How To ACTUALLY Fight in Fortnite - The 7 Fundamentals

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being a good fighter can be boiled down to seven subcategories if you understand and master all seven you'll be unstoppable in fights the problem a lot of players phas is that they Master three or four fighting subcategories but not all seven so today I'll give you a fully structured video on all seven aspects so you can practice upon the correct fundamentals practicing without the right fundamentals will cause you to quickly hit a skill cap and this is what happens to a lot of players videos like these take an unhealthy amount of time to produce so if you enjoy them consider consider using Code Mar TM in the fortnite item shop as well as dropping a like once we hit 1,000 users I'll post daily for 7 days straight and if you saw I manage to get 2,000 users I'll do a full month of daily uploads just like this one we're currently sitting at 440 users which is seriously incredible such a small thing as putting in the code really goes a massive way for me so thank you to everyone who has put in the code fighting fundamental and number one is aggression when you're the player applying pressure and the opponent is the one playing defensively now the reason we need to start with this fundamental is because mastering it allows us not only to more easily execute fights but it also drastically lowers the time you are fighting if you play aggressively at a high level starting a fight off you always want to try and get as hard entry tags as possible already here a lot of people make a few major mistakes they do a bad Peak to go for AR tags they use their shotgun when they should use their AR or they simply miss out on opportunities for entry tags because their awareness is on their builds and edits and not the opponent there about to fight the biggest mistake when it comes to entry tags however is using the wrong gun to get the first tags in a fight you see the vast majority of players react to getting hit whether that be getting hit for seven damage with a shotgun or 90 damage with an AR so even if your shotgun is in your hand and you can get an okay shotgun shot off starting a fight it's often better to swap to your AR and then shoot wasting a shotgun shot for like 20 damage is a massive red flag when it comes to fighting some good players however do react to you going for opening tags just by looking at you they understand instantly whether the starting trade is worth it or not but this is very rarely most opponents you'll meet in a cash cup will attempt to trade with you for some entry tags how you respond to the damage you do is also incredibly important when it comes to mastering aggression a lot of lower tier players play the exact same way whether they tag someone for 30 70 or 150 damage but this can cause you to get sent back to the lobby as the players you're facing will respond to your aggression extremely differently depending on their health a rule of thumb is to play slowly and reactively if you're not able to crack your opponent when going for entry tags the less you tag your opponent the slower you should play because chances are very high that he will make a counterplay to your aggression if you crack someone with getting the initial tags getting right in the box if possible is more often than not the best play you can go for especially considering even a green pump does over 100 damage to the body and you'll be able to eliminate the opposition easy as that however being aware and seeing how your opponent is reacting will always be your best security to succeeding aggressively occasionally you have to play from Save Peaks when fighting aggressively this is especially typical in dual tournaments when you are in higher ELO lobbies fighting for something like a cash or Island the two best aggressive setups you can make to safely pressure your opponents are the two I'm about to show in the background footage the first one is diagonal pressuring it's really really good if you know your teammate is on the other side of the boxes your opponents have made and applying pressure it makes your enemies stress and often forces a mistake you can capitalize off get an elim the second is playing from above playing from above is very good not only because you have high ground but also because you get the most awareness possible from this position meaning if your opponents try to make space which they very often do you can pece control their exits in advance and get an easy elim another massive flaw a lot of players make is reloading when they have a lot of bullets left when you're playing aggressively and have the Health Advantage you need to try to stop your opponent from healing a major mistake people make is reloading their SMG or ar when they have like 10 or 15 bullets remaining naturally there are times where you have time to reload your gun but reloading at the wrong time can very often cause the fire in To become much more difficult using a few bullets to apply pressure to your opponent's wall then pickaxing then using a few more bullets is a very effective way to apply constant pressure using all your bullets instantly or reloading on 10 or 15 bullets after you've tagged someone hard is a big no no as you're giving them a free pass to get some minis off or even a slurp being good at facing builds is another highly effective skill to force out mistakes in your opponents when playing aggressively if you pickax a wall break it get a stair or cone in the Box your opponent will most likely make a move make more space or simply drop down if you're able to have high tier awareness to the point where you can capitalize of his reaction to you facing builds you'll be a successful fighter this tip is especially important for my high ping viewers a sticking walls is nearly impossible for players on high ping but facing builds works even on 150 MS peace control and facing builds go hand inand when it comes to playing aggressively but more on that later moving on we need to talk about playing defensively now a lot of you guys watching are probably already pretty good at being defensive because a lot of players seem to be but in order for us to improve and master the fundamental we need to ask the question