How To Adjust Clip Volume From A Keyboard Shortcut | Club Cubase Dec 12 2023

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hello welcome to the December 12th 2023 Club qas live stream my name is Greg Uno and I'm the host of the live stream if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you can ask questions in the live chat field or submit questions in advance via Club qase at Steinberg dode uh when asking questions if you could specify which version of qbase you're running uh whether it's qbas Le AI elements artist or Pro which version number whether it's 11 12 13 and which operating system that information is helpful um when asking questions there always that my my ability to answer questions in real time will soon be eclipsed um I'll try my best throughout the live stream to catch up so if you don't see an immediate uh response to your question when you type it in just give me a couple minutes and I'll you know sometimes I may be 30 40 minutes behind but I'll go through all the questions chronologically as they are asked um and we should have um so you know if we do that so if we could if you don't see an immediate response if we could try to avoid asking the same question repeatedly that just kind of slows down the whole process um we should have the index of all topics that are discussed in today's live stream pinned to the top of the comments field and if you wanted to search for the comments um and with timestamps so it'll take you right to that point in the video You could also go to qbase and you want to thank y on from stockhome for creating that website we also want to give special thanks to Agent K and Jaz dude they're not Steinberg employees but they serve as moderators to make it a more pleasant uh Community experience so we'll give special thanks to them also we'll give a special shout out to Jazz dude for his work with the Cubase Nation Discord um so once again my name name is Greg Uno I'm presenting from outside of Washington DC area in Alexandria Virginia I work for Yamaha Corporation of America which is the US distributor of Steinberg products and I'm the host so if you're watching this please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us where you're from and with that we will go ahead and begin all right all right so we have Lauren asks um okay hi Greg uh how to REM moove Reverb from a sample in spectral layers Pro all right so if we have Reverb on a sample we could do let's say we have maybe something something uh with with Reverb on it what we could do is if we're in spectral layers Pro so if we just kind of say we'll just kind of start off from scratch here all right so let's say we have kind of sample all right so what we could do now is we're going to go to um the Spectra layers extension so we're going to select the track we'll go to our extension we'll go to spectral layers uh and then what you need to do is if you go to uh the process or I'm sorry you go to process and then you'll see Reverb reduction and then once you kind of Click there you could choose whether it's going to be for voice or other uh and at that point just hit the apply button and will come over here do its processing all right we'll close that particular process and as we listen to it now then we should hear it just try it on another file here all right so again we'll come to track we'll load up our spectral erors extension process to reverb reduction and that's all you you have to do so once you're in spectral layers just come over and choose Reverb reduction you could also do Ambience match or Reverb match between two different files all right uh next question from Esmeralda um I've created three midi tracks with the sampler track I can use expression maps to um how can I use expression maps to activate control change with these three midi channels in the key editor instead of using key switches um so you know when we're dealing with the sampler track the sampler track is you know there's probably not going to be a lot of particular key switches that are going on so let's come over here let's just say um if I take so if I drag this over we're going to have in our sampler track so as we come over here now a lot of times when you're doing key switches in a particular sampler track um you know when you're dealing with key switches you want to switch between one sound to another sound to another sound the sampler track itself only has one sample so it's only going to be working with one particular sound so there isn't um so you know it may not make much sense because it can't switch between different layers of sounds what it could do is switch between you know uh so like a traditional sampler like hen or even Groove agent you could you know create you know like hen is designed for doing key switches where you have you know multiple layers of samples kind of like what we showed on the last live stream of doing key switches but when we utilize the sampler track and when we come over here we have our midi information you know since this sampler track is going to be tied directly to this track it this track is only going to have one sample so we can't necessarily switch between the different um the different sampler tracks within one where a key switch would make sense or to be able to use expression Maps so let me know if that makes sense as morala but you know since it's a single sample format that you know it may not make sense to do that but you could do it as we showed on the last live stream using hien with different key switches all right wonderful to see Stefan from Sweden joining us and we have sen one saying hello from Phoenix uh so hey Greg what is the best way to sample quickly in qbase using qbase 11 so I'm not sure there's different people may have different terminology for resampling so if you wanted to let's say I have this file if I wanted to some people consider to this resampling where we go to audio and I want to create a new sample this I could do a bounce selection and replace the events if it is dealing with like a sample uh sample rate change at that point if you're changing sample rate um you could go to the project menu to project setup or hit shift plus the letter S and then you could just choose to and choose your sample rate directly there and and then you could just do a project so if I wanted to do a sample rate on an entire project let's say I'll take this one so if it's a sample rate issu so let's say now I select files we can see that our files at 44.1 and let's say if we don't want to change the pitch so just to get our kind of pitch and timing reference so if I wanted to change this from 441 to 48k what we could do is come over and go to the project menu to project setup and say we're going to go from 441 to 48k we'll hit okay um it says do you want to convert uh audio files to the new rate we'll say convert um do you want to keep the source files we'll keep them why not uh do you want to keep the audio events at their sample positions here you probably want to choose no so now as we play it back now all of our audio is at 48k but it's the same pitch and same timing as it was in 44.1 so let me know S one if that makes sense and just make sure I understand what you mean by resample quickly all right uh cycling is awesome asks um hi Greg could you show please how to automate EQ high low cut on a track thanks okay so let's say I want to take um I'll just take kind of the overall mix on this so I wanted to EQ I want to automate the EQ so whatever track you're on you just want to click on the W button and then all you have to do is we'll grab our EQ so I'll just move this one [Music] band and now everything that we just did will be automated we'll fight [Music] back [Music] and that's all you'd have to do for automation on EQ so just click on W and then move the EQ as you want and then it'll be automated wonderful to see Jazz do checking in from Germany qbase index Yan from Stockholm from glad you guys could both make it all right we have great wonderful to see John Barry from English Riviera thanks for joining okay we have Robbie Becky on all right so we have uh V just says uh from India the beat calculators missing in qbas 13 in today's update also please advise uh that's the most important tool so you could actually you know figure it out uh a lot of the functionality exist already in QB so let's say I just wanted to uh drag a we'll do new project and I just want to come over here to so you know it's kind of replaced with the tap Tempo functionality but we'll show you something a lot of people um may not use so let's I just find something with okay so say I want to drag over a loop here um so let's go ahead and just kind of so right now we have this uh not set to musical mode so it's say uh let me just find something that's more as like even number beats quickly all right so it's say I'm going to drag this Loop over so what I want to do with this particular Loop is uh I want to I'm just going to count the number of beats in it so I'm going to select it make sure it's not in musical mode all right so now we could just I'm going to just come over here and just like what we would do in the beat calculator before is I'm going to one two three 4 two 2 three 4 three 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 all right so it's 16 beats so when I go into my sample editor we could go to our definition and we could say this is equal to however many bars that we want and we can see that when I go to okay this is going to be four bars at this point it's automatically calculated the tempo so most of the functionality is going to be just handled in a definition tab right here inside so if you wanted to figure out what the actual tap Tempo was before um so you could and if you wanted to do a tap Tempo you could now come over and with the update today you could just say display only and you could just tap and then that will show you the tempo that you have so if you need to find or you know like I need to select this this is four beats long we could figure out what the tempo is and put the event into musical mode right here from within the sample editor in the definition tab or you could use the tap Tempo and here there's additional functionalities that were added in the uh maintenance release to 13.02 that was released today so let me know if there's anything else specifically you're missing with the beat calculator all right Dallas laroo asks uh in Steinberg Library manager when it has an install again option does that mean the application has an update let me just Clear My Throat sorry okay so Dallas R uh in Steinberg Library manager when it has install again option does that mean that the application has an update if not how do you check for plug-in updates um so generally you would you know when and I guess this is in the Steinberg download assistant so once you go to the Steinberg download assistant and we see that something has been installed so just go to open it so the library system does with kind of like content libraries for particular plugins when it says install again that means that it was in fact installed and that if you wanted to do it you could install again again so you know if you go to your library like this read me I haven't installed you or I haven't installed this uh Spectra layers from here so if it needs to be installed when I go to my products I can see that install again means that it is installed and I could install it one more time but if it just says install this indicates that it has not been installed yet so at that point you just need say so it install again means that it has been installed and if you just go to your products here you can say okay I need to uh install howan 702 from here so at this point you could just see so when it does say install again that means that it is already installed and you could install it one more time like a reinstall if it says install that means you haven't installed it from here all right uh wonderful to see laniia from Detroit all right so we have Ted Carpenter says uh says um welcome to the live stream says hi Greg i'm Ted Carpenter from DC all right glad to have someone else in DC area uh can you demonstrate some of the new functionality in 13 regarding chord progressions in cord pads SL chord track thanks okay so let's take a look all right I'll just revert all right so there's some new functionality for like cord pads um more so so say if we have um so I'll come over here let's say we have a roads and I go to my chord pad so these have been kind of Consolidated a lot so we can uh if we turn on our cord pads we can now now just say okay [Music] what should be try one our project real quick the new project sorry about that all right so let's say now we have kind of our chord pads all right so some of the new things that you'll see in chord pads is used to be that we would have to have um like different presets for different functions for if we wanted something to be in c minor C minor D Minor E flat minor F minor minor Etc so now we could have a project root key so we say Okay I want to keep this chord progression but just move everything up to D or move everything down so we could modulate and set different root keys so as we kind of work now how we can also just kind of switch between our different chords uh so a lot of times there was kind of previous uh ways that you could so if I just hold down to shift key we could transpose if we hold down the uh alt or option key for each of the chords that are selected we can now come over and set our different tensions and if we just use our Mouse scroll wheel so using the scroll wheel with the shift key transposes uh just moving our scroll wheel allows us to do different inversions or chord voicings and the alter option different tensions so much more easy to kind of navigate between those different elements when we go to kind of our chord setup here we could say Okay I want I see my chord editor we can now also see our circle of fifths um we could choose our circle of fifths to be major or minor so if we want it to just toggle back and forth uh and we could also instead of having to double click to open a window to get to our chord definition we could see our chord definition just laid out directly for us here uh when we go to our settings we could choose to also see these by note name or by Roman numerals uh or if you want to do like Nashville number system you could do those types of things very quickly and have it displayed your chords not just in kind of you know so this way we could just choose your different chords and if you wanted to say Okay I want a 156 uh in Roman numerals or 164 uh five you know with seven in base four in Nashville numbers we could choose to do that um one of the things that's also been updated is as we work with um our chords I could come over and we could have you know