Dr. Joseph Murphy Riches Are Your Right (Unabridged Audiobook)

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This is a book full of powerful affirmations for Health; Wealth, Relationships, and Self-Expression. The idea behind these techniques is pretty simple. Most of us grow up learning to put ourselves down for any real or imagined error. We grow up believing certain things about ourselves or comparing ourselves negatively to others. The use of positive affirmations is a technique to change that negative self-talk into something more positive. Since we've spent many years on the negative image it's unreasonable to expect an instant effect from affirmations, but if we stick to it for a few days, with honesty, trust, and belief, then results will start to happen.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chiefexecutiveprime 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the reality revolution i'm your host brian scott today we're going to read a magnificent book by dr joseph murphy sort of a booklet written early on it's interesting finally found some of the early writings that haven't been talked about as much by dr murphy and there is some great stuff in here that is a little different than some of the stuff that we've gone over this booklet is perfect length it's called riches are your right and it's just filled with affirmations and biblical passages so you can treat this like a meditation in some ways like our meditation calling to the divine we have a couple so far on the podcast but these were created early on a little bit different very powerful [Music] riches are you right by dr joseph murphy this is a book full of powerful affirmations for health wealth relationships and self-expression the idea behind these techniques is pretty simple most of us grow up learning to put ourselves down for any real or imagined error we grow up believing certain things about ourselves or comparing ourselves negatively to others the use of positive affirmations is a technique to change that negative self-talk into something more positive since we've spent many years on the negative image it's unreasonable to expect an instant effect from affirmations if we stick to it for a few days with honesty trust and belief then results will start to happen how to apply the healing principle i will restore health unto thee and i will heal thee of thy wounds save the lord the god in me has limitless possibilities i know that all things are possible with god i believe this and accept it wholeheartedly now i know that the god power in me makes darkness light and crooked things straight i am now lifted up in consciousness by contemplating that god indwells me i speak the word now for the healing of mind body and affairs i know that this principle within me responds to my faith and trust the father does the works i am now in touch with life love truth and beauty within me i now align myself with the infinite principle of love and life within me i know that harmony health and peace are now being expressed in my body as i live move and act in the assumption of my perfect health it becomes actual i now imagine and feel the reality of my perfect body i'm filled with a sense of peace and well-being thank you father [Music] the healing principle jesus said thy faith hath made thee whole i positively believe in the healing power of god within me my conscious and subconscious minds are in perfect agreement i accept the statement of truth which i positively affirm the words i speak are words of spirit and they are truth i now decree that the healing power of god is transforming my whole body making me whole pure and perfect i believe with a deep inner certitude then my prayer of faith is being manifest now i am guided by the wisdom of god in all matters the love of god flows in transcendent beauty and loveliness into my mind and body transforming normalizing and energizing every atom of my being i sense the peace that passes through understanding god's glory surrounds me and i rest forever in the everlasting arms wearing his garment i have found god in the sanctuary of my own soul god is life that life is my life i know god is not a body he is shapeless timeless and ageless i see god in my mind's eye through understanding i see and look upon god in the same way that i see the answer to a mathematical problem i now rise to the awareness of peace poise and power this feeling of joy peace and good will within me is actually the spirit of god moving within me it is god in action it is almighty there is no power in external things to hurt me the only power resides in my own mind and consciousness [Music] my body is the garment of god the living spirit almighty is within me it is absolutely pure holy and perfect i know that this holy spirit is god and that this spirit is now flowing through me healing and making my body whole pure and perfect i have complete power over my body and my world my thoughts of peace power and health have the power of god to be realized within me now blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god i have seen and felt his holy presence it is wonderful the quiet mind god dwells at the center of my being god is peace this peace unfolds me in its arms now there is a deep feeling of security vitality and strength underlying this peace this inner sense of peace in which i now dwell is the silent brooding presence of god the love the light of god watch over me as a loving mother watches over the sleeping child deep in my heart is the holy presence that is my peace my strength and my source of supply all fear has vanished i