How To Be Happy | Buddhism In English

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number with the higher welcome and welcome back to another video if there is one thing in common in this world that all living beings search for that is the happiness we all like to be happy we all seek happiness in this world if I ask from you would you like to be happy in your life what will be your answer you will say of course I want to be happy in my life I want this peaceful state I need to be in that that is your answer that is the answer of all living beings Buddha says that all living beings likes to be happy and they seek the happiness if you really think about our life we are in a never-ending journey of pursuing happiness let me tell that again we are in a never-ending journey of pursuing happiness that means we are pursuing happiness we are chasing and we are seeking for happiness but yet not found it so what is the reason for this not finding happiness why we don't find happiness in our life we are seeking it we are fighting for it but we don't find it what is the reason well the Buddha teaches us that we are finding or we are seeking this happiness from a source that the happiness does not exist because we are seeking happiness from external world we are seeking happiness from this materialistic things well when you seek happiness from materialistic things or external world you get pleasure but that is not happiness pleasure is something temporary and it gives you this instant gratification but in happiness the happiness is long-lasting and it gives you this happiness or the contentment about yourself so that is why Buddha teaches us that you are finding the happiness from a source where the happiness does not exist so the more you find it the more you become frustrated so will we ever be able to find happiness in our life the Buddha answered this question he says yes you can find happiness in your life how to do that if you look closely to the first and the second verses of dharmapada Buddha says if one with an impure mind speaks of Acts the suffering will fellows him like a cartwheel following the ox if with an impure mind one speaks or acts the suffering will follow him and in the next verse Buddha says if with an pure mind if with a pure mind one speaks or Acts the happiness will follow him like a shadow following a man so that means the happiness and the sadness entirely depends on the Purity and the impurity of our mind when our mind is pale we can find the happiness so how can we find or how can we gain this Purity in our mind in order to find the happiness well do the teachers ask there are a lot of things that you can do to make your mind appear so today I'm going to share with you few things that can give you the happiness in your life that you can find the happiness in your life fasting accepting the reality of life will give you the happiness you know life is full of ups and downs you sometimes you have good days sometimes we have bad days sometimes we have beautiful memories sometimes we also have miserable memories so life is not something that is going equally every day Sometimes good sometimes bad when you realize this reality you can face these situations successfully right it is not always this bad experience makes us frustrated it is our reaction towards this bad experience makes us frustrated whenever you get a bad experience or a bad day or a bad situation tough situation difficult situation you have two choices either you can focus on the pain and feel miserable about that situation or you can focus on the lesson that bad situation teaches us and learn from it and start growing your life [Music] so if you accept the reality of life it is not temporary sometimes the people around us are not in our control we cannot control their reactions we cannot control their opinions so when you realize these situations you can face those situations successfully that is one thing accepting reality of the life number two Buddha said be generous practicing generosity is a major practice in Buddhism well in Buddhism the generous city is known as dhana in Dana Buddha says that you have to give without any expectations we have to give and we have to dedicate towards others without expecting anything in return that is one thing that we have to practice most of the time we like to hold on to things or gather the things towards us that is what people think when you gather more when you collect more things you will get rich and you will gain happiness but that does not gives you the happiness it will give you the pleasure but it is temporary so what we have to do for this is be generous give help others dedicate a part of your life on behalf of others when you do that when you become more generous let's say like this you give some foods to uh for a person I'd say like that when you see that person is having those foods and overcoming his and his hunger and making his life much better you can be happy by seeing that when you become happy like that you feel happy about yourself right nothing can give you that happiness like by eating a good food by dressing a nice dress you cannot gain that happiness you don't feel happy about yourself right after let's say after 100 100 of years later maybe 10 decades later when you think about that that incident I gave this food to this poor person when you when you remind that you'll feel happy even then you feel happy that means happiness is long lasting so Buddha says be generous help people do something nice every day for a person that is one thing we can do and number three forgiving forgiving is one of the most important things that we can do to create happiness in our life we have to forgive ourselves also we have to forgive others too because forgiving when you forgive it doesn't mean that you are saying okay to others mistakes it's okay no you're not saying like that when you forgive you make your heart free so when you forgive it's not for that person it is for you and also we have to forgive for ourselves there are so many mistakes that we all have done in the past if you hold on to past and if you make this present moment miserable that will not give you the happiness so what do we have to do whatever the bad thing that we have done in the past we have to have this ability to forgive ourselves and start all over again we all have that ability right we all have that privilege to start our life again and make it a better one okay so no one is perfect in this world we all have done mistakes one thing that we have to do is to forgive and start doing good things so these are 50 things that we can do to create happiness in our life and also there is one happiness that is called the ultimate happiness in this world that the Buddha teaches us that is called nibana so Nirvana that is The Enlightenment when you realize about the reality of this life and when you remove this desire all the craving that arises within your mind then Buddha says that is the ultimate happiness simply the nibana means that means removing of the desire anger and the delusion of the mind is called the enlightenment so that is the highest level of happiness that we all can reach so when you practice these practices when you when you engage yourself in wholesome state that will create you the happiness in the life so practice these things and make your life a happier one number but higher
Channel: Buddhism
Views: 928,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buddhism in english, dhamma sermon in english, buddhism for you, Inner guide, meditation music, meditation in buddhism, meditation in buddhism sinhala, bana english, Shraddha TV English sermon, buddhist sermon english, learn the buddhism, meditation, buddha's path, buddhism, buddhist, dalai lama, what is buddhism, what do buddhists believe, eightfold path, four noble truths, bodhisattva, nirvana, religion, peace, buddha, gautama, inner peace buddhism, Dhamma talk, Buddhism In English
Id: JJ9GD0SiwEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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