How to Assemble a Chevy Engine Part 1

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okay today it's a big day here's the block it came back from machine shop all the cylinders are all bored out - let's see these are four inch holes and they're 30 over so it's four point zero three and the pistons themselves are once again four inches and there are two thousands under so they're four point zero to eight we have all new freeze-out plugs oil gallery plugs same thing on the front new plugs here's our camshaft we will take that out put that back in later on okay here's the bottom side you'll see here's the front end motor here are the mains where they're going to go and here's the camshaft down here we rotate if you want to but we're going to take that out and put that back in later on after we loop it all up then here's the rest of all the parts that have to be cleaned up and put on and then we have there's all the gaskets that are required for the whole motor assembly here's our crankshaft ready to go here's our Pistons you'll see they have all new wrist pins on them brand new Pistons the journals here have been all honed out they're all perfect size then we have the the rest of the parts there's a timing chain a chain and two sprockets where's the piston rings themselves so they all come here's the law rings here's the two compression rings so here's the hearing engine bearings all messy CO and the main bearings the same way oh you have the valve lifters themselves look at these guys when they spray a new speed just in so we have oil pump we have to install the screen from the old one but we'll do that later on so the heads are all done so I guess that's about it if we get started look here's our bearings they come the plastic seal them plastic so here them to make sure everything gets put in the right place there's two different kinds of bearings whether about the same boat on the mains you'll see the bottom one has a hole because there's a hole right here for the oil to come up and lubricate the crankshaft they'll be the same deal with the rod bearing point with the main bearing on the other side you'll see that when you put it in that matches the notch and also the hole lines up so that's what we're going to do with this side put these in there nice and flush so it fit perfect here's the rear main perfect snapper in position see here's the hole for the block there's the hole for the bearing here's the notch there's the other notch just seek those right in there perfect remember one side has a whole one side does not go in without the whole go to the cap Oh put the West on end perfect so you can see the whole one very much as a whole in black okay now what I'm going to do is I got the bearings in want to test the crankshaft so I put some point out every one of these now I'm going to place the crankshaft in order Oh okay it spins nice and easy okay so what I'm going to do now is take the crankshaft back out we use this stuff called plastic age when cut off a little bit of little piece and put it on the bearing I'm also going to leave a little piece here I put all the caps on torque them to the right specification take them all off and then we'll measure and see how much clearance is there these need to thousands clearance so let's give that a try see what I'm doing I just take this classic gauge a little piece off just sitting right there okay the next thing isn't how I got the plastic gage over there on the mains and the set crankshaft back in okay I don't want to turn it here we got the connect stuff in it just take a little tiny bit because that's the gauge set it on there okay here is the main for the first one make sure it's ended with the notch I'll flush make sure the arrow is pointing toward the front of the engine then install make sure to place the gauge the straight I just gently install the whole thing that'll take two bolts and we'll do this for all the bearings so that we're going to torque all these down and then after we torque them we're going to take it all back apart and then I'll show you how to measure how much clear answer is in each one okay so now let's try the next one we'll take a little piece of this plastic gauge cut it off leave it on that little Journal there's the arrow going toward the front there's the knotch so it's in there perfect arrow pointing number two just drop that right in there tighten it up a little mixin come over here at the last one to the main we remain here and we'll put that one right in there we remain see the notch fits notch cific right into position put the bolts in and then we'll tighten these up okay we have all these on you want take these just a little bit and we'll get a torque wrench out tighten them to 70 foot pounds broke in the manual after this it was the right thing okay so we're going to just torque these down here's our torque wrench you set it to 70 70 foot pounds there we go when you hear the snapping sound that's when you know it got to be 70 there's the last two and this is the journey okay now that we got to 70 all around now we'll take it all apart again and then we'll look at what the plastic gage has to say so I'm gonna start with anyone make any difference yeah if I can get it off okay so when we take this off here is the plastic gauge you can see right here you take the plastic gauge and you match that so you match that see the the big one is one so this is just about just short of point zero zero two you is a second one okay it looks like we got the same results if we match this this one is point zero zero one five two here's the rear main okay this one is 1.15 1.15 if you match down here 1.15 alright now let's take the crankshaft off okay now we're going to just lift off this crank we can check all those first 1.00 to second one zero zero two we look at the main blast one point zero zero one five okay so they all look like they're in clearance so now we'll just have to clean all this up clean the crank off and put it back in there bolt a little down torque it all down before we put the crankshaft in weak lead all the bearings here you need to put the rear main seal in and see this lip is what's got it goes right in here and that goes toward the inner part of the engine so we just lay that right in there don't step all off okay now we're ready to install the crankshaft okay with the rear main seal Doyle and all these someone to seal okay we'll just take the crankshaft is shorter than there okay okay now we'll start with putting in the bearings one by one here's number one however the knotch fits right in there they were pointing toward the front number two arrow pointing toward the front okay here's number three every notch is there the notch arrow pointing toward the front same thing with number four arrow point pointed for the front it will be the last one which is the rear main seal okay on a rear main seal you'll see here is the seal over here this is the point over here I'm going to do just put a little dab of the silicon glue because it's so much easier to do this down is do it later on okay so we'll put a little there that wasn't on the seal itself and the groove is pain pointed toward the engine matches we have here and just set it right down if you book them one more to go the sanity check okay now we have to set our torque wrench to 70 then we'll start talking one by one I think what I'll do is start in the center click into 70 seventy front the last one at 70 so the rock culture at 17 foot-pounds and look how nice this moves well it doesn't get any nicer okay that is the crankshaft installation okay before this before I start putting rods in this thing it's all full what I thing I'm going to do is put the camshaft in so being that is it there have been used and it's going to start up a little dry I will just put a little grease on these moves anyway when it starts up for the first time won't be metal-on-metal okay so when you look at the camp shot here's