How to BBQ Salmon Perfectly... Even on a Beach! | Sorted Food

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oh hello sunshine hello sky hello white cloud floating by hello cluding come up creators coming whistling oh okay I'm down but my holiday hat BBQ me granddad well this is what a philosopher to kick-start this BBQ week we thought we'd come out with a simple quick barbecue and loads of you guys asked me if we could do some soggy fish that fish would be interesting this is proper British barbecue like there's a tiny little barbecue here is my little portable one I mean need a quick meal that we can cook before it starts raining so how can they right now so what we're going to do is soy salmon soy sauce reduced entra syrup with lime and ginger and chili and garlic a whole side of salmon and it will go nice and caramelized over our grill smokeless barbecue up and running starting to get hot with a pan we need to make a syrup so soy sauce it bursty this is one thing I'd never do the barbecue not barbecue bring a pan only this thing meat on a bottom honest if you put that in here I'm not sure knowing where I know your so we're going to reduce that down to a syrup but to do that we need to add a little bit of sugar so we've got a couple of tablespoons of brown sugar now for the added flavor so give you a grating device and you can just grate in some ginger you probably want about two tablespoons working total next up a couple of cloves of garlic now this is the kind of thing that you could do at home make the syrup and then we have red barbecue it's all really good to go we're going to show you how simple it is to make as well too close to that and I'm going to squeeze in the juice of a lime a lot of garlic caramelizing the grill Misha [Music] you got the fragrance from garlic and ginger the salt from the story the sweetness of sugar when a bit of heat from the chili they were just finely chopped that conclude riding by and they kept it after our thermo basically one of the juice back down you can we've got some therapy that we can brush over our salmon it will take five or ten minutes keep an eye on it in the meantime we just chill out we played beach games you bring a frisbee yeah I did it last night our fingers boys we haven't done any Bob actually I've got he was here just saying we could do some BBQ facts there long people have been barbecuing for over a million years oh yeah I'm getting that divinity invention of cooking yeah we and it's not the same people also who knows where the word barbecue comes from barbecue it's an abbreviation for barbecue yeah what's what thank you your article is an abbreviation for barbecue yeah right fat does the word barbecue is a whole world come from Spanish soft color spectrum knows when um if when you line up a bunch of dal in the road right or is it from the French where they used to cook animals over fire and I had set they cook them from whisker to tail from barbecue yes sir see nobody really knows are you there good chat thanks Jay guys where's the seat but where's the seat number one you're facing away from it yeah number two it's not really there hey cool if you can all our life it's been three or four hours she'll be loyalty clever oh yeah and that is basically what you're looking for hang on where did the Hat come from oh it was on the back of hid in fact what you're looking for smells so intense and I'd say taste it but it's full of sugar and it's very hot okay let's not do that just yet we'll take it off my friend anything Mary Wilson chiles ha ha ha ha ha there you go now this is a gorgeous piece of salmon what we've got ourselves the kind of fish rack thing which just makes turning it over easier but you could stick it on the grill you could do thing is skin side down time but what you want is the beautiful glaze to be going that I got though you're better off doing it something that won't stick and literally ideal so what we've got is a side of salmon we've taken the tail end off still we'll just spin on whoo beautifully fresh we'll just lay it down here and we're going to brush all the way over without gorgeous sweet syrup which is now average sure than either we're doing this it's called a kitchen oh yeah and that's why you wanted therapy because you want to lick should be able to brush this over the whole thing and keep basting it every time this caramelizes it's heavy on flavor here but because you're using salmon which isn't refitting the richness of it of it cooks in conditions and the great thing about salmon is it's super fresh you can choose how well you cook it I don't have a problem with it being a little bit pink in the middle still that's up to your industry we know I mean we're all pink in the middle Ventus [Music] you get rid of the surfboard and you're going to go glaze size down over your hot barbecue like that and that will need about 15 minutes depending on the quality of a barbecue this might take a while quality of barbecue wind speed temperature your fish thickness of your fish lots of things to watch for but every so often we're going to turn it back over and baste it again for not near the barbecue let's define my salmon you [Music] Mike's boat stays unreal a little bit Aloha that's what we're looking for much firmer a nice blade and it is awesome served hot or let it cool down and it's amazing with bread and salad cold rubs up Jake [Music] threes Overson line once again the flavor in the spice is so intense but because of the mellow oily fish all the flavor yes to really dump it I mean you could use the grilled that barbecue summer credit it's nice being outside but if you're a home you can do exactly the same under hot grill and then heat the air time why this is hard to be this is by far my favorite thing to bar the food but Tom the number line let us know what you would want a barbecue on this one thing as well and tomorrow hungry barbecuing my favorite things to barbecue low slow smoke it all up the whole barbecue brisket this is a nice quick cut yours will be a nice long slow cook both delicious if you want to give this to go the rest you can get in the link downstairs for now as our soy glazed salmon sorted it's got to say earlier these I suppose that right [Music] click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 395,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honey soy glazed salmon, salmon recipe, salmon gordon ramsey, salmon dance, salmon fishing, how to grill salmon, how to make bbq salmon, perfect grilled salmon, salmon sortedfood, soy glazed salmon sortedfood, salmon ramsay
Id: h3_40kCNLig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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