Easiest Acrylic For DIY Beginners

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have you tried making acrylic beads with your liquid and powder it's not easy is it the liquid to powder ratio with that acrylic bead is the most important thing to consider when making acrylic nails i've been teaching for over 30 years and i wish i had this 30 years ago when i was learning it would have saved me a lot of time i'm going to show you the easiest way to learn how to do acrylic nails let's get started first up prep the nail removing all the shiny surfaces with a profile okay so i could talk about how to build acrylic nails literally all day long in fact i do when i'm educating but i'm going to try to break this down as simple and quick so you can do this yourself at home on your own i always leave a thin layer of acrylic to protect my natural nail okay i'm going to use let's bond and you want to use this a little bit more sparingly [Music] and i put on the bottle which one you use first because often we do make the mistake in combining or mixing those up okay one of the most important things is and i'm going to breeze by this part because i want to get to liquid powder but putting on your form form is super important okay the form acts like a platform it's a step it's a table you might say it's where you think the wind the nail is going to be but it's underneath it that's all it is so when you're placing the form just a quick tip focus on this part here pinch the end so it's quite even on the end and simply slip it under the natural nail and don't concern yourself so much where the sides are see the sides there you don't have to tuck it under the side of the nail that's i think where it slips a lot of people up again i could talk about this for days but we're just going to breeze by that okay so you do want to dust that off make sure and i'm going to get rid of this piece this piece of paper is a worksheet that you can download i highly recommend when you get your products practice your liquid to powder on a worksheet first before you go to a nail that's very very important i highly highly recommend that okay now it comes down to what product you're going to use if you're learning acrylic select a slow setting the reason why is because it's set slow the hardest thing about acrylic is when you make your bead sculpting it before it cures up that's what makes it hard so that's why i made this so it can go nice and slow so you can sculpt before it cures up like that if i had had this 30 years ago it would have saved me many many frustrations and many months turning into years of trying to learn how to do this we did it we did it the hard way but if i had this it would have been so much easier so number one thing is you don't need a lot with this stuff slow setting slow evaporating slow moving slow curing gives you lots of time to play with it now this is a quarter teaspoon see that just to give you an idea on the size quarter teaspoons way too much for one now now this looks like about a quarter of the quarter teaspoon they're calling it a pinch so that's what i'm using okay i'm going to fill up this little pinch oops a tiny little bit more and i'm going to show you how little you actually need now something i also do and i should have thrown this out so i didn't have it in here i have two colors in my collection foundation pink very pretty color as you can see and then i have my pink tint and it's more of a see-through one's a little more opaque and one's kind of see-through so i'm going to mix the two together i want a little bit of my pink which is see-through and i want the same amount which is more opaque and the reason for that is i want the two tones of color i want a little bit see-through and i want it to be a little bit more opaque because i want it to cause a very natural tone over the nail just gonna so it's about 50 50. i used to call it my salon the suzy mix and i would do that with other brands that i've had i would always mix they're more opaque and then the lighter paint together i can get a really beautiful shade very natural looking the end is going to be a little bit more well you can see it right here very very natural looking i love it had great success clients love it okay i've got my mixture right here beautiful blend very nudeish and now i'm going to create my first bead okay if things are going to go wrong this is the area where it's going to go wrong even people who know what they're doing can have trouble with this and it becomes too runny if you're using what you expect to be with the traditional you use it very very very different if you've tried traditional so what we want to do is we want to use way less monomer three times less than we would with traditional and of course that stuff saves you money too so when we get our brush nice and soaked just kind of condition it with the product and we want to take it to the side of the dish and remove you can you're pressing it and removing most of it it's pretty hard to make to drive a bead then i'm going to hold it into my powder for about three four five six seconds and i want a small bead especially when you're learning place that bead right on there not near the cuticle slide it off if you will and then just wait a second you can see the big is absorbing into itself it's not running everywhere and it's not falling off falling off would be too dry running any everywhere would be too wet see how it's just sitting there now it's waiting for us to tell it what to do dry your brush make sure your brush is nice and dry and we're going to literally just start coaxing it it's not running we're just coaxing it where we might like it to go and i'm going to feather it off i can see the cuticle area now that's not at the cuticle because if i go too close to the cuticle if it's thick around there when you're learning that's not