How to Become a Data Analyst in 2023 - Step by Step

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hi guys my name's Shawna Collins I've had my own data analytics company for about 13 years now this course is all about teaching you how to get into data analytics to be a data analyst I really hope you enjoy it by the way do you like this View I'm on the Harbor Bridge Sydney Harbor Bridge there you go there's the Opera House okay the demand for data analysts so the very first thing we have to decide is how much demand is there in the market for analysts because you don't want to get into something and there's no demand so I believe that there is a ton of demand for analysts in the world and I'm going to show you some evidence now so firstly let's go have a look at Google Trends so you can see here I'm on Google Trends and I've searched on data analysts and look at this uh look at this graph it's uh pretty much just going up in a straight line here isn't it there was a dip here that was covid ICM but really you can just see it's just a nice upward curve one other thing one of the top tools we'll we'll cover this later in the course but one of the top tools is power bi and look at the growth of power bi power bi only actually came out in 20 around this time 2015 2017 and it's just going straight up the demand so that's one of the top tools to learn now let's have a look at the jobs in the US the UK and Australia so I've got the um links already up you can see here in this screen that I've got all the links here I will include a PDF or a link to a PDF with all these links so you can go have a look at these jobs in your own time okay so we're on Career Builder which is the US Career Builder site um and you can see here in the top left we have over 108 000 data analyst jobs that is a lot of jobs um so really spend some time and go and have a look at these jobs read the outlines read what they're asking for that is really the key to optimizing what you do how you spend your time how you learn uh what you learn everything has to be aligned with the job descriptions because that's ultimately where you're going to end up reading job ads so yeah tons of jobs he's a he's just a contract 35 an hour that's not much here's a nice one senior analyst 125 000. tons of jobs tons and tons of jobs here's a nice one senior analyst seventy dollars an hour so that's in the United States um let's have a look at the UK so we've got 4705 jobs in the UK um there's definitely more than that problem in the UK is there's a lot of different job sites and a lot of the jobs are just spread out so this job site I found had the most data analyst jobs so have a look at it and then finally Australia so the best one to look at in Australia is and you'll see here this is massive there's 13 462 jobs with data analysts as the role so if you just look at the top two here's a junior a business analyst Junior analyst data analysts data analysts data analysts tons here you go Reserve Bank of Australia here's a nice one data analyst 100 to 120 000 plus superannuation plus bonus scheme tons of work so it's not enough that there is high demand which there is what we also want to look at is what will you actually earn you want to earn good money right so let's look at the salary averages so these are the most up-to-date averages USA 73 000 UK 47 000 pounds and Australia a hundred thousand Australian dollars let's have a look at the websites just to dig down a little so here is the latest salary information from for the United States so you can see here it's um average is 73 000 but if you look down this is a nice explanation here so less than one year 69 000 so that's in other words a junior analyst it's going to earn about 69 000. three to five years seventy seven thousand and more than ten years eighty six thousand and it's got the top jobs in the United States at the moment so Intuit has got a job for 160 000 for a data analyst meta which used to be called Facebook is a hundred and forty one thousand for a nice data analyst job and here's some top jobs here a lot of jobs around 100K so let's look at the UK so yeah the UK the average salary is about 47 000 pounds I think the problem with the salaries in the UK is that the pound has actually lost value against other currencies so that has affected the own ability um and you can see here some of the top jobs that's quite low 28 000 pounds um this is all right 25 to 30 pounds an hour here's one a lead data analyst 65 000 pounds now going to the Australian site so we're on seek again so data analysts salaries it's in between the range of 90 and 110 000 Australian dollars so let's just say a hundred thousand that's actually pretty good because if you look at accounting accountings 99 000 Healthcare and medical 95 000 yeah you're right up there you're right up there with the top professions so the final thing I wanted to cover in this module is are you actually suited to be a data analyst so let's talk about this I think the number one attribute that you really want to have is that you want to really love continual learning learning new things as an analyst you'll be learning a lot of tools and these tools are always updated there's always new technology and the learning basically never ends I love learning so if you love learning being an analyst will be good for you so it would be nice to have a Natural Curiosity about data I remember the first time I looked at a massive data set and I just I loved it I loved the possibility the possibility of drilling down and finding hidden things and just building beautiful graphs I always get a kick out of seeing a beautiful graph so have a Natural Curiosity about data also a general interest in technical things so if you like playing around with new software gadgets I think it's a good fit for you so you really need a high attention to detail when you're doing reporting and when you're doing visualizations you really need to clean your data properly present your data properly and basically remove all errors so that's what I mean by that and finally you need to be able to communicate and tell a good story with Simplicity because a lot of the time when you're getting