How the Pros handled the Snake Eye Meta Trends (Their Techs and Sides!)

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today on metat Trends we're going to be quickly recapping the top tier competitive events that occurred over the past weekend and then I'm also going to share with you info from behind the U UDS desk basically share with you the player siding patterns and a lot of the relevant cards that they played remember anyone that competed in the Undisputed UDS they are all champion level players they all won their belt that's how they got their invite to play in this particular event and you know that it's going to be very very helpful now trust me whether it be for the upcoming locals you're going to or any sort of tier 2 or tier three event like a team ycs in Las Vegas this info will probably be pretty relevant and I'm going to share with you why so make sure you guys hit that Thumbs Up Button hit subscribe D that notification Bell and let's go over the past weekend there were two simultaneous events that took place one being the team ycs in Costa Rica and the second one being the Undisputed UDS Championship that took place at Konami headquarters for the quarter Century celebration and during that time I took a lot of notes here like so many notes in fact that I have every single round to round basically all written out behind this card if you guys wonder why I'm holding it's because I take a lot of notes during this stuff to break things down but let's take a look at the deck statistic first in the Undisputed UDS 13 of those decks played the snake eye engine whether it be snake eye fire Kings or pure snake eye around 13 of them because there are three Decks that were slightly different one being flu underes one being Casher and the other being branded and of course the winner of the entire event was Jesse Con playing snake eye fire Kings similar IL L the team ycs in Costa Rica has a very similar representation a majority of the decks being snake eye or snake eye Fire King and if you just remove the Fire King and just consider snake out as an engine you would know that hey this is basically a tier zero deck both charts it took more than 34 of the entire representation of just that engine so you can expect a lot of this deck and therefore it's definitely tier zero you guys are like oh stop saying it's tier zero it's not tier zero there's no representation well here's your data like this was very easily predictable that they were going to enter a tier zero format no Maxi so there's a lot less punishment these decks are really known to spam out really really hard and playing around the other hand trap was much easier now the slight replacement here in terms of Team ycs Costa Rica is that there's a lot of more representation when it comes to voiceless voice I think there's just more people giving it a try and perhaps one just wasn't the right choice for for the player who played it at The UU DS but hey these are all top level players they make their own choices they make the representation and of course there still cash Tia and branded those decks are still very strong of course cash Tia being the anti meta branded I've seen in you know Onre T mainly just locking people with gimmick puppet and gimmick puppet lock is still very strong but those are the statistics let's talk about how the players CED at the UDS now from behind the desk I got to see their deck list and most people got featured we got their deck list anyway but in terms of what we got to see it helped me kind of split them into two camps in terms of how they sided they're either you know team hand trap or team blowout and in in terms of Team hand trap they like to shut people down most of them played the Delta package with the gamma the side frame package entirely more ghost girls such as ghost Bells added into their deck triple copies of a lot of things and adding in even crosso designators crosso designator was just great in general 90% of the decklist all play Cosmic Cyclone so that was a pretty common choice because Fire King cards are really useful and removing backro is also very crucial for post side because you always have to respect the people are playing The Floodgate side which would be the ones playing blow out such an anti- spell fragrance because whenever that card fli face up most people that did not have a cosmic Cyclone struggled to get their turn back and sometimes it does backfire where the hand trap heavy hitting prevented things from going off and they had to play into an anti-spell which kind of hurt them more than uh it oppressed the opponent so that was also part of the siding pattern uh additionally we've seen some fantasme in there as well from Jeff Jones but what's the remaining slot of cards they were burn cards there was a gage Dragon SED in many many players deck list the other card was volcanic scattershot with sprin I think scatter shot and Sprint is kind of nice because I think AG Dragon helps you gain 400 life whereas the um sprin Burns for 500 so you might find a way to counter that especially if you have Kieran in your hand the other line is the ghost sister spooky dog with so many list had them so they expect that if they don't get to make a choice at least they have a Fighting Chance of just preventing it from kicking off entirely or maybe just winning outright so those are the siding patterns but I'm not going to leave you guys hanging I'm going to go over every single Tech option and the differences people made and how it impacted the tournament in terms of like what they did with those cards and why they used it and so these are the Tex played by these players starting off with infernal flame Banshee in pure Snake Eyes