again kind of our typical piano or guitar chord voicings uh we could have different styles for the voicings here so if you want something more complex uh one of the things that also been updated is when we go to patterns and we can see our we can now come over here to like you know piano mappable so if I want to do more [Music] so if I wanted to take a pattern and let's say okay I come here and we'll put on my metronome and I'll just take off my Loop sorry about [Music] that [Music] and now it's as if we kind of played all those parts when we look at it in the midi editor uh when working with the chord track it's also been more it's been simplified how to work with um the chord track or before we get to that I'll show you one other thing so let's say if I really like this particular pattern so let's say I'm just going to take uh measure three and four one of the things that we could do now is come over and say okay I like this particular pattern for the cords is we can now just take the pattern and drop the midi pattern right in so you could take any part and use that as the basis for the particular uh chord pad patterns when adding a chord [Music] track so we'll just come over here add a chord track we can now also do step entry so we can say okay I just want to start D Minor um C and then I could say okay we're going to keep the C chord for a little bit let's get to G two bars I want to be C major 7 G7 G minor and now we could just populate the chord track based upon step entry from the particular chord pad so instead of always having to drag them out you could just put them into step entry mode so uh when playing back the patterns something else that you may notice is there's a change where we could say uh show the pattern play progress so as we as I play a particular chord here you could see how long that pattern is going to last so if it's like three bars you could just have that so again there's lots of great patterns that are just kind of included so if you're [Music] not and then you can see exactly how long that pattern lasts for with the this little visual [Music] indicator just right there and when looking for chord suggestions again if we just kind of double click here we could you know let's say we go to our chord editor you know again we could just say Okay I want to come up with the list it will show you based on Cadence or common notes uh so other chords that will be musically related and you'll notice that these colors based upon the how uh how close harmonically they are the colors of the cord pads will also will also change to reflect that so it's a couple things let me know if that helpful for you Ted wonderful see Uno MTO checking in from Finland all right and we have Ross checking in from Southwest France where it's cold and wet so thanks for joining us today all right so we have uh Frederick child says uh hi Greg uh Fred from Atlanta QB 13 Pro experiencing freeze problems uh any insights thanks um so if you could let me know you know which operating system you're working with um if you know also with audio interface which Cubase uh so you said QB 13 Pro but if you let me know so a lot of times it could be something you know what I've seen a lot of freeze issues where stuff is kind of happening is like USB bus power issues where a lot of people have different components connected like you know I did this and I put a hard drive a USB hard drive and connected that to my computer and now everything is very lethargic so check your USB ports um you know if you have a powered Hub always use a powered Hub um because a lot of times the USB power settings uh if you're on Windows if you go to your studio menu to Studio setup you know make sure that you're using multi-processing activate AOG guard for Mac or Windows on the Windows side you'll also see in the audio system setup where you could use the Steinberg power scheme so set set that as well and you may want to go into your bios and make sure that your USB ports don't go and pause and kind of go into like an ecofriendly green mode that takes less power all right uh so we see Greg is there a way to see the names of the instruments within the GM drum sets of hian SE nowan 7 um I'd like to know what instrument is on what notes before playing it so a lot of times when you go to let's take a look so it's add an instrument track we'll do hian Sonic and let's go [Music] to all right so let's say we come over here to our Jazz kit [Music] all right so let's see I know some of these may work so let's see if we take a look and let's go to our drum map um so you know the drum maps are pretty stable so what you may want to do is just to come over and just see uh the GM map and now as you kind of work with this as we go into to your drum editor you could see the different drum sounds directly here um so but there's probably other drum Maps um that are available for all of the general midi but you know generally most of the general midi kits will comply to have kind of very similar sounds so that as you kind of click on [Music] it so but you know you could do that but you know so check out and there may be the other General midi drum maps are probably somewhere online if you want to send me an email I'd be happy to see if I could dig them up um and we could I I could we could probably get it uploaded into the uh particular um you maybe into the qbase nation Discord but you know with the generally with the drums you know and it's you could just on the particular drum sounds you could come over and as you just kind of drop in me just create an event here these may all be set to the wrong midi Channel and as you just click here you know you could always make your own drum map for all those I'm sure that there's different uh General midi drum maps that are available but say if you go to your drum map setup you can now come over here and you could choose to kind of audition your different [Music] sounds and just kind of type the name in and save the drum app like that all right so Peter um asks is it possible to use math to control knobs like LFO Etc like FL Studio formula controller like sign curves or random so if we have a particular um so let's come over let's just add an instrument track's do retr [Music] log okay so now I want to come over here we could go to to like our midi inserts and we'll say let's come over to our Auto LFO so let's say I just want to have different shapes here um and I'm going to just learn this CC and I'll move this parameter so now we can say just I'm just going to assign the CC okay so let's say we'll make this cc10 all right so we've assigned this parameter to cc10 so now as I would play back we could activate kind of the auto LFO plugin so let's say okay we want to come over and have our cycle lengths make sure that we're transmitting [Music] all right we should be seeing kind of [Music] the just make sure that this is set up to receive so whatever is kind of set up here we could just have let we just match this one more time see if I get this to respond [Music] let me just [Music] all right let me just do cut off so that'll be a little easier a little more obvious okay [Music] okay so must be having just kind of a brain cramp with this but usually it just kind of does the auto Alo for that and we'll control now we else you could do is we could go to this particular instrument and say let's um show the filter cut off and then you could go through your different sign tools here so let's say I want to take we'll take a long note [Music] here okay and now I just grab my line tool and let's kind of draw [Music] in okay so now that I play the auto Alo is working sorry about that all right so now that I come over here we just [Music] [Music] so now if we open this up this plugin is now just doing the Alo and controlling those particular parameters then you change [Music] shapes so I just forgot to put it in place so and having a note there then the LFO plugin will automatically so you need to uh assign the midi CC and then have this Auto LFO just trigger that particular CC [Music] [Music] you got different Alo [Music] shapes say make the 16th notes [Music] so that's how you can do some LFO stuff with the auto Alo plugin all right we have aifb checking in from Holland thanks for joining us all right uh so Neo dungle experience says hey Greg how do you connect a sound card a cheap one without a driver to computer in qbase so if you don't have as long as it has a Windows driver if it doesn't have an AO driver what you could do is go to your studio menu to Studio setup and on new audio system you'll see anything that's connected to your Mac on the Windows platform you will probably see a generic AO low latency driver and then as you do that um you'll see a select it and then you'll see a control panel and then you could as long as there is a your operating system is seeing it you could then choose which uh you could route the audio in and out from that right there so if you want if you need to use like the built-in audio interface of your audio of the laptop uh you could do that as well so again go to Studio menu to Studio setup and go to your audio system it's by generic low latency AIO driver select that and then go into the control panel and make sure that's going out to the correct device okay so we see uh George Robinson uh says greetings Greg Jazz dude uh and all working to all working in chat uh from George in Atlanta enjoying QB start Pro uh question can you customize Zoom settings 1 through five or they locked to the size thing okay so let's just give it a shot okay so we just all right so let's just come over here [Music] um all right so you could have different kind of Zoom presets here but let's just so we'll just come over and just on this little drop down menu here so let's say we want to add all right so let's say I just want this to be full project so we'll just come here add I'll call this uh gr1 okay so let's say we want this so again we'll add and we'll say let's go to G r two and let's zoom in on like one track and add we say gr3 Okay so let's give this try and see if they all kind of show up so all right so we'll say let's go back to gr1 all right so it looks like it's going to maintain the horizontal [Music] Zoom all right and let's go to gr2 so it's very small and if we go back to [Music] gr3 so you could maintain kind of your Zoom settings kind of right just directly there and you could organize these as you want so let me let me know if that's what you want to do George so again just this little drop- down menu here all right um so Nick is saying hi people I heard all the cool people press the like button so Alexander plasco asks hi Greg when is cuase 14 coming out I'm just kidding so I usually get that on the cuas 13 walkthrough video so surprised it's taking this long it's almost a month before someone asked so when it's ready all right um all right so we have the artist known as love just checking in from New York says thank you Greg everyone please hit the like button thank you all right so you see uh Myck Banner uh bannery uh 808 Glides like FL Studio so I'm not familiar with FL Studio but we can show you how to do some Glides here quickly just look I think we may have it under so you can do it in the sampler track so it really could depend upon the instrument so let's just say um when we want to come over we're going to have uh let's say just a particular sampler track kind of like all right so let's say I want to do a Glide with that particular base and let's say I [Music] have okay so what I'm going to do is go to my sampler track and I'm going to just drop this in and then what we could do is just kind of come over and under pitch we could just set our Glide so we'll now just [Music] so if we have this set you know we can set this to a monophonic mode so as soon as we want to come here we could just okay let's put it into monophonic mode so and as soon as we do [Music] that so if I want that Glide to [Music] be or I want to be [Music] faster so we could just and we could also put this into uh if we click on this we could put it into Legato mode so I could just actually just take one particular as I play [Music] so just come over and then you could even at this point just say Okay I want to have just my we can put it into finger mode as well and if you want to be slower you could just adjust the [Music] rate or you want to be [Music] faster so play around with the sampler track and check out the monophonic modes with the Glide settings I think that will get you what you want all right um all right so we see from John Barry says uh feature request for the search in the commands to be a little less specific try searching for Capital q-link unless you are case specific it will not find it cheers all right so let's take a look all right so say I just all right so say I just go to Q all right I'll try to lower case Q with a dash so here even like Q Link so maybe it's the dash but it seems like if I just type [Music] in I see if there's no dash but let's see if I just type in link so we can see that link will show up whether it's capitalized or not so if I say link here so it doesn't seem like it's Capital that's doing it let say if I say Q we see Q Link shows up so um but let's just type in q without the dash yeah okay so I'll mention that the dashes maybe shouldn't be in but if you just it doesn't seem like it's uppercase or lowercase but maybe the dash is what could be triggering it but I'll mention that John thanks for bringing that to our attention all right wonderful to see Rob from Tarpon Springs Florida all right so we see Zounds by Teemo Clear My Throat all right uh I'm gonna get something to drink real quick hang on all right sorry about that okay um so sounds by team ask question qbase pro2 keep saving multiple of the same project uh 25 at a time how do I delete them all once on recent project window all right so your recent project list will show um you know your recent projects as you've opened them um so I'm not sure if you are you know if you're manually you know because usually there's a preference in QB so if you go under preferences to General that will create backup files so you could choose to have backup files those don't show up in the particular list uh you know so if we had backup files you wouldn't see those in the recent projects list uh but if you are incrementally if you're doing the uh save new version save new version save new version qbase isn't going to automatically create save projects unless you manually do it that here so let me know if you're doing a save as or save new version but you know generally when keybase is making an automatic backup at that point uh you know it won't show up in the list it's only going to show up in the list because it's different file extension it's a Bak file it only shows up in the list when you do a save