see god in all people i see god manifest in all things i am an instrument of the divine presence i now release this inner peace it flows through my entire being releasing and dissolving all problems this is the piece that passes through understanding mental poise whither shall i go from thy spirit or whither shall i flee from thy presence if i ascend up into heaven thou art there if i make my bed in hell behold thou art there if i take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me i am now full of a divine enthusiasm because i am in the presence of divinity i am in the presence of all power wisdom majesty and love the light of god illumines my intellect my mind is full of poise balance and equilibrium there is a perfect mental adjustment to all things i am at peace with my own thoughts i rejoice in my work it gives me joy and happiness i draw continually upon my divine storehouse for it is the only presence and only power my mind is god's mind i am at peace the peace of god all is peace and harmony in my world for god in me is the lord of peace i am the consciousness of god in action i'm always at peace my mind is poised serene and calm in this atmosphere of peace and good will which surrounds me i feel a deep abiding strength and freedom from all fear i now sense and feel the love and beauty of his holy presence day by day i am more aware of god's love all that is false falls away i see god personified in all people i know that as i allow this inner peace to flow through my being all problems are solved i dwell in god therefore i rest in the eternal arms of peace your life is hid with christ in god my peace is the deep unchanging peace of god it is the peace of god which passes through all understanding spiritual medicine a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance the spirit of the almighty pervades every atom of my being making me whole joyous and perfect i know that all of the functions of my body respond to this inner joy welling up within me i am now stirring up the gift of god within me i feel wonderful the oil of joy and illumination anoint my intellect and become a lamp unto my feet i am now perfectly adjusted emotionally there is a divine equilibrium functioning in my mind body and affairs i resolve from this moment forward to express peace and happiness to every person i meet [Music] i know that my happiness and peace come from god as i shed his light love and truth to others i am also blessing and healing myself in countless ways i radiate the sunshine of god's love to all mankind [Music] his light shines through me and illuminates my path i am resolved to express peace joy and happiness controlling my emotions when a negative thought of fear jealousy or resentment enters my mind i supplant it with the thought of god my thoughts are god's thoughts and god's power is with my thoughts of good i know i have complete dominion over my thoughts and emotions i am a channel of the divine i now redirect all my feelings and emotions along harmonious constructive lines the sons of god shouted for joy i now rejoice to accept the ideas of god which are peace harmony and goodwill and i delight to express them this heals all discord within me only god's ideas enter my mind bringing me harmony health and peace god is love perfect love casts out fear resentment and all negative states i now fall in love with truth i wish for all men everything i wish for myself i radiate love peace and good will to all i am at peace overcoming fear there is no fear as perfect love casts out fear today i permit love to keep me in perfect harmony and peace with all levels of my world my thoughts are loving kind and harmonious i sense my oneness with god for in him i live move and have my being i know that all of my desires will be realized in perfect order i trust the divine law within me to bring my ideals to pass the father does the works i am divine spiritual joyous and absolutely fearless i am now surrounded by the perfect peace of god it is the peace of god which passes through all understanding i now place all my attention on the thing desired i love this desire and i give it my wholehearted attention [Music] my spirit is lifted into the mood of confidence and peace this is the spirit of god moving in me it gives me a sense of peace security and rest truly perfectly love casts out fear the holy temple those that be planted in the house of the lord shall flourish in the courts of our god i am still and at peace my heart and my mind are motivated by the spirit of goodness truth and beauty my thought is now on the presence of god within me this stills my mind i know that the way of creation is spirit moving upon itself my true self now moves in and on itself creating peace harmony and health in my body and affairs i am divine in my deeper self i know i am a son of the living god i create the way god creates by the self-contemplation of spirit i know my body does not move of itself it is acted upon by my thoughts and emotions i now say to my body be still and quiet it must obey i understand this and i know it is a divine law i take my attention away from the physical world i feast in the house of god within me i meditate and feast upon harmony health and peace these come forth from the god essence within i am at peace [Music] my body is a temple of the living god god is in his holy temple let all the earth keep silent before him god is the eternal now using the subconscious mind now that my good is this very moment i believe in my heart that i can prophecy for myself harmony health peace and joy i enthrone the concept of peace success