How To Become a Highly Paid Blockchain Developer in 2022

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2022 is shaping up to be an absolutely insane year for blockchain technology it's the fastest adopted technology in all recorded human history growing about twice as fast as the internet was in 1998 at the same number of users we've seen an explosion of new use cases in the past year alone in things like nfts gaming d5 and metaverse billions of dollars are floating in this space to fund teams that are building the next generation of blockchain applications and all this presents an insane opportunity to acquire high value blockchain development skills whether you want to change your career you know break in this industry and become a highly paid blockchain developer you know get a job or become a freelancer you know build a lucrative blockchain app that other people use or build your own you know trading bots with crypto d5 flash loans whatever it is you want to do i'm going to show you all the essential skills that you need in this video i'm actually going to break it down to a road map a step-by-step plan to go from xero to blockchain master even if you've never coded before i'm going to show you to do that in this video as a blockchain developer myself who works this technology on a daily basis we're going to talk about all the questions that you need to know like what programming languages to learn what blockchains to use how much money can you expect to earn and step by step like how do you break into this industry so if you're new around here hey i'm gregory and on this channel i turn you into a blockchain master and i've compiled this huge roadmap in this video 100 for free for you on youtube and the only thing i ask in return is that you like this video you know subscribe to this channel and share with other people and if you do like what you see in this video today and you're compelled by this opportunity and you want to take the next step then i could share the master blockchain step-by-step start finish over at dap university dot com forward slash boot camp all right so let's jump into this road map on how to become a highly paid blockchain developer in 2022 and i'm remaking this video because i do it every single year and this year is really important because a lot has changed in 2021 for 2022 and this space is just left forward and it's night and day different than it was a few years ago we've seen a ton of new use cases rise to you know cultural mainstream like nfts crypto gaming defy web 3.0 and also the metaverse so i'm going to update you on everything that's happened and everything that you need to know if you want to take advantage of this big opportunity so here's a quick overview of what we're going to cover today so we're going to talk about the opportunity for blockchain in 2022 talk about you know the state of blockchain what do you what are people doing with it you know what's the opportunity like for you as a developer how much money can you make you know what's involved in changing your career so uh the skills that you must know in order to do this like the programming languages some actual examples of like what blockchain developers do then we're gonna talk about a step-by-step plan to actually master blockchain from scratch whether you're a programmer already or not you know what do you do every step of the way from like knowing nothing all the way to getting your first job building your app becoming freelance or whatever and then finally we're gonna answer some faqs that i get all the time like hey should i learn a bunch of other programming languages before i learn blockchain and how long does it take do i need a computer science degree you know should you learn blockchain as your first language and a lot more so get comfy you know grab a snack grab a drink whatever you need we're gonna be here a while but i have a feeling you're gonna be really glad that you took the time to watch this video come back to it repeat it you know bookmark it share with your friends because this is one of the biggest opportunities that's ever existed for people to enter into a new technology like this all right so let's jump into section one let's quantify the opportunity for blockchain in 2022. so like i was saying before we're talking about a technology that's getting adopted twice as fast as the internet was at about 1998 with the same number of users 150 million users and it's growing about the twice the rate that it was back then we've seen an explosion of use cases which have been like nfts d5 gaming metaverse web 3.0 and this presents a massive opportunity okay for developers to jump into this into this space so why is that well all those use cases i'm talking about all this adoption it's just it's going it's going up like crazy and what that really generates is demand okay it's just basic supply and demand economics and that demand has grown over the past year and i don't see it slowing down anytime soon because of that adoption okay so the demand relative to the supply is insane and these aren't even to scale drawings it's just showing you like relatively speaking what it looks like and what happens when the supply is low and the demand is this big then the price of compensation for people who have these skills is huge so we're going to see examples that here in a minute but another thing i'll say about this is some people say well if there's this imbalance and supply and demand and then you make a video like telling everybody how to do it then that's just going to flood the market and you won't have this opportunity more well that's not really true because the demand is growing faster than the supply of people who are coming in and learning these skills and if everybody watched this video overnight just learn this stuff and change their careers it still wouldn't be enough to satisfy this demand and you'd still have the same scenario all right let's talk about one most common questions that i get is how much can you make as a blockchain developer so i'm gonna pull up some data here and i'm actually gonna analyze it you know realistically with zero bs so let's just start off with how we can get data so i'm using a recruiting website okay and just looked up the average blockchain developer salary so this is data that's available to you for free so this is 154 000 per year is the average blockchain developer salary now i know that's the average right so let's break that down and actually think about it critically speaking so can you expect to just learn this stuff and overnight wake up and make that kind of money no but when i'm looking at these opportunities i want to know what's the realistic long-term upside of these types of skills and that's what a realistic long-term upside is for people who follow through and learn this and actually you know become a highly valuable blockchain developer a good one and so what you can also see of this data is that there's a lot of people making a lot more than 154 thousand dollars per year and yet this big concentration the mode down here in between 116 136 000 per year so this is where the highest concentration of people are but you have a lot of people who far exceed this which actually brings the average up and so at the bottom you can even see that you know only about 15 percent of people make less than a hundred thousand dollars per year so anywhere you slice it on this salary spectrum this is a massive opportunity for most people compared to whatever regular job that they're working now and so you can compare this to other things so like you know this is zip recruiter it's a recruiting website so we're just working with data that they have based on their platform you can compare this to other recruiting platforms so or other places where you have salary data so this just says you know average blockchain developer salary is 144 000 per year okay um you could look at a bazillion of the websites this is pretty close to the data that i personally see from my own experience but you could also compare to other types of development as a as a data point because we're looking at a recruiting website so you can look how blockchain compares to you know mobile development on the exact same website so mobile developer salaries 75 000 per year compared to 154 thousand dollars per year uh so basically talking about twice as lucrative okay compared to uh that was a web developer sorry web developer seventy five thousand dollars mobile developers a hundred and five thousand dollars so fifty percent more lucrative on average than mobile developer and twice as lucrative compared to web developer so blockchain is an incredibly lucrative field you know it's one of the highest paying skills in tech so you know that that's a great opportunity there's also a lot more to it than just making a lot of money okay so it really is a situation where you can have your cake and eat it too there's a ton of opportunity in that regard but you also get to build the next generation of the internet build cutting edge technology and be a part of history blockchain is also really remote friendly so if you want to work from home you can definitely do that you can work from wherever you want whatever you want in many cases you can become a freelancer there's lots of opportunities to do that outside of just getting a regular job and another thing that i love about blockchain is that there's so many different ways to monetize these blockchain development skills so you know if you're entrepreneurial and want to create your own application you can do that so whether you're super ambitious and you want to create the next you know billion dollar d5 protocol you've got a you know a shot at that or you know more conservatively most people if they just want to launch a project that could just make them some money on the side or actually turn into a real you know thriving business down the road uh you could launch an nft project it's not that hard on the grand scheme of things and you know we saw a 12 year old boy who earned 400 000 uh on his you know summer holiday selling nfts with the weird whale project and another big opportunity is actually with cryptocurrency trading bots you know some of these are making over two hundred thousand dollars per day okay so how do they work so it's not what you might think when you're thinking about a cryptocurrency trading bot that tries to predict the future about what the cryptocurrency price is going to be a lot of those blow up and you end up losing money so this is different it actually takes advantage of price discrepancies on cryptocurrency exchanges that are powered by smart contracts in the blockchain so as a developer you create your own smart contract that buys cryptocurrency on one exchange and sells it for a higher price on a different exchange when they fall out of sync okay the crazy thing about this is you can do this with blockchain that you can't do anywhere else is when you create these smart contracts you can't lose money on the trades okay you can lose money with gas fees if you tend to trade and it fails but like if you put your own money into it it's not going to make a trade an unprofitable trade and what's even crazier is you can you know trade with other people's money you can borrow money with flash loans as long as you pay it back in the same transaction and that's a mechanism that doesn't