as or save new version and that's triggered by the user so let me know if that's how you're uh doing the saving all right so we have yorgo checking in from Lebanon thanks for joining us right sorry my chat field jumped all right so we have a Peta uh says Hey from punk rock Pete in Austin Texas thanks for joining us today all right so we see uh Matt Elders this says hi Greg Matt from Canada here uh I just bought uh VST connect and I'm trying to record an entire drum kit with 10 tracks How can I set this up to see the mono track separately so generally once you do like your VST connect um so let's say I do my VST connect here I don't have my other computer kind of set up um so but once um I don't have my other computer set up to show it but you know you should see all of the available inputs on uh the performer side and as soon as you do it you'll see like a you know you'll have I think like different stereo so you'll have like a VST connect and when you go to like the mono track on the mono input try setting it to you know VST connect like 1 L VST connect 1 R 2 L 2 R Etc um I could have it for Friday's live stream set up with my other computer so I could show it if but please send me an email reminder I'd be happy to get that set up I just don't have my other computer in the room with me all right wonderful to see Gerald elely on from Martinez California and great from great to see uh John Costigan from Kenosha Wisconsin all right uh so we see Steve Allen who asked hre qbas 13 Pro PC mixers 2 and four racks remain open as expected but one and three opening exclusively as C12 option is unchecked on all four mixers bug and or am I missing something so there was uh a maintenance release that was uh released today that will probably take care of that for you Steve so make sure that you're running the 13.02 version and I think that was one of the elements that was addressed in the latest maintenance release all right so we see uh love qbas asks um how can one use chord suggestions within the jazz music style so let's say we come over we add a chord track you know so a lot of times when you're you know you know different music genres will have different chord progressions so there's not going to be anything that does like the chord progressions can be you know uh set you could do the chord voicings that would be that you could set up for more kind of jazz styles like when we go to our options you could have more like the voicings be more Jazz but if you want like more of like chord track suggestions then what you could do is you know as you go to the uh what I would do is let's say we go to the editor so we're going to start let's say in F okay so let's say we go to uh our cord isst and we look at circle of fifths so here we can say okay I'm going to start with f as tonic so I want to go my next chord we could just click plus let's go to B flat you know a lot of jazz is circle of fifths so we'll go a flat and then let's say we want to do a turnaround so we'll say Okay I want to go to C back to f so using kind of the circle of fifths is a very classic Jazz progressions uh but you know progressions could work well in jazz uh or rock or pop um but you know just realizing that you know a lot of jazz stuff you know a very typical chord progression may be like um at this point let's say okay we want to do like a 251 so we'll say okay let's go to G minor to C to F so you know at this point we could you know continue to populate chord so there's nothing that will say you know make it a jazz chord progression versus a baroque chord progression but if you you know if you're unsure on a lot of uh particular chord tracks and you want to do more Jazz definitely kind of play around with the circle of fifths so basically you have kind of you go around the circle and then at some point you do a turnaround back to your tonic key so that's a very typical Jazz progression style um so we see uh Patrick manille a ask hi Greg in the future will there be cuase because an article says like AI can make do do everything just with neurons connected with AI data I'm frustrated is it true what Pro composer says is it a threat so you know I think um like probably the most advanced form that I've seen I remember talking with uh Tom hulkenberg junky XL about this um and he thought that like the the best thing that was available was maybe okay for doing something like background music for YouTube um like background for a video video so I wouldn't be depressed because um you know I think that if a lot of people are getting your music replaced by AI um you know it's a chance to up your game so that it's not going to be replaced so I think that people will still be wanting to create um and people have kind of an innate need to create themselves and to have that emotional connection that you may not get from AI for a long time it's obviously a very interesting topic but you know I don't think that great composers are going to be I think you know people will always appreciate great composers and just even now with like text and written words I'm sure we could all you know go read different stories that come across your your you know social media feeds or a newspaper story or just an article and you could tell tell what was written in AI versus what was written by human so I think that there's kind of an unquantifiable thing I think the AI technology will always get better but I think that people will evolve to you know create better than what the AI is doing so don't be discouraged um I think it's just a quick way maybe to get something you know created but um but you know don't I wouldn't be discouraged by it I would be you know maybe inspired to do something better and to elevate the whole art form all right so we see from Ted Carpenter extremely helpful thanks Craig right and just like another comment like I just did my first uh on topic of AI you know I just did my first kind of orchestral performance in like you know 30 years plus um and I think kind of the emotional connection that you have of you know musicians playing together uh is not something that could be as easily replicated in AI that emotional connection of 65 70 people playing together as a single Ensemble so all right reading through comments the influential gning says future music is silent all right so we see um hi Greg is there moso 11 H Greg is there a way to measure Loop Tempo with the range selection now that the B calculator is removed from cuas 13 the new tap Tempo is not the same all right so let's take a look so just import just kind of random file here all right so let say see if we get this going forward just a range selection TR just Within for yeah I don't know way to do this kind of with the beat calculator but I'll pass that along as well so I know that for doing Tempo maps with the uh like qbase elements that that was kind of losing a feature but I'll pass that along so we don't have to necessarily uh cut and render all right uh so Lauren asks is it possible to save custom expression note presets that have been used on specific notes as presets um so I'm not sure if it's we just go to a different project so let say we're [Music] all right so let me know Lauren if if it's what you mean by the expression or like the expression Maps here so if you wanted to save like these particular expression Maps um so let's see if we let's say if I take these and I copy so I don't think that they could be saved independently but let's say if I want it to now we could paste them later in time but I'm not sure if if it's with the note expressions or like the expression map articulations uh you know those would probably you know make more sense so you know these expression Maps can be saved by going into your expression map setup and once you have that done you could save those uh but I'm just going to reread the question make sure I'm not so custom expression note presets have been used um or if it is where you want so maybe Lauren if you could uh specify if you want it this like where um we just say we double click on a note that you want these particular note expression editor so if you wanted these to be preserved um and if you want those preserved I mean those could be um I think if we X you know if we go to import tracks from Project we could import those but obviously it's going to be I'm not sure what if having a preset of that because it could depend solely on the Note length so maybe Lauren if you could specify uh what expression note presets that you're looking for whether it's more articulations or more of like the note expression level kind of more MP Style midi 2.0 stuff all right so we see um how can one create an instrument in a sampler track without compromising its quality in higher notes using the new algorithm okay so let's come over so with the uh qbas 13 there's lots of um more you know there's new stretching algorithms for the sampler track so I'm come over here to the sampler control I'll drop the guitar in here so let's say so this this is the original pitch so if I wanted to play it up and I'll just put on audio warp here so it's going play it back to same [Music] speed so that's the original pitch so let's got a perfect fifth so now that we could switch our modes we could switch to like spectral HD it's our original or spectral HD vocal so probably spectral HD is more so you could just kind of [Music] change so probably spectral HD is the best [Music] one so that's all you have to do is just put uh enable audio warp and then you can put it into spectral spectral HD or spectral voice modes for the stretching okay okay so we see um how to create a macro to question is how to create a macro to hide all tracks except the selected track and the vocal track okay okay so let's say if we come over here we're going to have Vox okay so I want to take um let's go to our project logical editor and we could do something okay so we want to select um say our container type is track and we'll say the property is set to is selected and we'll say or name contains let's say Vox and you may have to type in vo vo vo you know vocal so if I do this correctly and then on so we're going to to select um we want to select tracks that are selected and have so I'll just select this track so I want to do this track and a track that has the word Vox in it and we could put other conditions vocals vo so that will select all those particular tracks and what we want to do now is choose to we go to our Channel and track visibility um and we'll say let's show all channels that are selected okay so we'll say show tracks with selected events let's see if that so only selected channels all right so right now I have let's say only my USM roads is selected and then I want to select and hide everything else so we're going to say we're going to select um container type is tracks and then we want to uh they're going to be selected or they contain the name name contains Vox and then we're going to hide the rest of them so come here and then every other track is Now hidden so if we wanted to just come back and we'll show all tracks so again I can now just come here let's say Okay want my Bas selected so now we'll see base and tracks with Vox in the name or vocals and you could add different derivations as you want so you could just set that up as a project logical editor so let me know if that's helpful all right so he's justy from gotor says looks like they fixed a lot of issues on 13.02 except sounds like some graphic issue still maybe I'll try it now 60 days to test do you do you have to purchase first so you could run the trial version is now available and you don't have to purchase it all right so we see um how does VAR audio question uh how does VAR audio automatically detect all the transients in an audio file thank you Mr Greg so you know it's really just part of the algorithm when we work with that so let's say if we're here we go to our very audio so it's going to now as we do our analysis of it and maybe I'll just reset we'll reanalyze the audio so as it does that it's going to figure out kind of where the consonants are rhythmically and you know and it just kind of it's part of the algorithm of the detection so that as we listen to particular words and our different vocal inflections so and then if you need to kind of clean up like you know let's say where could be pretty common to kind of drift flat at the end of the notes if you just go to the right Edge you could make your adjustments there but it's just part of the analysis and detection algorithm for that all right so we see uh [Music] junio uh says I updated 13 been using it for about a week now I'm getting errors I ended up going back to 12 so there is a maintenance release that was just re uh released uh just this morning so make sure you get 13.02 all right so we have David Griffith checking in from an un chilly Wales in UK you sure it'll be Baltic weather soon all right and we have Mr 8 or Mr B uh hhc says hello I've been using 13 for two weeks now no issues far better than 12 for him all right so we see PK asks anyone figured out how to load Mt power drum kit in qbas 13 it shows in my other DWS labed in a Reaper but not in qbase um so I'm not sure if um if that's a particular kit that works inside if that's a standalone instrument or if that's just a um if it's a standalone instrument or if it's a kit that loads up into other I haven't really heard of that instrument uh but if you could anything that's a you know VST uh plug-in should work but if you could maybe specify PK all right uh Lauren asks where did Greg receive his training to master qbas Starly I guess I'm self-taught so I just a lot of experience um and I've been working with it for I probably just crossed over 33 32 years uh with yeah 32 years of running qbase so I it's kind of grown up with me so all right David Griffith uh says hoping to start a college course on music production soon they say I need to learn logic how different is it to cuase so I think that generally you know I'm not familiar with logic I've never run it never felt the need to uh but I think that you know it'll be familiar since they I think a lot of the components that you see in Cubase have been kind of adopted by other programs so we see Lauren uh asks why did Studio One copy so many things from qbase um probably because the Steinberg team did it really well to start with all right so we have Mr B hhc just saying is Mr B from the east coast of the UK so thanks for joining us all right we have a Kirk Poff checking in from Washington State beautiful part of America thanks for joining us all right so we have RK um sorry my chat just jumped on me all right so we see uh RK has a future request uh collapse group track in the mixer so a lot of times you know if we have let's say if I have like all my background vocals in a folder here so like I have a folder with