what exactly is it that makes a good defensive fighter the answer is quite simple being able to take the opportunities you're given not taking the chances when they're given to you is something I see in a lot of players who aren't a particularly high level naturally it can be very very difficult to know what is a good bad and a great opportunity so I'll try my best to explain how to notice good opportunities when fighting defensively what good opportunities are also heavily depends on factors like your current strengths and weaknesses how much HP you're on and what kind of materials and weapons you have so keep that in mind when playing a lot of taking good opportunities comes from your building setup when playing defensively a lot of lower tier players don't even have a cone in their box and let me let me tell you this is a problem when you start getting into higher ranks in ranked or even worse High ELO lobbies in tournaments because I'll assure you that good players will punish you by placing a cone or a stair in your box if you haven't pre-placed one of the two the first good way to spot a good defensive opportunity is if you can do a solid Peak against your opponent this is very typical when you fight someone and they stand on a stair or a cone directly on your wall tressing your Peaks comes from knowing how to actually Peak I'll talk in depth later on how to perform perfect Peaks every time and if you're curious right now and wonder how to successfully Peak feel free to use the video chapters and skip to the peaking part of this episode doing Peaks on your opponents when they're playing aggressively heavily depends on executing the Peak at the right time or in other words getting the timing right in defensive fights sometimes the opportunity just isn't there to perform a peak and do some damage this can often be because your opponent has good movement and understanding of how you are playing if you see that your opponent can read your moves then doing Peaks isn't the right right Play You'll easily be able to understand whether your opponent can read you based off his movement when he's playing aggressively pre-f fires are also a phenomenal way to punish aggression from opponents no matter how they apply pressure pre-f fires just like Peaks comes down to understanding timing and having a good setup if you want to succeed at a high level in fights pre-ir are a must to understand pre-ir when playing defensively is infinitely easier than pre-f fires when playing aggressively the easiest pre-fire is when your opponent is pickaxing your wall when your opponent is using their gun doing pre-ir is a lot harder but with practice you'll also be able to succeed when they're doing this method the one super negative thing about pre-ir is that if you are someone who is on a higher side when it comes to ping you will sometimes take a lot more damage than someone who has a lower ping than you not to say that it isn't possible to pre-fire on high ping but if you're getting pressured with something like a SMG then pre-firing on high ping is a bad idea because so many bullets will bleed through your builds build edits and resets are also heavily viable doing a wide edit then reset just for your opponent to shoot the wall so you can get a free shot off is one of the most effective ways to deal damage defensively without taking any back naturally these three ways of playing defensively are theoretically some super solid ways to deal damage back but sometimes just wide editing when someone is pressuring you is the best thing you can do you see this all the time from Pro players being able to do this skill at a high level requires a good game sense that can be developed from grinding things like sonor realistics and ranked because I'm sure you've all had the feeling that right now I could just wi edit on this guy that I'm fighting and when you get that feeling you just know he isn't going to be able to hit you back that's your game sense talking and the more you play the more you should trust it I think the most important part of developing good defensive fighting abilities is always being Ultra calm even when you're low on HP one big reason behind why a lot of people improve quite slowly is because when they get tagged really low they start building castles and spinning around like fidget Spinners placing builds everywhere instead of just slowing down looking the opponent in the eye and thinking how can I deal damage back it's also important for me to emphasize that your first priority when playing defensively is making sure all your bullets in your weapons are reloaded not healing I see this time and time again players not reloading but going instantly to a mini then they get pressured but just to get the mini off congratulations Jimmy you just went from 50 HP to 75 hp that doesn't make a difference what makes the difference is you being ready to shoot your gun and counter damage so your opponent will slow down so much so that you can fully heal additionally when you pop minis bigs or whatever to the point where you get it off on the second someone is taking your wall you put yourself in a much worse position compared to if you just play slow and play for counter damage because it is so much easier to pressure someone who's popping minis or bigs compared to someone standing in their box confidently reloading now you could make the argument that popping a slurp is worth it and most of the time slurps are indeed worth it but everything else like minis bigs and Med Mists should come after reloading on your prioritization list just because if you're fighting someone good it won't allow you to heal any of these items unless you deal damage back when you've been successful in dealing damage back playing defensively you want to try to wrap up the fight and if you Ed the tricks we talked about earlier when talking about playing aggressively you'll be able to send any player back to the lobby but remember if you're going to go for it don't hesitate flip that switch from defensively to aggressively instantly if you do feel as though it is the right play to do now sometimes in my be the right play to do sometimes you might want to take your time fully heal up and play it slow but what you choose to do of course