How to Become a Data Analyst in 2023?

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a degree second you can enroll in a boot camp  which is basically a condensed degree program   but in a span of few weeks third is more on the  self-teaching route and with the help of online   resources this video I'm specifically going  to be focusing on the third which is more on   the self-taught piece because a lot of the  online degrees and boot camps already have   the curriculum and the structure defined but  it's for the self-taught data analysts that   need to figure out what to learn so this video is  specifically targeting towards somebody who wants   to become data analyst on their own and hopefully  after watching this video you'll have a better   idea of what you need to study how you need to  approach your learning to become a data analyst   data analyst job family has been trending for the  last few years and it is not slowing down in fact   I expect the data analyst demand to grow in 2023  as data scientist jaw family continues to evolve   based on the last few years of data an entry-level  data analyst in the US makes this much money and   this varies from City to City obviously and in  my opinion becoming a data analyst is not that   difficult you need a structure and a roadmap to  learn the right skill set to become a data analyst   so in this video I'm going to share a roadmap on  how I would learn data analytics in this video   I'm going to be talking about the hard skills as  well as the soft skills to become a data analyst   finally I'm going to be sharing some tips that  you can do after you have learned those skill set   to get yourself ready for the job so what does  a data analyst do data analyst is somebody who   helps businesses make data driven decisions what  does that mean well that means that each company   collects a tons of amount of data and they need  people who can make sense of that data and turn   that into information that's where the data  analyst comes in now I will talk about it in   a different video what is the difference between  a data analyst and a data scientist so there's   at almost every company there's tons of data that  exist and companies need data analysts to actually   look at all the historical performance and inform  the business in terms of what's happening and   provide recommendation basically in a way a  data analyst job is to help company make the   data-driven decisions and that's why this rule is  so so important to any company because data-driven   decision making is the key now in another video  I will talk about how other data roles play a   role when it comes to success of what company in  respective data-driven decision making including   data scientists machine learning engineer data  engineer but in this video I'm specifically going   to be talking about the data analyst role before  we jump into the roadmap I always for any roadmap   that I mentioned there is always an element of  research so that's exactly what we're going to   do as the first step for the data analyst roadmap  we're going to do the research where are we going   to do the research well how I like to start all  my research is if I'm looking at a specific role   and I have a company in mind I like to go to the  open jobs for that role for example if I might   want to become a data analyst at Uber I will go  to Uber site and look up open data analyst role   and then and I will read the job description and  I will read what are the requirements for data   analytics rule that's the first thing I would do  and I would not do it just with just one company   I'll do it with multiple companies and I'll take  notes and I'll write it down so I'm looking at   notion template if you want to use that while  you're researching this feel free to download it   and use it that's one part of research the second  part of research that I like to do is like I like   to go on LinkedIn and I would look at let's say  if there is a target company uh Uber let's take   Uber for example Uber is what I want to Target  I will look at the data analysts Who currently   work at that company and I will try to understand  what is their educational background and what are   they currently doing as a data analyst in that  role what are the type of projects they're doing   and you're going to write this down and we're  going to come back to it in the later part so   this part is very very important so doing this  research actually will give you a really good idea   of what you are aiming towards so you in a way you  this is like a backward approach so I love working   backward where I know what is my final result  looks like so I go backward from it okay so you   have looked at current data analysts do and what  is their educational background if these people   have taken any certifications or a degree program  I would suggest you to write those down so far you   know what are the requirements for a data analyst  role specifically the one that you're trying to   Target now for the next steps the recommendations  the roadmap that I'm going to give you is somebody   of a general it's possible what I'm going to  suggest is different from your research so   that's where you would kind of tweak your roadmap  based off of that but let's keep going so once you   have done your research the second part that you  will do is you will learn the fundamentals of data   analysis why it's important and here what I would  recommend is to brush up on basic statistics and   math for statistics I would recommend to cover  probability and hypothesis testing again just   have a very intro to intermediate understanding  because you're going to build on this knowledge as   you continue building your data analytics skills  so have a very good understanding of Statistics   probability as