How to become a blockchain developer in 2021

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blockchain is by far one of the best industries for developers in 2021 like if i had to go back to square one and start over again in 2021 blockchain is what i would do for lots of reasons it's one of the highest paid skills in tech there's so many different ways to make money with the skills you can do things besides just get a job you can earn passive income like trading bots flash loans defy it's crazy how many things you can do with it all right so in this video i want to make this guide and how to do that how to get started in blockchain in 2021 because so much has changed uh and i'll make this updated video to talk about the state of blockchain 2021 and what you need to do to transition into this exciting you know futuristic highly lucrative career okay so whether you're an advanced developer already and you want to transition into blockchain or whether you're a total beginner like starting from scratch then this guide is for you so before we get into that you know if you're new around here hey i'm gregory and on this channel i turn you into a blockchain master so i spent a lot of time creating videos like this to help you all learn about blockchain and how to transition into this industry and the only two things that i ask in return for creating this massive video for you is uh that you like this video you know click that like button down below just smash it for the youtube algorithm and subscribe to this channel because you're gonna see a lot more high value videos just like this one all right so with that out of the way let's jump in and get started you know i was a professional developer already before i got into blockchain but there's lots of people who have like you know uh gotten into cryptocurrency and like hey i want to learn to code okay so uh that's great i mean like i said i was already a developer but cryptocurrency is what got me interested in blockchain technology in the first place you know caused me to really make that career transition because that's what i do now uh you know i do blockchain development only at this point and so um i want to help anybody in any of those camps like learn how to do this stuff so we're talking about everything that you need to know so i did one of these videos last year but we're going to update it for 2021 because so much has changed so we're going to talk about like the current state of the industry like what's the average salary uh who's hiring blockchain developers how can you get a remote job all right uh what are the hottest trends that you need to keep up with and know about if you want to jump in on this stuff right now while it's still early all right we're talking about what to learn the programming languages uh what are the skills uh you know concepts everything you need to know and then we'll hash that into a step-by-step plan so from wherever you're starting from we'll say like start here and then learn this thing and then the next thing and the next thing until you've met your goal okay and then finally uh you know we're gonna uh answer some frequently asked questions like uh you know how long does it take to become a blockchain developer um you know should you learn blockchain first or should you learn a bunch of other programming languages before you transition into blockchain okay these are questions i get all the time and i want to give you clarity on those in this video all right we'll also answer some really general stuff like what do blockchain developers do which blockchain should i use all that kind of stuff throughout the video as we hit those relevant points all right so uh get comfortable grab a snack we're gonna be here a while but you're gonna be so glad that you watched this video uh because we're gonna answer all your questions and give you the concrete step-by-step plan on how to do this in 2021 all right so you know bookmark this video come back watch it repeat study this live this eat this breathe this if this is your goal all right so now let's talk about the state of blockchain development in 2021 so let's look at real world salary data like what are people actually earning at blockchain developer jobs and we'll look at some job postings out there in the wild so that we can see what the actual job requirements are from you know people who are trying to hire blockchain developers okay so let's start off with uh the average blockchain developer salary so uh the average salary in the united states that's that's important distinction here is 154 000 per year the time record this video okay so now of course that is somebody with some experience uh if you're brand new you're probably not just gonna like wake up tomorrow after watching a couple videos and earn that kind of money but that shows you what you can aim for over time as you decide to go down this career path okay it's an incredibly lucrative field and you can see the salary distribution here like sure you know 154 is national average uh you can see a big concentration just below that average which means there's people who are uh you know highly paid who are kind of skewing the average a little bit but that just shows you the upside of what is possible here over the long term as you gain some experience you gain some expertise you can make a lot of money okay um so even on the low end you know there's lots of jobs that are offering like 74 to 94 000 so like basically less than 20 of people make less than six figures uh according to this salary data so now of course this is on a recruiting platform this is this is based on the jobs that are posted on their website but we can still compare this to other fields that are that they're using to hire for the same thing so let's see like how does blockchain pay compared to other technical fields all right um so it's not a blockchain developer website so they'll list all kinds of jobs so it's like a mobile developer all right so mobile developer the average salary is 105 000 so 50 000 less and you can see the salary distribution here is lots people making way less than the average all right and the top end's only about 150 000 uh which is right in this smack in the middle the average for blockchain all right look at this regular web developer the only national average is is only 75 000 it is literally half of the average salary for blockchain so that kind of gives you a big picture perspective on how to weight this all right you can compare it to other fields so if you're just like starting from scratch or maybe you're in another software development niche already and you're trying to figure out where you want to specialize then uh you know blockchain is pretty attractive compared to the alternatives available to you all right so um let's look at some job postings to see like you know what are what do blockchain developers do at their jobs what do i need to know to be hired we'll talk about a lot of that in depth as we go throughout this video but let's just look at some job postings to see so we'll start off uh you know i did some searching here for blockchain developer jobs that's one way you can do this you can just go to any recruiting website or job posting website just search for blockchain developer uh some other tips are you might want to search for like uh sometimes blockchain jobs are hidden i'll talk about that in a minute you might want to search for software sometimes they're labeled software developer but they have blockchain uh in the job description okay so sometimes it doesn't always say blockchain developer in the title but anyways here is a principal blockchain developer uh as a remote job all right in los angeles so this is for a compensation range of 150 000 to 200 000 so on the high side uh this is definitely for somebody with some experience okay it's not a junior entry level role um but let's see what they do okay so this is someone who okay right here five years of software engineering experience uh but there's plenty of people who are gonna be watching this video who have five years of software engineering experience and um you may not even really need five years of experience okay that's that's the the reality behind these job postings is sometimes companies require this you know huge set of requirements but even if you meet most of the really important requirements you can still like get the job if you have maybe like three years of experience and we're really good so take out the grain of salt anyways uh strong experience in developing large-scale concurrent driven data systems uh prior working experience with public key cryptography server side blockchain experience is a plus uh so they want experience with javascript go and see plus plus so strong computer science fundamentals uh really general stuff really just general blockchain knowledge is kind of what they're looking for so uh they want somebody who knows node react uh go c plus plus aws ethereum all right that's important we're gonna talk about ethereum technologies quite a bit in this video solidity all right this is a programming language used for ethereum smart contracts um so they get good vacation all the benefits all right so anyways um that's basically a really standard set of requirements for blockchain developers but somebody with a significant amount of experience and they're going to be making you know a really healthy six-figure salary so look at another um job posting here this is for ethereum blockchain engineer so they specify that in the title whereas the other one is also really an ethereum blockchain developer as well it's just they don't say in the title so sometimes you have to really read the postings before you understand exactly what the job is it's a little ambiguous so anyways this is for an ethereum blockchain engineer so again flexible remote all right a lot of these jobs remote blockchain is incredibly remote friendly because um it's such a new field and uh not everybody can just reach out and grab a blockchain developer down the street maybe if you live in a big metro a big tech hub like uh san francisco los angeles new york all that kind of stuff might be able to um but most people can't all right and so for that reason it's very remote friendly all right so in this role you will develop highly uh develop and maintain highly reliable scalable secure applications develop blockchain-related microservices and api so this is a really a sounds like a back-end developer role talk about front-end back-end in this video uh automate the deployment of blockchain-specific software all right so it sounds like they're gonna be probably creating smart contracts and then putting them on a blockchain uh collaborate with other developers to design and optimize code write customer facing sdks so that's a software development kit so it sounds like they have some sort of like really specialized product here develop uis with tools such as react.js interact with apis all right so we'll talk about react in this video so they are doing some uh front-end development as well so it sounds