the senior roles you will actually be presenting reports and presenting visualizations to your managers or to the executives so you really want to be able to build something beautiful and then tell a really nice story a story with Simplicity to really get your point across finally don't worry you're going to be great it's all a learning curve you start as a junior you go to mid-level and then you go to senior all right on to the next module so what skills do you actually need as a data analyst that's what this module is about here we go so this is just a quick overview so obviously you need spreadsheets then you need your SQL there's many different variations but really they're the top three right there we'll go into depth later on about those you're going to need a programming language python is the obvious choice but there are some things to consider and you'll need a business intelligence reporting and visualization tool we'll go over those as well so let's quickly look at Excel you guys already know Excel so let's just quickly go over why you need it I've spoken to some analysts who say they use it over 60 of the time in a day the thing is a lot of companies they actually hold a lot of their data just in Excel they don't even put it in databases so a lot of the times remember you're dealing with non-technical people and because they're not used to using proper databases they may generate lots of data and because it's just easier for them they just put put it in an Excel they don't have to worry about it they could just copy and paste it or your company is using a lot of different systems and it's just going to take too much time for them to put it in a proper database so they're just dump it in Excel so you're going to be using Excel a lot so become an expert in Excel and here are some of the things that I've put down that you really have to know but really the main point here is you just have to become an expert in Excel there's just no way around it so SQL structured query language that is using statements to store update remove and retrieve information from a relational database so when you're doing your reporting and visualizations a lot of data is obviously stored in databases databases like SQL Server Oracle MySQL Microsoft and Oracle are probably the two biggest in business now let's talk about programming languages so python is the language that I recommend that you learn it's multi-purpose you can use it for a lot of different and things it's very readable syntax and it's I don't know for me it's pretty easy to learn so the other one you'll hear about is R that's mainly for statisticians and it leans heavily into statistical models and specialized analytics I personally don't recommend it I've actually never learned it so here is a graphic showing just how popular each language is the orange line is Python and exactly what the graph is it's the percentage of stack Overflow questions by year and you can see that python is just killing R just a ton more people use Python so it just makes sense for you to Learn Python you do have other options as well like C plus plus and Java if you really want to do that then go ahead and do it the more you learn the better but I'd be learning python first so let's talk about business intelligence tools power bi is fast becoming the most popular tool out there at the moment it has about equal usage with Tableau but Power bi is a Microsoft product and it's just taking over all the visualization I'll show you some graphics in a minute let me show you a few websites just to prove my point all right so here is an article I wrote a few weeks ago it's called Power bi is obliterating Tableau I'll leave a link to it in the PDF but really there's five points here so remember Tableau is owned by Salesforce they bought it in 2019 and what they've actually been doing is laying off staff in Tableau so yeah they're laying off stuff so that's not good the other thing as well is so here's a graph of how many times the sales force Executives have mentioned Tableau in their executive meetings and you can see the purple there they're just not talking about Tableau at all so that's not a good sign also I'm hearing that Salesforce are going to make Tableau a sort of integration into the Salesforce Suite of other products therefore you know moving it away from a standalone product which it is at the moment other thing as well is Microsoft teams which is a communications platform is going against slack now slack is also owned by Salesforce and you can see here the growth in Microsoft teams usage over slack and what that means is is that more people are being funneled into the Microsoft Suite of products and that just means they're going to have power bi on their desktop and they're just going to use it more so chat GPT it's being integrated into Power bi it's already in power bi but it's just going to be really really closely integrated and a lot of things are going to be automated yeah so Microsoft smell blood and they're probably going to finish Tableau off at some stage so have a look at that article I wrote that only a few weeks ago the other thing I wanted to show you is the Google Trends comparing power bi and Tableau so power bi is in the blue tableau's in the red you can see here power bi actually only launched around this time 2017 and it's just completely caught up to Tableau and I can just see the Blue Line power bi just continuing up like that and you can see here that Tableau has actually just flattened out so Tableau has flattened out and power bi is just continuing up on this trend so yeah the future is power bi so there are a few other ones as well there's Oracle there's cognos which is run by IBM and then there's a hundred other ones you would only really use those if you were working for a company and they trained you um or they paid for you to learn it if you're just getting into data analytics there'd be no point in you learning it just off the bat okay so what we've covered so far are just the basics of what you would need to get a junior analytics role but really you want to take your career to the next level so how would you do that so machine learning is one way