and prosperity in my mind now i know and believe these thoughts seeds will grow and manifest themselves in my experience i am the gardener as i sow so shall i reap i sow god-like thoughts seeds these wonderful seeds are peace success harmony and good will it is a wonderful harvest from this moment forward i am depositing in the universal bank my subconscious mind seeds or thoughts of peace confidence poise and balance i am drawing out the fruit of the wonderful seeds i am depositing i believe and accept the fact that my desire is a seed deposited in the subconscious i make it real by feeling the reality of it i accept the reality of my desire in the same manner i accept the fact that the seed deposited in the ground will grow i know it grows in the darkness also my desire or ideal grows in the darkness of my subconscious mind in a little while like the seed it comes above the ground becomes objectified as a condition circumstance or event infinite intelligence governs and guides me in all ways i meditate on whatsoever things are true honest just lovely and of good report i think on these things and god's power is with my thoughts of good i am at peace the way of prayer thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shall have good success i now give a pattern of success and prosperity to the deep mind within me which is the law i now identify myself with the infinite source of supply i listen to the still small voice of god within me this inner voice leads guides and governs all of my activities i am one with the abundance of god i know and believe that there are new and better ways of conducting my business infinite intelligence reveals the new ways to me i am growing in wisdom and understanding my business is god's business i'm divinely prospered in all ways divine wisdom within me reveals the ways and means by which all my affairs are adjusted in the right way immediately the words of faith and conviction which i now speak open up all the necessary doors or avenues for my success and prosperity i know that the lord law will perfect that which concerns me my feet are kept in the perfect path because i am a son of the living god how to realize the abundant life i know that to prosper means to grow spiritually along all lines god is prospering me now in mind body and affairs god's ideas constantly unfold within me bringing to me health wealth and perfect divine expression i thrill inwardly as i feel the life of god vitalizing every atom of my being i know that god's life is animating sustaining and strengthening me now i am now expressing a perfect radiant body full of vitality energy and power my business or profession is a divine activity and since it is god's business it is successful and prosperous i imagine and feel an inner wholeness functioning through my body mind and affairs i give thanks and rejoice in the abundant life the prayer of faith the prayer of faith shall save the sick man and god shall raise him up i know that no matter what the negation of yesterday was then my prayer or affirmation of truth will rise triumphantly over it today i steadfastly behold the joy of the answered prayer i walk all day long in the light today is god's day it is a glorious day for me as it is full of peace harmony and joy my faith in the good is written in my heart and felt in my inward parts i am absolutely convinced there is a presence and a perfect law which receives the impress of my desire now and which irresistibly attracts into my experience all the good things my heart desires i now place all of my reliance faith and trust in the power and presence of god within me i am at peace i know i am a guest of the infinite and that god is my host i hear the invitation of the holy one saying come unto me all ye that labor and i will give you rest i rest in god all is well the abundant life consider the lilies of the field they toil not neither do they spin yet solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed as one of these i know that god is prospering me in all ways i am now leading the abundant life because i believe in a god of abundance i am supplied with everything that contributes to my beauty well-being progress and peace i am daily experiencing the fruits of the spirit of god within me i accept my good now i walk in the light that all good is mine i am peaceful poised serene and calm i am one with the source of life all of my needs are met at every moment of time and every point of space i now bring all the empty vessels to the father within the fullness of god is made manifest in all of the departments of my life all that the father hath is mine i rejoice that this is so imagination the workshop of god where there is no vision the people perish my vision is that i desire to know more of god in the way he works my vision is for perfect health harmony and peace my vision is the inner faith that infinite spirit heals and guides me now in all ways i know and believe that the god power within me answers my prayer this is a deep conviction within me i know that imagination is the result of what i image in my mind faith is as paul says the substance out of which the image is formed i make it my daily practice to imagine only for myself and others that which is noble wonderful and christ-like i now imagine that i am doing the thing i long to do i imagine that i now possess the things i long to possess i imagine i am what i long to be to make it real i feel the reality of it i know that it is so thank you father god's will for me god opens for me the windows of heaven and pours me out a blessing god's will must be godlike for