like it's a full stack position you'll touch the back end and the front end all right and then plan and execute performance tests yeah totally so they want somebody who knows golang and or node.js knowledge of ethereum smart contracts knowledge of react uh devops skills like aws uh google cloud platform something like that docker okay so there's yeah anyways we don't need to go through everything in there but the whole idea is a full stack developer position uh it didn't look like they specify the experience this is a senior role okay uh but this is still like 105 180 000 roughly dollars per year so pretty big range probably based on your experience but um yeah totally so that's what that's what a job requirements look like for a you know senior developer so both these jobs have been very experienced let's look at something that's a little less experienced let's say you're just starting out okay let's look at some of the salary data for that um so based on zip recruiters platform this says the national average for junior blockchain developers is still 123 thousand dollars it seems like it might be a little high to tell you the truth but um hey i mean i could be wrong maybe their platform's totally right but uh i think yeah it's possible for juniors to make the six-figure salaries it just seems like 123 might be a little high but hey that's their platform says um so as you can see the salary distribution here but let's look at a job posting for an internship so like this may be great if you're just starting out you want to get your foot in the door as fast as possible because sometimes that's the that's a good way to get started like sometimes an internship is even better than a coding bootcamp because if you can like teach yourself uh with some some online resources some on-demand video content uh some tutorials some courses and then get an internship where you don't have super high expectations placed upon you and that internship is either minimally paid or maybe it's free for a little while then you pay kickstand at a certain point then uh that'll be cheaper for you in the long run and you'll get you know you'll jump in and get the experience that way so there are block chain internships out here here's an example so what is this person responsible for so they research design and build high quality educational content on blockchain platforms like ethereum hyperledger multi-chain corda um so they're doing a little bit of educational content maybe some videos maybe some blog posts but they're brainstorming and helping applications for new tools so some planning so here's here's where it looks like some technical skills come into play so blockchain evaluation smart contract development implementation and supporting digital strategy group initiatives so that's probably where your technical skills really going to come into play you'll if you understand how smart contracts work and blockchains you'll evaluate them you'll actually create some new smart contracts and then yeah so you you'll basically have some expertise for analyzing and helping make decisions that's what a lot of this stuff looks like okay so they want you to be able to develop for blockchain all that kind of stuff right so anyways that's a pretty big uh range on what the salary data looks like what the remote job situation looks like you know what should blockchain developers be doing based on these actual real world job posts all right so now let's talk about what people actually use blockchain for okay i've got a big list of things over here this is most of them we're going to talk about all of them in this section uh but let's first like talk about like what is blockchain at all because you might have seen cryptocurrency you might have heard about bitcoin ethereum and you don't understand the difference between cryptocurrency versus blockchain okay so let's just start with bitcoin it's the most popular cryptocurrency out there so bitcoin is a cryptocurrency uh but the bitcoin blockchain is what enables that cryptocurrency to exist all right so the bitcoin blockchain is just a distributed network that runs on a bunch of different computers across the world that enables the bitcoin currency it creates something called the public ledger that keeps track of who owns how much bitcoin and every time a bitcoin is sent from one person to another um the network facilitates that transaction all right so we'll talk more about that probably in this video that's the basics bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and the bitcoin blockchain enables that cryptocurrency to exist so the same thing is true for ethereum so the second most popular cryptocurrency out there um ethereum is a cryptocurrency uh or it's really called ether but uh for say for for simple purposes ethereum is a cryptocurrency and then the ethereum blockchain is what enables that cryptocurrency to exist now some not all blockchains are created equal some work differently than others uh in fact most of them have subtle differences that's why there are different blockchains okay so the big difference between bitcoin and ethereum is that the bitcoin blockchain all it really does is um enable the bitcoin cryptocurrency to exist right the ethereum blockchain allows ether to exist but it also is a lot more okay it functions more like a worldwide computer that supports uh programs it supports smart contracts okay uh these are just this is just pieces of code that live in the blockchain that power blockchain applications right this is a lot a lot of blockchain developers will be doing we'll be creating these applications uh that get deployed to the blockchain people can use them we're gonna look at some examples of those uh here in a second but that's the big difference between cryptocurrency and blockchain technology some that cryptocurrency is an example of blockchain technology um but there are lots of other things that blockchain developers will be doing besides just creating cryptocurrencies and sending it around so let's talk about some of those so the first thing um those are my big categories cryptocurrency is a huge use case of blockchain technology and for that reason uh i'd say finance is probably the biggest super category that blockchain technology is used for all right financial transactions uh there's lots of reasons for this blockchain's really good at handling money because it's just value all right and you can transfer value you can program stuff with that value so cryptocurrency is uh probably the biggest use case right now and doing things with cryptocurrency if you're gonna become a blockchain developer is really popular um part of that is just payments all right so paying for things with cryptocurrency uh maybe a checkout system where you accept cryptocurrency on an e-commerce website or something like that maybe a mobile payment app uh like venmo for example all right so uh one of the biggest categories that really exploded in 2020 and is going to be super hot for 2021 this is a huge trend um that you need to know about if you care about blockchain so let's say even work in some other field in blockchain like supply chain identity real estate you can't ignore d5 all right because it's such a massive trend in blockchain okay so d5 is short for decentralized finance which is basically taking existing financial products and moving them over to the blockchain things like savings loans trading etc etc all right so this is a use case that over 10x in 2020 all right so it just it just grew like crazy like a hockey stick all right you can see the adoption here it was just insane right i sat there and watched this thing all year take off i did my first like d5 video in i think it was in like nov october or november of uh 2019 and then just watch everything like take off like crazy so there's lots of different d5 applications out there you can basically like uh replace a lot of the existing financial infrastructure like banking you can you can create apps that have competitive savings rates and lending rates and all that kind of stuff uh we're looking plenty of examples of those uh cryptocurrency exchanges that are built directly on the blockchain um doing derivatives trading on the blockchain anything you can really think about in terms of like finance people are trying to build blockchain solutions that replicate those and improve those okay to give people more access make them trustless transparent all that kind of stuff okay so we'll definitely look at some examples of d5 applications that's one use case you cannot ignore because it's a super hot trend in blockchain right now okay so another big thing is supply chain so if you're not familiar with that that's basically um tracking the movement of goods that turn into end products it may not be the best definition but that's sort of my off-the-cuff explanation so an example of supply chain is let's say you go to like uh walmart for example and you buy or any store amazon okay everybody probably familiar with amazon worldwide let's say you buy like a desk off amazon right and you get the desk but it comes in a box with a bunch of parts like the top is a piece of wood and the sides are like you know metal legs and it's got a bunch of screws and everything and you have to put the desk together well uh it's very likely that each of those pieces came from a different company originally right you might have bought the desk from a single distributor but like somebody probably specialized in making the wood for that desk and then that company ordered it from them right and they cut down the tree and all that kind of stuff um the screws probably came from some company that like specializes in making screws right on the legs and so so i mean you get the idea right the the each part of the desk comes from a different place originally and supply chain is about tracking all of that right and it's about like how does the metal that makes the screw the wood that makes the desk turn into the desk eventually okay because you have to manage all that stuff you know you have to like yeah it's a complicated process anyways supply chain is a big blockchain use case that tracks all that stuff make sure that packages get to the right place on time that distributors are honest and transparent um when goods move from point a to point b all that kind of stuff so supply chain is a big use case i would file this under probably still a more experimental use case of blockchain technology but big companies are investigating this like walmart for example is looking at like its own distributed ledger technology i believe it's a proprietary thing so don't quote me on that i don't have all the details but yeah supply chain is definitely one way people are investigating cryptocurrency sorry investigating blockchain technology for its transparency it's trustless all that kind of stuff so another quick uh kind of grab bag of things like digital identity um real estate all right health care and a lot more all right so we're gonna look at some examples of some blockchain-based applications here but first