you would do that now the good thing about machine learning is that there are a lot of libraries especially in Python libraries are just pre-written code that you can use to help you develop your own machine learning algorithms there's a logo at the bottom there it's a scikit-learn it's a beautiful and massive library of machine learning models and algorithms that you can adapt and use yourself and you can see a link there I'm going to show you an article in a minute that I wrote just showing you how to learn that the other thing as well you really want to be learning some statistics and probability now you don't have to be a stats genius I'm not a stats genius but you do want to spend a couple of months really getting familiar with the main algorithms the main models the main terminology just to make sure you can have a proper conversation about it and then obviously become competent in it and then integrate it into your work so let's have a look at a few articles so you should go to my website site I wrote this article not so long ago and it shows how I learned Python and machine learning in eight months for fifty two dollars it gives you the exact steps on what to do so Learn Python learn pandas pandas are necessary if you want to use Python for machine learning it allows you to manipulate data quickly in table format there it is there there's another good YouTube series by Corey Schaefer showing you how to use pandas then you have to learn machine learning I did this really good udemy course called machine learning A to Z udemy aren't paying me to say that by the way I just really did this course was really good it really goes over all the fundamentals and all the algorithms and all the models so yeah and it goes over a psychic learn so the next thing well you do it at the same time really but learn statistics and probability again there's a really good udemy course called becoming a probability statistics Master here is the becoming a probability and statistics Master page I really recommend this I think I only paid twenty dollars so yeah you just got to get it at a cheaper price and here's the machine learning A to Z they update it all the time so it's already been updated for 2023 so yeah read that article so the other thing that would be really good to learn is a cloud platform so the main two are Amazon web services or AWS and Azure by Microsoft a lot of data now is just stored in the cloud a lot of models are run directly from the cloud and a lot of your analytics is done directly from the cloud so the data actually never touches your desktop also if you if you're going to do real-time analytics all of that is going to be done from the cloud so becoming very good in those two Cloud platforms would be a real boost for your career so that's a rundown of the main technology that you want to learn in order to get into data analytics and yeah that's it for this module okay so let's talk about certifications so the first question is why would you do it in the first place so let's go through it so the first reason is it basically just shows that you're serious about your skills uh you're serious about your career you're serious about keeping up to date and that shows you in a very positive light that's one reason now the other reason is a lot of people actually exaggerate their skills on their resumes I don't think that's a surprise in fact a lot of people actually just lie about their skills so being certified is actually a way to show that you have actually done something for real just to give you an example let's have a quick look at this website you can see here this is on the Microsoft Forum or the Microsoft training support site where you can ask questions just read what it says here my company is a staffing firm we are trying to verify three Microsoft Technology associate certifications presented to us by an applicant we have copies of the certifications including their unique certification numbers and dates of achievement can you assist so here we are we have a staffing firm literally looking at the Microsoft certifications and then literally going to the Microsoft website and then verifying them so that's the good thing about the Microsoft search it gives the opportunity to the employer to the hiring manager to actually go and check and verify that they're real that they're just not photocopied and here Microsoft have answered and given the instructions on how to actually check if it's a real certification or not so employers hiring managers do check they do like them so the next point is it forces you to learn things in depth I've actually interviewed many people and you ask them technical questions and they say things like oh well I don't actually know that but if I actually got the job then I would find an answer really quickly and I would implement it really quickly so that's fine but in an interview you can't say that you have to actually know the answer and what I've found I've done a few certifications in my time what I've found is that it forces you to go really in depth especially to looking in areas of a technology that you rarely use or in fact have never used so that's just one advantage of doing a certification so just one final Point here obviously it doesn't guarantee you a job but I'm positive that it does actually help for all of the reasons that I've just said it's just an extra thing on your resume it shows that you're serious and it just gives the employer some some confidence that you actually have made an effort and that you may actually know what you're talking about all right so let's now look at the certifications what are the best ones to do now I've got four listed here four groups of certifications there are literally hundreds of different types of certifications you could do these are the top four and actually I only really recommend the top two but let's go through all four okay so out of all of the certifications I think anybody could possibly do if they want to be a data analyst uh is is this one here it's the pl 300 Microsoft certification it's for power bi remember we talked about power bi being on a massive growth surge there is just massive demand for it the