all of my background vocals so when we go to my mix console I could just say Okay I want to um see only you know I if I hold down to shift key I could see only those particular tracks in the folder or if we want to you know see all tracks so I come over here let's look at my group channels uh I gu say okay I just hold down shift and click here then I can see only my groups only my vocals or I could just hold my mouse down and see all of my tracks just like that so you know a lot of people like oh I just want to see all everything that's in the folder and then again if you have the visibility tab just hold down shift and then you say okay I just want to see only that particular folder I want to see everything I want to see only this particular folder so you know try just holding down shift so a lot of people seem to miss that capability and I think that will get you kind of where you want to be very easily okay okay um right just reading through comments All right so we see Zs by Teo says I'm selecting save only once but in recent project window over 100 of the same projects shows up in the recent project list so I mean it really sounds like you know because qbase isn't automatically saving uh the particular files for you so it would have to be kind of user instantiated so maybe you have another function that's triggering a save as um let me know if when you look at it if they are all exact ly the same name so you know or if you see like you know 01 02 03 04 you know if it's all the same name here like the exact same name that that would be interesting to know all right Walter till asks uh hello Greg I have a strange behavior on solo if I solo a track I cannot hit solo again and all tracks are playing the tracks uh stay in mute mode thanks again for your help all right so let's take a look uh let's say we're all right so I solo this track so I want to hit solo again all the other tracks come [Music] back says I want this drum Loop you know one thing you could also try is let's say uh there's a global solo and mute defeat up at the [Music] top just saying so I Sello track can I hit sell again all tracks are playing [Music] now let's see if maybe if we put it into solo defeat if you hold on like alt or option so if it's still labeled as an S now if you hold down the alter option key and click and you see like a d that would be like our solo defeat so now I can't so but that would allow me for when I solo a track for it to maintain but it looks like it's [Music] still so press solo it's all is it I press it again and everything else is unmuted so let me know if I'm doing something differently than you are okay just reading through comments all right so we see Kumar says I'm from FL Studio mood recently my question is why qbase doesn't run in full screen mode on Windows does it I mean that the tab and close minimize button is kind of awkward um so you know what you can do on a Windows platform if you rightclick you can hide um you know to be multi- Windows compliant you need to have kind of like a bar at the top because as we open up different windows they're now kind of all kind kind of Windows multi- window compliant um so that and that's just kind of how Microsoft is kind of moving towards a lot of the programs but um and it's different on the Mac like um but you can rightclick to hide the menus um but you know to be Windows multi- window compliant you need to have kind of like those particular bars all right so we see uh Vishnu asking um QB 13 Pro user how can we change the time base for multiple tracks at the same time can you kindly help Okay so let's come over here let's say I just do a new project and we'll add number of audio tracks okay so these are all now in musical mode so if we go to our project logical editor um let's go ahead and just kind of set this up okay so we want to transform and we'll say media type is track or was it our container type rather is track and we'll go to our track operation and then we want to time domain and then we could toggle so right now these tracks are in uh musical mode I hit apply all the tracks are now in linear mode indicated by the clock and I could switch it directly to linear and musical mode for all the tracks we could do it for selected tracks if you wanted to do that but just you want to for the uh conditions you want to choose transform container type is track track operation you know set the time domain to toggle and and then that will just kind of do that for you vishu great to see on the live stream all right so we see from uh Lauren how to map sequences of my arranger track to the pads or buttons on my MIDI keyboard using midi remote okay it's a great question thanks Lauren uh let's come over I have let's say my midi remote let okay I have this kind of set up okay so I go to my midi remote here so I'll just switch my mapping page and then if you get a key commands to AR Ranger you could say uh trigger arranger event one trigger arranger event two I'll hit this button trigger Ranger track [Music] three he touch my head the [Music] mag all right so now when I hit the keys on my M remote a new place F my fears all Fly Away so now and I'm going to activate the arranger track [Music] here so all you have to do is just come over and you just hit the button and you can change the jump [Music] modes so we'll say jump mode uh we'll give it one bar it's like to hit these buttons and just trigger them feel good good [Music] so you could do that switching One Beat by the bar go to the end and then just use the particular keys in your midi remote and you could also do it if you don't want to set up as a mid remote if you go to your studio to Studio setup and you'll see generic remote you could then connect your particular keys and we can say okay this you know click on the learn button say this button is going to and we'll just come over here to uh I think if you go to command to arranger and then you could have your different arranger events triggered directly there so either through the generic remote or using mid remote and then once it's activated make sure that you have your jump mode set here so if you wanted to switch at a measure the beat four bars two bars or none you could just simply switch directly there to jump between the different patterns all right uh so you see hi Greg been a while since uh great to see you on uh hope all well I'm planning to factory restore my computer I wonder after reinstall installing cuase with all plugins is there a way to regain my settings SL macros so you know I think since like version 8 or 88.5 if you go to edit come over here to the profile manager and Export your profile you could put it onto you know iCloud you know Dropbox we transfer something you know a cloud device or put it on a USB thumb drive email it to yourself uh so you can export it from your computer and then import it back in so that will be all of your presets your key commands your Macros all those different functions like uh global workspaces um your ratings stuff like that that will all be so just come over to edit uh and go to profile manager export from your old computer take that file and import it into your new computer all right so we see uh hi Greg is there a way to color the tracks that are inside the tracks uh folder by only coloring the folder so let's give it a shot just all right so let's say if we want to come here let's put these into a new folder so I think that the folder is going to be independent um but let's activate this see we maybe able do it with project logical editor um all right so let's say if I so that's going to be independent let's see if we can do it in Project logical editor okay so say our container type is track let's go to property and say [Music] um if parent object is selected so let's see if I do this let say our container type is folder track sorry all right just all right so here we could let transform so we can do them all the same color here um but not the folder track and then all right so let me see if this so I could take all the tracks within the folder and then we could transform them to a particular color but not the folder track not at the same time I could play around with this and see if I get a project logical editor editor set up for it um I could probably make a macro um to do it it may take a little bit a time but I could have that maybe for Fridays um but you could colorize all within but if [Music] you let's select you know if I wanted to come here we could let's see if we could select all of those let's see I'll try just one last minute things let's say we want to deselect ah okay so let's see if we do this so I just have the folder selected switch this to transform so now I could come here and just take the folder track so if you say transform container type equals folder track and property is set to is selected so folder track is selected and then the property is set to the parent object is selected all these particular tracks will go so let's let me just switch this and see if it does it when a folder is closed yeah so you could use just a quick uh logical editor preference like that so whether it's open or close now come over here and all the tracks in the folder and a folder will be colorized at the same time so you give that a shot sorry took took me a while to get there wonderful to see Michael teams from Weatherford Texas I think we think we may missed you on Friday but I hope you're doing well thought that the hot mess Christmas tunes turned out really well thanks for all your work with that thanks for letting me play base on it all right sorry my chat field jumped on me all right so I think I'm back to where I was all right I see Michael teams has already started his ice cream distribution okay um so we see from Steve Allen says he did the update we still has problems with mixers three and four behave as expected mixer two is okay a newer Project's only mixer one so I think that if you go there might be like a little graphics workaround on the Windows if you read the release notes but I think that there was something like you may have to physically kind of res size this um if you want to email me Steve at Club cuas Steinberg dode I could send you I see if I can find that particular link and email to you um but I think once you you know that there are a couple Graphics things that they're investigating with Microsoft with those mentioned in the release notes I just kind of glanced through them today Michael teams wants people to whack the like button okay Walter till says height seems your solell behavior is normal experiences cell Behavior since 13 cello seems to activate Global mute all other tracks stay muted um um and then Sow by global solo off yeah so I mean it seems like it's kind of working here as expect make sure you don't have any channels that are linked or you know or grouped together but you know here it seems like it's um you know working as expected Walter but let me know if you're is behaving differently right so we see from Vish new says thank you so much Greg this week I've upgraded from 12 to 13 Pro just exploring the new features so enjoy your new version okay Michael teams ask uh howdy Greg is there a way to pan a track to either side without it being tied to Center I.E guitar pan uh left 30 to 50 instead of left uh Center 250 okay so when we have like a stereo audio track so let's come over here um let's see if we are okay so we have a stereo track here so we go to our Panner so we'll just come over here to our Panner uh and so since it's a St IO track we just we could rightclick here and then you could do a combined Panner so at this point you could I'm just going to click so you say okay this will be equally in the left and right channel but now if I hold the mouse down and move the cursor up at this point we could just have the panning kind of Set uh just accordingly like that for your stereo track and if you go up we could reverse the channels when it turns orange so that point you could automate the panning so you could have it very kind of focused panning left to right channels or if you wanted more dispersed you could try that now let's switch it to let's add a monot track I think that behavior is going to change with the monot track so the monot track we can just going to be kind of from the center because there's no other channel to kind of work with so you know maybe you could just take that particular track that mono track and we can see if you're in 13 you can just click right here convert that to a stereo track and now we could say let's go to the balanced Panner for this and then as you go to your balanced Panner you could or combined Panner rather sorry so so we'll say our combined Panner and then you could adjust kind of the panning as you describe okay so we have a question from Vishnu uh hi Greg which pan law do you recommend uh equal power or minus three so it's really could be kind of a personal thing you know I usually leave the defaults I usually do minus three personally um you know some people would manipulate kind of the pan law if you're not familiar with pan law you could come over here and we'll go to your project setup which you can access by hitting shift s and then you could have uh different pan law settings so people when this was first introduced in nendo a lot of people would manipulate the pan law so that as we kind of went farther out in the panning spectrum that it would actually you know the the elements that were panned hard left and hard right could be a little louder than other pan law settings so usually people do minus 3 if you're want to mimic like an SSL console you could do minus 4.5 5 DB I think that's the pan La setting that kind of the classic SSL um e and G Series uh the 4ks would utilize so but usually I leave mindset at minus three but you know you could experiment and different songs you may want to you know adjust the pan law to suit the particular song all right Walter till asks um is it possible to have two actions via midi remote on one command like turning to volume down is also turning a high shelf filter thanks um so generally just for for clarity it will be kind of one command per function um because that could get you into to all sorts of problems inadvertently later so it's going to be designed for one command per button uh but you know if you want it to do two things at once you could you know depending on the scenario um you could proba you know you could if it's a project logical editor or if it's a uh a macro you could have a macro that could have you know two or three different scenarios um plus a project logical editor within a macro within a project logical editor and Trigger multiple and trigger a macro from within one particular key command if you wanted to so that way one function could trigger a macro or project logical editor could do multiple