at the stuff and i was like well communications okay cool uh journalism my aunt's a journalist that could be cool great uh video broadcasting all right cool and i turn it into the lady and she goes oh you want to be a news anchor and i was like yeah yeah thanks for asking i certainly do so um i ended up double majoring in journalism and video broadcast production which gave me a really great platform to practice on and so video is very easy for me i'm very comfortable in front of the camera um so when it came to real estate why not use your strengths right like i know i know what my strengths are i know what my weaknesses are and so being on video i try to do that at least twice a week um but we were really blessed one of our dear friends reached out to us and said hey i've got somebody she's a videographer she's up and coming do you want to hire her for a project i was like sure yeah so she reached out to me she's like look i'm just trying to pull uh build my portfolio i'll do the first one for you for a couple hundred bucks let's just see if we like each other and also like perfect well jimmy i ended up hiring her last month she's now on the home sweet heidi payroll um she is outstanding and she's brilliant and she elevates us and i believe that i am my product so if i look that good for vietnam i look that good but the videos look that good you better believe how good i'm negotiating you better believe how good i'm servicing my clients everything matters yes no you don't go to a client's house wearing sweatpants right like you go and you show up and every time that i am putting anything out there i want it to be done with class and i want to be done with like the highest amount of um quality yeah also people rarely rarely question how much i charge because they see what i put out so they don't really care as much about absolutely i know you know and we were out to give some other people some ideas i mean we both got the mutual friend kristen um nelson that she just uses her iphone you know she always has and it's and it's she's being her you have to play your strength her personality just comes through it doesn't matter if she's got an iphone or whatever and i i've got we've got a videographer what we've done and the way we started for those people that are trying to figure it out is i would just say take action but let's do it we went and found um a we actually did an internship program over a summer where we went to close to school to us major college um which was florida state university we found two people that were very good at videography brought them in they got an internship with berkshire hathaway on their resume and they got at ten dollars an hour we would get enough content shooting that and they got to live at the beach i mean who didn't want that you know and so they they literally we shot in we just shot things we ended up hiring one of them as a videographer when he graduated we've also now got one that is working with us that's we've bumped it up we're paying a full 15 an hour you know for somebody who's extremely talented you know and and he wants to learn how to do real estate so he's learning how to do real estate while he's adding value to us in a two-way street um the undervalued thing also is every single high school and middle school right now has a morning show where kids have learned how to use cameras and video it doesn't have to be grand those kids are looking for community service they're looking for summer jobs they're looking for all these things i'm it's it's out there to do um i just i'm like you just just do it that's where the value and what you're talking about where are people understanding who you are and already know you through the video sure and i do 95 of my stuff on my iphone so um i've got a tripod here i have a tripod in my car so in case if i'm out somewhere and i want to do it real quick i mean what is that 20 bucks off amazon yeah on your wishlist ask for her birthday present whatever um that it's to not do i can't understand why you wouldn't want to do it some people don't like to look at themselves on video i get it and that what i say is practice doesn't make perfect practice makes you comfortable that's right try it just do it the worst thing that happens is you don't watch your video for a second time like maybe you just publish it but you know what you're getting eyes on you and those eyes if they weren't on you they'd be calling somebody else right so that's where you get to have a heart with yourself of like how much do i want to succeed and if video isn't your thing then maybe you take really beautiful pictures or like maybe you're an amazing storyteller and you can do a beautiful blog series whatever you want to do just lean into your strengths because there's enough business out there that if you're just sitting there and complaining it's we live in such an abundant situation i tell everybody they don't i've been doing this you know because i'm the old guy i guess now i've been doing this 27 years over half of my life i've been in real estate i've never been more excited about the opportunities that are there for people that will take action in real estate right now you know what i i really appreciate about that you and the entire team does also is some of these unique things things that kind of set you apart do a little different let's talk about some of that marketing some of the things everybody's looking for listings now what are y'all doing to take advantage of these listings that are selling so fast which it's great they're selling so fast but it's also bad they're selling so fast because we don't have inventory what are you guys doing uh first of all i don't think that joe public knows that houses are selling so fast and it's because we don't have enough right so tell them right like that's our job we need to tell them because right now we're filming this in january um traditionally in my area a slow time it is not slow it is smoking real estate right now so most people don't know that so most people are gearing up for the spring well you know what all the listings that are gearing up for the spring so are the buyers so why don't you get out there now so that you're not competing against 20 other offers you're just competing against seven um so again that's what we're doing on our team the way that we have it i don't know if you know what a gecko board is but it's a tv and it's got you know stuff listed so this is ours over there um but we have all the houses that we're marketing soon and also all of our buyers on there