How to Automate Your Outbound Calling With an Optimized Ai Assistant

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what's going on guys so in this video I'm going to be showing you guys how to optimize your agents for the fastest response times how to make Dynamic and transient outbound assistance and also how to link it all through go high level animations and make and also how to prompt and do different things like that so for the make and go high level automations that we're going to be going over it's for a ton of use cases I used form submission so we're getting leads in and we're creating that outbound called out so if that's something you're interested in stay tuned and I'm going to be going over the full process on how to do that step by step I'm also going to be showing you the automations on how to create an outbound agent from go high LEL optins and different use cases inside there so if you are using go high level for your CRM don't worry I show you how to integrate with it in this video so I'm going to kind of go over the process right here and kind of what you need to do and the steps we're going to take so outbound calling and inbound calling in VY you can create a dynamic assistant now within the reference that we're going to do today to actually make the phone call or the outbound call we need to create a Json body now the dynamic assistants are in here and they can be easily translated into Json code to where we can put that and to make a lot more easier so during these calls we're actually collecting the function calls which are behind the calls as as well and we're doing the post call reports but I first want to go off of how to actually optimize your agents for the fastest response time so we're going to be going over kind of everything you need to know to you know lower this latency so it it starts off with the voice provider that you're choosing 11 Labs is the most realistic voice provider but um if you go with Ramy AI or azur you will get less latency now they do sound a lot less realistic but they are good options and they still sound very very good but it decreases the latency so that is why we're picking with Ramy Ai and I'm going to choose um Abby for that so then functions we want to collect functions within the call but they do slow down your latency and they slow down the AI right but the most important thing is making sure you're having the resp response delay to zero and the llm request delay to zero now when you hit publish it's going to go back to 0.1 but that's what you want to put in the transit assistant which we're going to be creating today so just make sure you have everything programmed correctly and that your prompt is also programmed correctly so now we're going to be going over how to actually create this transient assistant in vapy reference which will then will send the call and get that call so first off before you even do anything you want to go and get your Bearer token so you want to go into vapy go down here to settings it's going to be blurred out but you want to get this API key right here and then you want to paste that API key right in the authorization okay so once we have that we want to start with the object which the max durations I usually like to go with 300 so 300 seconds to minutes is 5 minutes right so that's kind of what you want to choose there and that's the reasoning behind it now for the assistant ID we want to go and grab that ID from our assistant so you want to go here and go to the assistant that you're working with and grab the copy assistant ID which is right there you want to paste that and then for assistant overrides don't worry about that for the model um let me just make sure that this is the right one because the reason why we're not going to assistant overd is because we're about to do it uh below so for the model um we're going to be doing open Ai and we're going to be doing the assistant and then for the content we want to put in our script right or or our prompt so you want to copy that paste that boom right in there so that's the content and then we're going to go down to Prov provider open AI model now for the model I usually go with chat gbt 3.5 turbo just because that's the one that's been around the longest it costs the less you know amount of money but now with chat bt40 we do have more features that we can do and chat gbt 4 is faster as well so today we're going to actually try out chat gbt 40 and see you know the performance we get from our agent now for the temperature just leave this at one for semantic caching um I would leave it at true um don't worry about anything else for the knowledge base if you are connecting a knowledge base you can put it here but you don't necessarily need that right now now for the voice remember how we you know chose Ramy AI so we want to choose that again and then we're going to do filler uh just leave that blank and then provider Ramy Ai and then voice pick the voice that you went with so we went with Abby so we're going to go with Abby there um speed uh I think you can just leave it blank so we're going to leave it blank but it will default to one I'm pretty sure um and then for the forwarding number we don't really need that first message assistant speaks First Recording enabled um we can leave that off for now um and then for all of that we don't really need to mess with uh we'll actually keep recording enabled as true um for silence type out it has to be over 10 seconds um and then these have to be both 0.1 as we did in the advanced settings um and then the number of words to interrupt let's just go with two Max durations again is 300 background it's up to you I usually keep it off um and then just nothing there nothing there and then we want to put the name of the assistant so my name of the assistant is appointment booking CA so I'm going to take that copy paste here uh first message we want to go here copy paste um voicemail you don't need that voicemail message you don't need that we can enable true but don't put a voicemail and then for the end call we can just say goodbye thankful for your time and then you want to add another end phrase and just do do it goodbye now for the server URL we'll just leave that blank cuz we're going to be coming back to that regardless now for the customer we're going to be putting in the number that you want it to call and then also their name as well so my name's Hayden that's my number for the phone number ID we want to get that from our vappy account which you can find in phone numbers I'm going to be taking this one so paste copy that go go back here paste make sure within the open AI provider