How to Be Alone

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that's enough of that in 2020 we're alone bring it loneliness that's right so we're not talking to nobody for real though let's figure out how to be by ourselves without going crazy my bad I didn't think out of junks of global pandemic I'm sorry that was not intentional all right it's quarantine day like 30 I'm experiencing what certain scientists call barbar withdrawal at this point I'm playing a lot of the spider-man game just to walk around the city and remember what it's like to be around people no swinging around just socializing shaking people's hands doing whatever a spider can't I don't even wear the spider-man costume I like wearing the jeans and a t-shirt just to get the full experience so yeah the world's been going crazy high school kids have their school completely canceled no graduation college kids have all their classes online school kids are they're probably fine it's been a couple of weeks and I've only been outside a couple of times every time I try okay okay I see myself losing my mind around May 10th 15 ish and Virginia's on lockdown until June 10 which really means we're on lockdown until at least September by that I'm just gonna be who said that do you guys hear something I just want to I just want a hug is that too much TAS people really thought this is gonna be over in like a month what I'm gonna be around for a while as someone who's watched oz Moses Jones I know a thing or two about diseases okay I want to call myself an expert but I'm basically a friggin member of the World Health Organization all right I have to completely self quarantine for a couple of weeks in my basement and I was just trying to enjoy being completely alone [Music] but in all seriousness I kind of actually like being alone I had a friend that came up to me recently and said Nathan I need your help being single I was like first of all that's offensive what's that supposed to mean second of all I got you as a shareholder of the single black men Association of America or SBM hey I'm a big advocate for being a single I think it's very underrated everybody out there you know what's more beautiful within that girl or guy that you like peace of mind that's our slogan by the way when people hear a guy say he likes being single they usually think he means hi yes I can have any woman I want now they're all for the taking I literally just mean I don't have an obligation to talk to anybody I don't even have I don't have to text anybody every day I don't I'm sorry I'm just uh that's about to tear up it's so beautiful some people think it means oh you'd like to talk to like five girls at the same time I want to talk to five people at the same time period but for real the chance to give yourself a hundred percent of your energy is an amazing thing there's a lot of pros to being in a relationship and to being by yourself and I feel like there's not enough emphasis placed on the second one I was binge watching new girl amazing show just freakin spectacular and I realized a couple seasons in that basically every conversation that all of these characters had were about relationship it's not the one they're in about the one they're not in about the ones they want to be in every character that's not in a romantic relationship is just miserable I'm just like why can't there be like a chill single character that's like fine with being single why is it that if they're not in a relationship they're freaking like it's the end of the world relax but then there will be some episodes when they're not talking about relationships and I would completely tune out I might get back to the freakin relationship talk what is this I don't want to hear about your wacky zany adventures get back to if you are dating so basically what I'm saying is I get it but I'm just tired of the medias just putting our people down not black people this is what we talk about it are as SB maa a meetings one thing I'm not used to is forced loneliness government-mandated social isolation is just I don't know she's never tried it out the world is literally on pause right now I needed a month or two well everybody's on Paige alright everyone know why I can scroll through Instagram no one is flexing no one's traveling no one's having a good time alright we're on the exact same page do the exact same thing board at home david dobrik and i are doing the exact same thing we're gonna staying home not making content I love to see it this is a video that I wanted to make for a while and then this whole thing happened but I wanted to talk about the different parts about being alone being single missing out on things being alone by yourself and being like actually alone it's hard to be alone without feeling lonely but you don't even have to be alone to feel lonely you could be surrounded by people and still be lonely so it's less to do about your surroundings and more to do about what's going on with you I spent my birthday inside yesterday Quarantine birthday got some masks for my birthday for myself to myself honestly this year was already the first birthday that I was planning to not do anything crazy I already just wanted to chill my family and not really go anywhere so it's nice that the world said okay you want that no take-backsies college there was a pressure to always go out otherwise you'd be missing out FOMO was a big factor in why I could not be alone and why I was constantly going out back then to the point where I didn't even enjoy going out half the times I just needed to be out my mentality was even