How to Become a Better Fighter FAST

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how to become a better fighter in fortnite honestly I've been trying to figure out a way to put this in a video for a while and I think I figured this out beginners for the most part they struggle with remembering their binds these type of people they struggle with trying to get better because they simply just don't have enough play time yet mid-tier players they struggle with speed so they'll be fighting people in normal games they know their binds but they don't know them well enough to do it correctly in the game at a fast speed so when they fight people they struggle in that area and they probably die because of that now the next level of players kind of the upper class they struggle with strategy I would say even me I'm in this class you guys see me fight before it's not like I'm a lost dog but I can mess up sometimes I know how to edit build peace control but in certain situations it could be like this type of player lacks IQ figure out where in the spectrum that you belong in because it will kind of give you a better idea about what to practice when you get on fortnite this video I'm gonna break down how you can become a better fighter in all areas of fortnite but not really showing you specific fights and telling you what I would do in this situation in this situation that video I just posted on my main Channel which is this one right here so pretty much what I'm gonna do is kind of go through a week in the life of what someone should do if they want to get better at the game mechanically and strategically the fastest way possible keep in mind I got some time stamps down below when me and jivan were grinding a lot at the beginning of season two we followed this exact routine and we did it almost together for the most part but we just did it at different times and I managed to earn twice last season but I mean in solos it's not like we were fighting a crazy amount but I can definitely feel like I got better at the game because I was able to do that first up let me introduce you to my first ever published map which goes along with this video it's called speed realistics no matter what tier of player you think you are you can head into this map there's no waiting you get right into fighting scenarios and one of you guys are forced to play defense this is like a super realistic map where you get thrown into like a real fighting scenario where one of you guys are boxed up and the other one is trying to take a walk but it's in an open environment here's the code check it out I'm gonna be listening to feedback so I'm gonna constantly make updates I'm gonna know what you think the number one mental tip I need to give you at the start here you do not need to have a Duo to get better at the game yeah it can make things easier and I'm not gonna lie when you could just mindlessly practice together but when you get on as a solo you can focus way more of your time in doing one particular thing the only thing I find a Duo really useful for is you guys can pull together like VOD review some of your games you could figure out from a different set of eyes what you struggle at so that way you can kind of practice something new when Javen and I used to play Duos together we would always tell each other what we'd need to work on and it makes getting better a whole lot easier when you have someone like that but you don't really need it it's just a helpful thing the first thing you should do when you get to your desk is to hop on some sort of aim trainer whether you're on controller or not it doesn't matter I think I have around 200 hours on Kovacs right now and I remember specifically when I didn't even have Kovacs downloaded yet my Crosshair placement and I didn't even realize it it just felt so trash when I didn't even aim train every day I got on some sort of aim training map you could do it in Creative too those definitely aren't the best game Labs is free Kovacs you have to pay ten dollars for I'm sure you guys heard that story spending 20 minutes a day before you actually get on the game is a huge deal now I know this tip is pretty generic but let me fill you in on something else really quickly for the mouse and keyboard players make sure you have a good mouse pad if you play on a crappy cheap mouse pad I'm telling you it makes a huge difference if you could afford it definitely do it trust me on that you're gonna have to do some research on which one's a good mouse pad but I know that Artisan Heinz is a company that makes them and they make really good ones let's say you do all that the next thing you want to do is be a damn good tarper arping in fortnite is literally the key to getting better at fighting now I know it sounds stupid but if you don't know how to tarp away when you get cracked or block certain angles while you're trying to fight someone it is almost next to impossible to be good all the time I'm gonna hop in the creative real quick I'm gonna show you some of the different tarps that I use that way you know what you can practice okay so tarping no matter what level you're at you need to work on doing this tarp right here a full tarp it starts out with just floors up down and then I individually Place each wall this is what it would look like if I drag it it would go with the wall in front of me I don't want that all I want is floor floor wall wall or forward wall wall and then I run now the reason I'm saying to practice this tarp is because let's say you're boxed up like this you get crack you need to learn how to tarp away this is where it takes that last tarp and gets a little bit more complicated so in fast motion you see me do this all the time I go like this and whenever I get cracked sometimes I'll come over here create another box but it all starts out with doing floor floor and then wall left right and then as you walk forward you want to place the stair you don't want to place that too soon so again I always place the front wall first I don't know why but as I walk forward I'll place the stair and just wrap this motion out now you'll notice if I'm learning what I do is I walk a little bit pause Place walls then walk forward and place the stair I'm not gonna lie even me now whenever I do this sometimes I play some extra builds around like right there that's fine next up know some damn retakes I have an entire video of like 20 different retakes from like beginner to Pro this is the video right here but for the sake of the video I'm gonna showcase two or three right now okay so I have no idea how good the people are that are watching this video so I'm gonna do a basic one and a more advanced one kind of like a really difficult one the most useful one that I use all the time is literally coming up like this walls stairs going around like that over and over and over and if I want to I can do it from the other side really quick when you do this you place the stair I like to run on the edge so that way I can come in and do a quick classic like that or when I do this I come here I could do a window edit shot reset come in well piece down below maybe you know there's a million different things to do from this spot right here as you can see you could place that cone come up the other one that I practice a lot that if you're not that good at editing is going to be really difficult so be aware all it is is that I literally just come here and triple edit a million times in a row so sometimes when I want to get really fancy I'll do a normal one like this and then I'll do two tiles one tile place the wall behind