that is the nature of god god's will for me therefore is health goodness harmony and abundance if ye abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you i am now enlightened by the truth each day i am growing in wisdom and understanding i am a perfect channel for the works of god i am free from all worry and confusion infinite intelligence within me is a lamp unto my feet i know i am led to the right thing for it is god in action in all of my affairs the peace that passes understanding fills my mind now i believe and accept my ideal i know it subsists in the infinite i give it form and expression by my complete mental acceptance i feel the reality of the fulfilled desire the peace of god fills my soul abide in the silence jesus said god is a spirit and that they worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth i know and realize that god is a spirit moving within me i know that god is a feeling or deep conviction of harmony health and peace within me it is the movement of my own heart the spirit or feeling of confidence and faith which now possesses me is the spirit of god and the action of god on the waters of my mind this is god it is the creative power within me i live move and have my being in the faith and confidence that goodness truth and beauty shall follow me all of the days of my life this faith in god and all things good is omnipotent it removes all barriers i now close the door of the senses i withdraw all attention from the world i turn within to the one the beautiful and the good here i dwell with my father beyond time and space here i live move and dwell in the shadow of the almighty i am free from all fear from the verdict of the world and the appearance of things i now feel his presence which is the feeling of the answered prayer or the presence of my good i become that which i contemplate i now feel that i am what i want to be this feeling or awareness is the action of god in me it is the creative power i give thanks for the joy of the answered prayer and i rest in the silence that it is done [Music] to be to do and to have [Music] at the center of my being is peace this is the peace of god in the stillness i feel strength guidance and the love of his holy presence i am divinely active i am expressing the fullness of god along all lines i am a channel for the divine and i now release the imprisoned splendor that is within me i am divinely guided to my true expression in life i am compensated in a wonderful way i see god in everything and personified in all men and women everywhere i know as i permit this river of peace to flow through my being all of my problems are solved all things i need to fully express myself on this plane are irresistibly attracted to me by the universal law of attraction the way is revealed to me i am full of joy and harmony god's broadcast all your brethren for one is your father i always bring harmony peace and joy into every situation and into all of my personal relationships i know believe and claim that the peace of god reigns supreme in the mind and heart of everyone in my home and business no matter what the problem is i always maintain peace poise patience and wisdom i fully and freely forgive everyone regardless of what they may have said or done i cast all of my burdens on the christ within i go free this is a marvelous feeling i know that blessings come to me as i forgive i see the angel of god's presence behind every problem or difficult situation i know the solution is there and that everything is working out in divine order i trust the god presence implicitly it has the know-how of accomplishment the absolute order of heaven and his absolute wisdom are acting through me now and at all times i know that order is heaven's first law my mind is now fixed joyously and expectantly on this perfect harmony i know the result is the inevitable perfect solution my answer is god's answer it is divine for it is the melody of god's broadcast spiritual rebirth today i am reborn spiritually i completely detach myself from the old way of thinking and i bring divine love light and truth definitely into my experience i consciously feel love for everyone i meet mentally i say to everyone i contact i see the christ in you and i now see the christ in me i recognize the qualities of god in everyone i practice this morning noon and night it is a living part of me i am reborn spiritually now because all day long i practice the presence of god no matter what i am doing whether i am walking the street shopping or about my daily business whenever my thoughts wander away from god or the good i bring it back to the contemplation of his holy presence i feel noble dignified and christ-like i walk in a high mood sensing my oneness with god his peace fills my soul love frees god is love and god is life this life is one and indivisible life manifests itself in and through all people it is the center of my own being i know that light dispels the darkness so does the love of the good overcome all evil my knowledge of the power of love overcomes all negative conditions now love and hate cannot dwell together i now turn the light of god upon all fear or anxious thoughts in mind and they flee away the dawn or light of truth appears in the shadows fear and doubt flee away i know divine love watches over me guides me and makes clear the path for me i am expanding into the divine i am now expressing god in all of my thoughts words and actions the nature of god is love i know that perfect love casteth out fear the secret place he that dwelled in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i dwell in