exist anywhere other than blockchain there's no risk that you can lose that money either you can borrow millions of dollars make a trade pay it back and pocket the difference so i've done this and i've actually released a video on how to do it so check out the video i did previously on my youtube channel i just released it probably just before this one so go check out my latest video before i release this one and i'll give you more info on that all right so now let's move on to the second section okay so we've talked about the opportunity for blockchain in 2022 it's one of the highest paying fields in tech there's a lot of different things you can do with blockchain you can get a job become a freelancer create your own project build a bot whatever you decide to do though there are a core set of essential skills and so that's we're going to talk about this next section what do you need to know if you want to take advantage of this opportunity all right so let's talk about what does a blockchain developer even do in the first place because if you're trying to find out what you need to know let's just talk about the different types of things you would be creating as a blockchain developer okay so let's start off with a high level list of the major use cases for blockchain technology this list is growing all the time it grew a lot in 2021 and i expected to grow in 2022. so the major use cases right now are d5 okay or decentralized finance i'm also kind of including cryptocurrency in that category uh this is where you take like existing financial products and move them over to blockchain things like savings lending trading etc etc um nfts or non-fungible tokens okay this is like uh some of the major use cases now are digital collectibles but uh that is expanding all the time to include lots of other things like you know public records etc etc so gaming blockchain based gaming where you can take in-game items you can play to earn all that type of stuff web 3.0 where you can create uh you know internet of value where you can actually own things and also metaverse where you can create 3d experiences and own things in virtual worlds and a lot more alright so if those are types of things those are the major use cases that exist for blockchain technology that's what blockchain developers are creating like why do they exist in the first place what about blockchain technology makes these things possible in not some other way so it basically said another way why use a blockchain in the first place so some of the main benefits are decentralization so instead of having things very centralized central control you decentralize the control to lots of different people where a community owns something rather than an individual entity censorship resistant where nobody can just change things things on the blockchain are there forever okay trustlessness you don't have to trust an intermediary and also transparency when something's not completely decentralized or completely trustless we at least have this added benefit of being able to see exactly what happened and verify on chain okay so this gives this gives birth to all these use cases like i'm talking about defy nfts you know blockchain-based gaming so let's see how that's the case well in order to understand that again we're going to get a little bit of theory here because this is going to help you understand what blockchain developers do we'll say what is a blockchain so really a blockchain is a it's a worldwide computer so basically um you have a computer that is run by multiple different people and that's what you can see on my diagram here like this is a computer this is a computer this is a computer they're all called nodes and they're all they're all nodes that talk to one another okay but this network of computers acts as a single computer so that's what the decentralized part of blockchain is everybody who participates in running basically the same computer so it gets a copy of all the code and all the data that makes up the blockchain so anything that powers a cryptocurrency lives on everybody's computer anytime a cryptocurrency transaction is sent from one account to another every computer in the network takes part in in most cases every computer takes part in uh validating that transaction or mining it and including it into a new block to make sure that everybody's balance is right the transaction was successful okay and so that's what gives birth to something like cryptocurrency you wouldn't want to do this in sort of a web 2.0 mindset where somebody has centralized control inside of a postgresql database where somebody could just you know update your balance on a whim you want this uh public ledger out there that that can't be tampered with it's censorship resistance uh it's immutable it can't change data that's on the blockchain lives there forever and that gives birth to all these other um use cases that i'm talking about and really what what and now enables that is smart contracts okay so that's something i really want to drill in right now smart contracts because this is essential to what blockchain developers are creating one of the core skill sets and becoming a blockchain developer in the first place is to become a smart contract developer because these are the building blocks of blockchain based applications of course there's different types of blockchain development there's like core developers and application developers over the vast majority of use cases most developers can be creating apps okay and smart contracts are what enable you to do that they are immutable programs that you put on a blockchain to create um you know new things like uh new apps nfts are powered by smart contracts many cryptocurrencies that live on top of the ethereum network like the uni swap token the one inch token all that stuff those are smart contracts anytime you interact the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange like uni swap for example that's powered by smart contracts okay these are the building blocks of blockchain based applications and that's a lot of what blockchain developers do is creating those and so i'll briefly touch on the rest of these use cases and how you know this is possible on blockchain and not any other way so decentralized finance you know you could have a savings and lending platform that's decentralized that lets people have high yield uh well this is only possible in web 3.0 because you have these new cryptocurrencies popping up all the time that are offering yield farming incentives you have things like flash loans where you can borrow that money for trading like i was talking about with zero money down as long as you pay back in the same transaction you can only do that with smart contracts on blockchain you know nfts you want to have a digital item that's actually scarce the digital scarcity is really important so the smart contract is responsible for you know enforcing that scarcity and keeping track of who owns how many nfts and and you know anytime you move one around the smart contract takes it you know it facilitates that process and the blockchain um ensures that those balances never change and then whenever you transfer nft or you buy on openc whatever it is that um it's always going to work the same way twice it's a contract you know it's not going to change and that you can trust that the transactions are going to be valid on this blockchain because everybody shares it so games like i said in-game items play to earn like axe infinity is a great example where you can you know earn money to play a game with cryptocurrency you can take in-game items out of the game sell on another marketplace actually create real value so web 3.0 you know this is something that is we're expanding our definition of it all the time but web 3.0 could really include everything on this list like cryptocurrency defy nfts but i'm going to take it as a separate category just to talk about a new internet um where you can do things uh from a web perspective that you can't do in other places so like you could create a censorship resistant website or the actual website code itself you can't you know take down so you could do that with something like ipfs that's not really blockchain technology but it's distributed technology okay you can check out ipfs more if you want to know about that but you can also create a blockchain based social networks for example where you have this added value of censorship resistance so one of the major problems with social media now is censorship so how do you know whether like the items that you're seeing in your news feed are actually you know it's like you have a lot of algorithmic curation well how do you trust the algorithm how you know it's not manipulated by somebody else right um how do you know that your post is actually being shared not shadow banned how you know you're not going to get d platform so you can fix that with web 3.0 and the last one i want to talk about here is the metaverse because we've seen a huge push on this we saw you know facebook rebrand its entire company its parent company that owns facebook oculus instagram uh to be called mezza to focus on the metaverse okay we've seen lots of other companies follow suit as well and so the metaverse is really a 3d embodied internet um you know a lot of vr a lot of ar we're still kind of figuring out exactly what it's going to look like long term you know vr and ar have been around for a long time they're getting better and you could just build a centralized siloed vr experience right now but what makes the metaverse actually possible is blockchains so if you want to own things in the metaverse how do you own that without centralized control well you use a blockchain to keep track of the ownership of the digital items inside the metaverse and move them around from one world to another so that you know one just centralized corporation doesn't own everything inside the metaverse all right so now let's kind of continue on with this and talk about you know what kind of blockchain developer should you be because this is trying to narrow down and get to the exact skills that you need to learn if you want to accomplish the goals that i'm talking about okay so we're gonna talk about the programming languages all that type of stuff here in a minute but you really need to focus on exactly what you're trying to accomplish to to zero in on what you need to know okay so just bear with me here i would broadly group blockchain developers into two different categories so core developers and application developers so what are examples of each of those so a core developer would be basically somebody who's building blockchain protocols like layer 1 protocols so actually building smart contract platforms or like building uh you know nodes that operate decentralized infrastructure all that type of stuff so if you want to learn that that's a very specific thing it's a much smaller uh niche within blockchain but what i focus on is actually application development so focusing on things that users are actually interacting with so example if you're gonna go trade a token on uni swap that's a dap that's powered by smart contracts so focusing on creating those smart contracts creating the websites that interact with them etc etc that's what i personally do and that's what i recommend other people do because there's more demand for that