let's talk about like why would people use the blockchain this is what they're using it for but why even do this you can do a lot of this stuff in a different way we can already do trading we can already we already have money we can already track supply chain so why would we use the blockchain for this all right so let's talk about why people would use this technology in the first place so there's three big reasons i'm going to talk about the first one is transparency slash verifiability because a lot of times in blockchain everything that happens is public other people can see it we can verify that it happened um so why might you want to do that well think about any use case where you just have to like trust somebody else that something happened behind the scenes that you might want to verify for yourself okay be transparent other people can audit it a vote for example if you're gonna vote an election and you cast your vote you might want to make sure that it was counted all right so if you make it transparent then you could potentially audit that yourself or somebody else who had permission to audit it could audit it right also going back to that supply chain thing okay so let's say that you wanted to guarantee that like you had completely organic vegetables or something like that and you wanted to track that produce piece of produce everywhere through the supply chain well that's part of the transparency that you get with blockchain okay so another thing is um trustlessness and this is the trustlessness of the programs themselves so um say you have a regular application that has like a database for example and some code and then you know you you basically have to trust an application creator that they're not going to update the code which is basically the rules of the system or the database which tracks the current state of the system so money is an example all right if you want to create a digital money it's really terrible to create it uh with just a regular app like a website for example or maybe like a just a a business like database or something like that okay because here's why um if you if you code that app then you the app creator could just like change something instantly you could change how the money works you could change somebody's balance you could just say well i'll just take a hundred dollars from this guy give to that guy right there's a central party that controls that money which is this is terrible okay um so blockchain fixes that and changes that so that's one way you're able to create a cryptocurrency is that you have a computer that uh everyone runs a redundant copy of and keeps a copy of all the code and all the data that govern how that currency work and anytime a transaction is created you know i send cryptocurrency from you from me to you all those computers participate in achieving consensus on that transaction to facilitate it and update the public ledger update the state all that kind of stuff okay so that's what i mean by trustless you know that it's going to work the same way you don't have to trust in you know to trust any central entities that it's going to change all right so the last one is security so basically blockchain achieves um security through cryptography okay cryptographic hashing this is the core of how the technology works talk about cryptocurrency that's where the name comes from so uh one big reason that people use blockchain is for enhanced security okay of their applications so now let's talk some about some real world example apps that are out there in the wild right now that you can use today to see this technology you know in action because talk about these benefits this trustlessness verifiability all that kind of stuff okay uh so let's look at these example apps that employ those things or or embody those things and um yeah so you can just see examples of blockchain apps that developers are getting paid to build right now okay so uh we're gonna look at the defy use case because again that's the hottest trend in blockchain right now it's got the most traction because of financial use case cryptocurrency all that kind of stuff um so let's just look at uh one of my personal favorites that i think has a great use case right now so this is uh the compound protocol or compound finance okay so uh you can just click through to it here so compound uh is a savings and lending app or a money market app uh it functions a lot like a bank it sort of automates your bank away so you can actually look at the app right here okay so this is a decentralized application it's a dap it's powered by smart contracts that live on the ethereum blockchain okay so you can see this website here but it talks directly to the ethereum blockchain so if you're going to use it you have to connect with a mobile wallet like metamask for example it's this little fox icon here uh up in the my corner my browser because uh you know what most modern web browsers don't support connection to the blockchain of the box you gotta install espresso browser extension okay talk about a workaround and a solution to that here in a second but that's what you need to do if you're going to go use compound finance and see this in action okay and connect your wallet i'll talk about detailed steps on how to do that towards the end of this video but uh here's what it does so basically uh it works a lot like a bank you can deposit cryptocurrency inside of here and earn interest like you would at a bank um and you might say yeah that's cool but don't cryptocurrency prices go up and down like crazy all the time right uh that's true but not all cryptocurrencies so there are some stable cryptocurrencies whose price don't change relative to a different cryptocurrency like us dollar for example so die is an example of a stable coin that doesn't have the same volatility as like bitcoin or ethereum uh usd coin or usdc is another example and also tether um and and all these cryptocurrencies uh operate on top of the ethereum blockchain they're erc20 tokens they're cryptocurrencies that are on top of a different blockchain uh at least they have ethereum versions of them okay so uh here's why here's why someone would use this application on blockchain instead is they can get a benefit they can't get somewhere else okay um they get a competitive interest rate so i don't know about you but i get really bad interest in my bank all right i get like 0.0 something percent interest but here you get like three percent interest or 2.73 interest right on a stable coin which basically you could take dollars from your bank account convert them to stable coin put them in an application like this and earn a competitive interest rate all right so i'm not advising you to do that okay so this is still very early technology there's quite a bit of risk involved with using an app like this um so that's not financial advice i'm not telling you that i would not personally do that with all of my spare cash in my bank account there's plenty of risk associated with this all right but over the long term uh this can become more secure and this can become a more viable way of you know earning some passive income on your funds that you aren't using your deposited funds okay so how does it work well basically it provides loans on the other side of things people can borrow uh against their funds they can deposit cryptocurrency and then borrow against it which you can see there's a four percent interest rate here on on borrowing so um there's a spread here's a one percent spread and the app's basically able to make profit on that so it's able to be competitive with your bank because your bank charges all these crazy fees in their spread because they have staff they got blah blah blah blah blah blah and all this fat basically and compound's able to automate away a lot of that stuff with smart contracts it's one of the reasons they can give you a competitive interest rate and then loan money so you know cheaply in some cases um and a lot of people are doing that for like trading for d5 for yield farming all that kind of stuff so that's one example of a really hot blockchain application it's got a website here that talks to the blockchain the smart contracts live on the blockchain it has a real world use case uh that is competitive compared to non-blockchain based applications all right so let's look at um a mobile application because i think this is a really important one to look at um because i talked about this application when you go here you have to install a special browser extension you have to like go to a cryptocurrency exchange first to buy cryptocurrency before you use the application uh there's a lot of steps in order to be able to use this and for a vast majority of people they're just gonna say that's too hard right in order for me to use this app so i wanna show you an app that makes it a lot easier so this is argent um it's a mobile wallet that allows you to um do a lot of this stuff straight from your phone without having to install a special browser extension without having to go to a cryptocurrency exchange first before you can use the applications um because i think that's gonna be a big gateway for a lot of people so i think a really good pitch on using blockchain if you want to try it again it's not financial advice i'm not telling you to do this with a lot of your money but you can do this for yourself and like show this other people you could download an app like argent installing your phone you know plug in a debit card or something like that and just put a really small amount of money into the app and start you know uh doing d5 like earning passive income interest on on a small amount of money okay just to play around with it and that's what arjun does so basically you just download the app if you have apple pay on your phone or android paid you can basically automatically connect your card you don't have to do anything extra and let's say you want to put fifty and start earning interest you can do that because it hooks into compound already all right you can go ahead and get that three percent interest that that you can see advertised on the website there so um it's important to understand that because fundamentally and in the background compound is just a protocol it's a bunch of smart contracts to deploy the blockchain sure you can access it with the compound website but it's totally open so if you ever heard of like an api on the web it's like a totally open api you don't have to have any api keys anybody can hook into it and start using the compound protocol and that's exactly what uh yeah that's exactly what you can do inside of argent um so they let you buy stable coins or an interest you can use other daps like uni swap you can swap tokens for uh new cryptocurrencies let's talk about uni swap really quickly because it's probably the most popular app on ethereum right now so basically it's a cryptocurrency exchange where you can buy and sell tokens you know just straight from your browser there's no order book there's no candlestick charge nothing intimidating you just tell