the secret place of the most high this is my own mind all my thoughts entertained by me conformed to harmony peace and goodwill my mind is the dwelling place of happiness joy and a deep sense of security all of the thoughts that enter my mind contribute to my joy peace and general welfare i live move and have my being in the atmosphere of good fellowship love and unity all the people that dwell in my mind are god's children i'm at peace in my mind with all of the members of my household and all mankind the same good i wish for myself i wish for all men i am living in the house of god now i claim peace and happiness for i know i dwell in the house of the lord forever control your emotions he that is slow to wrath is of great understanding but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly i am always poised serene and calm the peace of god floods my mind and my whole being i practice the golden rule and sincerely wish peace and good will to all men i know that the love of all things which are good penetrates my mind casting out all fear i am now living in the joyous expectancy of the best my mind is free from all worry and doubt my words of truth now dissolve every negative thought and emotion within me i forgive everyone i open the doorway of my heart to god's presence my whole being is flooded with the light and understanding from within the petty things of life no longer irritate me when fear worry and doubt knock at my door faith in goodness truth and beauty opens the door and there is no one there oh god thou art my god and there is none else prayer of gratitude o give thanks unto the lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people sing unto him sing psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the lord i give thanks sincerely and humbly for all the goodness truth and beauty which flow through me i have a grateful uplifted heart for all of the good that has come to me in mind body and affairs i radiate love and good will to all mankind i lift them up in my thought and feeling i always show my gratitude and give thanks for all of my blessings the grateful heart brings my mind and heart in intimate union with the creative power of the cosmos my thankful and exalted state of mind leads me along the ways by which all good things come enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name how to attract your divine companion i know that i am one with god now in him i live move and have my being god is life this life is the life of all men and women we are all sons and daughters of the one father i know and believe there is a man waiting to love and cherish me i know i can contribute to his happiness and peace he lives my ideals i love his ideals he does not want to make me over neither do i want to make him over there is mutual love freedom and respect there is one mind i know him now in this mind i unite now with the qualities and attributes that i admire and want expressed by my husband i am one with them in my mind we know and love each other already in divine mind i see the christ in him he sees the christ in me having met him within i must meet him in the without for this is the law of my own mind these words go forth and accomplish where unto they are sent i know it is now done finished and accomplished in god thank you father how to pray for companionship god is one and indivisible in him we love move and have our being i know and believe that god indwells every person i am one with god and with all people i now attract the right person who is in complete accord with me this is a spiritual union because it is the spirit of god functioning through the personality of someone with whom i blend perfectly i know i can give to this person love light and truth i know i can make this man or woman's life full complete and wonderful i now decree that he or she possesses the following qualities and attributes that they are spiritual loyal faithful and true they are prosperous peaceful and happy we are irresistibly attracted to each other only that which belongs to love truth and wholeness can enter my experience i accept my ideal companion now divine freedom if ye continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free i know the truth and the truth is that the realization of my desire would free me from all sense of bondage i accept my freedom i know it is already established in the kingdom of god i know that all things in my world are projections of my inner attitudes i am transforming my mind by dwelling on whatsoever things are true now is possessing all of the good things of life which as peace harmony health and happiness my contemplation rises to the point of acceptance i accept the desires of my heart completely god is the only presence i am expressing in the fullness of god now i am free there is peace in my home heart and in all of my affairs [Music] prayer for peace peace begins with me the peace of god fills my mind the spirit of good will goes forth from me to all mankind god is everywhere and fills the hearts of all men in absolute truth all men are now spiritually perfect they are expressing god's qualities and attributes these qualities and attributes are love light truth and beauty there are no separate nations all men belong to the one country the one nation which is god's country a country is a dwelling place i dwell in the secret place of the most high i walk and talk with god so do all men everywhere there is only one divine family and that is humanity there are no frontiers or barriers between the nations because god is one god is indivisible god cannot be divided against himself