How to Baste a Large Quilt on Small Table - Pro-Tip Tuesday

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have you ever struggled with finding a good place to baste a large quilt in your house well you're in luck this week's pro tip Tuesday I'm going to show you exactly how I baste a large quilt on a small table [Music] okay I have my quilt sandwich laid out here and on my table now the special thing that you're going to need to be able to do this method is some sort of clamp now I have just some super cheap clamps that we got from the local hardware store and however there are special claims that are made that you can get it at the fabric store but really just anything that is gonna open wider than your table is deep you know deep this way so it's gotta be able to clamp on there of course I dropped it um so that's that's really the only extra thing that you need so what I did first is I laid out my background fabric and I clamped the background fabric to the tabletop and I did it on this one side all the way across and then I did it once in the middle on the other side now I can you can do it on either side or all the way across on both sides I just haven't found it necessary so this is what I do now I want to show you I went ahead and pin the top down for this one section I want to show you how to how it works as you're moving along because obviously I can't get the whole quilt up here all at once so I'm going to take my clamps off air and okay so I'm just gonna slide this over and over in my point or the what I'm looking for is where my lowest pins are and I want that to still be on top of the table so that it can continue and be flat the backing and everything so I've got pin across here so that's where I'm going to keep it I'm gonna straighten it out I'm gonna keep it nice and even pull it taut okay now I'm going to clamp I'm going to clamp along this side all mean just all the layers through I don't want the backing fabric to get Wiley so to speak so I'm going to pick up the top two fabrics for the top two layers and I'm gonna kind of set them back here and what this lets me do because I can straighten out this fabric and keep it get it nice and taut again without wrinkles before I pinned the next area I'm gonna flatten out my batting first because again I don't want any wrinkles or anything you need bunching you know when it's all stay nice and smooth so batting goes down first and then my quilt top pull it out down and I just rub my hand over the whole thing to get nice now I don't put a clamp on this side of the to put something there I don't put a clip on this side because there's gonna be some room and some stretching that's gonna occur while I'm putting the pins in is as I put my pins in to baste it I'm constantly smoothing it out and getting those wrinkles out so I want to make sure that there's room for this to move and to get out of the way I try to keep my lines nice and straight my sashings they need to be pulled over a lot of the quilting and it doesn't have to be perfect he needs oh my gosh my stuff is so not perfect but I just want to try to do my best with it and the quilting and with there are mistakes and it's not once it's quilted you're not going to see a lot of any of the Wiggles or or things like that but this is just to keep it so that there's no bunching there's nothing that folds and that the backing is gonna stay nice and tight and I'm not gonna get wrinkles or anything like that underneath and so then I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to put pins all over the top of this and then I will repeat this same process a couple more times until the whole thing is pinned down to the bag and so that's how I baste a large quilt in here just on one table and oh if if this was if I just had like one section of this table and say the quilt hung over on one side like I didn't get as wide as well it's the exact same premise I go all one way and then I would turn it and I would do the side that wasn't done yet still the same thing clamp the back the backing down first roll the top two layers up smooth out the batting smooth down the top pin it do the same thing just to get it again until the end times you can get your entire cross up so I hope that that's helpful to you I mean this was really eye-opening to me when I when I got this figured out and got working for me because I was I was having a rough time trying to pin it and not fit into the to the carpet but anyway thanks for watching this is this week's pro tip Tuesday and I will see you next week bye [Music] you
Channel: Summer Lee Quilts
Views: 21,213
Rating: 4.7449665 out of 5
Keywords: quilting tips, sewing tips, basting a quilt, beginner quilting, how to baste a quilt, basting a large quilt, making a quilt
Id: Uc8XuHlz_Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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