the gear for the distributor here's for the four valves this last one there's a rod that goes on here that pushes the fuel pump back and forth and so what I'd have to do put some oil knees and I will just stick it right through here it has to go through the second berry third bearing and inside here you can see the camshaft going through and there it is all fits see they're spinning see the camshaft in there and we'll align that later on let's install number seven piston okay first thing we'll do just take little oil around here just lightly coat the whole thing because it's just been honed out there's no lubrication whatsoever and yes it will smoke when it first starts up but we'll get over that okay the next thing this is the third hole it's a one three five this one happens to be labeled number five or fifth piston remember the dot going forward okay so the next thing we have to do is install the rings so let's do the Rings first before we put these rings on the pistons we need to do is check and see if I have the right ring gap so get it in here we were down about quarter of an inch it's got a little gap dear she can't see this it's about level all the way through and here's your ring gap right there let's see it has just the touch little clasp there so I guess these rings are good to go let me check another one here's another one let's check this one the same depth all the way through look at that Clarence excellent so these are getting ready to go just put amount of distance okay now we're going to install the rings on the piston you'll see there's three grooves oil ring and two compression grooves so they all go on different just to touch so the first thing with the oil ring we have this see this comes together here but the real catch is that there's a little lip right there on one side and one on the bottom so we put this on then we put the two rings on so we make sure all this goes separate so the first one this will have it come over here this is the word joints these brother to that lock that space one will have the gap here want to have the gap here this way it's all located in different location different spots so we'll just start around here this one by the second one we start this is where we want it to be so we stand here sure it's on the top of that lip yes okay so the next thing you want to do just put in the compression ring so this one is going to go on the side the other one's going to go the other way you have a special tool it spreads dick rings out go to second base second okay okay so that one goes on this side now the third one which is the top compression ring that's right there okay so one on one side second on the other these other guys over here and the center oil ring joins together okay with the Rings in the next thing we need to do just put any bearing on remember that we're matching slap or slop and the other thing is I want to put these two philippic plastic hose because when I put this through I don't want it to hit the crankshaft and scarred up so remember the dot goes to the front oh yeah things see the ring won't go through so we have this special tool called a ring compressing yeah okay it's a little on the sharp side so you gotta be careful expand it out there we go over down the piston then right here we tighten it up and what that will do is squeeze all the Rings real close to the piston so that we can get it by so tighten this up he's a piece of wood here that real level then I will tap and what happens it clears now the piston is inside the block so what we're going to do now is flip it upside down so we can see the connecting rod coming to the crankshaft so let me turn this around okay so here is the connecting rod now I'll just take the back of the hammer and tap the chest up make sure that's out because I don't want to scratch this okay not it has me contact so it can take off these two little rubber things and Reimers before we put a little piece of plastic gauge there okay now we take a handful and match that groove Greve get in there perfect and then we install it this groove here matches the other groove because this side will have a hole and that will be where the oil comes out and lubricate it's the bearing here we put the nuts on here and we'll get our torque wrench and type this up to 45 pounds 145 quick that's 45 so now we can just take this take the cap off and now we will take a look back take our plastic age and measure that one says Oh point zero zero two so that's within a tolerance the same thing on the side 0:02 okay now we'll clean that off and we'll pull the Becca with some oil in there I remember knotch and pull so put the two nuts on here then we're talking it's 45 one side okay we're going to put the rings on whoever hits the oil ring and the two compression rates this ring is a little gap there and also as this little lip right on the side which just catches on there's also one on this side right there so I put these together we want to make sure that this is in one spot and the other two are in the other so here is the first part of the oil lane and here's the bottom on the bottom and we're going to put over here just get it around there put your down okay here's a second one so this one went over here the center when I went over here this one we want to put over here so just slide it around okay there we go now we want to put the bottom ring in that's the second compression ring and that one the gap will go here so we can just move it over and we use this little tool good rings all way out just enough to get it past okay so moved up over here so the gap is on the side now we're going to do the top compression ring the same way squeeze it out hmm right there all set so here we are there's the gap there's our two rings in the will ring okay now let's go install okay let's put the last two in so let's take the cap off I'm gonna put my two little plastic pieces a hose on here and then I will put some foil in this cylinder well Google Rings and goes around a little bit okay then we make sure they're in the right position on one side but on the other and these other guys are one is here when it's here the back sides on the other side so next thing we need is the spring compressor or squeezer write that out get it round piston then we'll tighten it up yeah be careful this is awful sharp oh I use this piece of wood get thee ring compressor really close tight fit on the block and then there goes I will turn them over a little bit okay now here is this rod is coming we forgot to put the bearing in there so we'll put it in there now the notches in the notch guess it will take panel at the bedside just generally happen nd it just before goes all the way the total oil on there because I can take this one off up a little hole oil on the crank nice tight fit take take off the other protect early take a perfect touch more oil on here and remember this notch has line up it didn't latch here this guy over here after that with the one on the bottom and that completes an entire hole okay not chopped now we'll check to see if the torque wrench here's 40 and five it's 45 and 45 okay here is the bottom of the engine with all the mains in here's all the rods in so let me just spin this over if you can see the Pistons coming down and they start going back up okay now let me turn it over on the other side and you can see what the top side looks like okay here's all the business installed let me turn over let's it going up and down there we go you
Channel: David Lis
Views: 483,661
Rating: 4.7539806 out of 5
Keywords: rebuiling a chevy engine, short block installation, Installing pistons, Installing piston rings, Installing main bears, Installing rear main seal, Installing rod bearing, Short Film (TV Genre), Installing camshaft, Chevrolet (Organization), How to assemble a short block
Id: UmIslf3ANTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2013
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