the love of god permeates the hearts of all men everywhere god in his wisdom rules and guides the nation he inspires our leaders and the leaders of all nations to do his will and his will only the peace of god which passes all understanding fills my mind in the minds of all men throughout the cosmos thank you father for thy peace it is done predicting my future thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands i know that my faith in god determines my future my faith in god means my faith in all things good i unite myself now with true ideas i know the future will be in the image of the likeness of my habitual thinking as a man thinketh in his heart so is he from this moment forward my thoughts are on whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are lovely and of good report day and night i meditate on these things and i know these seed thoughts which i habitually dwell upon will become a rich harvest for me i'm the captain of my own soul i am the master of my fate for my thought and feeling are my destiny [Music] my destiny i know that i mold fashion and create my own destiny my faith in god is my destiny this means an abiding faith in all things good i live in the joy out expectancy of the best only the best comes to me i know the harvest i will reap in the future because all my thoughts are god's thoughts and god is with my thoughts of good my thoughts are the seeds of goodness truth and beauty i now place my thoughts of love peace joy success and good will in the garden of my mind this is god's garden and it will yield an abundant harvest the glory and beauty of god will express in my life from this moment forward i express life love and truth i am radiantly happy and prosperous in all ways thank you father constructive imagination those things which ye have both learned and received and heard and seen in me do and the god of peace shall be with you my mind is god's mind and my thoughts are god's thoughts this is how i use my imagination daily i constantly meditate on whatsoever things are true honest just lovely and of good report my imagination is the workshop of god at all times i imagine only peace harmony health wealth perfect expression and love i reject everything unlike god or perfection today i claim my true place in the kingdom of god i make it a daily practice to seek first the kingdom of god within me then i know that all good things shall be added to me all my faith is in god and the good god's love is supreme in me and casts out all fear i am at peace thank you father the balanced mind thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusted in thee i know that the inner desires of my heart come from god within me god wants me to be happy the will of god for me is life love truth and beauty i mentally accept my good now and i become perfect free-flowing channel for the divine i come into his presence singing i enter into his courts with praise i am joyful and happy i am still imposed the still small voice whispers in my ear revealing to me perfect answers i am an expression of god i am always in my true place doing the thing i love to do i refuse to accept the opinions of man as truth i now turn within and i sense and feel the rhythm of the divine i hear the melody of god whispering its message of love to me my mind is god's mind and i am always reflecting divine wisdom and divine intelligence my brain symbolizes the christ's capacity to think wisely and spiritually god's ideas unfold within my mind with perfect sequence i'm always poised balanced serene and calm for i know that god will always reveal to me the perfect solution to all my needs the creative word be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves my creative word is my silent conviction that my prayer is answered when i speak the word for healing success or prosperity my word is spoken in the consciousness of life and power knowing that it is done my word has power because it is one with omnipotence the words i speak are always constructive and creative when i pray my words are full of life love and feeling this makes my affirmations thoughts and words creative i know the greater my faith behind the word spoken the more power it has the words i use form a definite mold which determine what form my thought is to take divine intelligence operates through me now and reveals to me what i need to know i have the answer now i am at peace god is peace the answered prayer before they call i will answer and while they are speaking i will hear when i pray i call on the father the son and the holy ghost the father is my own consciousness the son is my desire the holy ghost is the feeling of being what i want to be i now take my attention away from the problem whatever it may be my mind and heart are open to the influx from on high i know the kingdom of god is within me i sense feel understand and know that my own life my awareness of being my own i am-ness is the living spirit almighty i now turn in recognition to this one who forever is the light of god illumines my pathway i am divinely inspired and governed in all ways now i begin to pray scientifically in order to bring my desires into manifestation by claiming and feeling myself to be and to have what i long to be and to have i walk in the inner silent knowing of the soul because i know my prayer is already answered as i feel the reality of it in my heart thank you father it is done the divine answer i know that the answer to my problem lies in the god self within me i now get quiet still and relaxed i'm at peace i know god speaks in peace and not in confusion i am now in tune