if I'm not having fun at least I didn't miss out on whatever could have happened without me we could get robbed and I'll be like well at least we made a memory you know what's better than some memories sleep us another quote from our association as I've gotten older I've come to appreciate quality over quantity when it comes to these social situations the quality of the people themselves quality of the actual experiences that I'm having instead of forcing it to happen all the time the times where I did meet up with my real friends and having good times with them just felt a lot more memorable I don't understand how some of y'all have an unlimited social battery for me it's like so so what do you do me okay yeah well I graduated a year ago by now hello are you good but what about what I'm just by myself how do I do that because at one point I could not be anxiety I would always distract myself for myself I still kind of do this whether it's social media or talking other people or watching a show always keeping my brain in constant motion I'm trying to make sure that I never have to take a second and listen to myself why do I do that because I'm tired of me all right I don't like hearing my frigging voice I wish I could change it to be honest like if I could at least switch it up like I can do with Siri hello my name is how do you even eat you I Leticia you know my my fellow Americans my name is this is a time where everyone is figuring out how to be bored all right we usually don't allow ourselves to be bored will be bored at our job or school or whatever we need to do but when it's on our own free time we're never really like they want to treat myself and be bored today considering I've spent almost every waking moment of the past like month on some type of screen whether it's my phone TV computer Nintendo switch as someone who has not watched A Beautiful Mind what likes the title that can't be good for your mind I can't change the voice in my head all right I'm stuck with this one so what I had to do was at one point just stop trying to distract myself from myself and try to see what I'm saying what are the problems and see if there's anything I could do about it to fix it in a healthy way tried to do this by like figuring out how to meditate I could never really do it because if I sit for like two seconds and I'm thinking about something else every two seconds I'm not trying to forget sit down and do nothing but now I'm trying to give myself at least ten minutes of the day where I'm not doing anything or worried about anything he's ten minutes are just for this all the other stuff I need to do will be done later the things I usually stress about the most are either in the past or in the future and even if they're right now it doesn't necessarily need to be in the next ten minutes so what I try to do is just tell myself nothing after this matters nothing before this matters this is just right now this moment right here just be in this and that kind of helps me for the rest of the day to realize like okay we're taking this thing one day at at freak in time but it's hard to be present when the present sucks when I'm worrying about things in the president it's because of my brain just telling me things usually aren't even true that's the thing like a lot of times what you think in your head is not the truth just because you thought it doesn't mean it's frickin reality it's very easy for you to lie to you okay that's why I try to make sure I'm writing down truths and if I need a reminder I'll read them and be like oh that's what reality is I basically got to the point where I was like able to just be which is hard it's hard to just be it be hard to be what can I say I'm just gonna take this time to try to be better at being me to really just enjoy my own company not worrying about anyone else or what they think I'm trying to figure out a way to be productive I might make another video just called like pressure to be productive and a pandemic pressure to be productive old people please but right now I'm not doing I have not done anything productive but I've tried to just enjoy being present if you're having a hard time with this remember it's okay it's a hundred percent normal and this is what I mean you don't have to feel pressure just because we're in a quarantine to like figure things out right now that's why I want to talk about in another video people are trying to make me feel like I gotta figure everything out with my life before the end before this quarantine is over just I'm talking about my own experience I'm just talking to talk alright at this point day 30 I don't know if there's a camera here or if I'm just talking to myself okay so just if you liked this video give it a like subscribe I guess you guys think we're ever gonna shake hands with strangers again I don't know if I'm ever gonna do that to be honest every time I'm watching it at a movie now I'm like huh you don't know that guy you don't know where he's been how you doing not good [Music]
Channel: Nathan Zed
Views: 152,012
Rating: 4.9932513 out of 5
Keywords: nathan zed, how to be alone, social isolation, social distancing, quarantine, how to quarantine, what to do if you're bored, being alone, feeling lonely, news, cnn, phillip defranco, phillip defranco show, tik tok, when bored, what to do when bored, fun things to do, vlog, youtube, video, funny, advice, spongebob, squidward alone, spongebob squarepants episode, new girl
Id: XtUdSKg37OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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