type of skill so you got more options on the table and then also it's easier for beginners to learn than core development is now if you want to learn core development your heart's set on that that's totally fine but if you don't know what you want to do then i would definitely recommend becoming an application developer and focusing specifically on creating smart contracts and so once you focus on becoming an application developer you can kind of specialize from there okay and i'll kind of break this down into multiple multiple facets and give you examples i'm actually going to show you some blockchain applications and how people use them and what you'll be creating as a blockchain developer here in a second okay real blockchain applications out there in the wild in 2022 that you can use yourself today okay let's start with the smart contract side of things so like i was saying basically creating smart contracts the programs that live on the blockchain that's the blockchain side of things but um most blockchain applications have aspects that are really similar to other types of websites that you use out there they have a website that users interact with or maybe they have a mobile application that people download on their phone and use okay and then they a lot of times have some sort of web backend or maybe they have some sort of scripts that run offline they need to interact with the smart contracts of the blockchain in some way so basically you want to know how blockchains work you want to be able to create smart contracts but then you typically want to have some sort of skill set that lets you interact with the smart contracts and that's what the front end side of things is so basically this the front end you know development's basically broken up in the front end and back ends the front end is the thing that the user sees like a user interface and you manipulate um i say minifigure i mean build and change so this could be a website it could be a a mobile application okay and then the back ends that the user doesn't see it's maybe a web server that does something because we still use web servers a lot of times in blockchain development for the things that aren't as important to put in a blockchain and then we use the smart contracts that's technically still on the back end okay let's just go through a couple different examples of real world blockchain applications and break it up what's the front end what's the back end what does the blockchain developer do what are the skills that they need to know so let's look at one of those popular blockchain applications out there which is uni swap so what is it it's a decentralized exchange so it's a website where you can go and basically connect your blockchain wallet okay if you go to and you click launch app you'll see this interface and you connect your uh your blockchain wallet in this case metamask use this little fox icon up here and then you just tell it what cryptocurrency that you want to buy and what cryptocurrency you have and you just click swap and then it does the trade and it has some really advanced technology uh powered by smart contracts on the back end these things called this thing called automated market maker okay where it works differently from another exchange there's cryptocurrency just sitting in the app parked into these uh liquidity pools where the liquidity providers are are just staking their cryptocurrency earn a passive income reward off the trading fees and then the end user gets liquidity to buy and sell the tokens because if you go here and say hey i have ether and i want to swap it for different cryptocurrency let's say die for example where's the diet come from so it comes from this liquidity pool back there there's other people that are you know providing cryptocurrency to those smart contracts to the application to facilitate that trade all right and that's where the smart contracts come into play so when you talk to this website it's talking to the blockchain and it's talking to these smart contracts all right it's they're all kind of glued together so you can see like all the cryptocurrencies that are traded here on uni swap these are ethereum based tokens so they're erc20 tokens that are also powered by smart contracts if you ever heard of an erc20 token that's what they are it's just different cryptocurrencies built on top of a ethereum or an ethereum compatible environment evm environment and so the smart contracts you can actually see them here on etherscan these are the smart contracts that power the unity swap version through protocol here's all the transactions that are going through it you can look at the smart contract code inside of here alright so this is what a blockchain developer created so let's break it down to the skills mostly on the back end for uni swap it's just going to be the smart contracts themselves so this is deployed to ethereum so this is ether scan all right and um you can see the programming language here solidity so if you are a blockchain developer creating the smart contracts you want to create these smart contracts with the solidity programming language and deploy it to the blockchain we'll talk about how to do that in a little bit but that's what that person would do but then also there's you know a developer who creates this website that's what a front-end developer does so they create this website with javascript that's the main programming language used to create interactive websites they also need to know some html and css to create the markup for that page but all the interactions that happen anytime you click a button and it does something that's using javascript okay um anytime that you're making a request to the blockchain to create a transaction like when your metamask confirmation pops up that's using javascript okay so javascript is a very widely used language for blockchain development especially if you want to create client-side applications or front-end development and so there's entire specialties where you could just be a front-end developer and you could just interact with other blockchain developers you're creating a smart contract that's okay too but even if you get on that route i highly recommend learning smart contract development at least the basics of it uh so that you'll be much better at this part of your job okay that's just one example if you were to create uni swap from scratch maybe you're trying to create a portfolio piece that'd be a really great idea um those are the different types of things that you'd be doing and those are the different types of skills you need to know front end back end all right so let's look at another uh example so let's say you wanted to create an nft project so let's look at the board ape yacht club so this is a really popular nft all right this is on the top of the ethereum blockchain board ip yacht club at the heart of it is a digital collectible it's an nft a non-fungible token and so you can see the examples here these collectibles that have different images and so what is a non-fungible token in the first place well basically it's different from a cryptocurrency it's a token but all the tokens are worth different amounts so a cryptocurrency doesn't matter which cryptocurrency you have if you have the first bitcoin that was ever mined or the last one it doesn't matter you can just trade them they're worth the same but nfts are non-fungible tokens you know different tokens might be worth different ones different amounts so this ape right here might be more valuable than this ape all right and so how do you know how valuable they are well the market really decides and so you might see that on a website like open c you can go look at a collection and they'll tell you you know how uh how much each one's worse we can just look up right now board ape yacht club and we can see um you know different examples here so this one's worth you know this much 39 eth 40 each so there's a hierarchy and how much these each of these are worth so what if you wanted to create one okay so you need a couple different things the back end side mostly is going to be with smart contracts like i was talking about before you can see the board api club contract here on etherscan okay so you need to create that smart contract with solidity that's the programming language you need to know so the cool thing about nfts is a lot of them work really kind of the same way okay they basically they use a standard called the erc721 standard so in many cases you could just copy and paste a different contract and change it and customize it for yourself all right and so what you would do is you create your own unique artwork you can do that and then a lot of times you would have what's called an nft drop where you create a website where people can come and you know mint the nfts and they will get sold on a secondary market like openc like i've shown you before so let's say you want to go through that entire process which is exactly why i show you how to do the nft master class that we've done inside this inside the blockchain mastery program um so basically you know you need to you need the smart contracts you need a website to do the nft drop so you create a website and javascript and then anytime you click the mint button that would use a library like web3.js or etherjs to talk to the blockchain and do that transaction okay so those are types of skills you need to know and then uh inside that smart contract maybe in a different smart contract you would want that mint functionality that creates a new nft from scratch you'd start from zero and create a new one any time someone's minted until you hit the supply cap which in many cases is like 10 000 nfts so the last thing i'll talk about is the image the artwork so you need to create the custom artwork but where does it go because you don't really want to put pictures on a blockchain it's just not scalable and it's going to be too expensive in many cases won't work at all so those images typically live on top of something called ipfs which is the interplanetary file system this is not a blockchain but it's a distributed censorship resistant uh network of files so you have nodes that talk to one another that store files redundantly okay and in many cases the nfts just have a link inside of them that points to ipfs that can fetch that image and then render it out on the page so when you're looking at like your nft inside your blockchain wallet after you've purchased it it's pulling that image in from ipfs and that's something you'd also want to know as the backend developer who creates the smart contracts is how do i just put pictures on ipfs how do i get the urls back store the metadata and then save it to my nft and that's exactly what i show you how to do inside of there so that's an additional skill that you would need to know to create your own nft project so let's throw in one more example this can be a little bit different from the others let's say that you wanted to create some sort of blockchain based mobile application uh so arjun's a good example of this so this is a a blockchain wallet where you can actually store users private key and you can interact with existing blockchain applications or hey maybe you could create a blockchain application yourself on the backend so this is similar to the front-end development side of things because i want to talk about mobile development