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If your worst friends invited you to a hurricane  party where someone died, what would you do?   We all have toxic friends… but hopefully  not THIS toxic. This group of frenemies   could barely stand each other before they did  a bunch of nose candy and started playing with   swords. Once the murder paranoia kicks in, it’s  anyone’s guess how they’re going to respond.   My guess… like a bunch of spoiled  hysterical brats who are going to   get us killed before the storm breaks. I’m going to break down the mistakes made,   what you should do, and how to beat the  MURDER PARANOIA in BODIES BODIES BODIES.   We’ve all experienced that pivotal moment in a  relationship where you introduce your new S.O.   to your most important people… the crusty short  and curlies accumulating on the bathroom floor   that is your life that you call your friends. SOPHIE isn’t exactly queen bee of the hive.   She’s more like that legendary cousin everyone’s  always talking about and nobody hopes shows up to   the family barbecue. Her friend group knows  her as a flaky hot mess obsessed with nose   candy… and they’re surprised when she actually  shows up for the weekend they’ve planned.   They’re even more surprised she’s brought  a date—her new girlfriend BEE, a sweet,   wholesome blue-collar girl who works at  GameStop and brings zucchini bread as a gift.   Right from the start, the dynamics in this friend  group are clear. Sophie’s best friend DAVE and his   girlfriend EMMA were hoping Sophie wouldn’t show  up. JORDAN, Sophie’s ex, is jealous. And ALICE,   the wild child everyone’s cool with, has  brought her MUCH older boyfriend GREG, the   type of -out-of-my-van guy who definitely hangs  around high school parking lots to pick up chicks.   There’s a missing eighth member of the group  too—a guy named MAX who we’ll hear about later.   They’re all getting together at Dave’s family’s  mansion for a Hurricane Party. The torrential rain   is due to roll in any minute now, so they’ve  gathered the necessary resources to outlast   the storm—you know, frozen pizza and booze…  and some batteries for flashlights. They’re   not ENTIRELY incompetent. Just… mostly. As the storm officially kicks into gear,   Greg pops a bottle of dom with a decorative  Gurkha sword and everyone partakes… except Bee and   Sophie. Sophie announces that she’s been sober for  a while and only Alice seems happy about it—which   should be our first clue that these people are  not really our friends, and it’s probably not a   great idea to wave a middle finger at mother  nature while trapped with them.   I mean I get it…if a hurricane’s coming,  I’d choose this giant box as shelter too.   After barricading the windows, obviously. Bee’s definitely odd woman out at this party,   even compared to Greg who’s at least learned  the group’s tiktok dances. She’s willing to   drink and accidentally eats half a Mary Jane  cake before anyone tells her it’s laced, but   they all think she’s a prim little virgin Sophie’s  using to make herself feel like a better person.   By nightfall, the party cake has kicked in and  Bee’s busting moves… on everybody—Sophie, Greg,   Jordan. Which means it’s time for The Party Game. Sophie wrangles everyone into playing Bodies   Bodies Bodies. The rules are simple – they draw  strips of paper. The person who gets the paper   marked with an X is the murderer who has to sneak  around trying to kill people by tagging them. Once   you’re tagged, you play dead. Once the remaining  players FIND a body, they yell the name of the   game, play is paused, and it becomes a murder  mystery trying to figure out who the murderer is.   It's Werewolf. They’re playing Werewolf. They finish pregaming, which involves doing   shots and slapping each other silly, before  they shut off the lights and separate to hide.   They all crawl around jump scaring one  another in the dark until someone calls   out Bodies Bodies Bodies, and they arrive to the  living room where Greg is laying on the floor.   They think he’s doing a stellar job pretending,  until they realize he’s not just playing   dead… he IS dead. Just kidding.   The murder mystery portion begins, but  Dave makes fun of Greg, ruining it for   everyone and Greg mops off to his room. Then  he insults his girlfriend Emma too. They all   vote him as the killer and he storms off. The ladies begin their own round of Bodies   Bodies Bodies… as the storm finally kills the  power, plunging the house into darkness. They   think Dave shut off the lights, but he  doesn’t respond when they yell for him.   They call the game and splinter off to find the  breaker box and bathroom and it doesn’t take long   for them to find an actual body. Dave’s neck has been slashed open. He quickly   bleeds out because there are definitely no  doctors in this bunch of storm chasers.   You aren’t going to go full greek choir over this  dude’s body. If one of you has a relatively clean   shirt, rip it off and stuff the wound with  it, then apply pressure with both hands,   pushing down as hard as you can  without cutting off his air supply.   