things at once so that could be an approach but you know there could be times when you're turning the volume down that you want the uh shelf to go opposite way excuse me all right all right wonderful to see Thiago checking in from Brazil thanks as always for being online great to see you all right fantastic see Gareth on great job on the hot mess Christmas songs Gareth okay see Michael teams just says Greg is pling again project logical editing so there you see Gareth just says qbase is faster than Logic on Mac it's official so yeah I saw the one video about how most of the programs don't use any of the efficiency cores so it's kind of shocking right all right so you see that Michael teams is granted my family myself one gallon of Christmas cookie ice cream so sounds great he says thanks for everything you do all right so uh so I just see uh comment uh coloring is messed up in 13 um so I'm not sure if it's changed that much one of the things that has changed in 13 is if you want to change the colors here you could hold down the alter option key to open up the window uh you could also just hold down the alter option key and use the mouse scroll wheel to navigate between colors but other than that the colors have really kind of maintained and stayed the same so let me know if there's something in particular that's messed up with the colors but I think it's really you know pretty similar see Gareth has kind word says my bass made the song so I only get to play bass on cool song so see Michael team says appreciate the great base work on the hot mess Christmas tunes and congrats on the orchestral work too so go it was a lot of fun did my first Orchestra gig on Sunday so a lot of fun all right so we see a question and thank you for the kind words Michael um says uh can you apply volume automation to a selection region without playing okay so let me just so a couple ways to do automation without playing is let's say we'll come over here activate this project so if you open up the automation Lane you could draw in automation with the pencil tool you could also take existing automation here and raise it up or lower it down we could choose to tilt the automation I'll just make the a little larger so it's easier to see once we have that automation set up we can I can move the automation if I want it to switch to my selection tool we can now tilt and do bezi a curves with the automation so you could do all sorts of great stuff with automation if I wanted to select like this automation range and compress or expand or increase decrease tilt from the left or tilt from the right so you could do lots of automation without playing usually kind of helps to hear it all right John C again in his comment was please help keep the live stream alive hit the like button thanks all right always wonderful to see stable Winters on we have David M checking in from Liverpool all right so D audio asks uh in q 13 they change a project logical editor that when a parent object is selected it won't change tracks in the subfolder correct uh like I try to Route every track within the subfolder of a main one one so I don't think that that has changed so let's come over um let's go back to this this project so let's say I want to take uh we'll activate this project let's create an output here so let's say I want this to go [Music] to stereo out to okay so I want to take everything within this particular folder and Route it to uh not the main stereo out but to stereo out to so I'm going to select the folder here let's get to our project logical editor okay so we're going to say transform we're going to say we're going to take take our folder track um I think we could just even CH just change this go track operation connect output let's make it to stereo out 2 okay so I have this selected and now when I hit [Music] okay all right just so now when I come here all if if that is selected I could take everything in that folder and Route it to stereo out to so let's say I want this to go to my 51 output so I want everything in this folder to be routed to the 51 out so if we go up we'll see that each of the tracks are routed out to stereo out2 I select a folder hit apply now all the tracks in the folder are now all routed to my 5.1 output so again transform container type is folder track and then this is the thing that messes up a lot of people you want to set the b in condition here to you want to say the track is selected or the property is set to the parent object is selected so once that is done anything in this particular folder will now be carried over so let's make this all go back to our stereo out and hit apply and once I have the folder selected then everything is now going out of the stereo out so let me know if that makes sense for you di audio all right so we have uh Sr says first time I had a chance to enjoy a club CU base live in a while always informative and fun blessings Greg so thanks for we're glad you can make it live and thanks for saying High make sure you hit the like button if you've learned anything interesting or new that you found helpful okay right my Chatfield just jumped okay so you see uh from die audio um right so he says let's say I have a brass folder and separate subfolders like trumpet horns Etc and I want to Route all the tracks in each subfolder to the Brass output in qbase 12 that was possible but now it uh it won't work so let's take a look so if we have subfolders within folders okay so I'll come here let's put these into sub folder okay all right so we have two subfolders um all these tracks are currently going out of stereo out okay okay so let's try that same function again so let's come to our project logical editor and let's set it to our 51 out hit apply all right so let's try setting this up I haven't tried this in 12 but we may go to all right let me see we can we have to open those up first for okay let me just check my preference [Music] here all right so let's say I'll just all right let me just select okay so I'm going to save this as a preset okay so we're going to call this deep track fold all right so let's go to our process project okay so say if we come here so I'm basically running the project logical editor twice so see if that will do it and I'm just going to select everything all right so let me go transform so let's say if I have this set just going to hit it twice three times and we'll check to see if everything everything now is set to the 5.1 out so let's say so I'll put it back to our stereo out so if you let's see if we just I'll set this star 51 out so I have this so again our folders each of these are set to stereo out so I'm going come here let's just so if I have this set up twice and I could probably come up with a a more elegant solution but now all these tracks within the subfolder are now routed so if I just trigger this one a couple times then all the different tracks are then routed subfolders within a folder but if you have the uh like the project logical editor that you had in version 12 and want to send me the preset I could I'd be happy to take a look at it you can send send it to me a club qbase at Steinberg dode but it looks like you can do it you may have to run the same command a couple times okay so we have uh from Mickey's Productions uh how do you Pro how do you replace a drum sound let's say have it on a timeline also how you normalize and how you do automation easy thanks okay so if we have a drum [Music] sound on our tracks let's say okay just come over here let's find a kick sample just okay so if you have a kick drum that's on your timeline so let's say come here all right so let say we going to do kind of a four and the floor kind of vibe [Music] here all right so I have this and I wanted to automatically replace it with other samples on my timeline if I just drag the sample and hold down the shift key says you want to replace all the events and then just dragging it while holding down the shift key anytime that that is put into timeline you could then replace all any time that that particular sample is used so drag and hold down to shift key [Music] so that's how you could do that uh pretty easily um all right um let's see also how do you normalize so if you have your audio recording in here um all you'd have to do is go to your audio to processes and just choose normalize and then you could set how much uh you want to normalized by Peak so say minus 12 or if you want to do it in loudness units so you could do it either or so again just come over and select the event go to audio to processes and you could go to normalize right there all right um and uh how do you do automation easy all right so if you just come here you click on W to write the automation I'll if I want to view the automation I can click directly below and if I just grab my fader here so we're going to click on W I hit play Move the cursor any number of ways or move the fader use a control surface and then when you're you're done writing the automation you could just click on R to read the automation if you don't want the automation read you could bypass it or if you want the automation to be followed click on it with the R button and if you want to just draw Automation in you could just draw in and as we showed before we could say Okay I want to take this part of the Automation and let's increase the gain there or if you wanted to do different curves and stuff like that see Sable Winters has been granted one gallon of Texas strawberry ice cream makes make Sable feel at home all right uh so we see uh hi Greg how can velocity values be used to influence the filter cut off on H and Sonic using the input Transformer so it could really depend on the instrument within H and Sonic so if it's doing a rler you may not you know it's playing back a road sample you may not do be able to do that but depending on the instrument itself so let's say we'll just go to hian Sonic and let's open up um you know so if you have like the full hen let's you know a lot of it will be kind of playing back different sounds but let's say I think one of them uh if we go to flux you could have kind of like more of and you know depending on you know like your modulation Matrix here of what you want to do so if you want the modifier to be you know velocity uh or you know different functions here you could say okay like your Source uh maybe you know so within the modulation Matrix is where you could set that up so it's not really going to be I don't think it's going to be so contingent on the uh on the particular input Transformer but more based on kind of like the modulation Matrix that's going to be set up within or the synthesis within the particular uh instrument that you're using all right all right so we see um from Peter uh ask coming back to math can you do a conditional like if the snare goes over a certain level the guitar pans to the left um so nothing like that's going to be I'm trying to think if there's a way to do that practically [Music] um so you know there there may be um you might be able to do it with let's say if our let's take a guitar sample we might be able to do it with the so's say we'll take our Kick Drum here and let's just find a guitar Loop all right okay so let's [Music] take all right so if we want to come to this track let's go to an insert and let's put on uh the FX modulator and let's set this to pan [Music] all right so let's [Music] say all right and I'm going to make this uh this a stereo [Music] track all right and if we come over here let's go to our trigger section ction let's activate side chain uh so I want this to come from our Tech house kick okay so now if we want it to [Music] come and we can set the amount of the side chain input so let's [Music] so let's say if we want it to be panned let me just reset so set this to quarter notes for input but we could now just [Music] so here we could probably set just the um [Music] so there you could set kind of the side chain for the guitar said of guitar can Pan um to the left based upon the side chain input of a different [Music] Channel so we but I think if we play [Music] [Music] around so you can set different threshold so you could probably experiment with the FX modulator to do six independent side chains so you could probably set up a condition like that pretty easily to do all all right all right so we see um just a comment from Allen B says no I want uh I meant like what I want if I want to pan something to do something within the Panner without drawing in automation line so you know if you let's say I want to take this kick and let's Pan the kick without drawing in the automation line all you have to do is I'll just come here let's click on W and then you could Pan the automation without drawing in a line and it may have a preference here I'll just turn this off for reveal parameter on rate so let's say I'm here uh and I don't have any of the automation Lanes [Music] open so that way you could do the pan automation without having any uh any automation Lanes opens let me know if that works for you all right so we see um and Alan beu just further clarification uh like selecting a region of a guitar for example uh load in front maybe Rhythm to surrounds if they're in the same track um all right so when we come [Music] over so if we had this going out to let's say our 5.1 output we could see that now when we go to our Panner that and I don't have this being routed out but we say Okay I want this more uh in the center and then you know just like we were painting before so once it's being routed to a 5.1 out you could just click on W and we could move and adjust your panning on your tracks so now everything I just did for my 5.1 panning is there without having to write particular automation I don't have you're not going to hear because I don't have anything kind of monitored for the 51 out but that's all you'd have to do to take your guitar solo from your center speaker and then pan it back just like that so you don't have to open up your automation lanes for that all right uh so we see from Manuela 77 uh with midi remote uh I want to create shortcuts on my keyboard to navigate between different markers okay so let's come over here let's add some markers I'll add let's say a marker track all right I'll just go ahead and name some of them here so now if you're not familiar in cubas 13 you could just hold down to shift key and name markers so if we want to navigate between uh different markers here we could just choose to come over so let's say so we have let's say four markers uh we could say Okay I want this let's get to marker so I want the top [Music] buttons have that so I'm going to choose this button here so let's choose marker so I want to um all right so we'll say think we could just use the um we just is it next event so if the marker track is selected okay so I'll say this I'm going to