How To Apply Nail Tips On Yourself Using Gel

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tips are an easier way to shape and sculpt a nail I had a lot of tips on how to apply tips let's get started [Music] this particular set of tips comes in a box a lot of them I find do and they are in little compartments just as this and they usually number them and I don't know why tips do this it's always confused me actually that it starts with number one being the big size and then as the number increases to ten they get smaller I don't know if I was doing it I would be one is a smaller one I'd work up to ten so I always have to work backwards I think I'm a little dyslexic so I get confused sometimes so one is the big one and thank goodness they give you this chart to remind you one is bigger and it goes down to ten which is smaller so the idea is to find the tip that fits each and every finger that's the difference between forms and tips with forms you have to put it on and you gotta know make sure it fits each and every finger but tips the shape is already there but you still have to make sure it's fitted properly and if it's not fitted properly it can be just nasty okay so the one is the big one that's in this little compartment here look how big these are so it's clear may be harder to see but because it is clear but you see that these are quite clear that's one of the reasons when I'm working with this particular company because I've noticed they're quite clear and another thing I like about it I don't know if you can see because again it's clear it's extremely arched it's got a really nice arch on it that's already in there you don't often come across tips with the real strong art although industry is changing fast they're probably gonna come up with them more but this company has a really nice arch on them okay so that is too big I'm gonna go I think I sort of pre-measured it just to get an idea before I got started this I think I'm more of a 5 and then a 6 I think 5 on the thumb well any peak law says I have two sets of glasses now one is more seeing at a distance but when I get really close I learned the hard way I need to see even closer so this is really much better for me okay off the tips I'll put my hand in front of it my my my nail can you see that see little upside down five there again by now they have the numbers on the end so if you drop this box which once in your lifetime every nail technician drops a box of tips or a bag or a little bucket of glitter that is an initiation it just has to happen it's all part of it so we understand what we're saying when you drop this you'll actually have a little number on there so when you pick them all up you'll know which category to put it back into okay so I believe let me just take a quick look at this I might be now tips you want them to fit a little bit on the bigger side than smaller you don't want it to be too big I'm not suggesting that you want it to be a tad little bigger than too small the reason being is put a shrinks a little and if it's too small it'll shrink too small and you'll be shy on the side or both sides and we don't want that so if you just notice the edge of the tip which is this this little part in here see that right in there yeah are you learning to everybody pay attention no that little part there is what's going to sit on the end of the finger right and around there and the reason why that's important if you go too far back if you go sideways you'll see that it's not really fitting properly we want a nice slight arch okay so to get that slight arch it has to be more on the tip side of things which just gives it a nice curve the five looks like it's gonna fit my thumb pretty good so I'm gonna put that there and then I'm gonna go up in number which goes down in size see why that's confusing I just don't okay so this is a six and I think that might fit more my index it's a little bit big actually let's try for my next finger because it's a bit big so what I tend to do is size them all up first and you can do it as you go but doesn't really matter which way you're more comfortable okay what did I say this was this was a six and I think the six it's kind of big cuz once you press it down because you don't want it to be a gap in here once you press it down fitting on to the natural nail it's really down the sides two choices I can file the side a little bit to fit when I press it down or try the smaller size so that's a six let's try 7 because that goes up in number but down in size okay so this is the seven and actually I think the seven is gonna fit me much better okay and I think I'm gonna do is that's way too big I think it's gonna be maybe seven for these three fingers in particular with a little bit of filing adjustment yeah I'm just laying them on my towel so I know which order so thumb this one this one this one this one and I think there might be a seven for this one as well this one's quite a narrow finger yeah and then the pinky is quite a bit tinier and I'll try an 808 is huge so I got to try a nine nine is still a bit big but I might have to be that in-between size you know like shoe sizes like I'm about is six but sometimes a seven depending on how you know shoot but sometimes a six and a half is perfect and something it's the same thing so it looks like I'm gonna be a ten on the pinky okay so then we just put these away and make sure you do close that tight because that's the last thing you want is to have to pick up 500 tips that's worse than your cards yes it's funny okay I'm just gonna put them all up here and then we'll glue them on something I don't lose them [Music] found our tips now we're going to prep the natural nail now I have taken off all my gel on here I've taken it all off so these are pretty naked sometimes