so we get to play matchmaker in 2020 we had a beautiful um opportunity gosh i don't know how many times to just match before they even hit the market and the success that we got from that was amazing everybody was happy we did a really great job with it so that's always fun and unique um but even when i'm talking to buyers or sellers i make sure i mention that because if they're hiring somebody else that isn't doing that that's it um so that's a great way for somebody to select you is to kind of lead with that doubt like you know what's special about working with the home sweet heidi team is you get first dibs on our listings okay um but also um again back to social media because then yeah that's the mean part um you've got other realtors that just slide in my dms and they say hey heidi you know i'm looking for this what do you have yeah and then that gives me the opportunity to say hey guys there's a buyer looking for this who knows somebody that's selling a house that looks like this exactly it's just we're just asking for opportunities yeah i will say this too howdy we i went over this yesterday in our market our inventory every single week it continues to get smaller and smaller as far as the homes that are for sale but when we look and we do a deep dive on the market in actuality the transaction numbers are still going up and they're still you know so you would think oh there's less houses to sell transaction numbers have to come down but here's what's happening is people like you the good agents are putting deals together before they actually even hit the mls so the inventory continues to do that in reality for the good agents the agents that are willing to make the calls be the matchmaker really find that turn some stones over when somebody says they want to live in that neighborhood start calling people in that neighborhood yes yes all of a sudden now what's happening is is this is the opportunity of a lifetime for great agents to shine like never before for our clients we're you're you are different you know so heidi one of the things i love is is that obviously things are not staying on the market long and that gives us less time to expose our give ourselves an opportunity to market ourselves with a listing so how are you overcoming that because obviously obviously when we have these times where it's like it's an object it's something we're having to overcome it does create opportunity what are you guys doing so we are trying to you said the word opportunity any opportunity we can have to grab eyes and listings we're after it so i got these signs made oh it's so good and notice it's only one there's not we used to have two because like back in the day remember when houses would be on the on the market for more than nine days um so anyway we got these and it's we got our home sweet heidi logo right there we put that right in the yard next to um well we used to put sold signs up instead now what we do is we have our riders that have our info this is now our sold side because this gets so much attention people call us my friends will text pictures of it um actually we did a giveaway a couple months ago where if you saw one of those you get a keurig machine um people were just like doing selfies next to them and they're hot pink which is our color so it really stands out but when people see that it grabs attention and we get neighbors that call us and say hey i saw it sold in two days you know did you under price it it's like well actually no we pushed the pricing but we got this and they waived appraisal oh well that's interesting and then that's my opportunity to say you know we'd love to talk to you if you're interested in selling or even if you're not interested in selling can i just give you an update on how much your home is worth right the opportunities are out there you just have to go the extra mile to grab them yeah yeah so great so i love the fact we do it um you know not as technical as you do but we all have our board and we call it our next ten it's our next 10 listings our next 10 buyers and then we have on the other is our 10 biggest referral sources we try to keep it like you're doing in front of us at all times so that we have the opportunity where those people stay top of mind and we want to make sure that we've touched each of them in some way shape or form at least every couple three days if these are our hottest prospects that are ready to do something so i love what you're doing there and organizing that listen there was a point where you had to get to a point where you're like you know what i can't do this on my own or maybe my my dream is bigger than just me how did you decide to to um to move into a team situation and what was that first hire you made in the team situation oh my first hire all right so i have a five and a three-year-old as you know uh when i had my five-year-old i just referred out everything i don't know i didn't have anybody to tell me not to do that um with my three-year-old when i was pregnant with her i reached out to my broker in charge and i said hey you know i want to have somebody that can support me when i'm on maternity leave or whatever we want to call in real estate and she was like well look we've got this new gal she just started she doesn't really know much but she's got her license i was like great cool she came in i interviewed her i offered her the job on the spot [Music] why my gut told me to and i was like you know i'm gonna pay you hourly and you know i just need you as an assistant and she said can i ask you a question i said sure what's up she said can i be on the team [Music] okay cool so five minutes like loose leaf paper like okay renee shank is on the home sweet heidi team right and uh now she's been with me for four years she's been a full-time realtor and my assistant and she's always sold like four or five homes a year last year she sold 12 homes next year she's going to sell 20. so it's just like or this year she's still 20. so it's just like it came out of hey i'm going to have a baby this is what i've got to do even if i wasn't having a baby would i have delayed starting the team sure a little bit um but i had my second team hire three months after i hired renee and it just was a forward momentum and it was mine to lose so i just had to go after it and get it um if anybody out here is thinking about starting a team and like well yeah but am i ready am i not one make sure you have the right person and two believe in yourself because the only thing that's in your head right now is doubt and if you if your