go to next event and here we'll go to previous event okay so now if I'm on my marker track I can say okay let's let's see if I'm so I could go to the previous event or to the next event using my Mia remote but let's say I want to go like from 1 to three to four you know or in whatever order so I'm going to come over here let's go to our markers we get key commands two [Music] markers or it might be under navigate let's say to marker one okay so I'll say marker one I'll hit this button all right and we'll say marker three all right so now when I want to go to marker one two 3 4 one two so we could just navigate like so or go to you just put in markers two and three so now I could go to my markers just like this or if I want to go to the next I can go to the next event or previous event using the midi remote so you can now navigate markers pretty easily using the midi remote let me know if that makes sense all right sorry my chat F just jumped okay all right so we have Jurgen messel just saying hello from Denmark thanks for joining us all right so we see Di audio says uh can you try routing with the subfolders like another folder inside a folder and have the main folder selected but route the tracks inside subfolders so I think I'll I'll play around with it a little bit maybe I'll have it dialed in for Friday's live stream uh but please send me an email reminder to clubcubase Steinberg dode but I think we could get it um going I'll play around with it some more all right so we have qbase user just checking in from northern Canada thanks for joining us right Randy Lee says still think qbas 13 looks great okay so Manuel 77 asks uh how do you use the root key in the media Bay okay so let's um we'll just do a new project here okay so I'm going to set my project rot key to D okay so I'm going to um so say I'll just do a quick drum Loop okay okay so let's say I have find something maybe okay so now when I have my project root key so like when we look at this synth part um like so let's say we look at this particular synth part um it will probably have the project root key information on it so let's say when I come here and I'm playing this so if I change my root key now to e anything that has kind of like the metadata for root key will now just automatically kind of play in that particular key so I'll come over here so let's say I want to find maybe like a synth so now when I drop an audio file [Music] in so now that the project Rook key is kind of set [Music] [Music] so let's say so say we'll have some weird tonalities here but if I switch this to the key of G now for my project grot key all the audio will now modulate it's going to be in [Music] kiac my drums won't change because they don't have a project rot key but any Loop that has kind of harmonic musical material that has kind of a tonal Center or tonality to it will then kind of automatically transpose to fit into the project root key so we see from Walter till hi again on soloing a track keeps my stereo out on solo I do not know what I've done all right so even here let's look at my mix console um so you know when we solo you know so we see that you know everything is just sing right there so let me know if it's every project that you're running into or if it's just one particular project um and let's see if this is going to if I have this going to a group track so I'll do a group track to the selected Channel and I'll do an effects channel to the selected Channel and when we do solo of tracks that are also feeding groups and sends that those will be soloed as well so we could just come over here so when I do this the groups and descends will solo to match and the stereo output to kind of show the full signal path but if the track isn't is going straight to the stereo output um then you know it so make sure that also if you have any routings going to like shared groups shared effects those might be soloed as well depending upon your routing so that you could hear the source uh David M says uh hi Greg would you recommend uninstalling QB 13 before updating or just let download assistant do it so it's kind of designed where the downlo download assistant could just do it and give you and we override the data so you don't have to uninstall first all right so we have a question from qbase user um so we see uh hi Greg can you please demonstrate how to delay tracks in time let's say there's a bunch of plugins and four vocal tracks and there's de beat uh in time on top how to align them with the beat okay so let's say we have um all right so let's say we have a beat going on here say my a bad beat but all right so if you wanted to do like a delay [Music] okay so if I want to put a delay like on this particular um I'll just move it here and we'll make a copy of that so say and I want this delay to be in time all you have to do is I'm going to add let's say an effects ch Channel track you could add it as an insert if you want um and I'll just put this as a stereo [Music] delay okay and you know you have this little button that says sync on the time so you can switch between a musical rhythmic value or in milliseconds so let's say I want like a a quarter note delay here and a quarter note delay on the right channel so once we turn in sync I'll just say more than good good I want more than I want more [Music] I [Music] I so if I turn on my click track I want more good good so I could also say I want this to be like in eth note delay now if I have Tempo changes here so let's say I add a Tempo track and I want my Tempo to speed up slightly let's say right here at the repeat um my delay time will speed up and it still stay synced to eighth notes good good I want more than I want [Music] [Music] more so that's how you could time delays so you know when I was in like a second assistant engineer to Big Studio New York you know I would have to figure out what the delay time was and you divide the Tempo by 60,000 and you would write on a piece of paper the delay times for quarter note dotted quarter note eighth note you know half note Etc and that way the engineer could just dial into correct delay time so so let me know if that's what you want to see qbas user Alleyway 321 says it's fun to watch the wizardy in action so I just push buttons and move a mouse and talk okay so Ray AR asks um why are the dividing lines erased in beat designer when you delete notes all right so let's just go ahead and open up instrument here so let's get to groove agent SE I'll just load a kit okay so let's go ahead and right so come over here to my midi inserts all right so say we'll just okay um all right so why are the dividing lines erased in be designer when you delete notes all right so let's say if I delete the note so it still seems like they are since I put on one sound there so I come I'm not seeing any I I assume that these are the dividing lines between the different Lanes or we see the grid musically spaced out here so I'm not seeing uh anything disappear after deleting notes so say I just want to delete notes all the grids are there so let me know if if it's horizontal or vertical lines that you see disappearing but mine seem to be um working as expected all right so we see attracted to the metal like Magneto just saying hey from England thanks for joining us today all right uh so we have a question uh how do you select certain notes depending on velocity or position in the measure okay then I see I don't understand the logical editor all right so let's uh we'll show you the logical editor we could think of The Logical editor as kind of being a conditional editor so I'm just going to go ahead and just add some notes Here okay so let's say I want to put in some d1s we'll put in some kicks on C1 okay and let's we'll just okay so now let's use the logical editor so The Logical editor um what it's going to do you know there's a midi logical editor which will proba do this so one you want to select the midi event uh first what do we want to do do we want to change something do we want to select something okay so it sounds like in this condition we want to select um select certain notes depending on velocity all right so let's say I have velocity changes here here on my high hats okay so on my high hats let's say I want to select notes that have velocity between uh 40 and 100 so we're going to choose to select and we want to select midi notes and what do we what type what condition do we want to set on a midi notes we can say we want to select the velocity and in previous versions this may be value one and we're going to say the velocity is not equal to zero we want the our velocity within a particular range so we're going to say our velocity is going to be inside the range of 40 to 100 so now I'm going to hit apply and every note that's between 40 and 100 has been selected for the velocity so again we selected midi notes with the velocity inside the range of 40 to 100 now let's say I want to select notes that are at a specific position within a measure so I'm going to remove my velocity condition I could maintain that if I wanted to but we're going so we're going to select notes that and we'll choose our position and this is where it falls in time and we could say that's going to be we'll choose Beyond cursor no we want to choose inside bar range and now we'll get this little diagram so you can say I want notes that fall roughly on beat two so now every note that falls around beat 2 when I hit apply will be selected now if I wanted to do Beats two and four at this point I would insert and then we would set a secondary condition so we can say let's go to our position is going to be inside bar range and I want this to be roughly so we see our downbeat beat 2 beat 3 beat four and I want to adjust around beat four so I don't want it to be notes that are on B2 and B4 only I want to be on B to or on Beat 4 so I'm going to set my bullying condition here so now we're going to select midi notes that are on Beats two and four so we look at our example here I hit apply now let's add our velocity condition so you can say I want to now I'll just remove that let's go to the bottom here so I'm select this and we're going to say the velocity is inside the range of 40 to 100 so what we want to do is we're going to select every note on beat 2 or Beat 4 and the velocity is between 40 and 100 so we'll come here and those are the notes that meet that criteria now we could also choose to do stuff like like transform so what do I want to do to these notes maybe I want to take the pitch and I want to subtract the pitch by 12 so I could take any of those notes and we'll make this larger here so you can see it um any of these particular notes uh that so now we're going to transform notes that are on Beats two or four and have a velocity between 40 and 100 and I'm going to drop them down one octave so now all those notes will be dropped down one octave so it kind of gives you an idea you you set up a condition so I need to do this this and this so you know we can think of you know it's kind of classic computer programming I'm not a developer but if this then that you know so if it's if it's you know a midi note that is on Beats 2 and four that has a velocity between 40 and 100 I want to delete it I want to select it I want to transpose it those types of conditions you could set up with the midi logical editor and you know a lot of times when you're starting off you know just open up an example you're not going to break anything you could always undo it but open up some of the examples that are provided and then kind of you could backward engineer and you'll start to see the logic in it so let me know if that works for you Alexandri alexandrina all right all right so uh Torsten thorsten K asks uh hello there I'd like to know if there's an easy way to copy more than one VST settings from one to another project okay all right so let's do just kind of a new project here all right hang on a second I'll just all right let just close out some of the windows here okay all right um okay so moving settings uh from more than one VST to another project um so if we have let's say we have our project set up here so I'm not sure if it's virtual instrument or if it is a um or like track so we'll do a bit of both so let's say we have uh a preset here so let's go to like track preset okay so here we have plugins on this track so all right so we have plugins here let's go ahead add in two instrument tracks [Music] all right let's add one more instrument track okay so we'll go ahead and we'll save this as call December 12 2023 okay so we have this project saved so let's do do a new project so I'm come over here let's do new project all right so let's say I or I'm in an existing project let's say I have couple audio tracks going on so I want to import like those settings those VST Instruments from the other project so here we would go to our file menu to import tracks from project so I want to come over here we'll go to projects let's go to Hangouts and we'll see December 12th all right so now I could say okay do I want to import the tempo uh signature I'll say let's just I want those two audio tracks and those two instrument tracks do I want the events or parts or not uh I could import them into just a specific range so now when I hit okay those four tracks have now been added and we go to pad shop we open it up and we go to my retr log those particular sounds on instruments are automatically saved when we go to our plugins on our tracks we can see that the track presets that we dragged over or automatically carried over as well so let me know if that is helpful for you Thorston all right wonderful to see Mark Raven from Montana on so and he's with his dog Stella so everyone say woof to Stella St is a very loyal attendee all right all right John Barry asks uh hi Greg question uh types of tracks I have the option of standard or combined Panner but others are fixed on standard some effect tracks have both and others don't what determines this please um so if we have a you know it depends I think if it's a mono or stereo track so let's say we switch this to a mono track here this audio when we go to the Panner um we don't really have we have just kind of the panning options because we're only dealing with one particular uh Channel but when we go to a stereo track um here's where we could see our combined Panner so now since we have two different sources we could balance those two different sources so but when we come here to our um you know we right click on the pan since we're only dealing with one channel we pan that one channel Channel but if you're dealing with stereo or like a 51 or kind of more immersive you could right click and get the different stereo combined Panner so I think it it just matters if you're on a stereo or mono Source John all right so we see um by the way when do you have