a good idea so that's why we want to pull back a little bit so i'm just sort of softening it in here it's reacting to my brush enough that it's sort of still settling a tiny little bit and it likes it being coaxed okay there you go you've created your first perfect bead and look how you hardly did anything if you work slow monomer my slow setting product properly it will do most of the work for you it is the easiest acrylic nail to make okay so let's attack that again now when you're building a nail obviously you can use one bead if you're accustomed to it or if you're used to but that takes some you know practice getting to that point but that's not the goal you don't have to head there you can do it in 10 or 20 or 100 little beads if you want so i'm going to go in there again and again i'm not going to get much i'm just i'm not going to soak my whole brush this time because it's already conditioned i'm just going to go into the very edge of that little pinch and i'm going to release on the side there again i'm going to press to the side of that dish i'm going to go back into my little powder one two three four five six and the more confident i get depends on where i place this bead so i'm going to put it right here at the end you can slide it off if you want and the reason why i say just chill for a sec because if it's running you can decide if that's a no good beat and wipe it off and do it again okay and if it's too dry it'll fall off it most likely you won't get a dry bead out of that because this stuff works very dry you don't need a lot of monomer and you can see it's sort of relaxed a little bit it's absorbing into itself it's still kind of absorbing the powder and the liquid now it's to the point where like okay i'm ready you can sculpt me so now i'm just going to push it around where i want and this one i could probably just leave right where it was it kind of landed in a good spot i'm okay with that okay now you can see we're not anywhere near the cuticle right we got to get near the cuticle so i'm going to go in and get a tiny little b just like we did moments ago and i'm going to 1 2 3 4 5 6 at the most and then i'm going to place that bead at the end of where all this other stuff was slide off if you like now i'm going to clean my brush again i'm just getting it dry i'm just taking off everything that was on there letting that bead sit there see how he's just sitting there just chilling see what's kind of nuzzling up just my placement helped me so i'm just going to coax it a little bit closer to that cuticle and then i'm pulling it down the side i am touching it like like a whisper like if your eyelash was if you feel your eyelash as it closes that's what a gentle touch it is and i am just sort of getting my brush between my cuticle and the bead that i just placed and when you touch it like that it's got just enough monomer in the brush that it'll relax it a little bit more that's how it works look at this i've hardly done anything and it's done basically the work for me i'm just sort of coaxing it in that direction okay look how nice and smooth that is near the cuticle now and i barely did a thing okay look at that easy like i say i wish i had this stuff i would have been able to grasp learning where that beat is supposed to go a lot quicker then you know i managed i got there but it was a long way around okay so i'm going to get another little bead and i'm going to flip it over to this side a little bit and i'm going in to get a little bit more monomer tapping off to the side one two three four five six and i got a nice little bead and i'm going to place that bead right about there dry my brush while i'm waiting i'm going to let it absorb into it see how it's not running it's moving ever so slightly it's just kind of absorbing into itself but then it'll stop at some point because it's not absorbing it's done now it wants to start curing but i still have time because it's slow gear to shape so i pushed a little bit toward my cuticle i'm dabbing off my brush there i don't want enough i don't want too much liquid in there so i'm dabbing off a little bit because every time my brush hits the bead i'm absorbing more liquid now i'm coaxing it down the side here and now i'm feathering off near the cuticle just to make it nice and smooth i can leave it like that and just file it okay i'm taking off my butt there's no product that i'm actually taking off onto here it's all just monomer that's in the brush i'm just drying it a little bit more there we go now that side is done now i'll take a peek on this side there is a tiny little area that's missing there i find just when i'm doing videos not when i did clients of course but when i'm doing videos at this angle i just can't see all the way around it so this side sometimes i gets my head in the way for the camera so i have to go back and double check that okay so let's get a tiny little bead for that one side one two three four five six and i'm going to place that bead right there a little bead right clean off my brush i just cleaned it off just dried it off letting it you know maybe three four five maybe another six seconds and i can see it's it's stopped moving entirely now and now it's waiting for me to tell it where to go yep you're in charge of that bead as long as the bead is sitting there waiting for you you are in charge of that bead if that bead is running that bead's in charge [Music] and don't beat yourself up on that [Music] that is why i say don't take this to people right away practice on the practice sheet until you get that you're in charge of your bead okay okay so that is now basically done on that side now if we look at the whole nail i'm not going to go very long you can see the other nails are not very long at all very natural looking very natural length but i do need a bead on the end here that i can square up