I'll leave a thin layer on my natural nail to protect it from whatever I'm putting on next but when you're putting on tips you really want it to clamp down and glue to the natural nail so because of the height difference I like a form because it goes under the nail and it builds the nail from their tips placed on top of your nail so it's gonna sit a little higher so I didn't want a layer of acrylic to be even higher okay so I did take them right down you just take a file and you just buff up every little corner and you want to take away any shine oil debris anything like that polish especially anything like that to buff these now my body pre done that so they're all ready to go okay so I'm gonna get some cleanser and I'm going to wipe the dust and white clean of any oils and debris or anything like that off of the natural nail so it's a nice clean slate for the product to adhere to so now we're going to work with prep and prime when you are working with the gel system you should use the same system for the prep and the prime reason be if you have any service breakdown at all it may be because you're using prep and prime or gel or a lamp from another company they are designed to work together that's just a tip you can do nail technicians interchange all the time but when they do it they know that it works or they understand there may be some service breakdown okay so the prep is basically it's a hydrator and it regulates the pH balance on the natural nail and it cleanse and dehydrates the natural nail so you want to gently paint that on all your nails [Music] okay I'm just gonna get my rest little rest here now the primer helps the product stick to the natural nail now I am an acrylic user and we don't buff after we do this and I just remembered something very important what's your primer away we're gonna glue the tips on first because tips have to be buffed a little you want to buff away the shine and that dust if you put primer on will stick onto the nail plate so I'm glad I caught myself before I do that because we don't want to get dust all over our nails so I'm going to grab the one that we're gonna put on the index and that was number seven for me and I'm just going to fit it on here make sure it's happy we're gonna check the sides and if the sides are exceeded at all I'm going to file just ever so slight and this one needs to be just taken in a little bit not just doing the tip it's just a tad tad too big for my nail it's just gonna do that a little bit these are easy ways of just fitting a tip to your finger now you when you're sizing it do press it down because you don't want to leave a gap between here and the tip right so press it down because you want that glue to seep in there I'm gonna do it a bit more my finger is sort of in between this one was confusing for me I wasn't sure if I should be going to 1/8 or not because it's just a little bit too too big and the other one is just too too tiny is it hard to crap on too I'm just gonna file that a bit more [Music] yeah that's gonna fit better the reason I'm doing that because once you stick it down that's it you're done if this glue works very effectively so once you've stuck it down there's no peeling it off I think I'll do it again that's not an option so you want to make sure that you've gotten it pretty good still a bit big this can be a bit annoying and tedious if your fingers don't fit perfectly but it's also it's like fitting a form you know it's kind of a trade off to me I'd rather fit a form but this video is about and that's what we're gonna do tips oh the lovely smell of a tip no matter how many years I've been doing this tips all seem to smell the same when they file you can know I'm trying to fit it to the thumb yeah that's not look at the difference in size when you can push it down it almost fits okay so that's fitting a lot better ok so just gonna wipe away the dust we glue it we're gonna open up the glue you don't want to get a ton of glue honestly a ton is not gonna work in your favor we just want to put a little on the inside just a little don't put a ton and I Oh oops what did the wrong finger again and you want to make sure you place that just where you want it because like I say you do not have any time to change thy mind and if you put too much glue it may not stick right away too much really it doesn't work all the time so it's a scary point because you're like did I place it on it's a tad but crooked let me see if I can oh yeah I'm just sittin myself and too strong of an angle what happens if you don t well then you gotta take that bad boy off glue you file it right off yep bummer yeah my finger my index fingers a little bit crooked but that's actually a pretty good fit for it even though I've got a crooked little finger that's pretty good now the next one I'm gonna see fits pretty good I'll go a little bit further back okay that wasn't actually fits I don't even have to file that one isn't that crazy that one fits totally perfectly she's gonna get I've got too much glue I think in the last time you don't need a lot it's hard to see cuz it's so clear but I don't want to glue me fingers I'm gonna try to make sure I don't make this one crooked I can almost see the glue spreading a little on the finger which is great because then you could tell it's if it's some spreading or underneath that tip so that's pretty good my natural nail is a bit crooked under there so it's throwing me off but I think I got that one alright yeah I'm surprised cuz I'm sitting on such a crooked angle okay okay now one thing I do not like about tips and especially when they're super clear but I chose the clear ones because I wanted to clear but I don't like clear because you can see the natural nail underneath so I did make sure before I stuck these on