HOW TO AFFORD VANLIFE | So many options...

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i love you so much i've got this and i have this what if akilah i held on to the ball this is for your benefit i promise it might seem torturous to aquila but you would not be able to hear me if she had her ball if you are subscribed to my channel or somebody that views my content there's a really good chance that you're interested in either van life or a nomadic lifestyle or something along those lines and i know that one of the biggest roadblocks for people is how to financially support that lifestyle so you might be searching van life videos looking at vandals maybe you want to live in a camper or an rv or bus or just live nomadically and travel the world but you're like how do people do this so i wanted to make this video to give you some ideas and share how i make money on the road how my brother makes money on the road how i've made money in the past and hopefully give you a big long list or at least spark some ideas so i think i have a pretty well-rounded list of ideas for you can you not chomp on it while i'm talking to people okay i am going to try my very best to keep this straight forward to the point and just provide the information my situation is a little bit unique because i have my own business two years ago i essentially took a service that is mostly in person and transferred it to an online platform i got my degree in exercise science and physiology so i created a health and fitness program online so i take on one-on-one clients and everything is online their programming is through an app i watch their nutrition logs all on an app and we meet face to face over zoom or facetime once a week so that business is what sustains this lifestyle am i making a fortune off of it no because honestly that isn't what i value right now my goal is not to make a ton of money my goal is to have unique experiences and pack as much as i can into this very short lifetime with that being said yes i am responsible and i have a little savings for emergencies and whatever and of course i'm a creator as well so i do youtube videos but um this doesn't necessarily pay all the bills but it's something that i really enjoy doing and love the process of building it one more thing about how i make money i invested a lot of money that i didn't have at the start of my business i invested in a business coach because i knew how to do none of it so if you feel like you have a service that you could transfer to an online platform that seems to be a pretty big thing happening these days and you can definitely find a business coach to help you do that just make sure you do your research all right moving on so my brother noah you guys have seen him a few times on this channel he lives out of his truck noah's mode of income is completely different than mine he works seasonally during the summers he works for a touristy sale company oh my god i don't know how to say this basically they attract tourists and they do tours on sailboats and he works as crew as captain and then in the parasailing part of it as well so he only works a few months out of the year he works really hard makes really good tips and then he travels for the rest of the year and lives really minimally and honestly guys the living minimally part that's the key similarly my friends gary and siobhan live out of their camper right now they're located in tennessee gary often does river guiding and siobhan works for theater they would find an area where gary could be on the river and then there was a theater nearby both of them together just utilized their skills and found places where they could make that work so far we've talked about creating your own business if that's something that is appealing to you that took me a lot of time to build working a summer job that provides a lot of tips and then using your specific skills like river guiding or working for theater to find areas where you can kind of plant yourself for a season or two and moving on the next thing i want to mention is wilderness or adventure therapy i worked for a wilderness therapy company for three years bear with me i wish that i lived in this van during that time because usually with wilderness therapy or adventure therapy programs the staff have pretty awesome shifts well some people hate them but i loved it the company that i worked for my shift was eight days completely in the field in the back country and then you have six days completely off guys that's six days completely off do you know how much adventuring you've done in six days on top of that because you stay in the same shift if you need to take a shift off or want to take a shift off that means that you get three weeks off because you would normally have your six days off and then your eight day shift and then your six days off so when you take away that eight day shift you literally have three weeks off my brother and our good friend nathan we all took a shift off together and we just flew to norway and sweden it was awesome i do know of some adventure therapy programs that the staff has i think four days on three days off so you can kind of search and find the type of client that you want to work for the type of company you want to work for the type of pay you want to work for and the type of schedule you want to work for generally for things like that you do need some sort of degree but as far as specific experience in the field i would say 98 of the time they train you on the job it's very job specific and one more thing about that the self growth in those types of jobs is absolutely incredible i would highly recommend anybody working for a wilderness therapy company because you will learn so much about yourself i know we touched on seasonal jobs a little bit but that is a really really great option some of the top videos i found included these seasonal jobs one a campground host if you don't know what that means basically it's the person that stays in the campground and oversees the campground for a specific amount of time two working in the amazon rainforest i don't mean rain forest what i meant to say is warehouse that is just a really short gig that you might be able to get around the holidays and it can pay quite a bit and three the sugar beet harvest this is done in like colder states like michigan north dakota and some other places and it depends on the weather but from what i looked up you can you can make like 3 500 working three weeks harvesting sugar beets quick little note i will drop some of the resources and youtube videos that i found in the description if you want to look at these yourself lastly i did a poll and i collected a bunch of people's favorite seasonal jobs so i just want to list them off i'll put them here on the screen so that you can have some great ideas of what maybe you get