clients love you if you're doing the right thing you've got stuff coming in maybe you're not giving that person leads yeah that's okay not all teams are lead based i give my my team some leads but i'm also teaching them how to fish and like hey this is what i'm doing you should do this too um so maybe you can be a mentor for somebody that's on your team but you have to value yourself and um yeah that was four years ago and now we have five team members and it's it's than that it's it's the cycle i mean this is the beauty i think some people don't realize too is somebody poured into you the the best way to honor that is to pour into somebody else i believe it's the natural progression now we've got some agents there with us that our average sales price is so high that they have a an assistant and it's them and their volume is so high but the typical person that is in a situation where they have been poured into all that knowledge you've gotten all those times that you had that doubt and you overcame it all those rough transactions that doesn't need to go to waste and the best way you can help with that is to pour into somebody else and i'll tell you because i know your heart and i know where i'm coming from why i love doing this kind of thing is that somebody did this for us i mean this is it is just it is in our human nature we want to help other people and this is a way through a team for you to pour into people out of the overflow of what everybody poured into you which is such a beautiful picture so it's perfect and now i'm on the national rethink council yes and so that is for people that don't know i mean do you want to talk about it yes please go into it it's so powerful it powerful is the perfect word so i got the golden ticket and what i mean by that is i went to the explosion conference in 2019 i went because my broker in charge said hey heidi you should go and i was like cool i listen to everything he says so i booked a ticket i had no idea what i was doing i didn't know a soul um i walk in i mean do you know you know andy blake yes me blake we become buds right off the stop the beginning so um he's telling me he we're just talking and throwing around ideas he was like oh you should be on the reefing council and i was like i don't know what that is um so he was explaining it to me he was like look it's it's top producers across the nation they're millennials they're out there hustling they're making it happen and it's bringing those folks together and having a mastermind and i was like how do i do that because i mean for me i never had a friend in real estate because all my real estate friends were my competitors locally so now i could ask somebody else hey i'm doing this it's not working what do you think so anyway i got the golden ticket as i call it and i started on the national rethink council last year so january of 2020 we've had one meeting so far because everything else got shut down um but these people are my dear friends we went through quarantine via zoom and text chain um they are a wealth of knowledge they have poured so much into me and inspired me in so many ways and it's really just swapping ideas of what's working in different markets um so for those people watching in florida if you see something on my social media and you want to steal it please do because maybe i stole it from somebody else who knows um but it's i just feel like we're all better together and having that powerful mastermind has been such a blessing in my life and i'm so grateful for them i will never be the same as before yeah and i'll say this a lot of people how to they'll say well gosh i wish i had that but i don't have access to that i will tell you from experience because i didn't have that opportunity when i was and i actually went out and created it myself so listen if you're going to at some point we're going back to conferences right good gosh i mean you know and i'm gonna be at every one of them when they start one of them i'm gonna get their day early i'm staying a day late that's right that's right i know and so listen use those times just like what you said you met someone build your own network um you can do it now with zoom literally i'll promise you if you'll reach out to agents that are on the rise if you're on the rise for instance or that is a top producer and you're a top producer and you said listen i got about seven or eight of us i want us to just to talk about what's going on with listings could you jump on a zoom call you can create this so fast people are begging you to do this and let me say this the best way to know what it and the back get the value out of it is host the party i mean parties are fun let me just tell you something if you host the party it's even better i would highly encourage if they don't have access this to really lean on that listen honey this has been tremendous you have dropped so many great things for people i mean literally they're going to walk away from this with actionable ideas and so i really want i want to thank you for that how do people get in touch with you how do they find you on social media to connect with you if they've got a referral that they need to send up that way how do they do that send me all of your referrals i love paying referral fees remember um so i am on facebook it's at home sweet heidi on instagram it's at home sweet heidi my full name is heidi harris so if you want to just friend me on any of those accounts that's cool too uh but my email address is heidi h-e-i-d-i at and my phone number is 919-946-3292 and we'll take awesome care of your clients will i know if you haven't had a chance i would highly encourage you follow heidi she's doing it the right way literally she just gave you permission to copy and just basically rip and duplicate what she's doing so i would highly encourage it take care guys and we'll talk to you [Music] soon [Music] you
Channel: Jimmy Burgess
Views: 2,794
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: real estate coaching and training, real estate coaching free, real estate marketing 2021, real estate coaching tips, real estate agent part time, real estate marketing ideas, real estate marketing video, real estate training videos youtube, real estate 2021, real estate marketing plan for listings, real estate marketing strategies, real estate agent day in the life, real estate agent beginner, Heidi Harris, real estate agent training, tom ferry 2020, real estate agent exam prep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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