that I shaped the natural nail cuz we're gonna work with that a little bit in the design but I chose clear because I wanted to be very clear okay see this guy see if he fits yeah this one what I found was a bit big so I'm gonna to file the size of this one a little bit okay let's see that fits pretty good okay remember just a little bit of glue it's so easy to get carried away with the glue oh I think I didn't try and take away a little bit try to make it straight [Music] I'm pressing quite a bit it's quite a bit of pressure pressure is one thing too it's so hard to show on camera but well look at the whites of my nails see my nail plate and if I release you'll see it return back and pink like right there you can see the blood supply if I press it and release you can see the pink right that's how hard I'm pressing hopefully you can really see that I'm pressing quite a bit to make sure and you can see it yeah like I'm squeezing pressing I want to make sure it press it right down cuz I don't want a gap in between here and the the tip right gotcha are you picking this up terrible I'm picking it up I'll be doing this soon I think goodness you can do your toes wouldn't that be pretty that movie where the wild things are comes to mind it's not a good thing now this is a little finger so I'm gonna have to use just a little amount of glue so here we go just a little bit in there and again making sure that it's going straight it's hard to see cuz I got a holes finger oh my my whole giant finger over top of it I'm gonna squeeze pretty good make sure those sides are right down in there goodness they actually did that I don't do tips very often you guys I know how they're done but I don't have the experience of doing them day in and day out I always go for the for my much much prefer the form to go there now from scratch oh yeah well and then this is great because see all that structure it's just sitting there for you you don't have to do that part I really like doing that part so that's why I don't use tips but hey if you don't like that part this is a great this is one of the easiest nails to do put some tips on and gel is a lot easier to work with so if you're not so inclined take away the hard stuff which is forming sculpting and acrylic those are those hardest things to do so this can make it quite a bit easier and oh my thumb I just about forgot huh [Music] too much glue it's hard to do not uh not too much glue it's really tough okay so okay so what I sort of do is I'm sliding in a little and I'm I kind of go in and out and then press down you can hopefully you can see that glue see that glue kind of sliding in the natural now I'm gonna see if I got it on straight it's a little bit crooked and straightened out ever so little and I'm going to touch the side and make sure the side sticks down and I do take a chance of gluing my fingers to my fingers that's not bad actually looks pretty good that way too even when you screw up it's not that bad it's a lot of room for error I'd say so now you might want to cut them you can get tip cutters but a lot of people are using these these are great for cutting the end but you don't want to stick it in there and just cut because it'll flatten out this part and just go and that might pop the sides off it won't cause it's glued on so it's pretty good but you want to just trim one side and then go back and do the other see that very easily done even though I really like them long I'm trying to not do them super long today see just do one side and then the other it can be a rougher take it oh yeah yeah because we're gonna shape these guys that'll be another fun part I love shaping so yeah these doesn't this doesn't have to be we're not looking for any artistic flair here we just want to get them down Savior you can file them down both why would you do that a whole lot of work you don't have to do if you don't have to do right plan yeah okay and it like the Cricut and they're raggedy that's okay that we're not we're not worried about that okay well this will be fun listen I heard it about as loud as I'd hoped OOP there was one more okay so now before we put the primer on remember we had skipped that then you'll know why now look at this mess so I'm going to take a file this is about a medium file and we're just going to gently buff that shine away and you can see some of the dust can be spilling on to that natural nail plate so on that note we is gonna break off I'd want it to be that one because truth be told he was a little tiny bit um crooked I think just a little bit no it wasn't that way it was this way this way didn't come down like these ones are all shaped quite nicely but this one was leaning up a little bit so I'm okay with that so what you pretend that that didn't happen but you know stick it on here oh well like ooh but I gotta go back there and look for it I've got 500 right well 495 oh man I just knocks the six into the seven again okay stuff like that happens and we're not gonna cut that out because that's real life now that is case in point white tips you can't just put a tip on and polish or just buff a little bit and polish and call it a day that is the whole idea of white this doesn't work without some sort of build for structure the reason being is because something hanging onto the end like that with a little bit of glue or just hang on it's just it blew right at the structure point and all I did was flick the file on it the opposite direction that's all it does so if I just gonna pick up a glass of champagne and a dinner ping it's not embarrassing good thing that happened here before I go up for dinner that's a little big so let's go down to the seven I think it was a seven wasn't it I think it was okay remember I had to file all that maybe let's check out the eight