depends on the situation there are many factors that go into what you should do like is there any third parties how much counter damage did you do how's your opponent playing and so forth at the end of the day though it's important to understand that it's 100 times better to die going for something you think is a good opportunity compared to just getting bullied by the opponent later on in the game being good at defensive and aggressive fighting as two individual skills is very common but being able to combine the two at a high level is fighting fundamental number three Tempo switching the skill of knowing when to play fast and when to play Slow now there's no hard rules in terms of when you should play aggressively and when you should play defensively in a fight the main issue is that a lot of people fail to take opportunities when they're given to them simply because they hesitate for too long to switch the tempo in a fight and this very often occurs when you need to go from defensive to aggressive fighting being able to recognize when your opponent is at a weak point in a fight and acting upon that spotted weakness is crucial if you everyone will become successful at a high level in competitive fortnite most great players are able to make good decisions in a split second getting this ability and understanding often comes from three things the first being hours upon hours of playing things like creative 1 ons 2 V2s or 3 v3s against good players the second being grinding ranked and the third one being scrims the reason I emphasize playing against good players in Creative is because if you only play against players who are at a pretty low level you'll get away with making a a lot of mistakes simply because they're not good enough to punish you for the mistakes other players at a higher level easily would have sure playing against sweaty players might not be as fun as playing against your IRL friends who you can beat quite easily but if becoming the best player you can possibly be is on your to-do list then you need to try and find good players to grind with and I'm not saying you need to get in a friend group with tier one or tier two Pros but find someone else who is passionate about improving and grind and learn together with them this way you'll become infinitely better than if you just grind on your own or play with someone who doesn't take the game seriously at all next up we have fighting fundamental number four and that is of course mechanics mechanics I mean building editing and movement I know a lot of you guys watching already more or less have the needed fundamentals in terms of mechanics 90% of you guys sitting at home watching this video have good enough building and editing speed to succeed at a high level in tournament but sadly good mechanics isn't the speed of your builds and edits thinking that good mechanics are fast builds and edits is the biggest miscon conception in the fortnite community great mechanics is being able to build and edit at a very consistent rate whilst continuously having awareness over your opponent ready to punish any mistake he makes that is good mechanics sadly most fortnite talents don't understand this simple fact and whenever I watch mechanically gifted masterminds play that honestly should succeed the common reason behind why they don't is because they miss out on so many opportunities in fights and end games because they're more focused on their builds and edits rather than the opponents actually fighting a simple rule of thumb is if you can't have full awareness in a fight with your current mechanics you're probably doing too much in terms of building an editing if you want to become a good fighter you need the right fundamentals to practice upon and playing slowly and having awareness is a much better way to go about it compared to playing fast and having very limited awareness and on the topic of building upon the right fundamentals you need to learn the basics behind peing in fornite now for some reason there are basically no easily understandable videos on this topic on YouTube I think it's because most players and YouTubers especially honestly just don't know how to perform perfect Peaks so let me be the one to make this Crystal Clear the most popular peak in fortnite and also one of the best is the peut butter edit and in order to perform it perfectly the first thing we need to do is look at these gray transparent lines these lines are an indicator of where we can position ourselves to not get hit a lot of people use the blue edits menu as an indicator of where to stand when performing a peak but if you do this and come up against someone with experience you will 100% at the time damage the timing of which you confirm your edit to make the peanut butter edit is obviously also very important you need to confirm your edit when you can't move any closer to the wall if you confirm it just 1 millisecond too early you can get ahead when you're all the way into the wall you see that your head is just under the gr transparent line of the edit you're about to make and you're continuously holding your W key or joystick forward into the wall you can confirm the edit and perform a sideways jump to the left to perform a near perfect Peak the mistake nearly everyone makes is pressing s under keyboard When jumping to the left and going for a peak shot if you want to perform the perfect Peak W and a or joystick forward and slightly to the left is the way you need to go about it going backwards when performing a peak will naturally make you a way easier Target to hit another thing you must keep in mind is the setup of the Box you're performing the Peak from a peanut butter Peak is not perfect unless you have a cone in your box and a flat above your head the cone will Elevate you slightly up so that when you jump and perform the peak your head will hit the flat above you pushing you down quickly making you a very hard targets to hit don't get me wrong you'll still be hard to hit even without the flat above you however if you come up against someone really good chances are relatively high that you will get punished for not having the flat above all the same fundamentals can be used for window Peaks window Peaks are some of the most underrated peaks in the