used to add Ash or Poplar or extend under D shifter used by Shinju we got to witness that on feature match how he escaped a dimension shifter without using any snake eye cards well well he left one snake eye just so that the infernal flame B she can summon itself once it gets banished she used it basically linked it off it got banished summoned itself back onto the field using the dark Reviving The D shifter and made an appaloosa from there very very smart plate and basically use that to shut down flu anderies underworld goddess of the closed world can be used in both snake ey or fking I believe this was played by Tyler feifer and so use as an IP removal because you can use that to remove on your opponent monster remove a very crucial monster and then use it to carefully counterplay against uh any of the graveyard summon so it act as a double whammy you got the removal and you also got the shut down of graveyard effect that was his choice for a 15th extra Deck card and then there's relinquish Ana as a level one in zantis play alternative you can use it as a non-destructive removal and using zantis you can reposition your opponent's monster in front of the extra monster Zone and then you can use it as a way to take it as long as you kept a level one which is a very smart way to actually play it out and that was used by Jesse caught in the very first feature match to deal with a Fire King Kieran and if you're going to be playing The Inferno flame Banshee then you're going to have to also put in something in your main deck such as parallel XCS inake I I think you can also try to Tech That Into Fire King if you really want to because going into link is just such a common play but it will require you to dedicate additional slots for your extra deck so keep that in mind this will help you sum summon under the link kuribo and you can even pivot into dweller or bagusa if you choose to heck in that direction uh but this was used by should ping and then Divine Temple of the snake eye can be used of course Snake Eyes but also in the Fire King build a lot of Fire King builds did not play it uh Jesse cotton did end up siding it in he had it in his side is a good counterplay against neb especially you set up Oak into the back or sometimes even flam Birch into the back because you can use that to link it off into an IP mascar and put your monsters back out and uh there's just so much followup with this card even in your opponent summons out a Promethean princess and tries to blow up one of your cards the Divine Temple of the snake I will provide you with an additional monster to keep your pressure going and keep your momentum building everyone also play triple tactics talent I think this card is a staple in most people's decks and it's very easy to pull off and it punishes most people for going for an early appala play used by basically the majority of players at the event crosso designator was used by the Snake Eyes and the Fire King people because you can be used in the main other side Jesse cotton choose to main it like other people chose to IDE it either way in a format where it is basically tier zero you can expect people to kind of play a lot of the similar main de we've seen niiro being crossed out we also witness flamb bur Dragon being crossed out it is a very very powerful card especially when you know that there's going to be a majority people playing the same deck or a similar deck to you where you're not just hitting hand traps here you're also hitting main deck cards and that is invaluable information but a lot of them said that they're not going to keep playing this outside of this event because this event was rather small because there's only 16 players but out of the 16 13 of them you know were going to be playing Fire King anyway cuz it is the best deck when they asked the interview oh why did you choose this this uh this deck this is the best deck I'm here to win like so that was pretty obvious uh and so at in an event where there's more variance it might not be as effective but they might choose decided just in case they do end up playing in the mirror match then there's also solemn strike as a going first option key is to remove a lot of the snake eye cards maybe even block some of the hand if the turn does come around uh this was one of Jesse's Tech that we saw twice on the stream and then there's anti- spell fragrance when this card flipped and it did not break the person won it was uh it just buys too much time and it was a very very harsh Floodgate and the final going first tech for cash Tia uh I believe Oscar Vargas was the one who played it was the Vanity's fiend it's more of a turn three type win card against against any of the meta special summon decks because if you summon it first you might get it pushed into the back row by subversion so instead uh you secure a decent enough board and then you just drop bandity Speen so there's no chance of any followup coming back uh because none of the Fire King cards can activate Promethean princess can't activate and you just get to break the entire board for free when this card lands it can become scoop phase and that is a very dangerous thing if you can land this on turn three so even if you open with it you might not even want to choose to summon it uh but it does secure games if you manage to secure the board and especially under a simplified game State I would say the next card Cosmic cycl these are going first or second we've seen it main or uh main or side uh used to threaten the imperm uh you can also time it against the Fire King Island so that you can just blow up the rest of the board during their commitment or used to take out like anti- spell fragrance this is a