How to Animate Images (Ken Burns Effect) in Camtasia

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hey guys in this video i'm going to show you how to turn your images into a motion video by applying the ken burns effect in camtasia studio so let's dive in right now [Music] hey guys my name is rob moore and this video is part of a new video series on creating professional looking video tutorials using camtasia studio if you ever want to include still images in your videos or perhaps you want to make a complete video out of only images perhaps as a wedding or a birthday or some other event video using this simple technique will help those images come to life and give your videos a more professional look and the look of motion the technique is called the ken burns effect and is very easy to do in camtasia let me show you how it's done so here in camtasia i'm going to create a brand new video from scratch just a simple video and i'm going to create it using three images actually before we bring the images into camtasia let's set our canvas size so come up here to the top click project settings and let's just make sure we're set to 1920 by 1080. that's what i want my video to end up being so we've set the canvas size let's change the frame rate to 60 frames per second and then click apply now we want to import our images so click the plus sign here then click import media and now i've already prepared three images i've got three images here that we want to bring in so select all of those and i also have a music file that i want to bring in as well so let's bring all these into the media bin okay now that we have the images into the media bin let's drag them down to our timeline okay and we see the three images here now none of them are the same aspect ratio of the 19 20 by 1080 video canvas size so what we want to do i i want to get rid of these black bars on the side so what we're going to do is we're going to stretch the images to fill the screen so let's start with the first image and just drag the edges so that the screen fills it now let's move the image up a little bit to put the boat more in the center okay and now let's do that with the second image let's fill the screen with that whoops and center the boat in the frame and then the third image as well okay now the next thing i want to do is let's decide how long we want each of these images to display so as we can see right now if we right click and click on duration i can see that this is set to four and a half seconds so they were all brought in at four and a half seconds that must be what my default setting is so let's just change these i'm going to put each image on a different track and i'm going to select them all i'm going to right click click on duration and i'm going to say i want these to display for five seconds or let's say six sec six seconds each there we go so now they're all set to six seconds let's just zoom this out a little bit okay now let's put one after the other so now if we click the playhead each one of these images will display for six seconds before moving on to the next image and so on okay now in order to apply the ken burns effect we have to add an animation so we want to do that to each of these images separately so the first thing i do before adding an animation is i look at the image and i decide how do i want this to animate with the ken burns effect you typically add a zoom as well as a pan so zoom is where you zoom in or out and a pan as if the image moves side to side or up or down and any combination of zooms and pans applied at the same time will give the effect of motion and that's called the ken burns effect so with this image in order to apply this we want to add an animation so click on animations here and drag a custom animation down now the left side of the arrow is the start of the animation the right side is the end let's put the playhead at the start of the animation and let's put the image where we want it to start now we go to the end of the animation and now let's add a zoom so let's go up here to scale and start changing the scale okay now let's move this up each time you make a change you want to use this playhead to go back to what the state of the image was at the beginning of the arrow and then you can drag it through to see how it's changing so right there you can see i've created a just a zoom a simple zoom effect on this boat and i think that's that's good enough but now in order to have this animation take effect over the six seconds that the image is showing we want to drag this animation arrow all the way to the left and then grab the right of the arrow and drag it to the right there now let's put the playhead at the beginning and press play to see what that looks like as you see it zooms in then changes to the next image so i like that that's good so now let's move on to the next image let's repeat the steps go up to animation drag a custom animation down pick a starting point let's have this one pan up a little bit so let's pick that as a starting point and then the ending point we can it's up a little bit and let's zoom it a little bit as well that might be a little too much see what that looks like i think it actually raises a little too much i like that so now let's place our arrow our animation arrow okay okay now for the third and final one before we drag the animation arrow down onto the element the image element let's change the size of this let's zoom it and then pick a spot like so okay so now when we drag the animation arrow onto the image both the starting and ending points are set to what i had the image set at the zoom and the pan before i drag the animation arrow on to the element okay so now let's decide how we want this to move let's say we want it to start here and then finish by moving a little bit to the side and maybe with a little bit of a zoom see what that looks like i like that and let's drag the arrow from start to finish okay now let's just drag our playhead through to see what that looks like slow zoom another zoom and raise up a little bit and another zoom and over to the left i like that okay so that is essentially the ken burns effect now something else i like to do to just make this come together is add transitions between each of the images so an easy and quick way to do that is to select all three come up to transitions and let's just add a fade transition between them all and drag this down and then as you can see that added a fade between these images here and then another between here it also added a fade at the very beginning and then a fade out at the very end so let's see what that looks like so it fades in and then zooms then it fade transitions to the next image and a slow zoom there as well and then another fade transition and then a zoom cool okay the final thing i want to do is add the music track so let's go back up to media and here is the music track we dragged in so let's bring that down here i always like to put my music tracks on the bottom frame and as we can see here the music is much longer than our video so let's just cut it off just press s there to split and then delete and actually if we just want to pull this back here to end it at the same time and finally i want to add a fade in and a fade out of the music so let's go to audio effects bring a fade in and set that and then a fade out at the end whoops there we go there we go now let's see what that looks like [Music] very nice and that's it and that's how you apply the ken burns effect to images in a video using camtasia studio if you found this video helpful do me a favor and click the thumbs up button down below and for more helpful camtasia tips consider subscribing to my channel and click the bell icon down below so you're notified as soon as i release new videos also if there's anything you'd like me to cover in a future video let me know in the comments below thanks for watching guys and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Rob the Maritimer
Views: 15,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to animate images camtasia, ken burns effect camtasia, ken burns camtasia, image animation camtasia, image animation software, best image animation software, how to image animation, how to image animation camtasia, how to ken burns camtasia, how to animate images, how to animate images ken burns, camtasia studio, camtasia tutorial 2020
Id: AGccTDmw1Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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