with the infinite i know and believe implicitly that infinite intelligence is revealing to me the perfect answer i think about the solution to my problems i now live in the mood i would have where my problems solved i truly live in the abiding faith and trust which is the mood of the solution this is the spirit of god moving within me the spirit is omnipotent it is manifesting itself my whole being rejoices in the solution i am glad i live in this feeling and give thanks i know that god has the answer with god all things are possible god is the living spirit almighty within me he is the source of all wisdom and illumination the indicator of the presence of god within me is a sense of peace and poise i now cease all sense of strain and struggle i trust the god power implicitly i know that all the wisdom and power i need to live a glorious and successful life are within me i relax my entire body i cast all burdens on the christ i go free i claim and i feel the peace of god flooding my mind heart and whole being i know the quiet mind gets the problem solved i now turn the request over to the god presence knowing it has an answer i am at peace divine guidance i now dwell on the omnipresence and omni action of god i know that this infinite wisdom guides the planets on their source i know this same divine intelligence governs and directs all of my affairs i claim and believe divine understanding is mine at all times i know that all of my activities are controlled by this indwelling presence all my motives are godlike and true god's wisdom truth and beauty are being expressed by me at all times the all-knowing one within me knows what to do and how to do it my business or profession is completely controlled governed and directed by the love of god divine guidance is mine i know god's answer for my mind is at peace i rest in the everlasting arms right action i radiate good will to all mankind in thought word and deed i know the peace and goodwill that i radiate to my fellow men come back to me a thousand-fold whatever i need to know comes to me from the god self within me infinite intelligence is operating through me revealing to me what i need to know god in me knows only the answer the perfect answer is made known to me now infinite intelligence and divine wisdom make all decisions through me and there's only right action and right expression taking place in my life every night i wrap myself in the mantle of god's love and fall asleep knowing divine guidance is mine when the dawn comes i am filled with peace i go forth into the new day full of faith confidence and trust thank you father the resurrection of my desire my desire for health harmony peace abundance and security is the voice of god speaking to me i definitely choose to be happy and successful i am guided in all ways i open my mind and heart to the influx of the holy spirit i'm at peace i draw successful and happy people into my experience i recognize only the presence and power of god within me the light of god shines through me and from me into everything about me the emanation of god's love flows from me it is a healing radiance unto everyone who comes into my presence i now assume the feeling of being what i want to be i know that the way to resurrect my desire is to remain faithful to my ideal knowing that an almighty power is working on my behalf i live in this mood of faith and confidence i give thanks that it is done for it is established in god in all as well achieving my goal in all the ways acknowledge him and he will make plain thy path my knowledge of god and the way he works is growing by leaps and bounds i control and direct all my emotions along peaceful constructive channels divine love fills all my thoughts words and actions my mind is at peace i am at peace with my fellow man i'm relaxed and at ease i know that i am here to express god fully in all ways i believe implicitly in the guidance of the holy spirit within this infinite intelligence within me now reveals to me the perfect plan of expression i move toward it confidently and joyously the goal and the objective that i have in my mind is good and very good i have definitely planted in my mind the way of fulfillment the almighty power now moves in my behalf he is a light on my path business problems i know and believe my business is god's business god is my partner in all my affairs to me this means his light love truth and inspiration fill my mind and heart in all ways i solve all of my problems by placing my complete trust in the divine power within me i know that this presence sustains everything i now rest in security and peace this day i am surrounded by perfect understanding there is a divine solution to all of my problems i definitely understand everyone i am understood i know that all my business relationships are in accord with the divine law of harmony i know that christ indwells all my customers and clients i work harmoniously with others to the end that happiness prosperity and peace reigns supreme principle and business my business is god's business i'm always about my father's business which is to radiate life joy and truth to all mankind i'm expressing myself fully now i'm giving of my talents in a wonderful way i am divinely compensated god is prospering my business profession or activity in a wonderful way i claim that all of those in my organization are spiritual links in its growth welfare and prosperity i know this believe it and rejoice that it is so all of those connected with me are divinely prospered and illumined by the light the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world