because this is an area that actually has some overlap with blockchain like i was saying you could take blockchain knowledge and then specialize in something else that talks to the blockchain and if you take that blockchain knowledge it's going to make that other side of the equation really valuable so getting the basics of smart contract development and all that type of stuff before you try to build a mobile app it was really valuable if you want to build a blockchain based mobile app like i said arjun is a mobile wallet so you want to do things like store private keys on there maybe integrate with third-party payment solutions to onboard new users that's a task in and of itself those are you know what mobile developers would do how to integrate traditional web apis to take credit cards and um you know link those to your account so you can actually make transactions but let's say you want to issue cryptocurrency after that person has put in their payment information well um you would definitely want to be able to talk to the blockchain in some way so first of all some of them let's talk about the mobile technologies first to get that out of the way so there's lots of different ways to build mobile applications you can do them with the native programming languages for each platform you could do it with swift if you want to build it for ios you you could uh also do it in a cross-platform way where you can build it in one environment that deploys to multiple different mobile platforms like uh ios or android you have technologies like react native where you could do with javascript you could do it with flutter there's lots of different options there on how you can create a mobile app so you definitely pick your strategy on how you decide to create your mobile application there's pros and cons for each strategy but those are the types of things you want to learn generally speaking as a mobile developer now let's talk about the blockchain side of things which is how do you make your mobile lab talk to the blockchain well you would use some sort of blockchain based library let's just take the javascript example let's say you're going to build it react native so that it compile for android or ios and also for web well you would create the application in javascript okay with like react uh native and then you would use some sort of blockchain based library like ethers.js or web3js to make those transactions to the blockchain store the user's private key on the device in a secure encrypted way and then also fetch information back from the blockchain just like that all right so that's an overview of what blockchain developers do or the types of things you might you might do if you learn blockchain and actually build something for real so now let's look at if you're gonna do any of those things i'm going to answer two questions at the same time basically like what programming languages do you need to know i talked about some of them but i'm going to talk about it in the same time with this question about which block chain should i use because you might look at a list of all the technologies out there and be pretty overwhelmed okay so i'm going to give you some options and then also give you sort of my opinion and its stance on this uh here in a second so let's start off with the the main programming languages that i see demand for in the marketplace and talk about which ones you should learn based upon your goals and then like i said before kind of offer you an opinion if you don't know where to start you just want somebody to tell you what to do i'll tell you what to do okay so let's let's look at the main ones out there so um by far there is massive massive massive demand for the solidity programming language to create smart contracts okay um and the cool thing about this is it's compatible with lots of different blockchains it primarily works on ethereum that's what it's created for in the first place we have all these evm compatible chains that's the ethereum virtual machine we have lots of um blockchains that run those so if you learn splitter t you can create smart contracts for multiple different blockchains like uh polygon binance smart chain avalanche uh phantom and a lot more okay so um there's that that's that's the main one for back end smart contracts now there's some others for back-end smart contracts like rust okay c c plus plus okay so these two right here are growing popularity uh with the solana ecosystem okay so if you want to learn salon development and you wanna learn smart contracts and then these would be great languages to learn for that as well so let's go beyond just the smart contracts and talk about you know other things you would be doing as a blockchain developer if you if you don't know what to do my next suggestion is that you learn javascript so why is that because it's the most versatile language that you can learn in addition to solidity to enhance what you'd be doing with blockchain because in many cases you know you're going to have to create something where the user can see what they're doing with a smart contract even if you don't do that for your job like as you're learning you're going to want to do that javascript's going to be a programming language that you can use to do that much better than you could do with something like python for example okay javascript's also going to let you do general purpose tasks with your blockchain-based applications like write tests for them write scripts for them it's a great general purpose language that covers a lot of the other bases that you know solidity does not so my number one recommendation if you watch this video you don't know what to do start with solidity that's the most important thing and then learn javascript as you go to cover all the other bases now let's talk about cases where you might want to learn the other things if you're you know dead set on learning solana development you definitely want to focus on this rust and see uh track okay and if you're talking about let's just say other than that let's say you really want to focus on back-end development and advanced scripting then python would be a really good way to go as well okay but that's if you're sort of already convinced that that's the routes you want to go down then i recommend doing that i mean worst case scenario you can always start with this stuff and then learn the basics and then transition to something else later but if you start from scratch solidity first javascript is my second recommendation okay so you can also use javascript to create mobile applications like i was talking about with react native if you want to do that so um let's get into the second thing which is which blockchain should i use because this is going to be highly highly highly relevant to this question about what programming language should i use like i was saying before there are lots of different blockchains that fall into uh different categories that are popping up all the time primarily you know we're talking about evm compatible blockchains and others okay so the evm camp is based upon the ethereum virtual machine so this is a thing that makes code work on the ethereum platform and like i said before there are lots of other blockchains that implement the evm things like polygon binance smart chain avalanche and others okay so if you learn solidity then you can deploy smart contracts in these environments and the really important one in my opinion is ethereum so this is the developer ecosystem with the most developers the most schools and this is it's been around for a really long time okay so i started on ethereum back in 2017 so it's been on for a long time the tooling has got a lot better it's more mature so why is this really important for beginners because you you could make the bet and try to learn something else like a sand solana maybe something else where it fundamentally works differently but let me tell you a huge benefit uh to learning something like solidity in addition to you can you run it on multiple different blockchains if you don't for ethereum it works on other stuff but if you develop for ethereum you're also going to be among a big network of other people who are doing the same thing so if you get stuck and you need help it's a lot easier to find help trying to fix an ethereum application if you are trying to get a job there's huge demand for ethereum development and ethereum developers okay there's there is for other stuff too but they don't have the same longevity as the ethereum ecosystem does and theorem has a bright road map ahead of it too i think some of these blockchains do too but if i were starting over from scratch me personally what would i do that's what i would start with the other big benefit for solidity is that it is an easier programming language to learn for beginners uh than something like rust okay because it's a more high level programming language uh if you're gonna get on the rush track it's it's gonna be a lot harder for beginners to learn in my opinion and my experience in watching other people do this okay and lastly i'll talk about an objection that a lot of people have when they come to the ethereum ecosystem they say hey it's never gonna work the gas fees are too high it's too slow it's too expensive to use um well and i think that we have to wait for a theorem 2.0 to ship in order for that problem to be made better well the truth is eth 2.0 is not going to fix that problem really so that's the bad news but the good news is you don't have to wait for ease 2.0 to fix that problem and we can fix it now with layer two scaling solutions this is where you create a second environment on top of the layer one ethereum blockchain where you can do a lot of the transactions that take advantage of the underlying security and decentralization of ethereum itself so you can see that here um let's just see here with stuff like arbitrary optimism zk sync these are layer two scaling solutions you can check on the website like to see all the different layer twos that are out there so the good news is in many cases a lot of these general purpose layer twos let are evm compatible so you if you write solidity smart contracts for ethereum on layer one you can just move them up to layer two with basically no code changes okay so if you learn solidity for ethereum you can put it on ethereum layer two you can put it on and these are the edm compatible blockchains like i say in polygon by a smart giant avalanche etc etc phantom it's going to be an easier programming language for most beginners to learn huge network affected developers if you get stuck and a bright future ahead of it i'm not saying that other things don't also have a bright future ahead of it but for now in 2022 you know you might get stuck in a problem that you can't get yourself out of as a beginner with some of these harder programming languages with smaller developer communities with less of a certain future than these other things in my opinion if you're a beginner and you go to that track which if you don't know what you want to do that's what i could recommend basically going down the ethereum development track because that can translate to lots of other stuff at the end of the day if you change your mind and you want to learn something else later it's going to be a lot easier if you learn the second thing because they work in a very similar way