the cryptocurrency you want to uh you know that you have that you want to swap for and then or decryption that you do have then you select the token you want to swap for let's just say like uh uh you know bat all right if you want to swap ether bat you just tell how much each you want and it'll tell you how much bat that you can get you just click swap after you've connected your wallet um yeah and so traders using this kind of stuff all the time and you can do uni swap straight out of the box inside of argent again you don't have to you don't have to have a special browser extension or anything right uh so yeah arjun's really cool it's a great way i think for new people to start using blockchain uh directly with their mobile device and so that's another really great example of a blockchain based application uh out there in the wild all right so now let's talk about this question which blockchain should you use all right so this is a little bit tricky of a question to answer but um my simple answer is unless you have a really good reason that you already know about then you should use ethereum okay so ethereum is the blockchain with the biggest developer community in terms of building blockchain based applications it's the number two market cap cryptocurrency at the time of recording this video okay um yeah it's got a very active developer community it's it's a general purpose blockchain it supports smart contracts where basically you can create uh turing complete blockchain applications with the solidity programming language um it has a ton of momentum in terms of apps and users i think it's got the most like daily daily and monthly active users out of any blockchain so there's lots of demand for it if you're a developer it has a very mature developer ecosystem because when you when you get into developing applications uh you don't want to be stuck somewhere where like you can't ask questions and get answers from other people you want to be able to connect with other developers who have gone down that road bumped into the walls and can share you know knowledge and wisdom with you to have answers on stack overflow where the libraries and tools that you're using are actually maintained and kept up to date so your ethereum it checks all those boxes okay lots of other block chains do not check all those boxes and some don't check a fraction of those boxes okay so my short answer is unless you have a really good reason uh then i would use ethereum okay that's that's the technology that i've focused on completely in my career uh on this channel uh inside the blockchain bootcamp all that kind of stuff for a reason right not just because i'm a fan of ethereum and arbitrarily i've chosen that and i'm like waiting for the ethereum price to go up that's not why it's because it has a real use case very active development roadmap and there's demand for it rich developer ecosystem all that kind of stuff okay especially compared to the other ones out there so some caveats are like let's say you have a job that requires you to support bitcoin for example okay because maybe you have an application where bitcoin is you know uh required maybe it's like a checkout system or like some sort of uh financial based application then you should learn how bitcoin works like learn how to make transactions on bitcoin and do that inside of an application how to you know integrate with a bitcoin wallet or something or let's say uh you know you have to your job requires you to use hyper ledger fabric okay and do like permissioned blockchain then you need to learn that okay for your job um or let's say that you know your job requires you to do some sort of really proprietary distributed ledger technology that may not even be quite blockchain for something like supply chain for example you would of course want to learn that stuff so those are reasons why you required to use a different piece of technology but unless those requirements are upon you then i would stick with ethereum so which programming languages should you learn from blockchain well there's lots of different programming languages depending on you know what your job requires of you so the two most common programming languages are going to be well the most common programming language let's start there especially for dealing with ethereum based technologies which most people who are building blockchain based solutions are building on top of ethereum then solidity is probably going to be your number one uh language if you're doing sort of back end uh development or full stack development okay so let me pause really quickly and make that distinction because i said earlier that we would talk about front end versus back end so if you're brand new after programming you've never coded at all you're just like totally checking this out so people talk about front-end back-end so front-end is basically creating things that the user can see like a website for example so we talked about you know compound finances as a website uh that a front-end developer would be responsible for creating something like this all right um back-end is the thing the user really can't see necessarily so the thing that makes the app run on the blockchain in this case so smart contracts would be example of backend development in the context of blockchain okay there are other backend things like servers you do use servers still often in blockchain for certain benefits and enhancements um but that's an example of front and first backend so full stack is doing both so full stack means you touch the front end you touch the back end you touch all parts of the technology stack that's what that means okay so solidity so if your back end or your full stack then solidity is gonna be a must or some people just call you a smart contract developer if that's all you do so solidity is the programming language that's used for creating ethereum smart contracts um so it's a returning complete programming language influenced by c plus plus python and javascript all right runs on the ethereum virtual machine the time recording this video and ethereum 1.0 it's statically typed it supports inheritance libraries um all that kind of stuff okay so uh there's plenty of tutorials on my youtube channel on this one about how to uh code smart contracts and solidity we'll get more into that in the step-by-step plan but you you know if you just want to check now you can go to my youtube home page and find any of those free courses there and that playlist okay um so solidity is going to be a must and even if you go work in something else even you start to be front end i highly recommend at least doing some tutorials and solidity just to understand how it works because if you're talking to the blockchain it's good to understand how smart contracts function uh because you're going to probably be interacting with them even if you are just a front-end developer in blockchain so uh next would be javascript all right and so javascript is used for creating user interfaces typically that's not the only thing but that's the primary thing it's for um so for example on this compound finance website javascript is responsible for all the interactivity on this website so you like you click this thing and this thing pops up all right javascript is responsible for doing that you click enable all right and then the enabling happens well javascript is responsible for that so all the interactivity all the buttons all the button actions all the animations on this website javascript is responsible for that so that's all front-end stuff but javascript has a ton of application on the back end as well uh so if you're a back-end developer you still want to learn javascript in the context of ethereum development because you use it for writing tests against the smart contracts so the smart contracts are written in solidity but most of the time people don't write the tests and solidity they write in something like javascript it's really good to write tests for your smart contracts to make sure that they're robust um you write scripts a lot of times in javascript that just interact with the blockchain they interact with your smart contracts if you're going to maintain the smart contracts in production or monitor them then javascript's really common for doing that if you're doing some sort of migration with blockchain data javascript's really popular for that so whether you're front-end back-end full stack javascript is probably the second most popular language for ethereum development all right so basically if you just like i want the core ethereum technology and the programming languages for that solidity and javascript will get you 99.9 percent of the way there okay so um if you're doing javascript development web3.js is a really popular library for talking to the ethereum blockchain all right react.js is also a really popular framework for building user interfaces so some people like vue or others but react is a very popular one so when i teach on this channel okay so even if you're just a back-end developer uh knowing summary act is still really good because at some point you'll probably have to build some sort of user interface to talk to smart contracts even if it doesn't look nice even if it's not super sophisticated and react is a really good way to do that okay so uh next a very common one is python so what why why would you need to know python we don't need to know it necessarily uh your job might require you to but to get started you don't have to have python um but people use python for lots of different reasons for creating back-ends um you can use you can use javascript on the backend within like node.js for example i forgot to mention that uh but python is really a backend language or a scripting language so sometimes people create uh you know servers that run help on their blockchain applications like uh with django or flask for example and python is the language that you would use to run those types of things uh web 3 has a python version which would be really good for you know creating blockchain applications all right so go uh is another popular language for like core development talking about developing actual blockchain infrastructure uh rust is another popular example of a back end sorry not back end a language used for core development and then also c plus plus so these top three languages uh would be the most common for like application developers and these bottom languages would be more for like core developers okay so that's the difference you know app developers are developing things people use core developers are more developing the infrastructure the stuff that the apps run on top of okay so for most people watching this video you want to focus on the first two maybe the first three um but unless you know you want to be a core developer um which that's gonna be a pretty small percentage of people watching this video then you wouldn't have to worry too much about these bottom three okay but if you do these are definitely some uh languages for you to check out so what does a blockchain developer do