into being a server or a bartender at restaurants you're working for tips and you can easily leave and come back to those types of jobs tour guiding can be great especially if you have specific skills like canyoneering fly fishing hiking and of course social skills are good for those types of positions white water rafting guide working for any national park working at rei actually i have a friend that works at rei she absolutely loves it they get really great pro deals they get treated really well and their hours can be pretty flexible from what i hear don't hold me to that strawberry picking skiing or snowboard instructor working for a landscaping company tree planting there was actually a woman that commented on my youtube video a little while back and i asked her about this and she lives in canada and does tree planting as a seasonal position that sounds so cool that's something i would totally love to go do stupid pandemic any tourist attractions so this person specifically said zip lines and people tip great working for music festivals working on organic farms this can kind of coincide with woofing but this guy says that there are lots in flagstaff in sedona working at home depot or lowe's there's a lot of national victoria's secret warehouse for christmas orders asparagus harvest or working in an ice cream shop working as a park ranger so this woman said working at the lander bar in summer there are a lot of places and higher elevations that really explode during the summer during like touristy times so finding positions like that can be super fun not not to say i've ever done it but i hear it's super fun i do have a few recommendations for websites for seasonal jobs i suggest you look at with this website you can filter out what states you want to be in what season you want to work if you want to work for national parks and really find what you are looking for there are always options like work away and woofing the cool part about workaway or woofing is oftentimes you might not get paid for your labor but essentially you can be working for food and housing and that kind of stuff the only thing i suggest with that is to really make sure that you look at reviews and talk to people that have been in those areas or worked for those specific people or communities if you are somebody that's looking at nomadic lifestyle and wanting to travel the world and not necessarily live in like a van home uh i would suggest searching sorel amore she has a lot of really great tips and tricks and she's been doing this for many years obviously international travel is not my thing at this point because i have a daughter if you are somebody that is looking into flying to these states to woof or whatever it may be make sure that you check out hopper and kayak those are two great apps where you can kind of select a date range of flights and you can see when would be the cheapest option for you and it can track flights for you it's super great for cheap travel i think all of the things that i touched on and shared can be a really great launching point of course this is going to be such an individual decision and there are a lot of different aspects characteristics wants and needs and whatnot that come into play for each individual i do want to end by saying it's not easy making money on the road or learning how to hustle doing seasonal jobs it's not always glamorous it's not easy sometimes it's about taking some risks or just not having a lot of money at times i know i know you don't even work you just model yeah on the flip side i know that there are very very very wealthy van dwellers out there i don't know any personally i also don't know what they do um yeah as you are deciding what kind of things you want to do to make this a reality i suggest that you add three more things to that list number one start simplifying your material belongings just start getting rid of half of your stuff you probably have no idea you even own each week just donate a garbage bag and slowly you'll realize that you need very very very little to be genuinely happy number two uh stop wasting stuff and the transition on the road is going to be a lot easier and number three practice being uncomfortable start going out and camping in your car start going out and camping on the ground take a few weekends to go backpacking by yourself or with your partner whoever you're planning on doing this lifestyle with one of my absolute favorite quotes of all time that completely rings true to me and has for many many years is along the lines of this the more comfort you seek the easier it is to be uncomfortable whereas the more discomfort you seek the easier it is to feel comfort so if you're looking into this lifestyle just remember that and ease into it don't make like one huge leap unless you want to and then sweet go for it just know what you're getting into i really hope that this helped answer some of your questions i know there were a lot of you curious about how i made money and hopefully this gave you some ideas outside of what i do and outside of what noah does so that you can work towards this lifestyle if you have any other ideas or great seasonal positions or anything that you can think of to help people in this way feel free to put it in the comments so that other people can search through the comments and maybe get some more ideas and lastly please give this video a like if it helped in any way do you want to tell them the rest subscribe if you are not already subscribed and i know that you guys are looking forward to seeing our adventures don't worry an adventure vlog is coming up next week so we will see you then you got it no don't step on that akilah is headed to her little perch which you are currently perched on so thank you if you have any okay first don't worry an adventure an adventure vlog i have one more sentence left next week oh you missed it next you didn't catch it week next week you almost broke my mug dude [Music] next week no you didn't catch it that was so good so akila and i will see you next week she got that one see you guys sunday when we wake hear the birds and see the sun side beside our faces all the good times just begun
Channel: Linnea & Akela
Views: 45,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to afford van life, how to afford nomadic life, how to live nomadically, how to make money on the road, best seasonal jobs, how to travel and work, how do people afford van life, best ways to make money on the road, how to make money while travelling, vanlife income, is vanlife expensive?, how much does vanlife cost, how expensive is vanlife, seasonal jobs for vanlifers, seasonal jobs for RVers, how to be a full time RVer, How to afford living on the road, nomadic life
Id: yHsHwphWmnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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