How to adjust Rainbird sprinkler 1804HEVNPR

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i'm patrick bailey with today is september 20th 2020 and in this video i'm going to be showing you how to adjust a rain bird sprinkler head specifically the model 1804 hev npr okay first some quick websites to help you out so if here's here's rain birds website for the 1800s so if you want to decide whether you want to get this one or not go down here they got videos and specs and all those things but this is the one i'm deciding to put in my backyard because i've been a lot of landscaping this spent summer i'm doing all the work so this one that kind of sold me on some of the features so go check it out if you already i haven't and then also here is a link to the home depot site to go order it or get it that's i got probably half of mine at home depot and half at lowe's reasonable price but make sure if you go there there are cheaper models so make sure you get the one that's priced correctly because i went there once and i bought one which i thought they have different 1800 ones it's like 1800 and it was cheap i was like ah great well it wasn't this one so make sure you get the right one probably match up with the price of the best idea and this one is probably about twice as much as their cheaper one but i want to be overall a long term you know water efficient on my lawn so i got this one and also for convenience sake you know here's a link to amazon doesn't do such a great deal on amazon but maybe you can check them out someday maybe they have a pack or more but right now i think i'd shop at home depot or lowe's but anyway with that there's the links now let's go get to adjusting them okay so first let me show this up close before you get any of this done so this is just to show you here's the model number right there the 1804 hev npr you're um there we go okay okay so now i'm going to use this other tool i bought to help you pull these things out now you don't need this necessarily but because when you adjust these you put the pressure on it pops up so but for this case we'll do it so this has a couple things so it's got a lip underneath here so you can take it and spread it out and pull it out and so i'll pull it out here then you it's probably the hard part to show after you pull it out you can take this wrap it around hold on there and just let go it's as convenient when you don't have underwater pressure but you when you have it under water pressure you don't really it's worthwhile probably buying one of these but you don't really necessarily need it because you can adjust it you turn the pressure on then adjust it so here's the head which you can take off and a little filter in here just to show you that you can but what this does there's two adjustments to this one is the one where you can go from zero to 300 degrees and so you look on the top here you'll see there's a little notch right there and i get the light there's a little l right next to it and so that is where the zero degree is and you can expand out from there and so now if you look at now there's a center one you can turn you'll see i'm turning the center one so turn it all the way and now you'll see it matches up with that l and i can't turn any further and you can see all the teeth line up there so that's actually zero degrees so now as i move it out now we're like 30 degrees now we're like 90 degrees so in between this top tall tooth and the bottom tall tooth is where the spray is going to come out so if i want to do 360 i've got to turn it all the way around where both teeth match and it will squirt out everywhere but if i want to reduce it in this case i want to reduce it for testing just so i'm not squirting myself too much so that's the 360. then on top is the adjustment for the spray so if you press the pressure as you have as you spray out further or less so what you can do is you can turn it clockwise so you can you can tighten it as you tighten it it'll shoot out less and less but we'll leave it kind of how it is out of the box but i will make sure it can only shoot a little bit but also this is fixed so the other thing you've got to think about is and i'll take this off is you can turn the whole thing you can grab this and ratchet the whole thing because you want to get that mark where you want it so so anyway there's all that so now let's just show it in action so i have one set up here i did another video where i made this little weird thing that i actually have i can attach to my hose and i've got a gauge there i got a valve i can turn on off on and off and then i can get this going but i actually haven't set this one up quite correctly yet because it's probably going to squirt everywhere so on this one i want to do the same thing i'm going to reduce it so i don't squirt that much but i also want to aim it so i will there we go based on that it kind of should shoot that way so let it go and i'll turn it on we'll get the pressure up there i'm going to squirt myself here there we go now i'm squirting myself but you can see it's got that limited range so the first thing you can do is change how far you want to shoot so there's unless i want to do that and also so see i'm not using it all so i don't need that when it's pressurized but i can it gets a little slippery you can see now i've changed it but now if i do 360 i just go all the way around which i'm not gonna do right now because i would squirt myself but now we can tighten it little screw of course now my hand's slippery and i can start to go clockwise i'm going clockwise i'm righty tighty so i'm tighting that and so i'm tightening pressure down so the pressure so you can see i can get it really low and i can open it 360. and now it's not doing much at all and then i i i don't think that's that's much useful but now i can loosen it so we're doing 360. so you can make this shoot out really low i don't think they suggest shooting out really low but also you can see as i close it i'm not shooting out as minch and so now you can see it's actually shooting further because it's not doing 360. so really you can adjust this you can install them in you can turn it how you want ratchet that you can adjust the flow by that and you can adjust the 360 and that's that's all she wrote is pretty simple and a nice thing about this i think some of these heads are available so i think you can take that little head and in some case you can swap it out in your existing system i'm not doing that on mine but i think that's also possible i think you can't order these heads but don't quote me on that but there you go that's how you adjust it thanks for watching i hope you liked the video if you did please give it a like to subscribe just click the subscribe button also you can follow me on twitter under the handle at view any code i may have thrown up as a gist at github under the username patmandenver or check out my blog site at
Channel: whiteboardcoder
Views: 144,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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