Launch Your First AI Caller - VAPI Tutorial In Under 13 Minutes

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by the end of this video you will be talking to your very own voice agent this video is for you if you want to get your voice agent up and running or if you've been playing around with the platform and getting lost with all the settings and toggles I'm going to give you the optimal settings that work in a clear and simple way I want to make sure that you can get your agent at an 80% where it's good enough that you can be testing it and tweaking it that sounds interesting we can definitely help with that do you have any specific features or functionalities in mind for the lead qualification process my name is aljo I've been an AI engineer for about six years and I am the co-founder of a startup specialized in voice AI we've been building these voice agents for a variety of businesses and guiding other people on how to build these for themselves in the next few minutes I'm going to show you the stepbystep of how to build a great voice agent but if you really want to take this to the next level for your business or your clients feel free to book a call with us on the first link below now let's dive in there are several platforms out there that you could use for building voice agents for this this tutorial we're going to stick with bppi because it's very easy to start out on voice agents are very versatile you can have them answering calls from leads or clients which is what we call inbound or you can have your company making calls to leads or clients which is what we call outbound so let's get familiar with how these voice agents actually work when a lead calls into your company VII is going to have the voice agent talking with the lead so the lead starts speaking and we're going to transform that voice into text that's what we call speech to text the provider that we're going to use for that is called Deep gram is one of the best out there then we're going to figure out what to say back to the user using a reasoning model we're going to be using GPT 40 which is fast and really really good finally we want to turn gbt 40's response back into speech that's what we call text to speech and 11 Labs is the best platform that's out there for that so we return that speech to vapi and vapi has a natural realtime conver ation with your caller 2024 is the first year where each of these components are good enough and fast enough to have a realtime phone conversation that's why this opportunity is so large this is the first time this is possible so let's get an overview of the vapi platform and build your agent you're going to go to vy. a you're going to see this landing page and you're going to click on dashboard for me it's going to log in autom aut atically but creating an account is very very easy just an email these are some statistics of one of my account this is going to be blank for you we're going to click on platform and click on assistant so we're going to click on create assistant and we're going to start with a blank template but there are some other options for templates that V has already given out to try out we're going to call it uh agent one create assistant so this is what you you're going to see when you create your first assistant let's break down what you're seeing on the screen right now number one is cost this is what the cost is going to be per minute depending on the settings that I'm going to show you next this cost can go up or can go down also on how long your prompt is and I'm going to show you how to build an optimal prompt in just a second next is latency this just means how long does it take the voice agent to respond back to the user we want this number to be lower so the conversation is faster and more natural next is the question that everybody asks which is what model do I choose this is the reasoning model most people are very familiar with chbt but there are different versions we're going to be choosing gbt 40 cuz it's very fast but it's also really really good at reasoning and having a conversation there are some other models that are better at reasoning but are much slower and it's harder to have that naturality in conversation great the other two things that we're going to look at from the screen is the first message and the system prompt we're going to keep this one very simple we're just going to say hi I'm a leost assistant how can I help and for the system prompt this is what the agent is supposed to do while taking or making calls a bad prompt structure can confuse your agents a good prompt structure make sure that your voice agent can answer the way you want it to even in un certain situations so let's look at what a good prompt structure looks like first know that you're going to be able to download all of these resources in the links below so let's dive into the The Prompt structure a good structure is separated by sections we're going to give the agent a role why is it here for example you are the AI voice receptionist for allejo and you can give it other details about the our startup and what we do your task is going to be to answer my phone calls for me or maybe it's make phone calls for me then another section is specifics this is going to indicate to the voice agent how it should act what it should answer and how it should answer so in this case we have a list so use the hyphen to indicate that this is a list stick to topics relevance to AI development what else other specifics we're going to dive into this later then context hey you are in a phone call with a prospect with a client and then steps these are the steps that it will follow in the conversation it will greet the user maybe take its details Etc and immediately after you're going to give it an example conversation so this is really where the magic happens you're giving it some boundaries of what a good conversation is like and maybe the user asks about something that's out of topic that's why we specify here stick to these topics or answer in this way and finally notes hey keep your sentences short appropriate for a phone conversation now let's look at what a full prompt looks like we have tested several different ways of building a prompt and this has been the most reliable so this is what we're going to start with with for a first agent you're going to have that here we want