exam itself is 165 US Dollars and basically it just covers all of power bi so you'll you'll literally have to be an expert in power bi to sit this exam gives you here the skills breakdown preparing the data modeling the data visualizing and analyzing the data and then deploying and maintaining assets it's literally the perfect one to do so you would do that one first now just to go big picture for a second here is the landing page for all of the Microsoft certifications so you'll see on the left hand side I have so there's also data analysts data engineer data scientist and database administrator analyst is obviously the most relevant but I would also look at the data engineer and data scientist again the more knowledge you get the more qualifications you have the more you build your skills the better your career will be and the more money you will learn so that's the goal so here is the one I just mentioned that's the power bi qualification but I just want to go over a few other ones so if you really want to distinguish yourself when you're applying for jobs and earn more money I really recommend learning a cloud platform so Microsoft's cloud is azure and they actually have an exam for it it's the dp900 Microsoft Azure data fundamentals I really really recommend you do this honestly not many people in the world have sat this exam and if you've said it and you've understood it and you really learned the content you'll be in a really really good position to be earning a lot of money that's the first one and then after that so you can see here it's beginner after that you would sit the intermediate one if you want to you don't have to but if you really liked it and you're into it I really recommend doing this one this is this will just take your skills into the stratosphere so it's designing implementing Enterprise scale analytics Solutions using Microsoft Azure and power bi so here you're getting more into the data engineering and data scientist levels but again the more skills you have the better so just one other thing data Lakes I've seen a massive surge in job demand for this over the last say six months so this is really really recent a data lake is just well it's a bunch of different Technologies but it's a storage area for data on Azure that's pretty much what it is here's a list here of all the things you can do with it it allows you to store and analyze petabyte size files and trillions of objects also here it removes the complexities of ingesting and storing all of your data while making it faster to get up and running with batch streaming and interactive Analytics so it's all about massive amounts of data making it easier and also batching streaming and interactivity so again this is really a buzzword a lot of companies are starting to use it it's really really recent so if you can learn data Lakes now I've actually had a look at the jobs check this out in the UK so there's 910 jobs average salary 81 000 pounds check out these jobs data analyst power bi Azure data Lake there you go it's 500 pounds per day again 500 pounds per day another job 700 pounds per day this has got some more stuff in it but you can see what I'm saying here there is just tons of demand for data Lake and you can see here that it's leaning more towards a data engineer but you know a lot of data analysts start as analysts and then they move to data engineering once they get a lot of experience and really upgrade their skills so there's just tons of jobs and massive money massive money here's Australia 160 000 Microsoft bi developer he's a data analyst role 120 000. so if you do want to go down that path you should start here it's the Microsoft Azure data fundamentals you start with this one that's 99 us to sit the exam and then you would go to this exam here the dp203 data engineering on Microsoft Azure and it covers data Lakes see lake houses Azure data Lake storage this is what you want to learn that's 165 us for the exam so they're the ones you should do for Microsoft so let's have a look at AWS now Amazon web services AWS is actually the largest cloud provider in the world so it's always worthwhile doing some certifications from them here you can choose what your specialty is going to be so you'd be looking at here the data analytics I would also have a look at the database section as well also machine learning but really the first one you want to be doing is this one it's certified data analytics it's a 300 US dollar exam and it goes over here exactly what you'll be learning good thing with AWS is they also have a lot of free material to study with so go and check out all these resources also obviously online on YouTube there's tons of free resources um for you to watch udemy has a lot of good courses on these certifications as well you don't have to pay a lot of money to to learn these things it just takes time and effort also don't forget with AWS they have a free tier here gain free hands-on experience with AWS for 12 months so that's AWS so I'm just going to talk about the final two um here so they are both offered through Coursera Coursera have some statistics here on how successful their past students have been after they've been certified I don't know how you know how accurate these figures are but it says here 75 percent of Google career certified graduates in the United States report an improvement in their career trajectory within six months of completing the certificate so obviously we're talking about the Google analytics certification and it just shows you here this table the average median salaries with a certificate and without a certificate so obviously they're showing a tire with a certificate so have a look at that again all of these links will be in the PDF so the main one which has a lot of attention online and a lot of people have done it you can see here over one and a half million have already enrolled into this course it's the it's sponsored by Google it's the Google data analytics professional certificate it's for complete beginners it has a 4.8 star rating which is very high it's about six months to finish at 10 hours a week and it's flexible so basically it's just for complete beginners you know it