How to Be a Man | Doug Wilson

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here's one somebody writes to say in a recent all of Christ for all of life podcast episode been Merkel how to lose that that would that would be I'm not gonna have to clean up after you I'm counting on you to be here to clean up been Merkel had a talk on sentimentalism and masculinity in it he described how we the church have a hard time spotting the actual traits of masculinity in young boys he gave an example of taking a group of boys to a future men camp and when it came time to do the bow and arrow there were several polite young men requesting when they might shoot and then a boy who gets kicked out of the camp for shooting too soon his point being naturally that we naturally inclined ourselves to those eager to fall in line rather than realize the kid in trouble is probably the candidate for a future man I am the kid who quietly asked when he'd be able to shoot the bow but thirty years old I feel the masculine the I was taught was anemic and I'm ready to change I'm struggling to see how I might do this without just being a jerk and asking forgiveness after each attempt what are the practical ways I can move towards a godly masculinity what does what can I do to be a cantankerous godly masculine thirty year old okay so let me set the stage first for the I agree entirely with your observation with a bow and arrow I noticed I noticed this years ago at logo school and that is piety and girls genuine piety the real thing piety and girls and piety in boys genuine piety not the false thing look very different and piety in girls is institution friendly okay if you've got a bunch of godly girls they're not going to be making life hell for the principal or the superintendent or the teachers they're gonna be leaving encouraging notes in one another's lockers they're gonna be picking up after themselves they're gonna be how can I pray for you and you looked a little down this morning you know that you know that's true that's true godliness but it's the kind of godliness that an institution can see recognize and appreciate okay but if a teacher's walking down the hallway and walks by one boy not gonna friend into the locker saying you Fathead right and he goes on it would never occur to him to perhaps follow up on that to see if this might be a candidate for a faculty commendation but but what that guy was doing he found out that his friend had asked a non-christian girl out the previous night and so he was exhorting his brother yeah what are you doing what are you doing it doesn't look if if a young boy is masculine in the right ways it doesn't look like it's not institution friendly okay and so consequently many pastors youth programs camps schools overlook the potential of some kid who's a natural leader and it's got a lot of horsepower and we do our best to squeeze him out of the church right and that means that this man who's thirty years old and trying to have a revolution in his head needs to needs to self-consciously a study read and lean against most of what he's taught at church by example precept and sermons right and one of the things he need you know I would say God has built us to learn by imitation and if he doesn't have a flesh-and-blood man in his life that he respects enough to say hey next time you go cutting wood and you know getting firewood can I go okay spend time with you can I copy you if failing that he should get biographies of men who conquered cities climb mountains went exploring you know men who colored outside the lines and read breathe with an eye on imitation how do you distinguish between theirs well I do think that our world right now really feels the absence of of a masculinity and therefore compensates with an over-the-top kind of fake masculinity so there's a there's a scratch-and-sniff masculinity that is basically like bacon burping you know there's a sort of there's a lot of swagger but the actual thing is missing how do you get beyond that surface thing to the actual thing yeah it's this is a it's on one level it's the distance between the sky and earth heaven and hell and in other ways there are subtleties involved you know so I've defined masculinity as the glaad assumption of sacrificial responsibility that's it here what can I do how can I serve how can I make this better that's a glad assumption of sacrificial responsibility there are some people who think they're doing that but what they're doing is taping a kick me sign on the back of their shirt yeah right and so they call it servant leadership so I will let all the women in my life tell me what to do and I will call it servant leadership well know that I tell you what why you call it servant lordship why does nobody call it servant lordship because that might indicate that you might actually have to make a decision for other people on behalf of others and so yeah you you don't want to substitute swagger you know the sizzle for the steak you want you want the masculine steak not the masculine astir machismo sizzle right that's very very true but if you have the real thing there will be indicators stereotypical things that yeah that people can see and respond to and that the other thing I mean I think this is a big as important distinction that masculine is what Maskull he does not necessarily what masculinity looks like on the surface where so I look at the difference between say a Samson and a Moses where Samson or King David strike me as a kind of guys that you could have picked out of a crowd and you knew then there's the man's man right there Moses has a I don't want to do this I don't want to do this I don't want to do this mmm-hmm but in the end he does it right and it doesn't matter how much angst you have to go through some people are they hear the gunfire they run towards it without having to think some people have to wrestle with all their little inner demons before they run towards the gunfire but they both run right and that's the part I think there are a lot of guys who the fact that they've got those inner demons and all that ank's that they've got to work through make them think that they're not doing what they're supposed to do but Moses did it in the hind paws it didn't
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 48,860
Rating: 4.8994412 out of 5
Keywords: masculinity crisis, masculinity ted talk, masculinity subliminal, masculinity vs femininity, masculinity audiobook, men i trust, douglas wilson, doug wilson, canon press, man rampant, Bible, Christian Masculinity, how to, how to be a man, What does it mean to be a man, what is masculinity, what is manhood, advice for men, douglas wilson man, douglas wilson practical masculinityy, douglas wilson masculinity, doug wilson practical masculinity, toxic masculinity, masculinity
Id: wFjnsj2zTjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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