to have you running this as fast as possible so remember you can download this prompt on the link below I want to make sure that you can get your agent at an 80% where it's good enough that you can be testing it and tweaking it and there are some other butons other toggles here that you'll get familiar with later on I'm going to make a video deep diving into all of these but for now the defaults are really good and they work very reliably so let's look at the rest of the components of you have the transcriber this is the speech to text and I mentioned deep gram is a really really good model they've been in the game for a really long time for voice we're going to stick with 11 Labs there are several different providers and you can choose the voice that you want in the voice Library just click here and it'll show you every possible voice and you can listen to voices until you find one that you like further below you'll see other configurations other buttons other toggles for now we're going to keep this as default we're going to Deep dive into the details in a different video cuz these work you don't really need to mess with these for now functions is where voice agents really shine but for building your first voice agents this is just going to complicate it so subscribe below and I'm going to release another video where I'm going to show you how to integrate your calendar or your CRM into your voice agents and finally for advanced settings similar situation except that for response delay we're going to push this to one so the agent doesn't start talking over you you can see what happens when you leave it at 0.1 that's why I recommend having a 1second delay everything else stays the same so let's go back to the important part which is the prompt what are the instructions that the AI needs to follow for role in this case I'm going to say you are the AI voice receptionist for aljo allejo is the owner of a startup specialized in voice AI you are in charge of taking calls from clients and leads interested in projects involving voice a I for task we're going to say you're in charge of answering the phone and uh answering any of the users questions in my next video I'm going to show you how to build an appointment setter that connects with your CRM and your calendar and books calls with leads and clients for now we're just going to have it answering questions about our company then for specifics we're going to give some standard directions you may only ask one question at a time wait for a response after for each question you ask the Contex is going to be you're now in a phone call with a lead and the steps is going to be a numbered list number one greet the user number two ask for their name and why their calling three answer their questions about what we do great and now I'm going to give it an example conversation of what that would look like one important caveat here is explaining what this Q is so we're going to say Q are your questions and R are the user responses we're going to change the first message slightly to hi I'm alejo's assistant who am I speaking with and could you tell me about what you're looking for we wait for the user to respond and after we just continue the conversation naturally this is a very very short conversation obviously this can go really large we've built on prompt with thousands and thousands of characters but for now we want to get this up and running for you so we're just going to say great what questions can I answer for you you wait for the user response and then you just answer any questions they have finally we have some notes we can say keep your sentences short appropriate for a phone conversation and now you have your prompt you can go up here and click on talk with agent to call it and test it out but I'm going to go to the final step which is getting a pH phone number so you can actually call it it's going to ask you to add yeah your card details so you can go to building and set up your card here great so I just set up mine you go to phone numbers we're going to click on Buy number we're going to choose an area code and if you're outside of the US or Canada you can set up a Tulio account and I'm going to show how to do that in a different video you can set up a Tulio account and then import your number here just choose Tulio and set up your uh Account Details and now we have our number last thing that we're going to do is Select an assistant to be this agent that we just created and we can call this number just like we would call any other number and talk to our assistant let's try it out going to put it on speaker there you go hi I'm alejo's assistant who am I speaking with and could you tell me about what you're looking for hi this is Alo I'm actually looking for uh AI Solutions and I wanted to understand exactly what you guys do hi aljo we specialize in voice AI Solutions can you tell me more about what specific needs or projects you have in mind yeah I'm actually in real estate and uh I wanted to help my agents for my brokerage with um automating their lead qualification that sounds interesting we can definitely help with that do you have any specific features or functionalities in mind for the lead qualification process cool we're going to pause it there cuz I think that you can see where this can go what if we could set up an appointment with this lead calling what if we could continue the conversation later on with a human having all their initial questions answered and warming up the lead that's what we're going to step into next in our next video we're going to create an appointment setter that can connect to your CRM connect to your calendar and set up appointments for you so you can get more sales if you want to take this to the next level if you have a project in mind or if you really want to dive deeper feel free to book a call with me in the first link below I'm here to help for now make sure you get this up and running in your end and write down in the comments any questions you have I'm happy to answer have fun with your very own voice agent and remember never stop prompting
Channel: Alejo & Paige Voice AI
Views: 565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI Dialers,, Air AI, VAPI Squads, Alejo, Voice AI
Id: 5kQgVs7ZVKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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