It’s not gonna really help him if you  can’t call for help or drive away,   but that IS the Mayo Clinic Recommended  first aid for bleeding neck wounds.   Everyone but Jordan panics, running out of  ideas as soon as they realize their phones   don’t have service and the landline is down.  Jordan’s idea isn’t all that better. She takes   Sophie’s keys and says she’ll go to get help. In  a hurricane spitting gale-force winds and rains.   Then they all rush after her into the rain like  lemmings too young to remember Hurricane Katrina.   They hop into Sophie’s car only to find  the battery is dead. Sophie asks about   how they got there. They took Max’s car and  Max bounced before the party even started.   Let’s be nice for a second before we  roast them. Hurricanes are car crushers,   okay. If you’re dumb enough to hold a category  5 hurricane party in the first place, you gotta   assume that bish is going to be flooded  or flat under a tree by the end of it.   Having said that. None of this is advisable.  They’re all high. This isn’t their house.   Dude’s already dead, and all it takes is one  carefully angled stop sign to turn this into   the opening scene from Ghost Ship. If you’re going to go out for help,   maybe—MAYBE—wait until the eye of the storm  comes when the weather usually calms for a   short time. Then walk down the road to the  next house. This isn’t Wyoming. This is a   fancy neighborhood. They might not be home, but  there are definitely neighboring houses to check.   They return to the house to towel off while  Jordan claims she’s going to look for a generator.   Instead, she returns with the murder weapon IN HER  BARE HAND. Then Sophie has to remind the others   not to touch it. Sigh—that’s strike one. She says she found it outside in the mud,   which is apparently a good enough excuse to  destroy physical evidence for. If you want to   move this, I can almost understand since the  rain will damage that evidence, but show a   little critical thinking. This is a single-sided  blade. Use a plastic bag, grab it by the very tip   of the hilt OR by the neck so to speak, along  the dull edge of the blade where there is no   blood and the killer likely didn’t grab it. The murder investigation portion of the game   begins as they name suspects. Alice says  it must be Max, who declared his love for   Emma before Sophie got there, then peaced  out before Dave could get mad about it.   Jordan’s money is on Greg, who David embarrassed  earlier and went to bed and never came back. We   learn Alice has known him all of two weeks.  She calls out for him to come down and join   the discussion, but Jordan silences her. In the interim, Emma disappears.   Armed with kitchen knives, the girls head  upstairs to Greg’s room and discover it’s   empty. They snoop through his bag  and find a bunch of survival stuff,   a knife, a map with the house circled, etc. They collect Emma from where she’s hiding and   go in search of Greg. They find him in the  gym using a “seasonal depression therapy   mask.” He says he’s been there for a while  and had earbuds in so he couldn’t hear them.   When he thinks they’re still playing  the murder game, he misreads the room,   leaps to his feet and chases them while  howling. Which makes it pretty awkward when   he sees the very real knives in their hands. Things go from zero to sixty REAL quick. He   pretends to think they’re joking, then smacks the  knife out of Sophie’s hand and tells them to drop   their weapons, which only terrifies them more. He’s willing to drop the knife if they all do,   but the second he puts it down, Jordan leaps on  his back. He tosses her aside. Emma tries the same   thing and fails. He sees the knife on the floor  and grabs for it, only to take a hard whack to   the head in a surprise attack from behind. Bee struck him with a kettle bell. When he   reaches out to Sophie for help,  Bee hits him again, killing him.   So… you’re going to want to lawyer up  as soon as the storm breaks. Half of   you are higher than kites, but most of you  didn’t touch the weapon that killed Dave,   so the chaos of this situation MIGHT work in your  favor with a lawyer doing the talking for you.   Eh, what am I saying. You’re all screwed. I  can already tell none of you are going to tell   the same story, and the finger pointing  is only going to escalate from here.   But also… none of this should have happened.  If you suspect a killer is lurking in this   house—where you are trapped until the storm  ends—why look him? We’re not the scooby doo   gang. What are we gonna do when we find him? Just clear a lockable room and wait until the   storm ends. I know—it’s boring. But guess what…  the witch-hunter vibes this group is throwing off   WILL turn on you at some point. And we just saw  the direct result of nonsensical thinking—you just   upped the body count you have to explain to the  cops in the morning. Stupid. Chill the f*ck out.   Also, this place is huge. Each  of you could take your own room   and just wait and no one else dies here. Finally, none of this was necessary for a second   reason. This is a gym with doors. Just lock Greg  in, then ask him your questions while he’s trapped   inside. Leave him there until the cops show up.  