leads and guides me in all ways all my decisions are controlled by divine wisdom infinite intelligence reveals better ways in which i can serve humanity i rest in the lord forever how to solve your problems what things soever you desire when you pray believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them i know that a problem has its solution within it in the form of a desire the realization of my desire is good and very good i know and believe that the creative power within me has the absolute power to bring forth that which i deeply desire the principle which gave me the desire is the principle which gives me its birth there is absolutely no argument in my mind about this i now ride the white horse which is the spirit of god moving upon the waters of my mind i take my attention away from the problem and dwell upon the reality of the fulfilled desire i'm using the law now i assume the feeling that my prayer is answered i make it real by feeling the reality of it in him i live move and have my being i live in this feeling and give thanks steps to success would you not that i be about my father's business i know that my business profession or activity is god's business god's business is always basically successful i'm growing in wisdom and understanding every day and accept the fact that god's law of abundance is always working for me through me and all around me my business or profession is full of right action and right expression the ideas money merchandise and contracts that i need are mine now and at all times all of these things are irresistibly attracted to me by the law of universal attraction god is the life of my business i am divinely guided and inspired in all ways every day i'm presented with wonderful opportunities to grow expand and progress i'm building up goodwill i am a great success because i do business with others as i would have them do it with me the triumph of prayer now let go of everything i enter into the realization of peace harmony and joy god is all over all through all and all in all i lead the triumphant life because i know the divine love guides directs sustains and heals me the immaculate presence of god is the very center of my being it is made manifest now in every atom of my body there can be no delay impediment or obstruction to the realization of my heart's desire the almighty power of god is now moving in my behalf none shall stay its hand and say unto it what doest thou i know what i want my desire is clear-cut and definite i accept it completely in my mind i remain faithful to the end i have entered into jerusalem this means my mind is at peace and that is the beautiful collection of affirmations riches are your right by dr joseph murphy i've always said that dr joseph murphy may be the best of all time at writing affirmations it goes beyond very basic ideas like saying i am rich if you notice that his affirmations are evocative of feeling in such a way when i read this i feel at peace i feel relaxed i sense the presence of the indwelling god it is a kinesthetic feeling that i feel directly when i read these words as we know the feeling is the secret from neville goddard and he is always praying along the lines of feeling but it's an affirmation a reminder that it's the feeling where it's at that you feel this presence of god you feel this peace and that you project it outward but he always has certain phrases and ways of saying things that cover everything so that you're infinite good that you take care of all problems that he guides the mind if you look at these affirmations they are instructions in thinking as well but it's better than that you're saying something that you need to do and so it changes instantly the way you think you cannot help but listen to this episode over and over on repeat and find that same thing if you want to feel good just listen to dr murphy and his affirmations you can't help but feel good after 20 or 30 minutes of him saying i'm at peace i'm of the divine mind when he does it and he speaks in the way and verbiage and syntax that he does he is speaking directly to the subconscious which i believe dr murphy was a true expert about the way he wrote about the subconscious the power of the subconscious mind is definitely something we will be dealing with in the future but for now anytime that you need these affirmations is a great place to start because riches are your right you are rich you are divine let me know what you think in the comments i'd love to hear your impression of his affirmations and if they're a little bit different than the others there's some similarities to his other affirmations but you can feel the deep joy and desire in his journey and discovery of god in these words all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the realityrevolution.com and welcome to the reality revolution
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 37,130
Rating: 4.929069 out of 5
Keywords: law of attraction, joseph murphy, dr joseph murphy, dr. joseph murphy, joseph murphy affirmations, dr joseph murphy lectures, brian scott dr joseph murphy, the power of your subconscious mind, joseph murphy subconscious mind, reality revolution, telepsychics joseph murphy, joseph murphy prayer, joseph murphy healing, joseph murphy faith, riches are your right, riches are your right by joseph murphy, riches are your right by dr.joseph murphy, riches are your right audiobook, god
Id: Ci27XuLulpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 47sec (3587 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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