HOW TO Bag and Strike Thin Brick

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everybody I'm Tony Zack National Sales Manager for speedy Mason and today I want to talk about how we bag in between the joints for our peel and stick application I've already got the brick on the wall it's ready to go now I've mixed up my mud now I'm gonna fill up my bag and we're gonna start grouting what I've done is I've already put some water inside of this bag so it's nice and wet inside of there and now I'm gonna fill it up with some order so I'm gonna crimp my bag put it on the floor open it up and scoop in my mortar okay now I'm going to shake that a little bit and then I'm going to put some pressure on this you can see how nice and easy that mortar is flowing out of the bag now it's time to start drilling and the technique is I'm going to I'm gonna spin the back of this and tighten the back of this bag as I cook as I put pressure on the tip so I'm going to start right here in this bed and I'm going to start filling that in and I'm twisting the back of that bag as I apply pressure with my front hand continue twist and keep pressure on and I want to make sure that I look just a little bit more mortar in there just so close beyond the face of the brick after I do a few bad joints come back and it's a head okay so now we've got all of our joints bagged in and we want to make sure that the mortar is what we call in the industry thumbprint ready and what does that mean it means that if I put my thumb on this and I pull my thumb away and I don't have any material on my thumb it's ready to go if I push it up here I did this just a minute ago I actually still have a little bit of mortar on my thumb what we want is the consistency of what would be wet beach sand that's what we want and we don't want to strike it too soon because if we strike it too soon that water will end up on the face of our brick around the edges of our brick will be harder to clean off so there's a few different ways that I can strike most common strike that we see is using a striking tool like this just got some grooves and then I'll just follow that along and what I'm doing is I'm doing two things number one I'm cleaning off that border that says that joint and two I'm pressing that mortar into the speedy mason panel when we push that into the speedy mason panel the grooves behind it our blocking are the mechanical lock that locks that mortar into our panel and then it is also going to be the chemical bond to the thin brick to hold that on the wall after this is all set and done it'll take over a hundred and fifty pounds to pull one of these brick off the wall and then I'm going to just do a nice light brush over the top to get off the excess mortar another striking method is simply just cutting off the mortar flat flush to the bridge what this will do is give you kind of that more old-school look and then you can come back I can brush that if you're wearing good gloves you can just come over the top and just kind of hit all those spots that you didn't hit with your Mason trowel and just rough those edges up a little bit you can really see the difference and look and one thing that I'm going to point out here is you see all this moisture that's in this brick here that's what what this brick is doing is it sucks all the water out of the mortar so it's you're gonna see this this wet spot around the brick but obviously when this all cures up and dries out that's all going to go away another technique is you can simply just trowel these joints out like this so here's our finished product we've left this set up for about 24 hours you can see that it's starting to dry out really nice here in these joints a little bit different textures you can see as well but very easy application thanks again for joining us for more information check out speedy mason comm or check out the other videos that we have on YouTube thanks a lot [Music]
Channel: Speedymason
Views: 101,349
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Keywords: mixing mortar, bagging, thin brick, how to, how to bag mortar, how to bag thin brick, speedymason, striking thin brick, striking mortar, mortar application thin brick, striking, mortar, grouting, grout, thinbrick, brick, bag and strike, bagging and striking, how to videos, how-to, mason, masonry, diy, do it yourself, do it yourselfers, do-it-yourself, masons, construction, contractor, home contractor, homeowner, home owner, home, house, home improvement, easy, speedy, easier
Id: qI0wCwd90Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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