How to Transfer Data From OLD Samsung to NEW Samsung (Smart Switch)

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Welcome back, in today’s video I’ll be showing you  how to transfer data from a Samsung Galaxy phone   to your new one using Smart Switch. I’m formatting  this video to be as if you’ve just got you’re your   new phone so we’ll be starting from the very  beginning. I’ve also included a section on how   to transfer data after you’ve already set up your  phone so feel free to use the chapters to skip to   the sections most relevant to you. Remember to  leave a like and feel free to subscribe if the   video helps, let’s get into the method! There’s a few things to mention before   we get started with the switch. First, it’s  important to talk about the sim card. There   seems to be mixed opinions on whether you  should move it before or after the switch.   It shouldn’t affect the transfer in any way, and  I’ve already moved the sim over before powering on   the new phone for the first time. Of course, turn  off your old phone before removing the sim card.  The switch may bring the data off your  micro-SD card if you have one and put   into onto the internal storage of your new  phone. If you don’t want it to do this, you   could remove the SD card for now and then insert  it into your new phone after the switch. Again,   make sure your devices are off when you do this. Another thing to mention is that this won’t delete   the data on your old phone, that phone will  still work as normal with your files and apps,   the only difference will be that because it  doesn’t have a sim, no cellular functions   will work, but it will still have WiFi for us  to be able to switch. You are able to transfer   after setting up and this means that if any  problems occur during the transfer or if any   apps or data don’t transfer fully, you can try  the transfer again at a later time. Finally,   make sure both your phones have enough battery  power to be able to complete the transfer, and   I’d recommend having the charging cable ready and  even plugged in on your old phone just in case.  Let’s get started with the transfer. First, we  need to focus on your new device and power it   on for the first time. We need to follow the  setup process and get into the phone before we   can start transferring data if you haven’t done  this already. Power it on and I’ll quickly go   through some the setup process, but it should be  fairly simple for you to follow the instructions   on the screen. Click the card on screen now if  you want to watch a more detailed setup video.   Now you’ll need to choose a language, read terms  and choose whether or not you want to opt into   any data collections. Keep an eye out for these  if you don’t want to. After this, you should get   to a page that allows you to get information from  your old phone. This page is called set up using   another device. This isn’t the full data transfer  yet, but doing this will allow you to save time.   Tap on Galaxy or Android device and then scan the  QR code shown on your new phone with your old one.   You can do this in the camera app. Follow the  link with Google if you can and it should say   connecting. You’ll need to verify your identity  next on your old device by using your PIN or   biometrics. After this, your Google account and  even WiFi data will be transferred to your new   phone so you shouldn’t need to log in or connect  to your WiFi network, all of this is automatic.   Finally for this section, you may need to restart  your new phone by tapping on the blue button.  Eventually, you’ll get to a screen that  asks you if you want to copy apps & data   from your Android device. Make sure you tap on  the blue next button here and look out for any   allow buttons or OK buttons on one or both  of the phones if it asks you at any stage.   You need to allow permission  in order to transfer the data.  If you’ve already set up your device, you can  still transfer your data from your old phone.   Open settings on both of your phones and  scroll down and choose accounts and backup.   Now choose Smart switch on your old phone and  then “bring data from old device” on your new   phone in the Smart Switch section. You now need  to choose the relevant option on both of your   phones. This means choose send data on your  old phone and receive data on your new phone.  The process should now be identical whether you’re  setting up your device for the first time or not,   so everyone can follow from here to transfer your  data. You might need to choose a source for the   data transfer on your new phone, so tap on Galaxy  and Android. Now we need to choose a connection   type for the transfer. You will have the option  of choosing wireless transfer or by using a cable.   Tap on the option you want on one or both of your  phones, and remember to choose the same option on   both if you have that. Transferring over WiFi will  take longer so we’ll be using the cable. I’m using   a USB C to USB C cable for this and they just need  to be inserted into each of the charging ports.   Your new device will search for data to transfer  and then present you with the options of what   you can bring. You can choose everything  if you want, that’s what we’ll be doing,   but if you tap on custom and then next, you can  choose individual categories to be transferred.   Take your time with this and make sure you  choose to bring everything you want to.   Tap on next and now you might see some apps that  can’t bring messaging data. WhatsApp is a common   one and you’ll need to backup chats on that  app which you can do by selecting it and then   by creating a backup. If you are transferring  WhatsApp data, then click the card or click the   link in the description to watch a helpful  video showing you how to do that. You can   follow that method after you tap on Whatsapp  as it will open the app on your old phone,   and for any other apps here I’d recommend  researching their own methods. Essentially,   all you need to do is create a recent backup.  Click on next and the data transfer should   begin. This could take a while depending on  the data being transferred and your WiFi speed.   Allow it to complete, however if you are  setting up your device for the first time,   you should be allowed to complete the setup  process whilst data is being transferred.  There won’t be too many steps left. These  include turning on or turning of backups   and when you get to signing into or creating a  Samsung account, look out for the skip button   as you can do this later if you want to. Also  remember to keep an eye out to opt out from any   data collection if you don’t want that. There will  also be a section on installing recommended apps.   These are not related to the transfer  and are just apps that you might like.   You can uncheck the box next  to these to not install them.  Once you’ve followed the remaining setup steps  and completed the setup, you should load up   your phone and have all your data on it. This  includes things like your wallpaper and home   screen layout so your new device should look  identical to your old one. Now I’d recommend   checking that everything has copied over before  you delete the contents of your old phone if you   choose to do that in the future. You can always  move files and photos manually via the internet   or a PC later as the data on your old phone  will not be deleted as mentioned at the start.  If some apps seem to be greyed out, they  might be still installing so check by   swiping down from the top of the screen  to see your notifications. Allow these to   download and install and it might take a while  depending on how many apps need to be installed.  If for some reason the transfer didn’t take  everything, you can always try again using   the method shown earlier, on how to use Smart  Switch once you’ve already set up your device.  Remember that some of the apps on your device  might require sign-ins again and some will have   their own way of transferring data and backups, so  check for the method for each of the apps you own   if their data wasn’t transferred within the app. That’s how to transfer data from a Samsung Galaxy   phone to your new one using Smart Switch.  Click or tap the card on screen now to watch   a video of mine showing you ten easy  ways to speed up your Android phone.   If you have any questions, then let me know in  the comments below and if you did find today’s   video helpful remember to leave a like and feel  free to subscribe for more tips in the future.   Be sure to stick around to see some of my  other videos that you might be interested in.   Thanks so much for watching and  I will see you in another video!
Channel: Tropical Tech
Views: 288,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to transfer data from old Samsung to new Samsung, how to transfer data from old Samsung to new Samsung phone, how to transfer data from Samsung to Samsung, how to transfer data from Samsung to Samsung phone, how to transfer data between Samsung phones, how to transfer data to your new Samsung phone, how to transfer data using smart switch, Samsung, Samsung phone, android, smart switch, how to use smart switch, how to use Samsung smart switch, how to transfer data with smart switch
Id: 6i4Q7DFQf-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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