maybe I could avoid oh it looks so tiny though you know I think the eight might be better a little bit of glue see kind of white on the nail plate again you can see that it's oopsie it does it doesn't look quite as fast as I thought it might and that may be because I put a little too much again it's hard to get less out of that brush but I guess I could I could work on that I'm just folding the sides a bit down together okay much better slope I did a much much better job this time okay so once I have them all cut down I do buff the surface of the tip but I also shape them because what we're gonna do next is we're gonna build these nails to keep that structure happy so they were able to go about their day and not thing off we're gonna build them with gel today so what I want to do is make sure all my shapes are happy first before I put why put gel on a nail that's needs to be shaped you my little just put it on the stuff that you want to keep so that's what I'm gonna do now I'm just gonna go through all the nails and shake them all up okay so I opted way all the shine and I've just softened the line where the tip joins the natural nail a little bit okay okay and I'm going to just clean off the dust I've also shaped the nails the way I want them to be so that we're just going to apply the gel and shape the nail that it's already done we don't have to get too carried away so because of all that I could dehydrate once again just to cleanse that nail and now I'm gonna put my primer on and when I put my primer on I'm going to put it on rather sparingly you don't want to overdo primer so the natural nail is like a sponge am I saying it like a paper towel that when you put the primer on you want to put the primer on more in the middle and the primer will spread out into the natural nail okay so you don't want to get it too close to the sides or touching the skin because it will go right into that cuticle and you just don't want it to go under and saturate if you do that every time you're getting a fill or a new set or whenever you're going in like to have it even jealous because some people will put a primer on for that you're saturating the nail too much and you can get a bit of a burn it's called that chemical burn you don't want to go there so just put it on quite sparingly and let it absorb into the natural nail plate and you only need to do one coat of it and now we're gonna get in to the gel most gel lines systems will want you to put a clear coat on first very thin layer like a layer of nail polish you might say working as a primer to help the pink coat that you're putting on next attached to it so we're just going to use this nice clear coat just gently paint on the entire nail a very nice thin layer almost like a thin coat of polish and you want to do that to all the fingers [Music] [Applause] [Music] just painting on a nice smooth thin layer [Music] [Music] and I'm just gonna check the cuticles before I nuke and then I'm going to give it a 60 second cure [Music] okay you know what I'm gonna close these cuz I can see myself making that mistake and just gonna put my clear away we're gonna use the clear again but I just want to build out with the pink first we're gonna use the clear as filling out toward the end because the pink for me now I haven't really decided we can go all the way to the end you could take any color you could put any color you like and you can build it right to the end of this tip but my idea was sort of think of taking advantage of the clear tip but I said before I don't like to see and I hope if you can see this see this with me here see then how you can see the natural right through that how that I'm not crazy I know I just look very pretty doesn't so this beautiful pink look at this is beautiful I thought I'd rather have my natural nails looking this color than this one so I thought I would paint this pink on to it now the question would be how far we could go now again we could still paint this right to the end like the very end of that tip or we could just paint it as far as my natural nail is it's like putting foundation on your skin it just gives it an even color pretty color all over so we can go right to the end of my natural nail right like that which is I'd have to really clean that out because that looks dreadful or we can just paint it right to the end and try to make it look very natural and that might look really just quite pretty I have to be honest with you I really like that pink I'm tempted to carry it right through to the free edge they're so pretty is that your vote camera yeah I agree are you saying my natural nail pads are ugly no no but the transition to the plastic seems a little last day isn't the tip last night your tongue isn't it well yes but we don't we don't discuss your tip transition to the tip you'd be in effect you'd be had to go over some specific right I know I don't really I never liked the look of a natural nail on its own like when the clear the jelly nails came in that big fan with jelly nails I really hated that oh I like the ones I did because I covered up their plate which is the ugly part oh yeah yeah was a good idea okay well that's looking kind of cloudy it's not covering up my natural now as much as I'd hoped but it's not bad I'm gonna go ahead and build all the nails possibly flash carrying in between so if you see me going to the light I'm just flash carrying it between this pink has got to look rather even because if it doesn't it's going to look rather ugly and cloudy so the idea would be for me to cover up most of that natural nail because I think it's dreadful looking you could polish it Logan yeah that's fix it well yeah I could yeah I do have some pretty colors here but let's see if I can cover it up so I'm gonna go ahead and do that I'm