you just gotta learn how the basics work underneath the hood so let's look at an overview of the ethereum development ecosystem this is basically what to learn all right we're gonna talk about how to learn it in a minute how to actually build this stuff together we'll just start off with with what to learn so definitely solidity programming language for writing smart contracts says solidity is a pretty beginner friendly language it's influenced by c plus plus python and javascript it reads a lot like these things it gets compiled and run on the ethereum virtual machine or the evm like i was talking about before so it's statically typed sports inheritance libraries a lot of the same type of stuff that you're used to with regular programming languages it's turning complete so you can write full-fledged programs inside of it it's a very powerful programming language okay so the other big one is going to be uh you know javascript uh because you can do a lot with it you know you're gonna need to develop client-side applications at least while you're learning to interact with smart contracts um and probably when you're doing real blockchain development you can do that with javascript and you can also do other general purpose tasks like write tests for your smart contracts that's really important whenever you're creating smart contracts you want to make sure the code works before you push it out to the network you can write scripts that interact with smart contracts inside a development environment or out there in the real world on a live blockchain so those are the main programming languages that i recommend and those are the main programming languages for the ethereum ecosystem right so let's talk about frameworks so what is a framework in the first place well a framework is really just a set of tools uh on your computer that that like organizes your blockchain projects so if you're uh a a smart contract it gives you a bunch of tools so you don't have to do things over and over and over again from scratch by hand so if you want to create a smart contract really easy to do with the framework if you want to deploy a smart contract to a blockchain a framework makes that easy if you want to write tests for it a website for it the framework makes that easy all right also got a couple different popular ethereum development frameworks so truffle is one so this is a suite of tools for developing smart contracts it basically lets you organize blockchain project a computer do everything i just talked about it also has ganache which is a one-click blockchain so if you want a development blockchain on your computer you just spin up ganache and you can just you know create smart contracts without spending any real money you can get free cryptocurrency on their accounts not worth anything but you can just test it out right truffle is a very popular framework there's also hard hat which has gained quite a bit of popularity for the last year and it's highly relevant in 2022 so hard hat is another way to develop ethereum smart contracts of framework um so you can run slowly locally has really good debugging built into it uh very flexible it has its own blockchain built into it a test blockchain like i was talking about you can write you can write tests all that type of stuff run scripts so hard hat is another uh really good tool the other one that i would say which i didn't list on here is i did list it but i didn't put the right place let me just pull it up here let's let's put it here uh let's put it on a new line because it's really different which is remix so truffle and hard hat you basically install something on your computer to run truffle and hard hat commands like from your terminal your command line so you're like doing it locally in your computer but if you want to do everything in your browser then you can use remix so remix is an online ide that lets you basically create smart contracts okay inside of your solidity so you can see that here's a here's a voting contract you can do everything in your browser um it gives you a test blockchain to to test things out in you can plug your metamask wallet in and deploy the smart contract live to the blockchain okay can't really build a website in here as far as i know so it's not as powerful as something like you know running hard hat or truffle on your computer but for a lot of things remix is a really cool tool that you definitely want to know about in the ethereum ecosystem all right so now let's talk about some javascript libraries that you need to know if you're going to create blockchain based applications so two really popular ones are web 3js and ethers js some talk about those in a second but let's explain the function of what they do okay let's go back and look at the apps that i showed you a minute ago like uni swap for example so we talked about uni swap in that previous section so go check that out if you haven't seen that already so you know uni swaps are most popular applications on the blockchain where you can swap tokens with this website talks to smart contracts but um you know if you're going to create this front end application you're going to create it in javascript maybe something like react.js we'll talk about that in a minute um but basically this website is not going to talk to the blockchain out of the box so if you just created a website it doesn't know how to talk to the blockchain it just knows how to talk to the internet basically in a very simple simple way so how do you get it to talk to the blockchain how do you effectively turn this application into a blockchain application well that's exactly what web3js and etherjs do so web3js basically just turns your application into a blockchain application lets you connect to the blockchain it lets you talk to smart contracts create transactions with them you know fetch your balance from the blockchain uh see how many nfts somebody owns see how much cryptocurrency somebody owns if you're gonna do all that type of stuff that's exactly what you use web3.js for this has like a python version of it so if you're learning python you can use the web3 version for python there's different web3 forks for other environments like solana has a web3 uh ap api all that type of stuff so another really popular one that's gained a lot of popularity over the past year or so that's also highly relevant for 2022 is ether's js okay so ethers basically does the same thing that web3js does it just works differently it has a different philosophy for doing things as different footprints in terms of the library it's built differently some people prefer ethers over web three and then it doesn't really matter as long as you can get it to do what you want to do um you can check out the ethers documentation here one thing i'll note here though is that uh web that truffle basically uses web 3 underneath the hood by default so if you're spinning up a new treble project it's going to automatically connect with web3 if you are using a hard hat based project then ethers is going to be the library of choice there so these kind of tend to ideologically fall in line with whatever framework you decide to use okay so the next thing i'll talk about is a blockchain wallet so metamask is by far the most popular so if you see this you know fox icon in the top right hand corner my browser when i look at uni swap you know you need this to connect to any blockchain website so what this does is it lets you hold cryptocurrency in your wallet but it also lets you interact with blockchain based applications if you're going to use uni swap you have to have metamask installed in order to use it similarly we talked about how you know web3js and etherjs turn your application into a blockchain application or it turns your website into a blockchain website that's on the developer side of things so on the user side of things most web browsers don't support connection to the blockchain out of the box and that's really what you need metamask for so just like these things turn your website into a blockchain website uh metamask turns your web browser into a blockchain browser that's what it's for and you need it to in order to use these websites if you're gonna get involved in the ethereum ecosystem and like i said this supports lots of other blockchains you can connect a polygon avalanche and a lot more okay so ganache is a development blockchain i was talking about that with you know truffle it's basically a development blockchain where you can spin up a test blockchain hard hat has one too it's a lot about react.js so if you're going to create client-side applications for blockchain like a website or something like that you need a framework to do that so you're not doing the same types of things by hand over and over again and that's exactly what react is for so it's a component-based library where you can mix html and javascript on the same files you're going to see how to use react when i talk about the step-by-step plan on how to actually learn this stuff but just be aware of react what it is why it's important and the last thing i'll talk about is node.js which is basically just a big dependency that you need to run javascript on your computer it's going to also give you npm to let you install packages for your projects so node.js is something that you want uh installed on your computer as well and this isn't exactly the node.js website i had pulled up here it redirected me to azure but uh anyways that's what notajs is it's a big part of the ethereum development ecosystem and that's what it does all right so that's what to learn now let's look at how to actually put all this together how to learn it then how to go from zero to not knowing anything about blockchain to actually having the skills and then accomplishing whatever goal it is whether it's like landing a job building your own application okay i'm going to address this as somebody who doesn't know anything about blockchain with no programming languages now if you're already a developer you're going to be able to do this step a lot faster but everybody kind of has to start from square one what what is square one in this case well i'll start with my overall philosophy on the best way to learn this stuff is through immersion so if you're like if you're learning a foreign language like what's the best fastest way to learn this and jump on the opportunity is to just jump in and you know learn that foreign language by just being in the culture so you can kind of do the same thing with software development particularly blockchain development by just jumping in and that looks like basically building projects learning things as you go okay and actually experiencing things in in the wild if you never use a blockchain before you're just checking this out step one is really just to set up a cryptocurrency wallet and just use the blockchain and see what it's like so what would that look like well if you want to experience it for real the best way to do it is with a little bit of money so just you know not not a lot of money do you don't wanna because you might lose this money you might mess up okay but um so whatever amount of money you're comfortable with maybe it's fifty dollars maybe it's ten dollars five dollars whatever that you the route that you take will depend on the amount of money that you put in because of gas fees but basically you want to just purchase some