covers all of the skills that we talked about previously the only thing I don't like about this is that they use the programming language r instead of python that's annoying but you just have to do it so have a look at this link it goes through everything here it goes through the complete course outline the final one which is also on Coursera and is sponsored by IBM it's literally the IBM data analyst professional certificate and that's got a rating of 4.7 out of 5 and it's for analysts who are complete beginners it covers all of the same things pretty much as the Google one except they do use Python and they also cover pandas and numpy numpy is just another library that you use with pandas the other thing here is they use the obviously their own analytics platform which is cognos really the only reason why you would do this is if you're working on a project and you're I don't know your company's paying for it and they want you to do it this would be the last one I would do out of the four that I've already shown you just remember the price of the IBM and the Google ones are 39 per month so that's pretty much a rundown of the main certifications there are actually many many many more different certifications if you do a Google search you look online there might be like 100 different certifications really without a doubt the first one I would do is the Microsoft power bi certification and then I would do an Azure certification and I'll also do an AWS certification that's where I would start so I hope that's been helpful and that's the end of the module all right so you need to create a portfolio of your work now the reason why you want to do that is you want to bring your work your visualizations your reports to life and the way you do that is you display them you build a portfolio so just a few tips on your portfolio try to choose a topic or an industry that you have a specific interest in that you have a genuine interest in or where you would actually like to work and that will actually come through in your visualizations it'll come through in the amount of work you put into it I'd say do at least three projects in your portfolio you can do a few more if you like but I'd say put three in because you want to showcase different skill sets so these are the things that you want to put in your portfolio so firstly you want to have a business case or a summary of the project I will go over some great portfolios online in a minute so let's just go through this first you should also show where you actually got your data your data sources um will showcase your skill level so the more creative you are the more places you can Source data the better it is for you you want to show how you cleaned the data put in the missing values what functions you used you want to display the different tools and the different languages that you've used and at the end you basically give your analysis and you show your visualizations so where do you get the data I've got at the top there be creative so firstly I've listed five different sources there I won't go through them all they're all pretty obvious but go have a look at those links all those links will be in the PDF as well of course but there's five really good sources to get lots and lots and lots of data but I want to emphasize be creative because anybody can go to these sources and get the data what's difficult is sourcing original data you have to remember it's a competitive Advantage for a company to have original data or to look for data in places that people don't normally look or to put together a day data sets that nobody else has is really a competitive Advantage so I would challenge you to look in all of the nooks and crannies of the internet to find original data a lot of people a lot of individuals just create out of their own interest their own data sets especially in sport all the statistics so you can get General statistics on any sport but you can actually go really really deep a lot of people just for free just because they love it put together their own data sets so I challenge you to find them and then use that data in an original way okay so where to host or where to put your portfolio these are the main ones here I'm going to go in depth now and look at the actual sites so we've got GitHub kaggle LinkedIn put it on your own website you've also got Tableau public and power bi okay let's go okay so we're on GitHub here it's obviously free now I've found this really nice layout of Tiana Paris who's a data analyst so she's got a out section so she introduces herself which is nice she's got a nice table of contents with all of her projects um she's got a python project SQL our Excel Google Sheets Tableau and power bi so she's hitting everything she needs there and yeah then she goes through each project so I just like the way she set it out so she's got the links there obviously you couldn't click on the link and actually go and look at the project so let's click on this one yeah so here is a specific project factors contributing to the success of a movie analysis so she's got the goal and then she goes through all the code and there's her data sets she's got her Graphics at the bottom there's a nice scatter plot so another one I found here he has some nice projects listed here so let's have a look so the first one he's got here is a Pokemon stats so he obviously likes Pokemon what I like here it opens directly up in Google collab he's laid out the project description well so yeah so he's got all his data and then and here are his visualizations at the bottom here's another nice one I found it's uh udit he's set it out nicely with a nice photo of himself put in a nice graphic there as well and just gives a good bio of him and his skills his talented guy he's got a lot of things here and at the top here you see his repositories that's his different projects so let's click on that so this is everything he's done see here he's done a daily covid-19 India Statewide analysis let's click on that I like that he puts some graphics in there just catches the eye yeah so he's got his overview what he did all his steps nice graphic of the architecture yeah very good let's