How To Apply Touch Up Paint To Your Car

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hey guys breaking are see here with the video on how to apply touch-up paint to your car such a paint is an exact color matched brush paint that you can use to hide defects on your paint the whole purpose of touch-up paint is not to make the finished look better but it's to protect it it's like a band-aid for your skin you're doing this to cover up the damage but you also want to protect it from anything that could happen so for instance if you're doing this on a metal part like the hood or the fender you can run the risk of rust if you have an exposed area with metal and there's no paint there you can run the risk of rusting it so in order to protect it from that you will apply touch-up paint which will prolong the life of the metal part touch-up paint can be used on small rock chips and other defects in the paint like I said you're mainly doing this to protect the metal underneath the paint because if you don't stop the rust from going on and you just leave it exposed you can run the risk of rust which will cause more damage to the car so if you just cover it up with touch of paint you should be good it's like a band-aid on your skin you're using the band-aid to protect your skin for many diseases that you could get but as long as you cover it up you should be safe in order to apply touch-up paint onto your car you're going to need a few things in my case I'm going to be using Toyota a specific color match touch-up paint and you need to make sure the the touch of paint is the exact same color as your car's paint or else it won't look right and then you're going to also need some sandpaper to help smooth out the finish as well as compound and polish in the end so you can make the finish look perfect now in my case I'm going to be working on the small rust ball right here now it looks small right now but if I were to leave it there and not actually fix it it could expand to the rest of the roof and cause permanent damage to the roof the first step is going to be to sand the paint in order to do this you can start with 2,000 grit wet sandpaper and just start sanding the area what you want to do is actually roll up the sandpaper a little bit so you can focus in more just on that one area and just do this too you can remove all the rest but try to focus just on the rough spot and not the actual paint it's fine if you get a little bit of sanding on the paint you can remove it with buffing compound once you finish sanding it should look something like this as you can see I've removed all the rust in that area and I've also went around the area just a little bit to help smoothing out the finish to apply the touch of paint you're just going to take a little bit of two touch of paint on your brush and then just apply a slight amount onto the paint you only need enough to cover the surface and make sure to start it out to get an even surface as you can see the touch of paint is the same color as the rest of the car once you apply the touch of paint you want to give it about 15 minutes to dry between coats now between coats you want to sand the surface to make sure they're getting the smoothest surface possible after about three coats total you want to go ahead and start buffing this is how the finish looks what you've applied the touch of paint as you can see it's a little bit bumpy but we're going to be able to remove that by sanding the finish once you've sanded it it's going to be a lot smoother in that area that was rusted is now going to have black paint that's the exact same color as your car now we're moving on to compounding the paint now for this step I'm using the compound and I have it on my machine which is a dual action polisher so now what I'm going to do is take the polisher go on to the paint and start spreading out the Polish to get it evenly onto the finish and on to the pad [Music] and here's the finish result of the touch of paint as you can see the touch of paint was right here and it's almost just as smooth as the paint since it's the same color as the paint it actually blends right in and from far away around here you can't even notice it now the paint will be protected and there will be no more reasons for it to rust in that specific area
Channel: Nikolai Aksenov
Views: 645,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WGk1ryS_cHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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