How to be Cuuuute! | The Best Selfie Filter Apps!

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oh now chicken oh oh oh oh oh where'd it go oh that's [Music] embarrassing hey guys what's up El sh lady here and today I'm going to be trying out a bunch of weird selfie filter apps on my phone I've tried to find some really weird ones so hopefully we can get some really weird pictures so first of all I'm going to start with the most popular one right now which is May 2 now may I advise that you do not download this for yourself because apparently it steals all your information but I already downloaded it so oh well now you've probably seen a bunch of people looking super kawaii with their super kawaii photos you know you take a nice picture oh that is not nice you take a nice picture and then you slap a filter on it and mirror mirror on the wall who is the kawaiiest of them all it's me and there I am in my Angelic form and of course there are a bunch of other filters that look equally as weird but kind of cute oh my gosh how weird is that it totally changed the shape of my face now these are all real cute and stuff but I kind of wanted to see what would happen if I put in a really ugly photo would it be able to fix it would it make me magically Flawless that's what I want to know and today we're going to experiment okay I tried my best and that's what we came out with please change it for me oh my gosh it kind of worked although I look a little bit like Mr Bean let's see if any of the other filters make it look any better nope they still look really weird okay oh my gosh now I have three hands so maybe you can't fix everything with the filter let's try again okay that's not a good face at all let's see what it does with it make me beautiful oh oh no that's not much of an improvement well maybe it is an improvement spooky okay so maybe this app is not perfect maybe one of the others but there's another cool app that I wanted to show you I think it's by the same company but you can make these videos and they're really freaking cute so you pick one of the filters there are a load of them I'm going to try this one and then it shows you what the filter is and you just kind of do an awkward pose for a few seconds oh and now this one's a bride it's me on my wedding day and then oh that one cute these are so freaking cute look at my little bow tie I'm a fancy man and then it puts them all together there and it's supposed to look cute but what's happened there is I look like a mental person well that didn't quite have the design effect but they're all kind of different so let's try another one oh this one's a freaking adorable oh I'm crying that's an ugly cry and now what's this am I sad again I'm sad again and now I'm happy yeah boy okay let's see how that looks I'm so sad oh so sad no I'm [Music] not this is ridiculous I don't understand I have no idea what this is supposed to be but I love it there are just so many I'm going to try this one o Kitty wow cute little bunny [Music] rabbit and now let's see what it put together oh wow oh my gosh it's so me okay I'm sure somebody can make these look cute it's just not working with me let's try one more time oh what's this what the heck what's with my [Music] eyeballs oh and I chicken oh oh oh oh oh where'd it go oh there it it oh that was embarrassing oh and now we got a crown okay let's see what it puts together oh cute oh my gosh oh oh that's embarrassing oh bye-bye yeah I don't ever want to see that ever again so I give that one an eight out of 10 cuz that was actually pretty fun but this next one is basically just Snapchat filters I think just trying to give my mouse a filter well that sucks that's the worst that's so bad that's a bad app that's a zero out of 10 okay so this is a new app and look how freaking cute this is look at my eyes what about this one oh what the heck is this this is just wrong and what's this one oh what's that I don't know where where am I who am I what am I doing oh oh this is freaking ad I thought the lamp was part of it but that's just my light I should have known this is so cute look at me oh damn you what this one oh oh that's cute I mean something funky going on with my eye but we can fix that so pretty oh okay that one's just weird whose hands are these who is doing this um what why' they make me look like that what are they doing to me oh oh I'm a wolf there's my tail so freaking cute kind of oh this is not a look that I think I will be trying to replicate in real life definitely does not suit me and now I'm uh I sick hit it in there you go thank you oh my gosh you can download so many more holy Gua moly those are definitely my favorites so far now what is this oh wow it looks kind of real it's so freaking cute and then what about this one oh just me being me oh yes wow okay I love this oh would you look at that yes yes hello there hey guys what's up Elie sh here oh I get to be a witch wow that looks so weird oh cute hey I don't know what this is on my head but hey oh oh a unicorn my dreams have come true I Am a Unicorn oh my gosh what is what what what is this that just looks so ridiculous it's me as an AR I've always wondered o that one's scary oh hey hey how's it going I don't like this one I I don't like it at all it's a little too realistic oh that's cute yes I'm rocking this and then finally oh this one sucks too what the heck I don't want to tweet that this is the opposite of a beautiful sticker cam e e okay well that was all the cool photo filter apps that I could find let me know in the comments down below which one was your favorite filter I hope you enjoyed my video if you did don't forget to leave a like subscribe if you're new and I will see you in another video
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 4,301,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, camera, apps, app, selfie app, snapchat filter, cool filters, japanese filter, meitu, meipai, beautycam, beauty filters, weird apps
Id: CQq3b4oUhTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2017
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