have a look at uh cargo so you remember in the previous slide I mentioned that cargo is a good source for data so here is the page here data sets you just click on it there data sets yeah so if you just completely stuck for data you just come here and there's thousands of different data sets all right so back to looking at portfolios I suggest clicking on code here on the left and it'll actually bring up a lot of different projects so you can just go through here and individuals have put their full projects online just go through there's just tons and tons of them so here's one here retail price optimization let's click on it so it's done by this individual here harsh Singh he only did it 11 hours ago yeah so he's got a nice summary then all the code in Python some visualizations nice scatter plot here's another one here data analysis project so yeah just make sure you have your introduction with your business case and then you'll have your code and at the bottom you'll have your insights and your visualizations here all right so now let's have a look at some websites so these are analysts who have just created their own website you can create a website with some free tools like Wix um would be the main one but if you could just create your own site it also shows just a bit more Savvy a bit more tech savvy I encourage you to do it just again because it just makes you look more tech savvy you have more skills so this is a really good one um I just like the color I just like the colors look it's beautiful I mean if I was hiring someone and this lady gave me this website I'd definitely be calling her definitely definitely be calling her so yeah she's got all the visualizations here this one here I just want to click on it look countries by drinking habits that's a crazy looking visualization I love it it's a link to her medium article so this is another place where you can publish if you want to usually it's for blogging but it's just another good place if you want to do some writing so yeah you just go through all of her projects look at all these beautiful visualizations yeah I'd definitely be calling her if she applied for a job here's another one Julia yeah so she's just listed all her projects here okay a few more things to look at so Tableau public is free and you can upload your visualizations using Tableau so here's a nice one here so yeah basically it just lists all your projects let's look at this one the race to 500 Words so it looks like he's uh comparing his two kids on how quickly they spoke which is cool that's an example of original data he's done a nice visualization and he's even put a rocket at the end there which is a nice touch so here's another one Juan Manuel and all of his projects and some nice eye-catching visualizations there Toastmasters speech progress so he's tracked how many speeches he's done it's an example of collecting your own data and it's a nice looking visualization and here's another one Mark Reed he's been at this a long time he's got 238 visualizations let's have a look at his feet see he's got featured meaning that's the one he likes the most how has the world changed since 1962 it's a nice question I'd like to know the answer to that so it's about life expectancy it's a nice looking visualization all right let's have a look at LinkedIn now here is the profile of Zoe Douglas this is a public profile she works at Microsoft so notice she's got so she's got a nice profile picture which is Head and Shoulders she's smiling it's a nice design in the banner there it's got all her keywords so power bi data analytics power bi training data visualization she's got over 8 000 followers so that's nice so what I like here is that she has featured posts turned on see here so these are posts that you really like and that you just want to pin to the top of your profile this one here has had 606 likes so you can have a look at her activity here just one thing with activity try to be active at least once per month on LinkedIn the reason is that recruiters have access to a feature that allows them to search by people who have been active in the last 30 days so if you haven't been active then you're not going to show up in those searches so just make sure once every month is fine um and yeah just make sure you have those keywords because that's what recruiters search on and that's what is going to get you shown in search results so always put a good about section this is where you just give a brief description of yourself all of the keywords for the key Technologies and also you can also put links she doesn't have it here but you can put links to all your projects so you can link to your portfolio to your GitHub to your kaggle to whatever you've got so obviously you put all the experience education put all your licenses there put all your skills down and try and get people to endorse you the way you do that is you contact people that you already know and ask if they can endorse you also you've got recommendations she's got some big ones there so that's an all-around very good profile she works for Microsoft she's a senior project manager so this is my profile on LinkedIn you should come and connect with me I'll definitely connect with you just say just seen the request say hey shano I watched your video you're really cool just kidding just go to my profile and connect and just put a message saying hey shano I saw your video I liked it please connect with me and I'll definitely connect with you and if I can help you in any way I will so if you turn on Creator mode see this see this option here it says Creator mode turned on if you turn on Creator mode it also gives you this option to put in featured featured posts so this just allows you to again showcase things that you've done that's me hiking in the Himalayas by the way that was cool so I put up five days ago a graphic that I did where I got some original data on um Cricut Cricut scores Ball by ball data all right that's it for LinkedIn so don't forget also power bi gives you the option to publish to the web so you can do all your visualizations on power bi and then you can export it and put the visualization a live visualization on a