cryptocurrency on a website like binance wherever you're located all right and then just go take some of that take all those funds and just withdraw it to a metamask wallet so you want to buy some cryptocurrency you want to instead of metamask wallet and then withdraw from the exchange to your metamask wallet so you could use a blockchain based application you could use something like uni swap for example in the example i talked about before where you can just take that cryptocurrency and swap it for different cryptocurrency so that you'll install metamask you'll set it up you'll you'll connect your wallet you'll click swap and you'll see what it's like to actually be a user of the blockchain now if we're going to do it on ethereum the gas fees are high right now because the network demand is very high and we haven't made a full migration towards layer twos yet and also the ether price is high so it's gonna be expensive so most people aren't gonna be able to do this for less than like a hundred dollars all right that's kind of crazy but what you can do is use a different application it's the same thing maybe on the polygon ecosystem so you have to go through you know figure out how to connect your metamask wallet to polygon there's lots of tutorials that show you how to do that where you might trade on a different decentralized exchange and just swap some cryptocurrency around to see how that works see what it's like to confirm a transaction to sign it best practices for setting up your wallet storing your seed phrase your private keys all that type of stuff that that's a really good place to start if you've never used a blockchain before you could also go purchase an nft on a website like openc for example so you could go to openc uh well you first wanted that step was time out buy some cryptocurrency send it to your wallet you know if you're comfortable doing it a hundred dollars or more then you know you could use ethereum and you could buy nft on openc or you could do it on polygon which all supported by openc and you know buy some of their tokens you have to bridge over but that's less and you could you know buy empty that way for cheaper now there's gonna be a lot more steps involved but that's a really simple way to get started now another way i'll say is you don't have to do this with any money to get started if you want to just kind of simulate this experience and that's using something like uni swap on a test network so what's cool about this is uh ethereum supports multiple environments it supports test networks where you can try things out on a real blockchain where the cryptocurrency isn't worth anything so if you don't want to spend money then basically you can use something called a faucet you can basically go request some cryptocurrency for free and then fund your wallet and then go swap a token on uni swap and see what that experience is like without paying any real money okay so that's how you can do it for zero cost at all but the test networks don't work quite the same as the mainnet so if you want to if you want to see what it looks like to use a blockchain application for real yeah it's been a little money but if you want to get close then you can do it entirely for free uh by getting some free cryptocurrency from a faucet doing a swap with metamask confirming the transaction that way it's just going to be slightly different uh experience all right so once you've like gotten your feet wet you've used a blockchain application you've bought some crypto maybe you've got some free crypto on a test network you've just used adap then now it's time to just build one okay so this might be counterintuitive for some people but like i was saying before the fastest way to learn anything is through immersion that's exactly how people teach you to learn foreign languages and it's the most effective way to learn programming which is just jump in and learn everything just in the context of building a project that's what it looks like to learn immersion in programming you just build something and you say hey what do i need to know to do this and as a beginner you don't want to just go off and say okay i want to build this how do i create it you start there but then you you use a tutorial that teaches you how to do that step by step and teaches you the programming languages as you go because what you don't want to do is go learn a bunch of programming languages first and then go try to build something you just want to learn the program languages while you're building something it's the most efficient way uh to do that you can see i've put out tons of free tutorials that that do this exact method so you can see them on my youtube homepage here the free blockchain development courses i don't point you we're adding new tutorials in 2022 uh a lot of them that will be on this playlist so go check that out i'm gonna point you towards one right now that's a good example of this so this is a learn blockchain development complete beginner's guide that teaches you the program language from scratch so i show you how to build a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange like uni swap that's a tutorial version it's much simpler but the whole goal is to show you how to create these applications uh and the programming languages to accomplish this so it does it works a lot like uni swap where you just have you you tell it what cryptocurrency you have and what cryptocurrency you want to buy and then you just click the swap button and so inside this tutorial and by the way we have a complete article that accompanies this three-hour screencast we have a written guide step-by-step written guide on my website too it's linked in the in the video description you know inside of there we teach you the basics about what is a blockchain how does it work here's the application demo all the concepts you need initially just to give you a quick overview and then we just start off by creating the project from scratch you set up the project from scratch um you then go in and create a smart contract your first smart contract and that introduces you to the solidity programming language we was talking about before that's the main programming language for writing ethereum smart contracts and then so you go through you learn that programming language while you're creating the new functions that you need to make this thing work and you say hmm you know we need to swap tokens from here to here how does a token work how do we make this swap work you should you see how to do all that inside of solidity while you are writing your first lines of solidity creating your first smart contract it's the best way to learn because it gives you context to what you're learning and get this instant feedback that makes you learn much faster and you're getting motivated because you're getting this feedback and seeing it in real time and it gets you really excited to learn the next thing okay you do that step by step i hope holds your hands the entire process and you see how blockchain works the entire way then we go on to do things like um you know write tests for the smart contracts because that's something you need to understand how to do smart contract code can't change and so what do you want to put on the blockchain you want to make sure it works so you'll write tests inside of the framework with javascript and then you'll go on to create this website that you can see here all right that actually talks to this exchange and creates something the end user can see so they can put in your cryptocurrency and say i want to buy a different cryptocurrency and i'll show you how to create a cryptocurrency instead of this video we create a fictional uh token or fictitious however you say that word a token called the dap token and you could customize that to be whatever cryptocurrency you want you can launch it you can put it inside of here and click swap okay all right and so that's the second step so go off and you use a blockchain application then actually learn the fundamentals of the programming languages that you need to know celebrity and javascript and all the other frameworks and everything i talked about by building something with a guided more beginner friendly tutorial okay that's the next step so what you're building this case really is a more beginner friendly tutorial like i was saying and so the next step after that is to create more of a professional level tutorial where something you're going to build something that's more on the level uh something that you would build like at a job okay and so i'll show you an example of that this is the project we built inside the blockchain bootcamp this is a real cryptocurrency exchange uh deployed live to a blockchain where you can put real world cryptocurrencies inside of it it's got an order book it's got candlestick charts it's got all that type of stuff and people can use this deployed live to the web and you can take this and show it to employers and when they see that you have the capability to build something like this this is what's going to bring your skills up to that level actually have those professional level skills it's going to be way more advanced than you know this type of tutorial where you're just learning the basics you want to graduate beyond the basics and learn much more advanced sophisticated professional level skills okay so that's the next step after that and so you know once you have accomplished that level and you know maybe you get in there and you go through this stuff you know multiple times maybe you kind of stay in these levels until you're feeling really confident with that you're gonna move on that next step which is preparing yourself for you know real world application whether you want to build your own project land a job all that type of stuff there really is a next phase of learning so it's it's learn a beginner tutorial get the basics down then go learn a more advanced tutorial to get those advanced skills now what i'll tell you here is that no tutorial no matter how good it is is ever gonna 100 percent prepare you for creating something for real there's a missing piece here which is the ability to uh you know think about something and write the code to doing it all right because tutorials are really just holding your hands to the entire thing and it's a really good way to get immersion like i was talking about but that next step in the immersion is basically developing a skill where you have a problem and you want to solve it and then you write the code to doing that that's what you do as a developer somebody says here's the problem that i want to solve now you the developer write the code to do it if you're in a job that's what you're going to do if you're creating your own project you're trying to dream up something that you've created and uh you have to figure out how to write the code to do it so this is where the real learning solidifies okay this is where your skills get reinforced and this is how you really really really learn high value skills and so what this looks like is basically trying to think about what you want to do and then writing the code to do it and then bumping into walls until you because you're enabling you're inevitably going to get stuck in when you do this but when you get stuck then that's when the real learning takes place so i'll give you an example so let's say you wanted to figure out how