and again you can do the side middle and center and maybe we should just do that you can do it in one big bead as you get better at it you'll feel more comfortable to take a bigger bead but don't do that right away it may just frustrate you i know that grief okay so i'm gonna place this right here just dry off my brush and i'm just waiting four five six and now it looks like i can sculpt it so right now this is a different technique i'm using the barrel of my brush and i'm sort of flattening it down see how it's kind of sticking back a little bit too much monomer in my brush so i'll just dust it off and when i say dust it off go to my blue pad and just kind of absorb some of it and i don't want to get too long i can sort of do a there's not enough to do a full uh end shape here but there's enough that i can start you know getting it as much as i want to i'll just fill it in what will go in there right yeah that looks like um i've got some in there but clearly it's not all the way in because there's not enough product there it looks like a mess right that's okay see it's still shapeable i'm still just kind of playing with it okay so that end is not thick enough and it's not dense enough sometimes you can tell that by just the color it just looks really really thin so i'm going to grab another bead this may be my final bead one two three four five six it's a good sized bead and i'm going to place it right there in the center again let it sit there just place your bead and chill for a few seconds let it absorb into itself and now you've got some time to sculpt you've got about almost three times longer to sculpt as well than you would traditionally pretty much the traditional stuff would be hardening up now and i wouldn't be able to move it around quite as nicely as this is right now so that's the huge advantage this is what makes acrylic nails easier is when you find a product and you find the right balance of liquid to powder and you make it work for you i can see why many would be confused by this because if you work it like a traditional monomer it wouldn't work to your advantage and it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the product it just means maybe you're not using it properly that's okay it's all just a learning curve [Music] and again with the free edge you don't have to get fussy with that because uh your file will take care of that okay as long as i got the link that i want out there and i made it nice and square you can see he's ready to be filed up it's looking pretty good okay that means it's dry two or three minutes in it should be dried for those of you who have used traditional you won't have a sticky layer and you can feel it's kind of mushy some people might think that's not completely dry right because you got this little sticky layer but it's not unlike gel polish or gel that it has a dispersion layer that rises to the top notice how gel polish doesn't smell that's what this doesn't smell either oh ding ding ding [Music] that's to remind me to remind you to don't forget when you subscribe to hit that little bell then you'll get notifications in my next videos so now you have two choices you can run it under warm water and that will sort of solidify or make the surface layer hard too or you can simply take your file take a good course file and just see how you can see that's kind of gummy some people are thinking maybe that's kind of not cured properly it's totally cured very well and all you do is just take that gummy surface layer off that's it and all the rest under it will work like a traditional [Music] monomer that you're used to so you just keep filing it and then before you know it you shaped it all up that's a whole other video so just get yourself set of good files and then you can shape this nail exactly the way you want in this case i was going for a very nice sort of active length square square is one of my favorite shapes i shaped square for probably 25 years of my career i mean they had other shapes too but square was the most popular until coffins and almond shape started coming in a few years ago okay that's looking exactly the way i want it okay now i filed this nice and smooth because i'm going to put nail polish on and with a nice drop of oil on all my fingers i like to massage that in and then i will wash my hands and i'll put a beautiful coat of nail polish and show how natural these look okay i'll go wash and we'll check out those reveal shots [Music] so many of my students will say well of course you make it look easy i do but i'm really breaking it down of where you want to go so when you make those icky beads don't be hard on yourself that's all a part of the learning process every bead that you don't like is a step closer to the bead that you do want even cameraman you were starting to get the beads oh i did on that video and he's only done it once he's also really sensitive to the smell of the traditional how do you find this stuff i can't smell it at all yeah i don't and i can't really judge it because i don't really smell the smelly stuff that much either so if you want to check out more videos that i have about more instruction on how to get that right liquid to powder bead that's your ticket to the perfect nail check this video out you
Channel: Nail Career Education
Views: 181,800
Rating: 4.9371572 out of 5
Keywords: nails, acrylic, nail fill, sculptured nails, nail school, nail polish, hand file, beauty, sculpting, nail application, nail career education, Suzie, acrylic application, Susan Moskal, nail care, tutorial, Suzie Moskal, artificial nails, nail technician, nail art, Step by Step, How To, DIY, gel nails, nail enhancements, fake nails, e-file, nail extension, slow cure acrylic, low odor monomer
Id: dIJ8YKLGrq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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