me and then edit behind me so this is really useful when you're trying to piece control someone behind you just like that when I want to turn around that's a retake that I've been learning recently that's definitely a little bit more difficult as you're practicing all these different type of things just free build for a little bit spend some time getting comfortable just freestyling anything you think of but make sure when you do it you be consistent as possible so you're not messing up that's something I do every single time I free build just trying to do a long streak of edit courses and random builds and seeing how far I can keep that up the most important part obviously if you want to be a better fighter you're going to head into 1v1 now of course you should use this map I created this specifically for me because I can never fight someone in a realistic realistic setting in creative I feel like every time I went into a normal realistic map it would just be cranking to the sky and this is completely different because you're literally thrown on top of someone's box so that guy is forced to box up how it works it's a big open map one player spawns on the ground here this guy has about five seconds to create a box meanwhile the player above him on height here he has three seconds before he gets launched on top of the box so the person down below is forced to be in the box and the person on top is forced to play offense that way you guys can't really shoot each other before you land now this is really good for both people this is exactly how a normal cash cup fight is probably gonna start it's perfect for the guy up top because what happens is when he comes down on this box you have to learn how to suffocate people and keep the pressure up some people when they get in this position they have no idea what to do I'll show you a little bit about how to get that started when someone's in a box like this the first thing I do is block off their exits with double edits without even knowing it this forces them to think twice about where they're gonna go because they can easily get peace after I do that I can either go for a top or I can try and take a wall right here and this is an insanely good way to keep pressure up on someone especially in tournaments I've watched a decent amount of pros this is the reason why I made it just like this is because whenever I would die it would be a situation just like that now remember as you play and as you're doing these 1v1s the goal is to warm up your mechs warm up your builds but you want to go slow if you don't necessarily know what you're doing 1v1s is all about not making the mistake first let the opponent do something stupid and you just keep that pressure up as best you can next up is where you put your skills to the test play rank but remember that sometimes I mean in the current state of fortnight there's not a lot of movement so that means that you're going to be spending a lot of time walking around so don't get me wrong it's really good to play the real mode but if you're a person that doesn't have a lot of time to grind on the game it's probably not the best use of your time it just sucks because you wait so long to find people once you leave your POI but that's the current state of fortnite it could be different later on figures since this is a fighting video I might as well cover quickly the loadout that I use now when I play ranked the flapjack rifle I usually will pick it up if it's a purple or better but I'm not gonna lie the combat SMG and even the normal SMG it puts in work I have to say probably my second favorite gun next to the Mythic Flapjack rifle is the Mythic pistol this thing you get in the augment is one of the best keying weapons with that said of course I'm gonna be using the Havoc shotgun almost every single time I'm gonna be picking up that pump but it really will come down to the Rarity the Mythic drum gun it hits like a damn truck don't get me wrong and it breaks through builds hella fast but if I see a gold pump I'm not gonna lie with you I'm probably gonna use that instead call me crazy I don't know but that's what I do anyway besides that I don't use the kinetic blade I just hold three heels when there's some sort of movement I'll drop one of my heel slots for that let's move on to something different tournament days first off you need to make sure that you're playing every damn tournament this is the number one way to get better at the game that tournament pressure in fights it hits different it really makes you think about what you're doing and it will quickly show you what you need to improve at set up a game plan figure out where you want to land how you can get the best drop there figure out your loot Route 2 once you hit the ground I play every single Duo cash cup solo cash cup to zero builds I don't Focus too much on at the moment but let's say after the tournament make sure you take a damn break get off relax most of the tournaments are played towards the end of the day anyway so you should probably just go to sleep not even gonna lie but the most important part to becoming a better fighter is to know how much you're playing in a given day after a while of being on the game there's gonna be a point in time where you notice you're just lacking or making dumb mistakes that's usually about the time you want to get off or if you're me it's when you start to get overly triggered so you take a quick break go get something to eat you know go outside touch some grass come back an hour or two later and then play some more the following day you need to make sure you're doing the same thing you start up you're doing the whole video over again Kovacs tarping free builds 1v1's in Creative rank mode or if it's tournament day you you do that grind your Crosshair placement one thing I want to stress real quick before I end this video optimal equipment lots of people are in a position where they can't just drop bread on the best things to get better at the game but I'm not going to sugarcoat it I'm gonna tell you how it is if you're really interested at getting better you will be surprised how much a better mouse mouse pad maybe even a controller with paddles I don't even know but all I'm saying is if you were on the fence about buying something new just send it because it's gonna be better when I first started playing fortnite I had a keyboard that was around 60 80 bucks and I thought it was fire then eventually I upgraded and I'm using the wooding 60he now it's almost double the price but I noticed a massive difference in my gameplay same thing with my mouse pad when I started I bought this 10 one off Amazon and then when I tried out one of the Artesian hind ones which is like 150 I think or 110. it felt so different to play fortnite in a good way all the routine come back in a week or two let me know how it is I will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: KenBeans
Views: 418,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pro player, fortnite tips and tricks, fortnite tutorial, fortnite guide, best fortnite tips, fortnite improve, pro, fortnite, tips, fortnite battle royale, guide, fortnite gameplay, fortnite how to fight, how to get better at fighting, fighting, fighting tips, fortnite fighting tips, how to fight in fortnite, best way to fight, fight, fortnite w key, how to fight players, fortnite how to, how to fight in fortnite ranked, ranked, build mode, best, better, improve, fast, improve fast
Id: pZIoaB282AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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