a plug-in crash protection system so I think that currently like we could do the sandboxing on the Windows platform but it's not available on Mac OS I haven't talked to development team in a while about that but the last time I had kind of brought it up is it wasn't necessarily available on Mac OS and they don't want to necessarily have different functionality between the two uh platforms all right so we see uh JB asks uh if you make edits to audio files stored on your PC through media Bay do those edits change the original file so you know if we're doing um like sample editing so we could often think of if we're in media Bay and you know so let's go open up media Bay here and we want to find a I'll just come over let's get to all right so if I'm here and I choose to do um you know a lot of times when we do an edit in media Bay you know like there's not you know if we do a particular edit I mean the metadata here if we add metadata tags these will be automatically kind of embedded into the file but most of the time when we do like sample editing that's actually going to be um so I think if we um you know I mean there's not much editing that goes on here once it's in the project then depending on the edit if you did a direct offline process then those the original files are maintained by default but if you do like you know uh like typical sample editing those files can uh you know can be overwritten if you wanted to all right so we see from uh Cristiano Productions or Cristiano PR uh how can I set a shortcut to toggle the loop mode on an event when using the range select ction tool okay so let's come over here I'll just drag a quick event in just so you could see this okay so uh there is a preference where we could say that the um like when I make a range selection that this particular uh that the left and right locators will match so and this is just a preference that's found under editing uh we can say ccle follows range selection so once that is turned on now when I make a range selection the cycle markers follow so to set that as a keyboard shortcut we could now just come over here let's go to cycle follows range and you could just simply uh when you want to do that you could assign a keyboard shortcut to that particular function if we wanted to also you know assign that to our midi remote so let's say okay when I hit this button here uh I want to so we would go to key commands to preferences and then we would see under editing um cycle follows range selection tool so now if I want to activate that I could trigger it from a keyboard shortcut or when I so now it's on I hit the button on my midi remote I see that this has changed and now it doesn't take effect when I want it enabled I could just hit the midi remote to turn that function on or off and you'll get this little pop up so you could see what the state is as you change it so let me know if that helps all right so Mark Ren finished a new song last night congratulations he remixed it today with fresh ears it's like so amazing how your brain works so okay so we see uh Thoren K maybe this uh different so it says uh copy insert plug-in settings to another project all right so let's take a look so let's say I have these plug-in settings um hang on one second all right I'm back all right so we could try another method so let's say if we come over here to these plugins let's say let's go to this track then I think if we copy so I think if we come over here we could select this track and paste okay but let's go to a new project and you could paste it into another project as well just so again just kind of in the upper leftand corner of like your inserts you could just uh copy right click copy and then paste it over all right so we see uh Alan beu says continue from Top I meant at the same time without playing okay so I think this might have been with the panning if my memory serves me right so let's say I add an audio track and I want to go to my 51 out I'll just drag an event over okay so this is now going out of our 51 out so let's say while we're playing um so I will just let's say we want to write the automation all right so here you might have to you know when doing a pan automation because this is actually doing multiple different things so I'll just touch and let's say I'm here and I want this to be panned so I'll hit [Music] play and you might have to play to do like surround panning and some of the automation because that could actually um do multiple pan sources so let's just say I want to go let's just show used so it's say right here so I guess once you have it set up once um you know you might so you might have to play but you might have to just come over here and you could you know select this particular automation range so I'll just take my snap on and off so say I wanted that automation range copy and then I could say Okay during the reverse I want it to to select this automation range and paste so you could do stuff like that as well without playing it but you may have to initially write it in so could be a little more involved with surround stuff all right my chaff field just jumped on me okay so I think I'm in the right area um so we see Jesus l or Jesus lelli uh now that we have trial version for 13 I see that we have options for QX 13 Pro and elements can we download both or do we uh have one trial period so I think you could do them both independently but I haven't tried it myself I don't know if there's any changes that happen with qbas 1 but I'm inclined to say that they they are independent of each other okay all right Neil Conway sending best wishes from Oregon and celebrating a rare sunny day thanks for joining us Neil GTH is saying I'm having a party at my house so all right we see x qbase x is like number 107 says thanks so much for the streams Greg you're welcome thanks for being on all right so Keith young says uh Greg you missed my question should I repeat it yeah sorry if I missed it um but yeah please feel free to repeat it sorry about that try not to miss any all right so qbase user asks uh how to syn a track delayed cause of use of plugins that have delay compensation shown that there is 55 milliseconds delay should we used a grid to milliseconds or beats or bar when delaying it from the inspector thanks um so you know the even though you see plugins that may indicate uh like so let's say if I come here to my inserts and we throw on like a multiband uh compressor we can see that the plug-in delay compensation is there when you're playing backtracks you don't have to do anything qase automatically does the delay compensation for you so uh you know some other programs have finally caught up but for years A lot of times you know when you threw plugins on your Daw all the tracks would be slightly out of time but qbase does the automatic delay compensation for you so you don't have to worry about that all right so we have kaiwen Franklin checking in from Florida I believe memory serves all right so we see um from Kai win Franklin just says uh will we ever get something type of upgraded Groove agent it's nice but it's a pain to work with compared to some other drum tools and vsts but you know I'm sure that there always planning on new stuff but we always that you know Groove agent is a lot more flexible in that you know some you know most drum vsts I see are either kind of like a beatbox kind of MPC style Paradigm or they're a virtual drummer so I think when you combine both of them and have like even with the full uh the full group agent like the virtual percussion agent that when you have you know more capabilities that it is um you know it's going to be more complex just kind of by the nature and the fact that you could blend those two different kind of radically different workflows within the same tool so but if you have like particular things that you want to do in Groove agent that you can't find just let me know or there's something that you have uh difficulty accomplishing all right so we see um so we see how uh I think it was a question in French maybe says comment on uh midi CC automation for portamento all right so let's add a instrument track here all right so let's and go to I think it's cc65 if memory serves all right so we would just say um I think we go to our mids all right so we'll say let's go to um set up available controllers all right so these are the ones that are hidden so we can say let's go to portamento on off let's add them so again click on a little triangle set up available controllers and then you could come right over here you'll see cc65 port Mento and then you could just have access to it directly there so the little drop- down triangle set up available controllers it's probably going to be on the Hidden Side so select it add it to the list on the left and then it will appear in your CC list all right so we had a question uh what is VST live so VST live is kind of a live performance solution software so what it's intended to do is you know obviously we have qbase for doing your composition and most people would use that for uh composing you know writing songs mixing editing but when people go out live they may need to have different setups for or okay like you know as a song plays I want these virtual instruments and Hardware keyboards to switch sounds every time we get to the course I want to be able to change the set when I go to the verse I want all the keyboards in my guitar amp simulators to do this I need to control my midi lighting I need to see the lyrics pop up on uh on my iPad I need to see the chords pop up so for doing a live production you know which is a very complicated thing these days with all your backing tracks lights you know having your Q mixes um all that could be done in VST live so instead of you know transforming qase from what it is into more of a live performance tool that's what VST live is intended for all right so we have jvi just saying uh greetings from the nether thanks for joining us today all right uh so we see question uh is it preferable to use multiple instances of omnisphere Hing Etc or single instance with 16 midi channels and how does multi-threading help lighten the CPU load in such cases so I'm not sure I haven't checked in omnisphere in a long time but a lot of instruments don't utilize multicore uh CPUs so when we go to add let's say aan or hian sonic we can come over and if you go to options we have multicore loading so we could just simply come over here and set how many processing cores you want the instrument to use so one mistake that a lot of people do is especially a lot of instruments don't support multicore functionality so what you need to do um so with in that case you'd be better off running one sound per instance because that would automatically split the CPU usage uh across multiple cores whereas if your program if the instrument didn't support multicord and you loaded up 16 instruments in a single instance at that point it's only going to utilize one CPU core unless it's set up kind of like hen is to utilize multicores so check to see if omnisphere can do that but generally as a rule of thumb a lot of people will use one sound per instance for kind of uh spreading the load across multiple cores of your CPU all right right so you see John Barry just that the uh mono stereo things uh cleared up the Panner okay so we see from Diamond District Studios uh dragging stereo audio files into project window I get two split mono files How can I default to Joint stereo clip without converting uh Mac OS uh qbas 12 nendo 13 Pro all right so uh to do this I think it's just a preference so let's go to your preferences and I think we go to event uh to editing to audio um there's a split channels function here so let's say so editing audio so try unchecking split channels so if I have split channels and I drag a stereo file in I'll just select a different one here okay so when I drag this into my project it's now split when I have that preference disabled so again editing to audio uncheck split channels and now drag this over it'll now be a stereo Channel okay so we see um how to use the chord track with our own MIDI files okay so if you want to make a chord track what we could do is see if I just find a project here quick so to make a chord track so let's say we have like piano part here so what I could do is I'm going to select the track or the event I will come over to my project menu to chord track and then we can create chord events and now our chord track has automatically been populated directly from the midi part now so that's how you could get chords from that now if once you have the chords you could tell the piano here to follow the chord track so let's go to chords and you could say Okay I want to follow chords so we can say okay we could analyze chords if you need it or so we could just come over here so now as I change chords here so say I go from a a g sus4 chord to an F chord that we would see the midi notes kind of automatically change so we could you know if the C if the midi track is set to follow chords when you make a change here that will change the particular midi events as well if if you want to make the chord track from the midi you could select it you can drag it directly to the chord track if you wanted to or go to Project chord track and say create chord events like that okay um so we see from Chaser ask hello is there a way when you export for the audio peers under the channel you're exporting not at the bottom of the session okay so um so let's say if I come here so I think it's going to add it to the bottom let's take a look um um there may been a change so let's come to our export audio mixdown I think that this will I think it's still going to put it at the bottom but when you import files then you can when you import tracks from the project it will automatically um you you could put it below the selected track but not on the export so I think you know people don't necessarily want to have uh you know the exported audio you know if it is a virtual instrument you know and you choose to freeze the instrument that would go directly underneath so say we go to render in place then at that point it would automatically go directly underneath the particular event and you could have the other event muted but when you export audio it's going to actually create a new track and it's not going to put it below the selected track but new and 13 when you go to import uh tracks from project um you do have the option of put it at the bottom of the track list or uh below the selected track but I I pass that along as kind of a feature request all right so we see uh question how can you save samples from Groove agent in your project file for collaboration or archiving I can easily do it in Ableton by using collect all and save but I can't find how to do it in qase so if we have built up sounds uh