three of that was in a majority of decks super poly only shping ju had this one aside from Andreas Tes which main deck the card because he's playing uh the Branded this is another form of non-destructive removal and if there's only two monsters during the uh activation of super poly that helps Dodge princess because princess has nothing to blow up so that was pretty big uh no response allowed and mud dragon is really all you need when it comes to this particular Target uh We've also seen change of heart for going second you can win if you drop a nib token you can steal it uh forces out the monster and then you can take the princess uh it doesn't really respect anti- spell so if your opponent plays anti- spell you might get this flip and this will not work another card that a lot of people chose to side um one copy of is the sinful spoil of subversion the snake out the one that pushes cards to the back again this provides the Poplar or the diabel star another form of non-destructive removal and pushing monsters to the back pushing the threats away is very key uh it's good for getting rid of the Arvada it's good for getting rid of the amblo whe you just want to make sure that there's less and less you know recovery for your opponent and you can even use this to lock out the miror Jade if miror Jade is in the back row they can't Fusion summon another mirror Jade because you can only control One miror Jade and in the back row it's still technically a mirror Jade so keep that in mind against like the Branded players they can't do that next there's the S frame package we're going second uh Delta and Gamma we've seen people brick with this but it is a very awesome card to use for destructive negation against high cost spells such as the original sinval spoil or sometimes even the field spell you may need to use it to block triple attack from time to time but I don't know triple attack if you're blocking triple attack you're kind of using this like an ashw because you have nothing and they're trying to draw cards you probably want to do something about that but it really simplifies the game State and as for the burn cards we have the Agave Dragon to help you gain life Easy Link summon for 400 life use by about half of the players ghost S spooky Dogwood that was in the majority of the side decks so I think a lot ofers expect that people are going to take long and there's a lot of thought process put behind each play which could lead to also slow play and you don't want to be in that category of players uh it really sucks to get a slow play warning it's very easily upgraded one we witnessed that on stream as well and then finally there's also Sprite Sprint also dumping a scatter shot into gra to burn for the 500 and I believe the scatter shot can also be uh destroyed by Kieran but that was that's basically all the differences that the play players had so these were the attacks that they played whether it be from the 15th extra Deck card to the burn cards that they played what would I play for the 15th extra Deck card I think I would probably go for the underworld goddess of the closed world that's just my preference I like the additional negation but it does forces me into playing a little bit more IP heavy and now that I've said that maybe I'll switch Ana because Ana provides me with more versatility in terms of removal with the zantis play but it does require me to you know secure the landing so I don't get surprised nib because most of the people that died uh they got hit by a surprise nib so keep that in mind if you're going to be playing pure maybe you can consider playing a copy of infernal flame Banshee it's just good to dodge veiler if you're playing pure snake eye uh Divine Temple should be played by everyone triple attack should be played by everyone cross out designator you can side it I think in the future I think I like St strike a little bit more of an anti- spell fragrance gal strike is such a cool card anti spell fragrance can bite you especially get evenly match and if you're choosing to leave this up you're giving up a lot of your other spells so it could really really hurt but if you don't get rid of if you put away your anti- spell your opponent will get to play for free so you're under that really really weird contradiction and if you're going to be playing anti meta consider vanity P it hurts a lot Cosmic Cyclone should be played by all subversion maybe you should decide a copy and your burn card of choice ghost S spooky dog with agave Dragon are probably the two that I would probably go for first that's really it for my summary uh if there's anything else to add leave it down in the comment section hopefully you guys enjoyed you know behind the scenes it takes a lot of time to kind of break down all these notes that I've taken for every single match and even the finals it's recorded here so that's uh how I do my job on the set and if you guys enjoy this video smash a thumbs up and hit subscribe ding that notification Bell please we're almost at 100K and if you want to see more stuff like this well also hit that subscribe button ding that notification Bell I'll be at Las Vegas doing your commentary job again and we'll break down more of this stuff when we come back thanks for for watching and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: MST.TV
Views: 9,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, yu-gi-oh!, how to, guide, #marketwatch, combo, new, deck, tombox, save, meta, how to beat, side deck, mst, msttv,, best, MSTMERCH, top decks, top techs, best decks, Feb 2024, fire format, UUDS
Id: rJ9WHa4aqL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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