to build uni swap okay you would just try to say like how does the automated market maker on the back end of uni swap work so you might look it up you might look at the smart contracts and say hmm i want to build something similar or maybe you just say like i'm going to take a project that i've created this is the easiest way to do it take a project you've already created a tutorial project and just build an extra feature on top of it so you might take this cryptocurrency exchange you build here and say i want this to support a lot more tokens and so you say what do i need to do to add more tokens well i need to deploy more tokens to the blockchain and get their addresses and then create something in the ui that lets people select between the tokens and then update my smart contracts to support multiple cryptocurrencies so i can facilitate those deposits and swaps so you say how do i do that well you just break it down and then you actually write the code to do it so now you are going to get stuck whenever this happens like i was saying but how do you get yourself out of this problem there's lots of different ways so i'll tell you what a lot of professional developers do which is they use google you get really good at using google and describing your problem about what the problem is that you faced this is what debugging really is and then you you've tried to find the answer on stack overflow if you can't find it there you can reach out to other developer communities and discord telegram other online communities where you describe your problem what you really want to be good at is breaking down your problem exactly like describing it as accurately as possible and when you document that and you're really detailed you're way more likely to get help from other people than saying like hey this doesn't work like really try to break it down and then get feedback from those people try to understand what it is they're telling you to change and then change that about your code and that's where the real learning takes place and it doesn't matter whether you're trying to learn blockchain for the first time or you're in the real world you have to do this and so when you develop this skill while you're learning you're developing a skill that you're going to use in the real world and then you're going to get that skill and you're also going to get the skill to be able to solve problems and create code where you don't know what the answer is ahead of time you have to figure out what the answer is and so that's really the next step and the easiest way to do that like i was talking about is take an existing tutorial and then add another feature on top of it to make it do something it doesn't already do now you could take that to the next step which i was talking about which is basically trying to build something from scratch that you've never built before like uni swap and try to figure out how unisoft works and then write the code to do it that's a little more advanced the easiest way is to add the features like i'm talking about but you could also do this as well and repeat that same process with that goal in mind alright so once you've got that skill once you've built a beginner tutorial you built an advanced tutorial and then you've basically done what i was talking about which is really unguided development now it's time to build your own project and you you really might have already done that in that previous step when you're doing that guy development but that should be your goal is to create your own project that's unique where you're not just following a tutorial where you've actually created something um where someone's not holding your hand that's how you develop that skill i was talking about a second ago so the result of that would be to actually create something that you can show other people to prove that you have the skills to pay the bills because if you're going to create your own app or you're trying to get hired then you need those skills and now the next thing is to showcase those so the best way to do this is to actually create some sort of portfolio because i'm telling you you know i've been on every side of this problem i've been a i've worked a regular developer job i've been a freelancer and now i hire developers so i can tell you portfolio is king because at the end of the day people only really care about what you can do in many cases they don't care so much about what your education background is they don't care about whether you have a computer science degree in many cases they just want to see what you can do so you need to show them the best way to do that is to create a project like i was saying on your own without help and then you want to create some sort of portfolio that markets this project so you don't have to like have some crazy marketing campaign in the very least this looks like a website where you can just use a template you can see 14 best web developer portfolios to get inspiration and then create a website that just says who you are it's like your resume you know the relevant details but the how to contact you but the main thing is here's what i can do okay you want to showcase your portfolio you want them to have some nice visual graphics about like what your project is and what you built you want to document how you did that project you want to basically open source the code for that project on github so people can see the code that you personally wrote okay put all that on this website and how to contact you all right and you need that out there because it's going to help you stand out okay so there's lots of that you that that is that's the essential next step so once you have that real world project it's out there deployed live to the web you actually want to put it on a blockchain it can be a test network you have to pay any real money to do it you want to deploy the front end website to uh live web link it to your portfolio website which should also be there live on the web where you can just send a link to somebody else say hey here's what i can do and your portfolio sales landing page is your sales page for you and what you can do your next step is to start applying for jobs how you can do this is there's there's different ways the easiest way to get started is to just use job posting websites so there are general purpose websites like where you can apply for lots of different types of jobs but you can look for a blockchain job specifically a lot of people use indeed you can look at similar websites like indeed like there's lots of other websites if you just google job website you'll be able to find those and there will be blockchain specific jobs in many cases but you need that portfolio in place because even if you don't you know you definitely link to it in your application a lot of people can ask for a resume but you know it once you get those conversations going you just want to keep hammering that portfolio because that's going to drive home what you can do okay in addition to that you can also look at crypto specific job websites so is a pretty good one okay so they show uh they have crypto this is a niche website they have crypto specific stuff so for blockchain jobs you can filter by solidity you can filter you know skills i was talking about in this video you can uh uh filter by different skill sets right it's it's you can look at you can look for remote jobs all that type of stuff so crypto is a good one there are other crypto specific job websites but this is just a good example you can also look at recruiting platforms you can look at um you can look at others where basically you just create a profile and people come to you all right there's lots of different ways to do that so the last strategy in doing this um is essentially to not go through one of these job application websites but look at you know company websites who are hiring and just going through their you know direct application process a lot of times you'll just go to a website you'll see the careers page you might say i really want to work for this type of company see what their jobs are opening are at the bottom of their page okay the other way is slower but it's also very effective um if you're trying to narrow down the exact type of job that you want is to create an online presence you know create some sort of social media presence for us on twitter youtube whatever where you're providing value to other people okay where you're talking about what you're doing you're helping other people solve problems you're getting on github and you know uh helping people you doing open source contributions um you're fixing issues all that type of stuff providing value and inevitably you know you'll find examples of people who just say hey what are you doing what are you working on or you might be able to reach out and talk to them and once they see what you can do those can open the doors for hiring conversations the other ways are uh going to local meetups so now the world is kind of returning more back to normal than it was you know a year ago okay and so you might be able to local meetups where you can just go find other people who are doing blockchain and then just say hey you know i'm a developer this is what i can do and sometimes people just stand up these meetings and say hey we're hiring if you want a job like come talk to us you know it's not always going to lead to a job but that's actually how i got my first job as a developer before i got into blockchain that's a really valid way it's just going getting a job through your personal network that's really the best way to get a job is through that personal network but a lot of people who are starting from scratch and blockchain don't have that which is why i kind of put this for the back end of these recommendations that's definitely one of the best ways all right so once you've gone through all that all those steps i should say then you want to land the job and celebrate your accomplishment you know your success so i will say this all right after you've gone through all these steps let's just say you get into this and you start applying for jobs and you don't instantly get the first job that you apply for because you're probably not going to um if you're just like putting out your resume into lots of different places 100 transparent honest with you that's okay um so ideally what you want to do especially if you're beginner and you're going through the job application route you're just putting your application out there is you want to apply to as many places as possible because that's going to increase the likelihood that someone's going to take a chance on you because if you are a beginner the truth is that someone has to take a chance on you to get your first job it's like how do you get a first job with that experience well you get experience outside the workplace that's what building your portfolio is about and building a real world blockchain blockchain application on your own first but then someone also ultimately has to take that risk and so um how can you increase the likelihood that someone's going to take that chance on you where you can apply for as many places as possible because that's going to increase likely to find somebody who'll take that chance you can also start off with a lower paycheck just to begin with all right because you're getting experience in that case and that's something that's