How To Avoid Burning Pizza - Ooni Koda 16 | Real-time Cook 7 Pizzas
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: TRW Pizza
Views: 161,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ooni koda 16, Ooni karu 16, Ooni koda, Karu 16, Ooni, Ooni karu, Ooni koda 12, Ooni koda 16 review, Ooni pizza oven, Pizza dough, Pizza dough recipe, Koda 16, Ooni pizza, Pizza, How to make pizza dough, Pizza ooni, How to avoid burning pizza, Ooni burn, Burned, Fire, Temperature, Flame, Heat, Stop burning pizza, How, Best, Neapolitan pizza, Molly yeh, Maestro, Vito iocapelli, Nusskuchen saftig, Ooni koda unboxing, Ooni pizza dough, Ooni recipes, Ooni table, Peel, TRWPizza
Id: JwbT-ite4x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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