game if done correctly let me walk you through a perfect window Peak You Begin by having a box with a cone in it then before you edit your wall you look at the great transparent lines of the window you're about to edit whether that be the left middle or right window when you see that your character is fully protected behind the peak you confirm the edit the movement showcased in slow motion in the background footage is called Sid stepping it's a rightwards movement cancelled by a Crouch and a leftwards side step to get behind cover yet again getting a shot after doing this movement will for most of you be very difficult in the start if you can slowly but surely practice this edit and movement in Creative trust me you're fighting long term will become so much more consistent performing the peanut butter Peak or window Peak is of course also doable when you're further behind in the box when you're further behind the a box you need to be comfortable holding your a button or your joystick all the way to the left so that you're hugging the wall I see a lot of players doing Peaks where they stand just barely to the left of the middle of the cone in their box and doing a peanut butter and get traded for 100 plus damage because of their terrible movement and positioning before performing the peak now don't get me wrong whether you get traded or not naturally depends on your opponent's position on your wall but regardless you should practice upon the right fundamentals and start learning to hug the left wall in the start it's going to feel unnatural and difficult but start slowly creative doing the showcased movement and Peaks and start building that Flawless musle memory one day at a time I also need to note that Peaks when you're hugging the wall with your W button are better than PE from far behind in your box not only are you harder to hit but you'll also be able to deal way more damage when you're holding W and performing a right hand Peak if you understand that the mechanics find perfect Peaks becoming a top tier peace control player can very easily be done now the type of Peace control I'm going to focus on is protected peace control where there's a 0% chance of you getting hat or in other words fundamental number six piecing up opponents can of course also be done with wi edits and that's a very good way to pece someone if they're not aware there's no point in setting up a perfect Peak and peace controlling from behind it if your opponent isn't even looking at you but that kind of Peace control is the kind that absolutely everyone knows whereas perfect pece is not the principles of perfect peace control are very much the same as perfect Peaks before doing an edit you look at the gray transparent lines make sure you're protected behind your edit and you start peace controlling these mechanic mechanics are very much unvisited in the fortnite community nearly nobody thinks about this when practicing creative or ranked and the mechanics of f piecing someone from behind a fully protected peanut butter edit is very different from Full piecing someone from a wide edit the mouse movement is 100% different and learning the muscle memory of fully protected peace is a journey that's going to take a long time but it's going to be worth it because it's such a unique skill that nearly nobody yet has mastered protected window piece is probably the most overpowered way to easily deal a chunky amount of damage or eliminate opponents being able to practice these perfect Peaks and then piecing from behind them will actually elevate your game so incredibly much if there's one thing I need you all to take away from this video it is to start setting aside some time in Creative to learning the muscle memory of fully protected peace control start incredibly slow make sure you are indeed behind the wall you're piecing from and understand how the grid system works from those protected Peaks the seventh and last fighting fundamental is awareness I've been talking about awareness non-stop in this video but for good reason awareness is the most important factor behind succeeding in fights and without the knowledge of the importance of awareness your practice will become super ineffective everything you do in fighting practice should be based of having awareness over an opponents you're battling and not allowing them to make mistakes and get away with it you want to be that guy who always eliminates your enemies when they mess up that is the way you become an Unstoppable Fighter the way you do this is you play slow enough to the point where you never lose track of your opponent this goes for playing both defensively and aggressively if you lose your opponent in a fight your awareness needs work awareness is going comination of both of what you see and what you hear you got to be able to use these two senses learning auditory awareness in fortnite is something nobody ever talks about but it's super important so think about that the next time you hop on so today we've talked about these seven fundamentals of fighting and how if you master your all seven you'll be an Unstoppable fighter so hopefully this video made you understand which of these seven fundamentals you need to focus on moving forward to refresh your memory the seven fundamentals we have talked about today were aggressive fighting defensive fighting Tempo switching mechanics Peaks peace control and last but undeniably not least we have awareness guys this has been my longest and most structured educational video ever so please let me know if you want to see more long firm videos on specific topics with in Fr and competitive just like this one if you haven't already consider liking and using codar TM it honestly supports me way more than you guys might think but other than that I think it's time to wrap up this 20-minute video thank you all for watching I appreciate each and every one of you and I'll of course see you very very soon
Channel: marrentm
Views: 2,003,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fight in fortnite, fortnite fighting, competitive fortnite, how to succeed in fights in fortnite, how to win more fights in fortnite
Id: 0wFlKmSJaQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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