valuable to you in exchange for them giving a discount on your services initially okay and you can quickly you know increase that as you build your career get some experience okay and so but let's talk about the rejection side of things because if you apply and you get rejected what should you do well you should not let that just like stop you okay just do the rejection like you're gonna fail like nobody ever learns to talk for the first time or learns to walk for the first time and falls down and says hey i'm not cut out for this like that's not really how it works like you should expect failure to be a part of this process so um and you might get lucky you might get the first job but if you don't how can you make the best that situation well you can try to get feedback on why you didn't get that job and they might they might not tell you but if they do tell you then try to take that feedback with openness and say like okay well this is just what i have to work on this is what i have to improve don't take it personally get that information and go work on those things until you've got that improved and then you either come back to the same people and say hey i did this like can you hire me they probably gonna be impressed by your persistence um or you can just keep going and apply to more places and then once you have those skills improved then you're gonna increase the likelihood that someone's going to hire you eventually all right so that's the step-by-step plan and how to like go from zero knowing nothing about blockchain to landing your first job like that's literally the entire roadmap on how to get there whether you're a developer already or not okay if you're developer already you're probably gonna get that a lot faster but it's very possible if you're in described from scratch i've helped people with zero coding experience you know become real world blockchain developers in a matter of months okay the last thing i would say here is talk about some frequently asked questions that i get all the time which is should you learn blockchain first or should you learn bunch of other programming languages first okay so you might have picked up on this video now my answer is don't go learn a bunch of other stuff before you learn blockchain it's just going to be slow you're not going to understand why you're learning this stuff before you go try to learn blockchain the best way is to learn through immersion jump in build projects learn their program language as you go you think about this way like how many times if you were going through school did you ever hear anybody say when am i ever going to use this right it's a really common question that students say so you're not you should never be asking that question like when you're learning blockchain i mean maybe you will but you should quickly find out why that's the case that's part of that fast feedback cycle that you get through immersion you get context about what you're learning it makes everything stickier and it's less likely that you're just going to forget it which is probably what you're going to do if you try to learn a bunch of other programming languages then learn blockchain so can you learn as your first language absolutely i highly recommend learning solidity first and then learning the other programming languages as you go like javascript just learn to create the smart contracts then you learn javascript as you are learning to write tests and then to create the website and all this type of stuff okay do you need a degree no you don't need a fancy computer science degree to become a real world blockchain developer i don't have a computer science degree okay i'm a self-taught programmer i didn't go to computer science i didn't even go to college for computer science i didn't go to coding boot camp i got rejected from coding bootcamp okay i learned on my own and that's what i've helped lots of other people do as well okay you can actually go to my youtube home page and then find uh the student success stories you can check out this video here of cosimo who taught himself how to become a blockchain developer with the blockchain bootcamp he learned in two months okay now granted he had some time on his hands he quit his job and learned blockchain i don't always recommend people do that that's what he did but he learned it pretty fast okay and he didn't have that background either starting from scratch how long does it take this is a question i get all the time so the real answer is it depends okay it depends on all kinds of factors the fastest i've helped people do it like i say with cosimo in this other video he did it in two months he had lots of time on his hands he had full-time availability now a lot of people don't have full-time availability maybe they're working another job i highly recommend that you keep your job in many cases while you're learning blockchain this is blanket advice but that's the safest blanket advice for most people and then make that transition when you're ready okay um but even then like you might have other factors outside of your job maybe you have children you know maybe you have other commitments maybe you're in school we i don't know what those things are so all that has to do with the amount of time that's you can be able to devote to this now you want to try to spend as much regular time as possible doing this okay so without knowing your situation without knowing any of these types of things i always tell people to just have a goal of one year to make the transition okay and that's not saying that after a year you're going to be like the most hot shot developer it just means you're going to be at that place where you can you know actually take that someone could take a chance on you you could probably do it faster than that but blanket advice is one year so why is this well you want to have some sort of goal because you don't want to be just working off you know without some sort of goal in mind because work tends to take the amount of time that you give it if you say it's gonna take a year it's probably gonna take you close to that time if you want to be more aggressive uh you could back the timeline up but i also don't want to have unrealistic expectations okay so that's what i would say now you just want to break that down into logical chunks so you want to take everything that i talked about in that roadmap about start doing this then build this tutorial project then build that tutorial project then create your portfolio this or apply for jobs and then just break that down into logical chunks you may not be able to forecast it ahead of time but just see how long it takes you to do that first tutorial okay and spend you know a certain amount of time per day doing that people ask me what my recommendation is the best way to do it is to code every day to try to devote at least an hour per day that's the best way to do it but not everybody can do that so you might have to you want to focus on growth more than just uh every little time commitment that you have and consistency is going to be a huge benefit here but you may only be able to put in like an hour one day and then brush up for 15 20 minutes on the next day and then put in you know three hours in the weekend that's probably realistically what more people's time availability looks like you can definitely do it that way the best way to do it is to put large amounts of time in consistently every single day to really you know pour gasoline on this on this career transition that's the best way to do it but then if that's not what your situation allows then try to break it down into really uh realistic time commitments and then try to forecast your um you know your progress over time and the last thing i'll say about this is keep a time sheet when you're learning actually write down um how much time you're spending per day and what you did in a spreadsheet and that's going to be a sanity check for how much time you're actually spending on this okay and for a lot of people don't give up until you know you've put hundreds of hours into this okay it's really frustrating when you're trying to make progress and you say oh i'm not progressing i'm not progressing and people think they've spent all the time in the world when really they've spent like 20 hours and the grand scheme of things like 20 hours is not enough time to really master these skills so you know you want to spend hundreds of hours before you are trying to determine whether you've made meaningful progress and whether you want to give up okay so that's what i would say on these shorter time horizons if you want a blanket advice for how long it should take you should set a goal of a year even takes you longer than that don't get discouraged because of the huge upside of where this technology is headed over time if it took you longer than a year and you could actually make a life-changing career change make a life-changing amount of money by becoming a blockchain developer then it's totally totally worth it in my opinion all right so that is an overview on how to become a blockchain developer in 2022 so this space has changed a lot over the past year i expect it to grow quite a bit in 2022 as well because the adoption is taking off like a rocket ship we're seeing tons of demand for blockchain developers the space is growing twice as fast as the internet was in 1998. the demand for blockchain developers absolutely insane and there's a huge opportunity for many people to come in and change their careers and capitalize this opportunity whether you want to get a job build your own project bought whatever it is but these are the skills you need to know this is exactly the landscape of of the state of things in 2022 this is the step-by-step plan on how to learn all this stuff and actionable guide on how to to get forward and all the resources that you need so i really hope that you like this video if you resonate with everything that i've talked about this video and you liked this and you wanted to take the next step well first of all make sure you smash the like button down below subscribe to this channel that really helps these videos out so the more we can learn about blockchain but if you want to take the next step and actually you know you've done some of these guided tutorials you want to build that more professional level tutorial that you can use to customize for your portfolio then i can show you how to do that uh step by step over at dap university dot com for slash boot camp again you don't have to be an expert to get started today like i was showing that video with cosimo i've helped people become real world blockchain developers in a matter of months so that's all i've got until next time thanks for watching dap diversity
Channel: Dapp University
Views: 400,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ethereum developer, ethereum solidity, dapp ethereum, ethereum app, ethereum development, ethereum dapps, ethereum application, ethereum tutorial, ethereum mist, decentralized applications, ethereum web3, dapp, ethereum contracts, solidity, programming ethereum, ethereum programming language, ethereum coding, ethereum contract, ethereum code, ethereum virtual machine, ico
Id: uGPC9wNTBbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 6sec (4686 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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