how to animate floating papers in blender step by step tutorial

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hey guys my name is mouse and welcome to top channel one on one and today we're going to be looking at how to make this paper effect in blender uh so one thing we're going to be making sure to do is have control over where these papers go so that they never go outside our screen view area uh that way we don't have to add a lot of papers in case a lot of them just fly away from the view area uh that will also reduce on our computation time and our render time so as you can see they're all just within this area here and if i want if you wanted you can just widen that area to cover the entire screen or just uh contain them like we're doing here you can see they're just rotating around here they never really go outside these boundaries so let's dive into the tutorial and see how to do this effect now the first thing we're going to do is make our paper so i'm just going to use this plane or you can add it using shift a mesh plane i'm also going to turn my screen case so that you can see what i'm doing here and i'm just going to curve this to the size of a paper go to edit mode i'll make sure you apply scale by using ctrl a scale and then add a few subdivisions because we're going to be using the cloth simulator i can make other people's fold and we're going to need some subdivision for the resolution that the close simulator is going to use for the deformations so now that we have our paper we can start simulating it by going to the physics tab and turning on cloth hit play and you should see the paper falling down i'm going to add a plane on the ground after that we have uh some ground for the paper to fall on and i just so i can see the difference between my ground and paper i'm just going to go to the overlays and turn on random colors so that you can see are the paper and ground are separate objects now i'm going to move my paper just above the surface so that i can easily see it under so that it's also not intersecting with the paper if i play back it will go through the ground because we haven't set up any physics collision with the ground so i'm just going to select the ground and go to the physics tab turn on collisions and now the question be able to collide with the ground uh one thing i noticed is that sometimes you might have if the paper might still go through the ground here and now one thing you can do is just give the ground a solidify modifier so that it has some thickness and bring it above the collision modifier or what you could do is just give your paper a slight x rotation and then you should be able to collide with the ground and that's only if it's just going through other the ground after you turn on our collisions okay so what we want to have is a hover level papers and also adding some turbulence and vertex so that they can rotate around whatever objects we are in the middle here so let's do that let's first start with adding wind so that we can blow the paper up into the air so for that i'm going to use shift a go to the force field and add our wind force that's here i'll just make sure that it's facing up now if we play back you can see that it's not powerful enough to bring the object other people up so what we're going to do is increase first increase our force field something like 500 and see how that affects the paper you can see it's going up just fine that's what we want right now is to have the the strength is uh is too much and it's going to be adding per frame it's going to be adding this strength per frame so this might go up forever and never really come back down so what we can do is uh animate this strength by going in and taking this k frame to add in a keyframe there you can animate this by hand or by using on the cuff unmeasured modifier so if you hold on control tab while you are hovering over your timeline you can tab it you can tab it into your graph editor and now if you hit n you can access the modifiers here now we just want to animate this noise graph also you can use a to select all everything and then i'll be period key on your keyboard or to zoom in on onto any keyframe you have on your timeline you want to animate this strength by using the noise modifier here so that will add some randomness to this noise we have and you can see by adding this noise modifier to our strength we are giving some variation into the wind so that is not constantly blowing uh what we need is that to have a stronger wind a stronger noise and some variation let me expand this so that you can see i have the scale so we want to bring in some kind of variation so that the wind is never really blowing constantly and that will make the effect sale even much better okay let's see something like this and that can scale this if you look closely you can see that our wind uh let's just look at the value the strength of our wind is ranging from 500 uh here and 495 and 505 what we want is that to have it turn on and turn off so we're going to use this scale here so that we have it ranging from somewhere at 0 and 500 so i'm just going to increase the string something like that but we don't want it to go negative to go to negative values otherwise just start pulling our clothes down so to stop it from going to negative values you can add a limit modifier and turn on the y minimum limit and that make it make sure that zero is the minimum but you can also bring it up if you want to and now you can also use the offset value here which is just going to give you different values for x and y values it doesn't matter that much for this case but let's see how this is behaving now uh we still have a lot of variation here so let's reduce that by reducing the scale here by increasing the scale here so that we have so that our wind has some time to settle down and also come back up as you can see now i can blow the the paper up and down but i think the strength is just a little bit too high so we're going to put it to around 500 you can see that's good enough now another thing we can add in uh we need a lot of papers here so what i'm going to do is go to edit mode i select this paper and you use shift d to duplicate this around i can just use also you can just do this in object mode but uh you're just going to that will just add on the combination power since it's now two objects but uh if you do this in edit mode it's just going to give you the same results uh but with less uh computation power just make sure that these don't uh intersect in any way so if you play back you can see what we're getting now there is quite a lot of uniformity here especially for these four are up here because they are being acted on with a uniform uh wind now what we can do is add in some turbulence