well as hypothesis testing these  two are good to cover for maths have very good   understanding of arithmetics and linear algebra  again like I won't put so much emphasis on math   but just having a base basic understanding is  actually good enough there are tons of resources   available online there are tons of YouTube  channels that are dedicated to teaching you basics   in the both of these topics including Khan Academy  is a great resource so definitely check it out   so let's say you've like learned the fundamentals  you have gotten a hang of like what statistics is   like how to use it to apply to data and how it's  used in the business the next steps you would do   is learn the tools so when it comes to tools for  data analysts you probably have should have heard   it already Excel is the bread and butter for  data analysts so I would definitely add that to   your toolkit learn Excel learn how to do the basic  function in Excel such as like data cleaning data   sorting formatting pivot table charting basic  visualization in Excel so those would be some   really really good areas to cover in Excel the  second thing in the tools that I would suggest   is to learn one visualization tool so now we're  going to go back to the research part so in the   research part if you have noticed a certain tool  that being mentioned let's say they were mentioned   doing a lot of Tableau then that will give you  an idea that this is the tool that you need to   learn if you are unsure what tool you need to  learn I would suggest to go with Tableau because   Tableau is there a lot of like online learning  resources for Tableau as well as Tableau has a   desktop version which makes it easy to download  and start playing around with it so you should   be able to make your reports in Tableau you should  be able to make cool visualizations basically the   goal here is that if business stakeholder comes to  you and asks you to build a dashboard you should   be able to use Excel and Tableau one or the other  or combine to build a beautiful dashboard for your   business stakeholders so get pretty comfortable  with the tool get pretty well worth in these tools   in my opinion there are I can use them in my sleep  Excel specifically so I'm saying it's not hard but   it might be hard for some of you but it's pretty  straightforward talking about tools that you   should learn creating a website to show your data  analyst portfolio is another tool that you should   learn we will talk about data analyst portfolio  in a minute but first I wanted to share here this   website hosting tool that I recently started  using hostinger who is also sponsoring today's   video where you can basically buy a domain and  build a website in less than three minutes don't   believe me let me show you hostinger is known  worldwide for its user-friendly interface and   affordable pricing so it's great for anybody on a  budget they have variety of plans to choose from   there's 99.9 uptime guaranteed and 30 day money  back plus 100 GB storage free email and website   hosting premium looks pretty good I'm gonna click  the monthly option we're gonna make sure to apply   the coupon let's select the 12 month option that  looks pretty good so before you check out make   sure that you apply the coupon code Sunda Khalid  after the coupon code you will get the 10 discount   so make sure you don't miss that click on payment  wow that took less than a minute okay now I'm   going to pick a domain for my domain let's check  Sunday scholar I've been wanting to get this   domain let's claim the domain and ta-da looks  like it's available and I secured it now let's   build a website with hostinger website builder  let's pick a template and start building our data   analyst portfolio this is hands down my favorite  step in website building which is to build pick a   template and start building the website let's pick  a template for the domain that we just bought I   really like the black one that we saw here yeah  this one so let's pick this one and as you can   see it's super easy to make edits and make changes  here for example I'm changing updating my name and   wow it is this simple did you see that took less  than three minutes in today's job market having   a website portfolio can help you stand out among  recruiters and hiring managers and hostinger is   one of the great options for anybody on a budget  and looking for a user-friendly reliable option   you can find link to hostinger in the description  below as well as the coupon code alright now back   to the video so let's say you've learned the tool  by right now you have learned the fundamentals you   have learned the tools you know how to use Excel  you know how to use Tableau now this is the third   step the third step is you will start learning  how to code so for coding what I would recommend   you to start with and become pretty good at is  SQL SQL 90 of the time you're going to be using   SQL and maybe ten or five percent of the time you  might be using python so what I would recommend   here is that become pretty good with SQL know  how to do the joins know how to do the windows   analytics functions know how to do queries sub  query temporary tables and all that sort of thing   so you should have a intermediate knowledge of  SQL and and for python what I would suggest you   to focus is don't go too deep into it but go deep  enough that you're able to use the data analysis   libraries such as pandas numpy and you're able to  like load your data and do a basic profile one of   the best things if you know SQL and you're moving  to python for data analysis try to turn your SQL   group bias or SQL algorithm still call logic  into python I I have personally found it to be   pretty intuitive and learning going from SQL to  python so these are the two languages