we've talked about a lot of different things in this video kind of peppered throughout looking at the job description talking about the programming languages but let's like codify it and look at a complete list okay so the first is creating smart contracts against this is the building blocks of blockchain based applications they're written in solidity deployed to ethereum okay so smart contract developer is probably the most common backend task for blockchain development talk about front end talking about back end smart contracts on the back end so now there is blockchain based websites so creating user interfaces that are deployed to the web that talk to smart contracts so again compound is an example of that all right and then uh next would be mobile applications that talk to blockchain so argent would be an example of that as well all right uh so blockchain back-ends so this would be like web servers that sort of enhance blockchain-based applications so uh maybe you have a web server that brings in cryptocurrency prices into your application uh or just acts as some sort of caching mechanism to read information from the blockchain to speed the app up um you might have a web server that powers that to like you know put a price on the page or something like that okay um that's how you might integrate a web server into a blockchain based application that doesn't take away from the blockchain nature of it but it just enhances it and improves it okay so the last would be like blockchain infrastructures this would be like creating a new blockchain or updating an existing blockchain and how it works or when i say updating i mean like uh fine-tuning it basically uh for the clients because blockchains run on nodes their clients can be updated and all that kind of stuff so those are the examples of different things blockchain developers do so one thing i want to talk about really quickly is that there are lots of different ways to make money with blockchain and this is one of the things i love most about this skill is you know we've seen how in demand it is it pays a lot higher than other fields simply because of supply and demand economics um there's lots of people that want blockchain developers relatively few people understand the technology makes the price compensation go up but the other big reason of different ways to make money you don't just have to get a job you don't have to be a freelancer you can do lots of other stuff that normal developers like web developers and mobile developers can't do all right so there's a lot of ways to earn passive income which is incredible okay uh so one of the most common ways is uh maybe not most common ways but one one popular way is with the trading bots okay so these are cryptocurrency trading bots that uh make money on autopilot so how do they work well they don't work like normal trading bots so you're not talking about trying to predict cryptocurrency prices like you might see like a bitcoin trading buff it's like oh bitcoin is going to go up a thousand dollars down a thousand dollars and i'm gonna trade it based on that or like you know ten dollars whatever um this is different it looks for price discrepancies on cryptocurrency exchanges so it's called arbitrage so you buy cryptocurrency like for a hundred dollars on one exchange and sell on a different exchange for 101 so that exploits uh or it takes advantage of price discrepancies right now and the cool thing about this you do this with smart contracts on the blockchain so the trades can't fail you can do arbitrage on a cryptocurrency exchange without blockchain you can just say like you know i'm gonna buy a here and sell here but the price might move on you and you might lose money on that trade so these bots can't lose money because they're created by smart contracts and you can actually code the smart contract to uh prevent that failure from happening all right if it doesn't if the trade's not successful then the transaction reverts okay the other cool thing about them is you can use flash loans okay let's put that here uh flash loans are how you can borrow millions of dollars in cryptocurrency with zero money down all right i've done lots of videos on my channel about these trading bots for flash loans you can search about them out of the master classes on them build my own trading bots um so basically flash loans are how you can borrow money for trading millions of dollars as long as you pay it back in the same transaction so when you see that cryptocurrency price discrepancy you can take out a loan do the arbitrage trade pay the loan back instantly um and make a profit from it okay you need to find these opportunities and that's part of the battle of building the bot but you can you know build a bot search these out use the flash loans create the smart contracts to do it all right so another way is uh with yield farming so uh like a really quick mention of this but like on the compound website um you know you can earn this three percent interest here but you can also earn extra interest with cop tokens so this is comp's own native cryptocurrency and uh you know that's called liquidity mining or yield farming but you can increase your exposure to this and earn even more percentage like 10 15 20 30 plus percent uh as a developer by creating your own smart contracts to hook into the compound protocol the master classes on this you can use flash loans to increase that exposure and do things you can't do through the compound website to earn extra passive income with that application all right so another way is by running blockchain infrastructure um so blockchain nodes so we're getting close we're so ethereum 2.0 time recording this video is launched in phase zero okay so that's if they're moving from proof of work to proof of stake in order to earn the passive income or as a validator um you know you have to set up a node to get that full profitability all right so having blockchain skills will help you with that of course you have to have 32 ether to stake which is a lot of money um but you can do other infrastructure tasks like you can run a chain link node so chain link is a external data provider for smart contracts okay and uh you know chain link once you become a validator on chain link then you earn a passive income reward for doing that well and chain validators are making thousands and thousands of dollars uh per day and per week right or per weekend per day i should say so that's another really great opportunity so these are things that you can do with blockchain other than just getting a job become a freelancer lots of passive income opportunities there's more but these are just some ones i want to bring up right now all right all right so let's talk about the libraries and frameworks you need to know if you want to build blockchain applications so you don't have to know everything on this list but i'm going to tell you a bunch of tools that you can use to accomplish whatever your goal you're trying to do whether it's just create smart contracts create a blockchain website create a mobile app with blockchain a backend you know whatever okay so let's go through these one by one uh so you know if you're going to create smart contracts um you need node.js installed on your computer uh so node is a way to run blockchain sorry it's a way to run javascript um outside your web browser javascript is made to run inside your web browser but if you want to run a javascript script on your computer you and ninja.js installed if you want to use javascript to create a backend web server or a mobile app or something like that then you need node.js installed because it's a runtime environment for job javascript outside your web browser which is where it's built to run initially okay so that's also going to give you npm which is a package manager so if you're importing any uh specific libraries into your app like web 3js for example you're going to install it with npm okay you can use yarn that's really another common one but for beginners i usually recommend npm it's just standard all right so that's going to come bundled with node.js there's nothing extra for you to do there so the next one is truffle so truffle is a framework for creating ethereum smart contracts all right it's the one that i use a lot on this channel um so it lets you write ethereum smart contracts with the solidity programming language it lets you write tests for the smart contracts inside of them it's got a test run that you can just run from the command line um it's got a script runner so you can run scripts against the blockchain uh you can code websites inside of truffle as well with a little bit of extra work um yeah truffle's awesome so if you're gonna if you're gonna create theorem smart contracts um i highly recommend you know checking out truffle so the next one is metamask all right so this is a mobile uh the same mobile it does have a mobile uh portion to it but uh it's an ethereum wallet so let me just pull it up right here on my screen so meta mask uh you can see this little fox icon up here in my right hand corner so i'm not logged in at the moment but basically if you want to use a blockchain based application you need metamask installed so a lot of browsers don't support blockchain connectivity out of the box that's what metamask does you can just go to google chrome web store search for metamask install it um you need to hold some cryptocurrency in your wallet that's what it's for too um metamask also has a mobile version so you can download on your phone uh and use blockchain apps that way store cryptocurrency that way send that around you can also just store cryptocurrency central metamask wallet send it around ethereum based cryptocurrencies okay so that's what metamask is that's what that's what it's for um you definitely need it on your computer if you're gonna develop blockchain based applications next is ganache so ganache is a development blockchain so if you want to download a blockchain or computer uh so that you don't have to risk you know real cryptocurrency uh then that's what ganache does so you can download it turn it on it's gonna give you a bunch of accounts for free it's gonna give you a bunch of cryptocurrency in those wallets it's not worth anything in the real world just fake cryptocurrency but uh this lets you you know have a throwaway blockchain that you can try things out on and because the alternative is either uh you know using a test network which you can also do um takes more time and it's a little more intensive but the the really the worst alternative is just testing things out on a live blockchain with ethereum for example where you just like spend money and hope things work right uh i've done this a lot sometimes you actually have to do that in blockchain development i'm spent thousands and thousands of thousands of dollars testing things out on live blockchains and having to go back to the drawing board so trust me if we didn't have these development blockchains it'd be way more painful so that's that's what ganache does all right so next is uh