so that is don't we break off we break that uniformity so let me add a turbulence force and just give it a strength here oh let's try 1000 you can see already it has already broken that up now this is what i was talking about is this uh you don't really have control over where the particles or where the papers are going so you can see if we have our camera set directly here you can see that uh within just a few frames all the papers are being blown out of away from the screen so what we can do is uh just create another collider object uh this time let's use um a cylinder that's going to scale it out to the size that i want let me tap back to edit more to 10 right here something like this so that it encloses the entire and another thing if we measure these papers uh the scale of the object also affects the simulation just have that in mind so this paper is a one meter in scale which is obviously too light so i'm just going to scale this down quite a bit at something like that and let me measure again okay 20 centimeters is good enough now let's play this path again and just see how this has affected our simulation okay now it seems that the force we're using now is no longer that la it's not it's not enough to start these papers to blow these papers away so we can either increase other paper you can either increase the force of the wind and turbulence or we can select the papers and go to the to the cloth modifier and reduce the mass of the buttocks our tube which will essentially reduce other side the weight of our paper so we can play around with that until we get something that is see point one now you can see that that is a little bit better you can our papers are not too large and they are now behaving more like papers now let's just shade smooth so that we don't see that uh for setting going on so i'm just going to shoot something like that another thing we can do is uh just to avoid these papers are from intersecting we can go to the closed modifier again and turn and make sure that we have our self collision turned on so that they never really intersect with each other and again our one thing we don't want like in the original render we don't want the papers to go out of our view area maybe we can allow them to go above but adjustment outside this domain here so to do that we have already created our cylinder now we can give this a clear a collision uh property but uh if you go into the overlays and terminal first orientation you see that the normals are facing on the ins are facing outside and this can cause some collision some stimulation effects some collision problems meaning that we don't have we won't have proper collisions up for the uh for the papers then you might see them going through the surface let's see if we'll if that will happen so let's see let's just make this smaller for a second now maybe even okay that's something like apply scale let's simulate yeah you can see that some of them are already going through the the cylinder uh the reason for that is that uh we have the normals facing uh the outside so we want to flip them to the inside so that the papers can easily collide with the walls of the surface so it's going to use shift n in edit mode and then just use einstein and so that they are flipped onto the inside let me just turn off this overlay for a second and now i should have them collide very easily just so that we can easily see them i'm going to go to the display properties and make sure that i have wireframe turned on instead of installing more so now if we resimulate you can see that now the people are colliding with the surface and since the surface this cylinder is invisible in our rv port you don't really you can't really tell that uh there is a collider object there now what we're going to do is uh also increase our wind force so that the we have more strength of our energy in the wind so that they can blow these papers are blown out much uh faster so now let's tap back to our graph editor i'm just going to increase the strength here just a bit something like that maybe also increase our turbulence uh what i'm going to do is also change the icon for our turbulence right because it's a bit difficult for me to see so i'm going to turn it into a sphere just drag it up it's position in the world space is not really that important unless if you turn on uh fall you should give it a full of value since we don't have a follow-up value for any of our forces the position within our world doesn't really matter it's only the orientation especially for the wind as uh that determines the direction of the wind but uh for the falloff for the turbulence it doesn't really matter that much as so unless you turn the falloff as well so let's increase the turbulence here let's give it a size of say something like one let's see increase the stability a bit i can see we have more energy here we can also give it some increase the flow this means that uh the turbulence will have more influence over the papers other than any other force you have in your in your scene if you want the wind to have more influence up on the turbulence then you would have to increase the flow for the wind so that is higher than the turbulence let's try 5000 let's see okay now that is more turbulent advertise and giving us good results so you can see you can play with different settings and see what you get you can also give it some noise amount here there may be less increase the strength of our wind as well maybe increase so you can see you can create quite a lot of variation and if you want to be fancy you can even unmate other wind to blow in different directions now if you have how to more papers papers you can just go back to edit mode and duplicate this a few times so that we have quite a number of them you can see now get something like that and i guess i'm just going to pump this strength just a bit something like a five five and see now the other thing you can add you can add say another object if you want i have the objects collide with another object and just give this collision property as well now you can see that the paper the papers collide with that object like we have in the original animation everything else is just lighting and yeah if you want to have the original files this animation and that's where you can check out the project files you can find that on my patreon page thank you for watching you
Channel: TopChannel1on1
Views: 47,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 learn blender, 3d modeling, how to make video games, cg, blenderguru, eevee, cycles, uv unwrapping, cgi, archviz, tutorial, game engine, unreal engine, texturing, substance painter
Id: 9Nx38iwliZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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