just gonna give it a look [Music] okay give it a good 60 second cure and then I'm gonna put the clear on [Music] okay I made the totally the right call it's out saying gorgeous with the pink all the way to the end I'm a real sucker for pink okay look around me so I have two choices I can just put the clear gel on here right now and just build it out or I can file a little bit this is getting picky I'm gonna take the sticky off that's the dispersion layer and I'm going to file it a little bit before I put the build your gel because we still need a little bit of building to go on here before we finish it up now I could just they don't slap some clear coat and call it a day but it's a little lumpy and bumpy I'm going for a little more of a perfect look and I just want to smooth out the pink I mean like I say it's pretty good but I'm going to smooth it out a little bit before I put my builder because it just needs a little bit more structure on there so I don't blow these guys so I am going to shape them all and I'm going to file all the tops I'm just going to go through all of them just to clean them up before I put that final builder layer over top [Music] it's just creates the evenness of color that I'm looking for [Music] okay so now I'm gonna bring in where is my clear this is it here and I'm just going to it doesn't take much I'm just going to build a nice strong builder layer over top of that so these really pretty nails don't break now we don't have to get too tight to the cuticle I'm just gonna paint over the whole thing see where I feel we need to add and it's just basically in the arch not much I'm going to do that to every finger index doesn't seem to need it as much [Music] if you're having trouble building arch one great trick is to hold your finger upside down parallel to the table where you want the arch so let's say I'm going to get on the middle finger I'm going to put let's say the arch right in here [Music] Kjell is very good it pays attention to what you want it to do and then you could just turn it upside down make it parallel to the table or at least the arch part to be level to the table wherever you want the arch to be if you hold it like that you can even watch it move sometimes depending on how the viscosity of what kind of gel you have and you can actually coax it a little to go where you want just by the tip of the brush and then once you get it where you want you could just nuke it you can even flash carrot I'm gonna get picky and put a little bit more right in here these tips are lovely they have a really beautiful arch on them [Music] meaning this way when you look down it look really strong this way but I'm trying to create an arch this way so I'm trying to build an arch in here sideways I look at it sideways okay and then when you look down in this way you can see if it's lopsided or not I mean you could get really picky and spend all day trying to do it but I'm just gonna nuke it because I like it well then I just do that to all of them and um just make sure it's nice and Archie [Music] okay I'm just gonna remove the sticky layer so I can file them up and this will be the final shaping the last step you don't have to do I just decided to do that in between so I'm just gonna take away all my little lumps and bumps okay then I am going to buff these up give it an overall nice even it helps the gel stick to it nice and goes all nice and smooth okay and now for the topcoat where it all comes to life [Music] ok let's check out the reveal shots okay I always give it nice I'm just gonna mention this oil never seen anything like this before where the oil actually is I don't know if it's called 24 karat gold but look at this stuff it's 24 karat luxury oil looks like pieces of gold floating in the oil that's so fancy I've gotten gold on me nails anyway one thing I have learned about this okay so we put clear tips on but we used one color gel overlay over the whole nail what's fascinating about it it's one color but because of the clear tip on the natural nail plate it's actually a different color than the free edge causing an ombre effect so when the pink gel goes over the free edge with the light underneath being a clear tip it's causing no pink more or less it's looking more white so it's looking somewhat like an ombre that's quite cool I quite like it that's an easy way to do an ombre ombre sar hardened acrylic or gel or even when you're polishing it's very difficult so if you can get sort of an ombre look and just applying it over the nail bed and the free edge all in one swoop well they don't even have to ombre or fading anything that's one quick way to do it so there you go tips and square they're actually quite adorable I've actually fallen in love with square again I have both matching not the same color oh matching I should tell you I did bring it to the table just in case you asked this is called gift of the Nile and I am wearing Persian plum absolutely gorgeous as you can see so I do have two matching hands I'll have to paint it now to match but I'm actually live in the square and that's how you do tips with gel thanks for joining me see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: Nail Career Education
Views: 2,066,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nail, nails, acrylic, nail fill, sculptured nails, nail school, nail polish, hand file, beauty, sculpting, nail application, nail career education, Suzie, acrylic application, Susan Moskal, nail care, Victoria, tutorial, Suzie Moskal, artificial nails, nail technician, nail art, Nail District, Langford, British Columbia, Canada, Step by Step, How To, DIY, Gel Nail Tips, Tips, Gel, gel overlay
Id: m35vpPOtnos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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