web3.js so uh just like your web browser does not support connection to the blockchain out of the box uh websites won't support connection to the blockchain of the box so if you see like uh you know the compound finance example we looked at several times in this video if you want an application like that to talk to the blockchain you have to connect to it and that's really what web3.js does okay so you it allows your application to connect to ethereum um it's a javascript libraries if you're creating a user interface that connects to ethereum web3.js is one of the most popular ways to do that there's an alternative to web3.js there's also ethers js lots of developers use this too all right so you can check that out as an alternative to web3 web3 is the one i use the most on this channel i've done some videos by ether as well so next is react.js so this is if you want to create a user interface like a website for example so there's nothing blockchain specific about react it's just really common in the ethereum ecosystem that's one of the reasons that i focus on it i've got a lot of experience with react lots of other developers use it develop some user interfaces for smart contracts uh it's very standard very very very standard there's alternatives like vue uh but if you just want an opinionated no thinking answer then react is a really good way to go okay someone teach on this channel teachings on the blockchain bootcamp um yeah it's really great so next would be if you want to create some sort of like server side process um create some sort of backend that talks to the blockchain for some you know improvement maybe an api that pulls data from the blockchain and serves that up to other users uh express.js is an example so say you just learned javascript um then you can use express so let's see here i think this is i'm losing it here express so express is just a library npm package that lets you run a server with javascript okay um so that's if you know javascript if you know python and you want to do a python backend uh you can look at flask okay so this is a pretty lightweight development framework i mean it can be very robust if it's you have to configure a lot of stuff so flask is a way to build back ends with python python is also a pretty popular programming language blockchain it has a web3 the python version okay which you can integrate into your flask application if you want to um if you like django that's another uh popular back-end development framework for python uh it's also like full stack it supports views out of the box and stuff like that it's more opinionated almost kind of like ruby on rails-esque more so than flask is all right so the last thing is if you want to build um mobile apps and you want to just use the technologies you want to use the programming languages you already know well you can build mobile apps with javascript you can use something like react native all right and expo so you can just like learn javascript use it to build a blockchain websites you can use it to test your smart contracts and then you can use it to build mobile apps with expo all right you can just import like web3.js into an expo application i've done this on projects where you build a mobile app you connect to the blockchain and uh yeah you do not learn in you know any new programming languages to do that all right so let's talk about some different developer setups like if you're gonna get started on this like what you know um how can you do it there's two different ways the first way is just directly inside your web browser so this is the easiest way to get started um and you can just use something called remix okay so remix is an online blockchain ide you have to install anything on your computer get started you can go in here and create a new file to write code and solidity you can compile that code uh directly in your web browser then you can just click point and click and put it on a blockchain you don't even have to have meta mask install to do it you can just do everything inside your browser okay there's a pretend blockchain behind the scenes uh that runs on remix okay that's the easiest way to get started um you won't be able to really build a full application in here you'll just be able to create smart contracts so sometimes a little abstract you're like okay i created this smart contract and it does this thing but i don't know like i don't know what i can't see anything that's the downside uh but if you just want to get started really fast really easily and create smart contracts that's how you do it um i've got a video here that you can check out my youtube channel it's called master solidity for blockchain step by step that'll show you how to use remix create smart contracts learn solidity from scratch inside your browser that way all right so the other way is basically to create um an entire setup on your computer so that's that's what you ultimately want to do if you're going to become like a real blockchain developer so basically you got to download node.js on your computer with your terminal all right you have to uh install truffle on your computer right to create your smart contracts uh you want some sort of text editor like sublime text or vs code right you install ganache on your computer and put all these things together so that you can uh create an application that way that that's what you ultimately want to get to and the the best way i think probably is to just start there but if you like just starting with the easiest possible thing then you could do it directly in your browser um i want to point you to a tutorial that will help you do all that stuff so if you google or get on youtube and look for blockchain tutorial for beginners this is my video all right we're actually going to build this application right here step by step i'll show you how to set up everything on your computer install it uh create this app this is a defy app it's a a token farm where you'll create a cryptocurrency all right you'll stake it into this application and it'll start earning like a passive income reward a staking reward for doing that okay so inside there i should have built this defy app i'll show you how to set it up on your computer how to uh you know do all that stuff so that you can graduate from just in browser development to full stack you know uh local development on your computer all right so now let's talk about the step-by-step plan on how to become a blockchain developer so whether you're like brand new you don't know anything about programming or like you're a developer already and you want to transition into blockchain um this is a pretty good outline for both people now if you're already developer you're of course going to be able to do this a lot faster than somebody who's brand new no experience but the track is basically the same all right so uh let's talk about that is so you know if you're already from like someone familiar with blockchain and you've already like played around with it you might be able to skip a few of these preliminary steps uh but let's just start there all right in case you might have missed something so the first thing is to set up a blockchain wallet okay so that's this meta mask wallet right here okay so um it's all metamask on your computer just understand like what is a wallet what does it do it holds cryptocurrency learn how it works understand that like you know the cryptocurrency actually isn't stored in your wallet it's stored on the blockchain and that you know you you authorize the blockchain to spend the money whenever you sign the transactions and things like that so you want to just like store some cryptocurrency in the wallet uh send it around see what it looks like to send cryptocurrency inside of a wallet so the cool thing is you don't have to do this with real money all right you can just use a test network uh so like you can just look up like the rinka b test network all right something like that let me just pull it up here i'll see let's do it here so if you go like rinka uh this is a this is a blockchain explorer that looks at the blockchain so you can look for a rinkaby faucet get some fake cryptocurrency and just send it around inside your wallet like that that'd be the fastest and easiest way to do it without risking any real money so if you want to do it with real money you can do this small amount of money so you can go to a website like uh coinbase okay so coinbase is uh a way to buy cryptocurrency so you can buy and sell different cryptocurrencies on here with like a debit card um but i would recommend buying some ether so ethereum cryptocurrency sending it to your metamask wallet on the ethereum mainnet you have to do a lot you can do five dollars or something like that um and just you know see how it works see what it looks like so that that's the first step is really just getting used to cryptocurrency seeing what that's like before you try to build an application because once you build the apps you have to use cryptocurrency to do it to pay the gas fees etc etc to build defy apps so you want you want to get the basic understanding of what it's like to even use a blockchain look at a transaction look at a transaction receipt on ether scan and all that kind of stuff okay so the next thing um would be to do some sort of step-by-step tutorial all right so this is going to be where you jump in and you get exposed to the frameworks the libraries the programming languages everything okay the best way is to learn by doing to have a goal in mind i want to become a blockchain developer and you break that down into a lesser goal which is i just want to build an app and that breaks down into smaller goals of i need to learn the programming languages to build this app and then to a smaller goal of i need to learn this concept to make this programming language do this thing all right so it's the fastest way to learn the most efficient way to learn it's how i it's how i teach on this channel so you can just do the uh tutorial like this uh blockchain tour for beginners build a defy app it'll show you all those libraries and programming languages you'll learn about solidity javascript truffle ganache web3js ethereum react.js d5 cryptocurrency tokens staking everything will you'll learn it all in this app okay just by doing it um so that's the next step all right is is basically once you've used cryptocurrency jump in and start building a step-by-step tutorial that will teach you um all these fundamentals okay it's it's better to learn that way than be like here's a list of programming languages go study those programming languages then learn how to like create something those programming languages and then learn how to connect it to a real app and then like then that that takes way too long and honestly it's a worse way to learn because you won't have context like if i teach you a bunch of programming languages without teasing like what those programming languages can do then uh [Music] it won't click okay he lives in there staring at code and you won't know what the code is supposed to do but