you learned   so by now you have basic understanding of stats  math you have good understanding of using Excel   tools such as Excel and Tableau and you know SQL  python the last part which I would mention here   is the soft skill so far you have learned all the  hard skills which are super super important for   the role but all of those things are not useful if  you are not good at communicating and storytelling   communication is super super important for a data  analyst because you're going to be working with   business stakeholders with product managers um and  any other key stakeholder you're going to have to   communicate with them at the start at the middle  at the end and throughout the project at the   start you're going to be asking the right set of  questions to make sure that you're understanding   the problem and giving a solution so how does the  communication and storytelling happens in business   most of the times communication and storytellings  takes place in form of presentation in form of   documentation in form of emails to get a lot of  practice of doing all those things where you are   able to explain your ideas and tell a story that  other stakeholders are able to understand how do   you become better at communication how do you  become better at storytelling one way to become   better at communication and storytelling is by  doing it you can practice it by writing about   your projects writing blogs participating in  public speaking or just telling your friends   and family members about something that you did  and pretend that they are the business stakeholder   then you're explaining it to them you can do that  over and over again and eventually get better at   it so let's say you build your communication and  storytelling so far you know the fundamentals   you know the tools you know the coding you are  getting better communication and storytelling   now you're gonna start building your project once  you have done all the skills that you've done the   learning you need to start building your project  portfolio and here remember the first step that we   did where we Research into what data analysts that  currently work at your target company are doing   that gives you a good idea what kind of projects  that you need to work on it could be as simple   as you looking at your credit card purchases and  summarizing it and visualizing it or it could be   specific to The Domain that you're targeting let's  say if Uber is your target company then in this   case you like you will like make up data of like  uber rides and try to like solve a problem with   that data and create a dashboard and visualization  so have at least like four to five projects that   you can add to your resume because those projects  is going are going to help you get attention of   the recruiters I will definitely cover the project  ideas in a different video because I have a lot   but basically the whole idea of building projects  is to get practical knowledge because by watching   the tutorials you're not going to learn it's going  to be really hard to run into all the real life   problems that you'll run into while doing the  actual work so by doing you actually learn it   so building project portfolio is actually is  going to help you learn better and these are   going to be the projects that you're going to  be talking into an interview all right so let's   say you build your product portfolio you're not  done yet we have to do one more step because I'm   assuming that you're learning data you're trying  to become a data analyst is because you want to   get a job so the last thing I would do is I would  start interview prepping interview prep knowing   the skills and going into interview setting is  completely different things to be able to sit   down in an interview and answer a question in a  time constraint setting is very different you may   be able to solve a problem in 30 minutes but an  interview is going to require you to solve that   problem in five minutes that's why you need to get  better more and more practice of solving coding   problems as well as other data analysis case  questions that you can do for your SQL on python   you can try a platform like lead code instead  of scratch for your case studies there are like   tons of case studies that I personally use from  analytics Vidya they have a tons of case study   on data analysts again like the interview format  then the structure and the type of questions would   be different from company to company so here you  will do your research again and try to understand   what is being asked and you'll figure out what  to prepare on but last thing I would say on the   interview prep is do the mock interviews because  mock interviews is going to help you identify your   Gap your weaknesses and you're going to reiterate  in before you go into the actual interview and   basically have that conversation well hopefully  this video gives you a better understanding and   a roadmap of how to learn and become a data  analyst let me know in comments your thoughts   with that thank you so much for watching and  I'll see you in another video have a good one bye
Channel: Sundas Khalid
Views: 181,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data science, data scientist, self-taugh data scientist, tech jobs, big tech, Machine Learning, Python, data science projects, data science tutorials, data science jobs, data science day in the life, AI, data science 2022, big data, data analyst, data analytics, business analyst, sundas khalid, sundas, women of color in tech, people of color in tech, inspiring stories, data science at google, data analyst roadmap, data analytics 2023, data science jobs 2023
Id: ID8QnPZU1mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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