website so that's it for portfolios okay now the fun part you need to start applying for jobs so obviously you're going to start looking at the job sites and Linkedin let's have a look right now so just remember each country um has their own job websites so you probably already know the ones in your own country but just check for you know the top two three four five sites and make sure you have a thorough look through them because sometimes companies do only advertise on one side only uh anyway I'm on indeed here the US site so the thing to search for at the beginning is a junior data analyst you can also just put data analyst you can apply for both of those types of jobs so we can see the first one here it's in Texas let's have a look at the outline so it's this is really entry level it's only asking for SQL and Excel let's have a look at some jobs in the UK so again I've searched on Junior data analyst and the first one here junior data analysts 25 to 28 000 pounds so let's have a look so this one's asking for power bi and SQL they're the only two tools that it asks for which is nice because you can get really good at those on your own it's important to read through all of these bullet points here because this is exactly what you're going to be putting on your resume all right now let's have a look at LinkedIn just before I do that some people are really skeptical about LinkedIn you should definitely be using it I've looked on Reddit there are a lot of posts on Reddit saying that people have found jobs through Linkedin so here's a guy here does reaching out to Recruiters on LinkedIn work and the first response is I've gotten drop offers reaching out to recruiters and random employees on LinkedIn so you should definitely be on LinkedIn you can definitely get a job through Linkedin alright so let's look at LinkedIn so the first thing this is my profile obviously so the first thing that you want to do is go to open to and finding a new job you need to have that clicked because that's how you will show up in Job searches by recruiters you need to have that clicked okay so the first place to start is you just go to jobs the top here you would search in what you're actually looking for so let's put in data analyst let's put in a let's put in Australia so there's a list of data analyst jobs here so you can see the first job here is data analyst and this is in Brisbane Queensland it's hybrid so that means partly working from home partly working from the office so the next thing you would do is you would have a look through and read the job ad again make sure you read everything in here and make sure you have the skills the only technical things they've listed here are SQL that's cool finish at three o'clock on Fridays so another thing you could do is also at the bottom of the ad they usually have a link to their own website you can see if they are offering other jobs and also it usually will give the name of the HR person or the recruiter who is advertising the job and you can contact them directly on LinkedIn or directly through the website alright so that's just directly searching for jobs now let's say you want to Target a company so let's say you want to your dream is to work for Nike you love Nike you love their shoes you just want to work for them so the first thing you do is you do a search on Nike literally and you go to their page view page so the first thing you do is you go and look at jobs Nike has 1140 job openings at the moment so you want to search for exactly what you want so you want data analyst and also you should put in the location of where you want to work because you need to narrow down the search so Nike have their headquarters in Oregon so I'm going to put that all right so you can see here it's come up with 44 data analyst jobs in Oregon that's actually quite a lot in one spot 44 in one spot 44 analysts so here they all are here tons of them so let's have a look at this one here data analyst so yeah just read through it that's the town where they're at Beaverton Oregon a lot of people have applied for this job 200 applicants so obviously you read through it and you can apply directly from LinkedIn here or you can just save it to look at it later if you want to now another tactic you can try is if you know you want to work for Nike and you know there's a data analyst job role because you've just searched you can go back let's go back to this page and you can go to people people that work at Nike so you can try to directly contact the people the hiring manager or the recruiter directly so there's a lot of people here so you would put in things like recruiter and then R again so there's 214 people who come up with that result you'll see at the bottom all of the people here see here recruiter at Nyack senior Talent acquisition recruiter that is a massive company so you can narrow it down even more obviously so you can put recruiter data Oregon so here's another search that I've done recruiter data Oregon and you can see here that's another name for a recruiter Talent acquisition so Talent acquisition lead recruiter data and analytics I definitely be trying to connect with this guy Daniel so you need to play around with different searches here to find the exact people that you want to connect with remember the names of the people that you would be looking for and searching for are recruitment recruitment manager recruiter Talent acquisition and HR or human resources so try all of those keywords try the city that you're targeting and also some other keywords like the department that they would work in now there's a few strategies you can try you should definitely try to connect with them and in the course PDF I'm going to include some text that you can copy and paste and you obviously customize it and put the person's name in to reach out to them so basically you're introducing yourself you're saying that you've seen the job ad and you'll saying that you're interested so I'm going to put that text in the PDF so please download that and get that text I'm going to put a few different versions but just remember it has to be as brief as possible literally one sentence or two sentences maximum because