if you see the code demonstrated on screen and be like this code does this and then like learn how this code works and then you'll learn the abcs of that programming language when you see the explanation of how that code works it's so much faster so so so much faster right because you have purpose you have a reason you want to learn something and you have context right so context and and purpose are huge and uh basically building things learning by doing accomplishes all that same time right so um the the tutorials that i put on this channel um then like you know this dab so sorry before i get to that point the thing i would say the caveat here is at some point you do want to get the in-depth aspect of the programming languages so like when you go through tutorial like this you'll learn the basics right you'll learn the basics of how to get something working now you will at some point want to go learn more in-depth nuances of the programming language but it's better to do that after you've learned the basics by building something because you get so much knowledge so much context and then you can go like learn the uh specifics of a programming language and that's like a good example of what this master solidity series is for so like once you've learned the fundamentals by building an app then maybe it makes sense to go like learn the intricacies and the nuance and like sort of the the dictionary way of doing things like learn everything about arrays and learn everything about you know loops and conditionals and uh you know inheritance all that kind of stuff maybe do that after you build build a basic app first okay that's what i would say so um yeah so the step-by-step tutorials mostly up on this channel are really tutorials they're they're designed to be to teach you the basics to get you started introduce the technologies so the next one would be to build a real world tutorial um so this is a lot like what i do inside the blockchain bootcamp i teach you how to build a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that uh works like you would build like like an app that you had built at a job so it has more advanced features uh you it's secure like like so basically you could you could use it um a re you could deploy live to a blockchain right now real people could use it and it would have a real use case it's built built to that level okay that's the next step after you've done a tutorial on the basics you want to jump up and build a real world tutorial like a much more in-depth like expert level type of thing or someone's guiding you through that so that's the next step after you do a step-by-step sort of introductory tutorial i would say so both of these things will be guided someone's showing you on screen how to do it you're learning um the skills as someone's holding your hands through the entire process that's a great way to learn hand holding is great when you're brand new and have no idea what's going on whether you're a programmer already or not but you eventually want to graduate from hand-holding because this is how you're gonna develop the functional skill of actually programming and actually learning to write code that solves problems and that's unguided development okay so how do you graduate from guided tutorials to unguided development well it basically looks like this so come up with something that you want to build and think about how do i use blockchain to build this all right you'll have to solve the problem in your head and then you'll have to break down that problem into the code that implements it so what's an example there are two ways to do it you can build something brand new from scratch okay you could say hey i want to build a a d you so so you could build something from scratch or you could take something that exists now and just add features on it okay so let's start off with the buildings from scratch you could the easiest way is to build something very similar to something that already exists so like you could say i want to build a decentralized bank where people can earn interest on their cryptocurrency they can they can deposit and then also borrow on the other side a lot like the compound finance app so you say okay i want to build that so what do i need to build that well i need smart contracts the smart contracts have to uh deposit cryptocurrency so what do i need to know in order to do that the smart contracts also have to be able to uh borrow cryptocurrency on the other side or let users borrow the cryptocurrency so what do i need to know to make that happen you can research these things find those answers and then that gets down the nuts and bolts of how do i write the code to make that happen so here's where you know your learning really comes alive you're going to run into walls okay you're going to get frustrated you're going to want to throw your computer out the window but that's where you acquire the hard one knowledge that makes you a good developer because the the hard truth is you're going to face that in your career at some point so it's better to go ahead and face it now because that's going to give you solid orientation to what your life is going to be like whenever you become a developer okay a professional developer so uh it's when you get forced in those moments of having to figure out things you don't know how to do where you really grow you really learn and that's what's gonna make you a pro developer right and that's what you do by unguided development okay so i said that that that's like when you can build something from scratch based on something else that you already know about because then you can just write sometimes you could copy a little bit of their code or copy their solution uh to kind of cheat a little bit but that'll still it's still better than just doing a straight up tutorial okay so the harder way is basically invent something that doesn't exist and then coding it but that might be a little challenging if you're just starting out but if you've been doing multiple tutorials maybe that's a good next step okay so another the easiest way to go from real world tutorials to unguided development is just to build features on top of uh existing tutorials basically take an existing tutorial and then take it to the next step so let's say like you know this dap token farm uh if you want to build out your skills you could say well i want to add some more code to the smart contract that like uh implements a lock up period for staking maybe they have to stake for a year before they earn rewards or something like that okay you can just try to figure out okay how do i write the code to make up make people like keep their money in this app for a year and lock it up before they can withdraw their staking rewards that's the kind of thing you think through and then you you you invent the code that does that you implement it and that's how you go from real world tutorial to ungotta development that's how you create those real functional uh skills problem solving skills uh meta skills if you will that make developers value okay make them valuable all right so um once you're doing unguided development um and you've built you you basically want to take your unguided development and uh polish it off like make it look nice and include it into a portfolio because if you uh want to land a job you need to communicate that you have the skills and your portfolio is the best way to do this so you can just create a portfolio website that gives you a presence that tells people who you are what you can do you can basically make your resume on the same place uh it's a really good way to stand out so that your resume doesn't get lost in your employer's inbox uh it shows that you've also gone the extra mile to present yourself uh you can see plenty of examples here people just like you know market themselves they pitch themselves they say hey it warms it warms the person up so they pre-qual you pre-qualify yourself before you have a conversation with somebody about getting a job it's a huge huge huge uh advantage okay so but when you when you create your portfolio and your resume website you want to put your project that you've done inside of there and that's exactly what this uh unguided development is great for so if you build something from scratch or you take an existing tutorial and you build on top of it you want to polish it off so that it looks nice and so that you can put some screenshots of it inside your web portfolio website that people can click through and actually use the application maybe it's on a test network maybe you could do a video demo of you talking about the application and showing it on screen um you would definitely want to open source the code on github so if you have a technical uh hiring manager they can look at the code that you've written and see which the quality of work is like so that's all the kind of stuff you want to do so once you've done the unguided development you want to polish it off complete it really like go for the throat and flesh it out put in your portfolio uh you know so that you can advertise yourself when you're trying to market yourself to become a blockchain developer and get a job so the next thing is like you start applying for jobs so there's lots of different ways to do this you can look at any of the job posting websites that i talked about before you can get on reddit all right let me just pull up some of these resources so like uh like uh let's see here so i'll just pull these up off screen i'll put them back on here uh there's lots of different ways to look for blockchain jobs so you know like uh let's see reddit even has like a huge sticky thread for 2020 i probably have one for 2021 by the time this video goes out um about who's hiring you can post your own credentials on top of there right this is a great place for you to add your portfolio so you can stand out that's sort of the offensive strategy you can also just like create a social media account for yourself and interact with people at other blockchain companies over social media on github all that kind of stuff uh you can go to meetups it's kind of hard right now for a lot of people but uh there's lots of ways that you can apply for jobs i create a lot more videos on this channel about like doing that so i highly recommend checking those out for sure um but there's so many ways you can do it you can look them up online you can network in person you can network online but having that portfolio is gonna be key because it shows people what you can do it pre-qualifies you um yeah and so some people ask me like when should you apply for jobs so my um short answer i i lean towards basically as fast as possible um not too fast like you don't want to do one tutorial probably and then go apply for a job although some people could do that um but once you've done some unguided development you definitely want to do a tutorial you want to do something guy development you want to have a portfolio first you do all these steps but once you have that i would apply for some jobs okay so you may not get a job right