How to Backup Your Android Phone to the Cloud

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hey what's up it's Jared with Stata tech and today we're gonna talk about how to backup your Android phone now there's a couple things that I do to make sure that all the things that I like and I want to keep are backed up and my Android phones and Android phones are different so there are different ways to back them up depending on the type of Android phone that you're using so I've got the pixel 3 XL here and then I also have the Galaxy S 10 plus and so we're gonna quickly go through what I do on any phone to back up some of the things that I have and then also how to backup the phone itself such as the apps the data that you're saving within those apps like games and all that good stuff well let's start with what I do on both of these phones so you'll see that I've got Google Photos installed here most Android phones are all gonna come with Google photos on them now and Google photos is great because it backs up all of your images to the cloud all of your images and video so there's no need to keep them all stored on your phone there's no need to download all of them to your computer every now and then they're gonna be backed up in Google and so you don't have to worry about it now if you're on the pixel device pixel phones come with original storage of those images if you're on another phone and you use google photos Google photos is gonna give you free unlimited backups but those images are gonna be compressed just a little bit now I rarely am able to really tell the difference in the quality of the images Google does compress them a little bit so they give you high-quality backups to your images but nonetheless they still look absolutely fantastic but if you don't have a pixel phone and you want to and you want to get a little bit better quality images saved you can choose to use your your Google one storage I think is what it's called now Google one storage to utilize the saving of bigger images and all that stuff so I do that when I'm not on one of my other devices because you know when I'm when I'm talking about photos and stuff and camera phones I want to make sure I have my original photos but it's not really a necessity now if you save other stuff to your phone such as music and movies uh a phone may have the option of having a SD card in it and an SD card is a great way to save some of those larger files and make sure that they're not living on your phone on the phones physical storage not all phones support that for example this phone does but this phone does not so depending on the phone you may or may not be able to use SD card storage now for those of you that just really don't want to be in the cloud at all and use any cloud services that's probably pretty tricky to do on phones these days but a phone with an SD card may be your best option because at least the backing up of all of your data can be done to an SD card instead of having to be done in the cloud so Google photos is pretty much the only app that I use as far as backing up my photos and videos I you also use Dropbox as well Dropbox is great for backing up documents and files and stuff like that that I may open in an email and save to my phone I can then save those in Dropbox and so that way between like documents and images and videos I have all that stuff backed up and I'm not having to worry about losing anything now on a pixel if you're wanting to actually backup the software it does all this stuff by itself but you may want to force a backup in case your phone hasn't been plugged in in awhile or maybe you just want to check to make sure that your phone is being backed up so from the surge just do a search for backup and you'll see we've got we've got our backup settings right here you can see it says that it's backing up to my Google Drive account and it gives me that email address so you want to make sure that these are correct you wanna make sure that it's also the same account that you use to download all of your apps from because next time when you go and log in to a new phone and you need to restore your phone from its last backup you're gonna want to make sure that that's the same account that you downloaded the apps from otherwise if there's some paid apps it's gonna check it against the Google account that you're logged into and the purchase history isn't gonna be there so you kind of want to make sure that those are matched up then it also shows the active backups which are backups that are happening periodically it shows my app date it was backed up an hour ago call history yesterday and all that stuff so if I want to force it I just simply tap backup now and it's gonna backup all that data now besides backing up using Google so this is backing up to Google which probably is the best way I think for Android phones these days because backing up to Google means that when you go and log into your new device the reason that you would need a backup is something happen to your old device logging into your new device it's gonna pull in all that data and easily restore your phone I found especially on pixel devices using Google is just the best because it's so well integrated samsung has its own backup service as well using Samsung's cloud service it works really good as well but you can also backup to Google so you can see that backup process is going to take a couple of seconds while we wait we'll jump into our Galaxy phone here so I'm going to swipe down just like I did on the pixel I'm gonna tap on the gear to get to the settings here and of course I can just do another search and I can do a search for backup so we've got backup and restore we've got backup my data we've got back update it we've got backup account on the s10 on the Galaxy phone we have all sorts of options so let's just go to accounts and backup you can see we've got accounts backup and restore samsung cloud here so we'll tap on backup and restore we could backup data using our Samsung accounts I could tap on that and it's gonna show me all the data that I have backed up and my available cloud storage now it shows that my backup was done a couple of days ago so I might want to tap on backup and let it go through that backup process so it's gonna go through and check everything and make sure that everything is backed up and it's gonna put that in the samsung cloud so samsung cloud works really good Samsung devices especially if you know that your next purchase is gonna be a Samsung device if your next purchase is not gonna be a Samsung device that's where you might want to make sure that you're backing up to more than one place than just the Samsung cloud of course these phones are getting good at switching between them now so if your say your next phone was a pixel you can just connect the cable to your device with a little adapter these phones come with and use the Aptus to migrate everything over but that's assuming that you have your old phone anyways if you had something bad happen to your your Galaxy phone and you wanted your next phone to be another device such as a pixel but all of your backup data was saved in Samsung then it's gonna be a little bit tricky for you to go from a samsung cloud backup over to like a Google pixel device or an LG or some other sort of device so let's go back here you can see there's a restored data option as well you can see here that we can back up our data to Google also and you want to make sure that this is turned on so backup my data to your Google backup account and just like I said about the pixel phone you want to make sure that you're backing up to your Google account that all of your app purchases and app purchases subscriptions and all that stuff are taking place and I've just found that that's better so make sure that you're doing that make sure that you have automatic restore turned on I can also tap on my Google account here notice that I'm now looking at the same page that I had over here on this phone so we can see here how old our backup data is into our Google account I can force a backup if I want to just like I did there and then also notice that we have our external storage transfer here if you have a micro sd card in your phone on this particular phone or on another phone that allows for that you can tap here and you can actually go and and look but I don't have a external storage in my phone right now so what I'd be able to do is of course backup that data if I had one installed in this phone at the current time so that is the of making sure that your phones are backed up like I said I think Google is the best option to back everything up because it's their operating system Android is from Google and so having all of your backup data go to your Google account means that you're gonna be able to jump between different devices easier if you decide to switch brands later on if you're only going from Samsung to Samsung of course using the backup for your Samsung as well as great because some of the things that are not going to transfer over for example like Bixby is only available on an Android phone from Samsung it's not available on a pixel or an LG or any of the other manufacturers so some of those specific settings to a samsung phone or to an LG phone or any of the other phones oneplus that are out there you're gonna want to make sure that you're using the backup that is available for that phone because of the specific settings that are gonna be backed up and then also the Google backup which is more Universal doesn't isn't going to backup your Bixby isn't gonna back up some of those other specialized settings for phone specific software but it will backup everything that you either that you're doing within Google services or doing within any of the apps that you've downloaded from the Google Play Store so that's gonna do it for this video I know it was a lengthy video I have a lot to say there about backups I hope that it was easy to follow if you have any questions ask down in the comments section below that's what it's there for if you like this video give it a thumbs up and if you like videos like this and want to see more of them click that subscribe button so that you'll get more videos from us I hope to see you back in the next one take care
Channel: Jerad Hill Tech
Views: 83,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to backup your android phone, how to backup your google pixel 3, how to backup your galaxy s10, how to backup your galaxy phone, how to backup my android phone, how to backup my phone, how to backup my android phone to google, how to backup my galaxy phone to samsung, android phone backup tutorial
Id: sQmk1NBs55w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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