How to animate like Kurzgesagt using ONLY PowerPoint!

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[Music] so this animation looks pretty nice but how do you do this well grab your microsoft powerpoint because that's all we noobs have so first we need to make those fancy looking objects starting with the landscape a random object and the light the object now needs some shadows and bright sides we repeat this to make it look like it's 3d now add some white reflections and you are done with the shapes all we need to do now is give most of the shapes a gradient that matches the surroundings and its light level those are the rules in a nutshell before we start i want to show you four simple tricks to use when drawing something in powerpoint if you already know these well congratulations i'm still going to show them if you insert the shape and hold shift then the shape will maintain its aspect ratio [Music] if you insert a shape and hold ctrl then the shape will move its origin to the center of course you can combine this with the first trick if you want to move a shape and hold shift then the object will only move horizontally or vertically [Music] the last trick is the most useful one if you have two shapes overlapping each other and you select them both then go to the merge shapes and there will be all the magic you need this becomes very handy when creating shadows so now we keep this in mind for the creation of the rocket i'll play some music and use it back if you don't want to see this boring time lapse just skip to 8 minutes [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] now we have our illustrations we can start animating for this i am using simplified objects to really see what's going on i will add a square that resembles the view if we move the entire background you'll see that's all we need for a basic rocket takeoff so let's animate that [Music] go to animation enable the animation tab and add some motion [Music] now drag the red dot to the right position this is the end position of the animation green is the start [Music] now we want the animation to start when the slideshow starts [Music] by watching the preview we can easily change some settings until we are satisfied [Music] i got some more objects in this slide so let's bring them in this is the smoke coming out of the rocket from both sides the green square makes it look like the smoke rolls over the grass first we add a start animation [Music] now add your rotation effect [Music] double click the effect and go through timing [Music] we want it to spin forever [Music] add a small delay to the background animation so the rocket doesn't take off [Music] immediately [Music] the smoke is a separate object so we need to add a path matching with the background [Music] that's what we need now we can copy the animation of the background to the green square [Music] and we can copy the smoke animations to the other one edit this one to mirror the rotation [Music] the fire needs to go behind the rocket so to not block the view we need to turn off some other shapes we do this in the selection tab [Music] the fire needs to appear move a little and then disappear [Music] i'm adding a single path going up [Music] foreign [Music] i remove the smooth ends and reverse the motion [Music] it also needs to repeat [Music] now bring back the hidden objects and test the animation [Music] pretty good now of course this could never be the final creation if you add grass hills trees bushes clouds the sun and stars maybe some asteroids or planets and you upgrade your main object you just put them together and there you go [Music] so if you like this video share or let me know in the comments good day
Channel: JB Squiddy
Views: 752,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powerpoint, microsoft, jesse alberts, kurzgesagt, rocket, animation, how to animate, animation tutorial, powerpoint tutorial, jb squiddy
Id: ccxFYm5rYHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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