if you do it longer than that they're not going to read it and also even worse they may think that you can't summarize properly or you don't know how to respect people's time so really make it as short as possible and get to the point and I'll include some examples in the PDF all right so the next step in looking for a job is you need to have a really good resume so the number one tip I give everybody about resumes is it must be customized with the keywords from the job ad those keywords must be in your resume so the job ad is literally telling you exactly what they want so if you don't have what they want on your resume they're not going to call you remember the resume is all about getting a phone call that's all it's going to do after they call you the resume doesn't really mean much the resume is literally a document to get someone to call you if nobody calls you then you don't have any opportunities it's all about maximizing opportunities and that's what the resume does you want as many phone calls as possible so I've got a template resume that you can download from my website you have to be a subscriber the way you subscribe is you just put in your email address but here it is here here is a resume I've developed over the years now I've a b tested this many times we've literally probably a thousand different people that I've helped it's short you can see it's only it's only two pages you don't want a long resume people won't read long resumes and it also shows that you're not good at summarizing which is very bad for a data analyst so yeah I have an objective here it's a very short objective you should change it for your own circumstances I find this wording works really well so you can play around with it but I would keep that format in general so you've got all the experience variants there make sure you put your achievements you need to put your achievements in it's not enough just to have the responsibilities you need your achievements as well education you need all of your I.T skills listed there so all of those keywords in your job ad you need them listed somewhere the easiest place to put them all is in your I.T skills so that's the resume so go to my website put in your email and I think it's you have to refer one person and then you can download this template free of charge no problem all right so the final thing to go over is the job interviews so generally the job interview structure is they will call you once over the phone so that's just an introductory call to see if you're still interested to see if you're still looking they'll ask you a few questions about yourself just to make sure that you can talk over the phone and you are who you say you are and then the second and third calls will usually be a video call it could be two video calls and if you in the same area if it's a office job if you have to actually go into the office they'll get you into a face-to-face in-person interview if it's a remote job then everything's going to be by video so there's a few things I want to show you so the first thing is go to my website I've written this article do you want to 4X the data analyst job offers you receive it's basically goes over the behavioral questions that you're going to be asked the main one is usually all of them are A variation of this tell us about a difficult data project you've worked on and how did you handle it and it gives you a strategy on how to answer that question it goes over the star structure which is I won't read it all now you go to the website and read it it basically just gives you a structure to use when you're in a difficult spot in an interview and this is what I recommend you do you write down your answers on a document you spend some time crafting them read your answers out loud and then you need to practice without notes practice that you're so good that it just becomes natural that's the spot that you want to get to so that's the behavioral questions part of the interview you'll also have a technical part of the interview so I'm working on technical questions I'm about to publish this on my site but here's the one a document of it here so whatever the Technologies they're asking for the main Technologies they will ask you questions about it so if you're going for a job in power bi is there here is a document with the top power bi questions that generally get asked I know these get asked because I'm Friends with several recruiters and they tell me they ask these questions so this document is about to be published on my site in a couple of days so by the time you see this you can just go there and read them what I suggest you do is you print the page out and you study it and you have it next to you for your first phone interview so in case you get stuck you can then just quickly look at it it's like a quick reference guide just to remind yourself of what they're talking about and how to structure your answer so that's really the process for looking for a job so yeah that's the end of the course my friends so what I want to do is I want to really really wish you luck if you really want to be an analyst a data analyst if you put in the work if you learn all the tools if you practice your programming and you follow what I've taught you in this course then you can definitely do it all right you can definitely do it so please go to my website there are a lot of Articles going into depth on what I've just touched upon in this course basically all you have to do is you just put in your email and then you'll be on my newsletter and I send out a newsletter every week also please go to my LinkedIn you can see it there the extension is shano Dash Collins and again please connect with me say hey shano I saw your video I'd like to connect with you please and then I will connect with you and again if I can help you in any way I will okay my friends thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Analyst Launch
Views: 8,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Data Analyst
Id: YZamJ7cfblA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 50sec (3110 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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