I think you all just wanted to kill somebody.   Jordan tries to rationalize that Greg’s  the most likely suspect in Dave’s death,   pointing out that Alice told them all he was a  vet. Alice counters that he was a veterinarian.   Things go down hill from here. A lot of character  drama stuff. Just hurling insults around like   maces, doing drugs, crying, and reminding Bee  she’s killed a dude, which sends her spiraling.   Everyone runs around in the dark for a  while on their own until Alice trips over   a new corpse. Emma is dead. And three dead really does   make this bodies bodies bodies. There’s enough blood on the stairs   Jordan thinks Emma fell, but Alice says she was  pushed and it’s proof Greg wasn’t the killer.   Then they turn on Bee because she found  Dave’s body…which doesn’t really track   since Sophie was there too, but they’re too  high to make that connection. Jordan also   claims she googled Bee after she arrived and  there’s no record of a student with her name   at their university. She says that she can  explain, but even Sophie recoils from her.   Alice decides she doesn’t want Bee  there anymore and she and Jordan   shove her outside into the storm, locking  every door as she tries to get back in.   This isn’t a strategy, but a house this size  definitely has a pool house. In a pitch,   that’s an option. Bee heads for the car,   using a broken window to get inside, where  she finds a pair of Jordan’s underwear.   For no sane reason, she ventures  out into the storm again, looking   for another way into the house—which is  definitely strike 2. While searching,   Bee spots Jordan pulling a gun out of somewhere. Then she crawls through the doggie door back   inside, where she notices a bunch of tools laying  around and grabs a hammer to confront them.   She calls Jordan out about the gun, telling  her to empty her pockets, where they find the   X marking her as the killer from the game.  There’s some conjecture about her being the   last to arrive to Dave’s body, which amounts to  nothing. Then, Bee explains herself to Sophie.   When Sophie takes her back…  Jordan pulls the gun she hid.   We get more melodrama. A LOT of it. And I can’t be  bothered. Just know Jordan reveals Sophie cheated   on Bee with her. That’s the important bit and  we’ll just skip to the part where the argument   boils over and Jordan shoots Alice in the leg. They wrestle the gun away from Jordan,   but she scrambles for it until the gun  goes off again, this time killing Alice.   Okay, she was annoying, but I  doubt that’ll stand up in court.   Jordan refuses to take responsibility. She  grabs the gun and begins backing away as   Sophie advances… until Bee takes an alternate  route around and ambushes her from the side.   Yeah, don’t do any of this. Gun beats fistfight  most days. She shouldn’t have been able to get   her hands on the gun again after you stripped it  from her in the first place and that’s strike 3.   But once she has it, let her leave the room, grab  whatever weapons you can, move to a lockable room,   and wait until phone reception comes back. As Jordan starts firing wildly, Sophie and   Bee run and hide in a… closet? Sauna? Whatever.  They argue the semantics of murder and whether   Sophie and Jordan cheated on Bee. Then  Bee runs when Sophie tries to touch her.   Are we sure there weren’t psychotropics in the  booze or something? This is what happens when   you need a finale, but logic gets in the way. Anyway, she hides from Sophie. Sophie searches.   Bee wanders around, hitting all the murder  scenes like she’s recording a Best of Reel,   before emerging outside. It’s  dawn. The storm has passed.   Sophie hugs her from behind, scaring Bee, but  she clings while Sophie admits she thinks she’s   responsible for Emma’s death because she  gave her pills beforehand. Then we dive   right back into the melodrama, as Bee holds  her at gunpoint demanding to see Sophie’s   phone to know if she really cheated. Yep. Bodies bodies bodies everywhere,   but it’s the cheating that fuels our last fight.  Sophie tosses the phone away, Bee races for it,   they tussle and end up in the pool. When they climb out Bee goes for a phone again,   but it’s not hers. It’s Dave’s, with a video  all cued up revealing he accidentally killed   himself. And the movie ends.   Look it had good style, but everyone in this  movie is batsh*t insane and not in a fun way.   We beat this thing a long time ago—by not  joining the witch hunt that eventually   cannibalized this group from within. In our  scenario, the only one who dies is Dave.   For those reasons, I think  BODIES BODIES BODIES was Beaten.   Honestly, you’re better off  just watching Clue again.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 74,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, cinema summary, dead meat, movie how to beat
Id: ww_ypjbg8jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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