string that your max tokens are 500 okay or whatever tokens you want to use so that's within the model and then we're good to hit send scroll down customer number must be valid so you one that so now once you hit send it should be calling you as you can see here it's calling my phone um and you should get the correct Jason body which we're going to be plugging in to postman so let's so then once it works you actually want to copy this on the right here and you want to copy from down all the way here to make sure we're getting the right body don't copy this copy this on the side okay so that's the body that's going to work in our Json request so go to body Go to Raw and then go here um and then so it's saying this is wrong but let's just take out some of the different um things that might be wrong in here so boom now it's right um we're going to be going over to the get URL and we're going to be doing this and it's going to be a post request and then for the headers we're going to be doing content type application Jason and then we're also going to do the authorization and then go and get your be key which we got earlier key we also want to make sure that our bear key is located here as well and then let's hit send so now we can see what's wrong nonwhite space at line 43 so yeah you got to delete that make sure you don't have that then boom it should be working it should be calling my phone you'll see it up here when it calls boom it calling my phone so now we have to set that up in make and how we're going to do that is we're going to start with the custom web hook create web hook name save so once we create that web hook now we want to connect it to our outbound agent and we want to connect it to the use cases that we're going to be using it for so in my case I'm going to be getting leads in through a form and I want to make outbound calls to them so I'm going to be showing you guys how to integrate it within go high level to do exactly that so we're going to take this um web hook code and we're going to hit copy and see how it's running make sure it is running and determining where it's going to get its data from now for the trigger we're going to do form form submitted um we're going to do add form is and we're going to do home sellers form okay there's like 20 of them for some reason and then we're going to do web hook and we're going to paste that code right in there now we are going to add some custom data fields to make sure that we're mapping you know the content usernames and we're actually getting the data out of this so we're going to do um first name last name phone and then we're going to get their contact ID as well so we just want to name this first name last name phone ID and we want to save that action now let's add a contact tag to call them immediately after they submit this form so they're going to submit form and they're going to get a call from our agent now the reason why we're going to test this workflow um is to actually get some info into our web hook so now it's going to receive that data and it gets determined so once we have that structure let's just run it and see if if we're going to get more um data back so This Is Us testing it now that we have our data redetermined that we tested it we ran it and we have all this data within this web hook we can use we're going to be going over to vapy and making an outbound call so search up vappy it should show up and then connect your vappy account so to start off we're going to go and grab the phone number ID with the phone number that we want to call from and then for the customer phone number we're going to grab that from what we just got within our web hook and then for the customer name we're also going to get their first name now for the assistant ID you want to go over and get that assistant ID right here and you want to paste that in hit okay save run wait for new data and we're going to submit this form again and we should be getting an outbound call from vappy through go high level and it's all going to be mapped with the information from the call right so boom incoming call so that means it's calling me right now I would pick it up but I'm filming with my phone but that is the full tutorial and then once you get that phone you'll get all this data back right so then you could take this data and you can either put it into a data storage to so I usually save all of the data that we're going to get into a data store so as you can see here this is all the data that we got from the call um and that is it guys so if you want to make outbound calls either with a transient assistant or a dynamic assistant I just showed you step by step on how to do so and we were using the vapy app with in make to make it a lot more streamlined a lot more easier to make your Dynamic assistance a lot better by using this app I've seen that you know if I go through web hooks to transfer it it doesn't work as well as going through the app so that's what I suggest and that's why I made this video so if you have any questions please let me know down in the comment section or just message me if this held any value for you and if so please subscribe and let me know what tutorials you want to see next because I am about to just release everything everything I know about vapy automations for you guys to actually get your AI agency running or for any business owners to kind of see the ins and outs of what goes in to actually f fully automating processes as well um and how much work and iteration and testing that actually goes into this now if you are a business owner and you do want your backends fully automated not only with the AI calling system but also the appointment booking and many more AI agents within your business and more automations to fully streamline your client acquisition then please click the link down below to speak with me personally or somebody on my team and we can get your plan fully tailored to you and your backend operations fully automated
Channel: Hayden Bunn
Views: 1,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai automation agency, ai business automation, ai agency, ai business tutorial, ai businesses for beginners, ai for business, ai tutorial, ai automation, ai business, AI for business, automation agency, liam ottley, ai caller, how to create an ai caller, vapi ai tutorial, ai tools, voice ai tutorial, how to get leads with ai, vapi ai, how to sell ai chatbot, full ai caller tutorial, how to use ai to make money, how to call with ai, ai assistants, ai lead generation
Id: KwQmJbIOov4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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