away but but but but but you'll get something incredibly valuable you'll get feedback about what the employer is actually looking for and how your skills stack up to what they're looking for okay so uh that can be painful because rejection is always painful but if you get that feedback it just tells you what you need to work on you'll get a really clear idea of where your skills line up and what you need to improve because what you don't want to do is spend like years coding in the wrong direction right you don't want to assume that you need to do something um and be focused on the wrong things and waste all that time so the faster you apply for a job let's say you don't get it you get that feedback about what you need to do to improve and maybe you could improve that in a matter of months and actually get a job rather than trying to just wait too long okay so uh yeah you definitely want to start applying for jobs soon uh but let's say your skills are up to par and you know you land that job all right and so uh yeah you definitely land that job you celebrate like crazy and if you watch this video you go through all these steps you end up laying that job make sure you shoot an email to gregory let me know i always love to hear the success stories of people who have done that now you can go to my youtube homepage and see the playlist there student success stories it'll tell you about people who have gotten their first blockchain job uh from after doing the blockchain bootcamp after watching these youtube videos i've had students get their first blockchain job in a matter of months i think two months has been the fastest that i've that i've seen uh from the students who've gone through those programs but yeah that's the road map that's how you go from point a to point z whether you're a brand new developer or your you know has some development experience already and want to transition into blockchain all right so let's talk about some frequently asked questions that i get all the time okay so i've answered a lot of faqs throughout this video but i'm going to say two of the most common ones and probably the most important ones uh for the end of the video because i get these weekly i get these multiple times per week okay so the first one is how long does it take to become a blockchain developer so um it really depends it depends on lots of things like where you're starting from um you know do you have any coding background um you know do how much time do you have to study blockchain development okay um so i'll give you a few different pieces of advice here or a few different possibilities so first of all there's no guarantee on any of this stuff you know you could take some people way longer could say some people really could be really fast for different reasons doesn't mean you're smarter than somebody else or not as smart as somebody else there's lots of different factors okay um so the the dead simple answer um that i would say if you want a really general round number for somebody with no coding experience um i would just say having a goal i think a goal is better than an answer right so there's no definitive answer in how long it's going to take you personally to accomplish this goal but i think having a goal is key so if you're brand new to coding you've never coded before you want to get into blockchain you want to get a job i would set a goal of one year all right now you could do it way faster than that you could do it way longer than that okay um so you need to revisit that roadmap i talked about about doing all those steps um i've had people go through the blockchain bootcamp and get their first blockchain developer job in two months that's the fastest that i've personally seen it happen from somebody who's new okay um they got an entry level job okay you can go check out the video my youtube home page go to the student success stories i think it's called how to get a blockchain developer job in two months um you'll see the story about how you did that get some insight okay um i would set a goal of a year because it it's good for you to have a goal even if it takes you longer you want to have a goal in mind because not having a goal means you're just going to take too long work tip tends to take the amount of time that you give it so if you give yourself a year it's way more likely that you'll hit that goal within that time frame than it taking like two to five years or something like that which it really really shouldn't if you're consistently applying yourself all right but it might even if it does take two to five years and unless say in two to five years you dramatically improve your financial situation over the long term do you care that it took two to five years on the on the big picture on the grand scheme of things you might not all right so um if you want a faster more conservative estimate let's say you're a student and like you've got an entire summer to work on this or like you just graduated college you got some extra time maybe you have a part-time job maybe you should have no job for whatever reason let's say you have a ton of time available to you it's very conceivable that you could do this in six months or less okay um i mean when i yeah yeah when i started programming um you know i was able to get my skills to professional level in about six months i was working on it a lot every single day that's key you want to spend a lot of time doing that if you want to do it faster but blockchain is not that different from other fields and what in the amount of times it would take to learn it doesn't necessarily take longer than general web development it may be a little bit longer because of the diverse types of technology you have to learn but i think to become minimally viable you could you can still do it relatively fast i mean there you can i mean i've talked about people who have done it i've helped people do it okay so um that's what i'd say about how long it takes so you need to ask yourself like how much time can you devote to doing it can you spend an hour per day can you spend two hours per day can you spend one hour per week i mean yeah you got to fear a lot of that stuff and kind of gauge your timeline so um another thing is people ask me all the time should i learn blockchain first or should i learn a bunch of other programming languages first and then focus in blockchain so if blockchain development is your ultimate goal then start with blockchain all right so start with a thing you actually want to learn um and then learn everything else as you go so what would that look like well the easiest way is to basically create a blockchain application just like i talked about inside these tutorials okay inside the blockchain bootcamp basically learn how to build a blockchain application because you're going to learn all the blockchain cons you're learning by doing you're learning how blockchain works you're learning the programming languages everything as you go you're learning blockchain and then let's say as you become more sophisticated developer people want you to learn how to develop you know be better at the web development side of things will you learn that on top of your blockchain skills or like you want to learn mobile development with blockchain well learn the mobile development on top of blockchain because ultimately you're specializing in these blockchain skills you want to start with your specialty because that's going to be faster over the long term than like starting off with something else and then like trying to specialize in blockchain you can do it that way but it's much faster to learn learn blockchain first okay that's what i would say all right so those are the frequently asked questions that i got get all the time and um yeah that's it i'm gonna stop the video there for today everybody so i really hope that you like this video um you know as always smash that like button down below subscribe to this channel that's the only thing i ask in return for like putting in you know all the time that it takes to make a video like this uh bookmark this video come back share it um you know live by this stuff if if this is your if this is your goal to become a blockchain developer against one of the highest paid fields in tech right now there's lots of different ways to earn money with blockchain it's we're on the ground floor of a brand new exciting technology that has the potential to really change how people use the internet all right that's one of the biggest reasons i'm here um go check out the tutorials that i've talked about in this video uh you know this this deepvi app tutorial for beginners uh the solidity tutorial check out that step-by-step plan you know build that stuff go do your unguided tutorial and if you like those videos and you want to start leveling up and build a real world defy app real world blockchain app uh then i can show you how to do that inside the blockchain bootcamp all right step by step from start to finish create a build a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange um powered by smart contracts it's a real world application we've even got a section in there on how to integrate with chain link to do like real world stuff with the blockchain um so this is this is the fastest way to really level up your skills and build a professional of a project that you can use for your portfolio you can customize it all that kind of stuff so you know i've helped people with zero programming experience become real world blockchain developers with the bootcamp uh let's talk about the the student who got their first blockchain developer job in two months all right after doing the boot camp so you can check out that video uh i've referenced several times in here just go to my youtube homepage uh look for the student success stories and find that video on how to get your first blockchain developer job in two months he did that after doing the bootcamp so this stuff works all right there's lots of people out there uh who are even hiring beginner blockchain developers i know you've seen like some senior positions all that kind of stuff but people are definitely hiring new people all right um i've seen it i've hired new people myself personally or i hire i hire developers so it definitely is out there so again i hope you like this video um bookmark this come back watch it share it like this video subscribe thanks again and until next time thanks for watching dab university
Channel: Dapp University
Views: 391,316
Rating: 4.9502244 out of 5
Keywords: ethereum developer, ethereum solidity, dapp ethereum, ethereum app, ethereum development, ethereum dapps, ethereum application, ethereum tutorial, ethereum mist, decentralized applications, ethereum web3, dapp, ethereum contracts, solidity, programming ethereum, ethereum programming language, ethereum coding, ethereum contract, ethereum code, ethereum virtual machine, ico
Id: OwSl2xwl2-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 21sec (5301 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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