uh all right so let's jump back here and I want all right so I'm just going to add a couple of audio tracks here okay so I'm just going to call these kick snare hat overhead left just say Tom one Tom two wee left overhead right all right so let's say now I'm just going to record quickly just to get some audio files okay so I'm going to load up so we have some we'll call these our samples I'm going to this point let's load up our instruments make a Groove agent SE going drag these particular files all right so this is let's say our drum kit so all you have to do is right click on the agent say export kit with samples where do we want to put it to so let's come over here uh let's go to our December 12th 2021 um I'll make a new folder we'll call it GA samples and we'll call it December 12th and then where it says export samples um so let me just come right over here make sure I have the right kit okay okay so we hit okay and then that's going to be just stored within your projects if I did it right we'll come over and here's our December 12th Groove agent kit just right there so and we can see our samples just all created right there with preset so again just right click export kit with samples and then you could just choose the folder directly there that's all you have to do all right so we see um how to use markers and Q basis 3 so I don't have my iPad or my phone handy and I I'm not able to really show it um so but I'm sure that you could probably just drop the markers in with your finger as well but sorry don't have real way Esmeralda of showing it because I'm doing a live stream from my computer all right um so I see question removing El licenser I lose Studio strings and Eagle piano what am I doing uh sorry for repeating thanks again so now I'm sorry I missed your question Keith um all right all right so probably what it is um you know you go to your Steinberg download assistant you want to make sure you know because if it sounds like you maybe update it from uh you know how and Sonic or H in um so if you had those on previous versions those were e licenser based uh but with you know but you need to come over to uh make sure that you've done the new downloads so let's say we come over here to your vsst instruments and plugins we'll find hen so let's find your hallan 7 so if you have hallan 7 which it sounds like uh just come over here and make sure that you download the content from here um and you need to have that hian 7 download so it's you know the older downloads would need to actually um you know would would require the USB licenser but make sure that you do the new downloads here and that will allow you to um have the Steinberg licensing versions that come with version 7 so you could update to hen 7 or hen Sonic 7 but you also will need to update um and the content that comes with it as well so I think even if you go to the H and Sonic collection see if it's broken down so now it's so make sure that you download from the like hallan 7 or hen Sonic 7 those content titles because the old ones will look for the USB licenser uh but once you update to hen Sonic 7 or hallan 7 then that license will run to new ones but you're going to have to reinstall it all right see Gerald elely is asking who still uses firewire so I missed some firewire stuff all right so we see uh basic and unrelated question but I've been composing in qase for around five years however I am now doing video games is there a way to link or send them to nendo like it's done between Cubase and Doro so you could just you know when you go to open up a file so you know nendo is a NPR file like nendo project qase is a CPR file so but if you wanted to open up an NPR file so let's come over here let's get to projects um I'll say okay I think this one so let's say I have a NPR file here so this is upstream. NPR This is a nendo project so qbase can open up nendo projects nendo can open qbase projects so the file formats are the same between them so there's no migration or data transfer that's necessary you could just open up the NPR or CPR files directly all right so we see uh from Studio 7 can Yamaha emulate the incredible v7m module based on physical modeling in hallan 7 I believe the only VL series that can compete with the swam engine by Audio modeling um so I'm not sure if like how you know if the development team that worked on that at Yamaha is still around so but you get check with Yamaha so you know Yamaha has announced that they are working on you know doing doing uh like a vsti version of the latest Montage release all right I know we had some questions that were sent in so let's go ahead and move to some of those questions before we run out of time thanks for all the great questions from everyone all right um so we had a question on if it was possible to increment and decrement the volume uh using a keyboard shortcut so like and I think like a lot of times we want to come over here we could adjust kind of like the event volume from the info line or just grabbing the center portion but if we wanted to do this with a keyboard shortcut we could come over to key commands uh and what you want to search for is increment uh event volume so let's say I want to assign a key [Music] command let's see I'm running out of so but it's just going to be increment event volume to raise it and then we'll choose decrement to lower it um I'll sign it on my key on my midi remote quickly here so we could see it so let's say I want this to increment event volume I'll do on this one here and then we will choose to decrement so if we want to do this from a control surface or your so now I could come over here decrement and increment the event volumes just by using that key command all right uh so we got a question uh hi Greg when I install qbas ttin Pro my new I9 and when it in uh installs Microsoft Visual C++ to computer restarts I've had lot of problems with this can it help if I install 12 Pro which I know does not create this problem uh what do you think thank you and this um so I think you know generally with these cases I think if you just reinstall the Microsoft Visual Studio uh you know C++ the visual C++ again that generally will take care of it so I haven't kind of run into that so much all right so we had another question um uh says hey Greg uh there's a song I'm trying to find a tempo of with sparsely located beats with Tempo track is it possible to use the range selection tool to find hit points uh of a selection instead of the whole track qbas 12 Pro so yeah this is one of the new things that you that's available in qbas 13 so if we go to um let's say we have our range tool here and I have my range selected I think if we go to edit um is it under selection let me just project maybe it's one of new things in in all right let me just find it here quickly okay so here we could say uh range to next hit point so as we just come over here with our range tool we could just say um select enlarge range to next hit point so go to edit to select and here you could uh um en llarge range to previous hit point to next hit point from there so that's how you could just automatically navigate to the range selection tools okay so we had a question I hope you're while I'm running the new maxed out M2 Max studio and I've been having some issues with CPU Spikes all my plugins are vst3 I don't have any crazy amount of them per track uh two or three max the project I'm working on is 50 tracks uh this so I have connected to my Mac Studio and OWC Thunderbolt doc 11 port with audient EV evo4 interface midi faders a midi keyboard connected to it uh two SSD drives for samples and projects anchor USB dock for iock El licenser Mouse HDD backup Drive I used for time machine uh it says I have AO guard turned on and a buffer is 512 am I missing something here everything seems to be running natively but I'm still not getting the performance I was hoping for out of the Mac Studio so you know one of the things I would do is sometimes just having so much being powered on your USB bus you know and whether it's going to be Thunderbolt or not you know I just found sometimes you know taking different components away like hard drives can take a lot of power from your usb bus and that could be causing a lot of kind of you know almost what seems like it's being lethargic you know it's it's like kind of running slow so I would try to run with a minimum setup and then it could be that you know maybe you have it connected to a USB hub that's going into your Thunderbolt dock um you know and stuff like that you know having one extra thing that's taking up so much power and sometimes I know on the max you don't have a lot of other options for powering but I would try to remove some of those components like especially the hard drives to start with and see if that could kind of clear up some performance from you all right so we see um hi Greg on the December 5th 23 live stream you demonstrate some features with the chord pads under the player mode presets your list included uh guitar mappable sequences and piano mappable sequences from which you selected a couple examples uh I have qbas Pro 13 but I do not have those options in my list uh do they come with 13 if so how do we load them if not how can I get them Kevin Riley so um I could send these to you I think just in case you don't really get them but you know they do come with the cord pad so again um sometimes people uh May kind of go over here there's a number of different areas for presets within the chord pads but make sure that you're right here in PL chords and that you select the patterns and then the preset and and then you should be able to um open that up um and I will I have your email address I'll just go ahead and show um I could share them as presets so that you could call them up um but I'll go ahead and email you those have your email but they should just automatically show up all right all right let's jump back to our live questions all right me just all right so we see uh from Diamond District Studios uh question nend 13 Pro is it possible when working on Dolby mix via headphones to export just a stereo file at the end and keep the spatial feel of the mix um yeah so what you want to [Music] do let's see where I have this oh here we go we go all right so let's say we have kind of our Atmos mix going on if you have headphones this may kind of translate over for you okay let me make sure I have all right let see get this to sound all right so let say now I want to do this as Atmos so I'm going to come over and let's go to uh we'll go to our project menu we'll make this go to our ADM authoring we'll go to our setup assistant okay and now I want's see if I'm maybe not at the right yeah but what you want to do here is on the I think it's on the standard bed if what you want to do is to now route this out to your stereo output and then do an export audio mixdown and then just choose to stereo and that will kind of create a binaural uh stereo file for you that you can monitor with headphones so and I just did a if you look under like the uh Greg Ando uh Q&A tutorial videos I just post it a couple months ago just exactly on that procedure right all right so we see uh from Studio 7 asks uh what is the purpose of the pads featured in hallan Sonic 7 all right so let's just do new project right they just allow you to have different chords that could be triggered right so we'll just come over here um so now just check my audio connections one more time so yeah remember I'm not hearing the atos I didn't switch over my headphones for okay so if we wanted to audition different course s to trigger we could assign uh different trigger notes for these and then if you wanted to take a snapshot of the chord you could just now play a chord on the pads so I think we just come here let's clear the chord I'll do a snapshot chord and then you could just now trigger particular cord directly from here and if you're running through like a flex phaser you could have different arpeggiators so that's really kind of the um the reason for the cord pads so you could just trigger those all right all right so have Michael Pierce truning thanks for dropping in all right all right so you see uh from Manuel 77 says in my hard disk where's the path for all my tags and settings I've made in media Bay and how can I save them to use on a different computer in case of qbase version change so if you need to use it on a different computer uh like later qbase versions will automatically read that but if you go to like your um your application data folder on Windows or if you go to your library folder on Mac go to preferences and then you'll see your Cubase uh 13 preferences and then you'll see I believe it's just your Medi Bay offline your mediabay do mediabay 3. DB that that file is the one so you can migrate your mediabay files from here and that will if you need to take it migrate them to another computer you could do it just like that all right so we see uh Cristiano Productions uh how can celon melodine follow the chord track in Cubase with ar2 extension if I have an audio guitar track I want melodine to change the chords based on the cord track so I'm not sure if it does that um so I don't have a melodine license on this computer to test uh but you know a lot of times ar2 doesn't necessarily I'm not sure if it carries over the chord track or not uh or if it's just kind of an audio exchange or if it's I don't think it's does midi stuff but I could be mistaken all right so yikes boy asks uh hey Greg wondering about the latency of that the really great vocal chain plug-in introduces would you recommend using it only in the mixing stage if not able to direct monitor from their IO so it's really intended for mixing I mean you know there's you know so I don't think most people would print all those different things or monitor through all the different components but I think it's really you know the design intention is really for uh mixing so all right so Keith young asks uh could you run through the new controls for changing colors of tracks especially the one with the scrolling Mouse so if you want to change like the track color you could hold down the alt or option key and use the uh Mouse scroll wheel so let say if we're here um so alter option key or if you click with the alter option key you could get the color palette to kind of pop up right there all right so we see uh using midi remote can we use pitchbend to one zoom in and out to navigate horizontally in the project thank you um so I'm not sure if it is going to you know I think it's still just transmits MIDI pitch band data it's not necessarily uh we'll give it a quick shot and see if we can get it going here so let's see if I get I probably won't have time to get it done but I'll give it a shot real quick so let's come over here to Media Remote let's add media remote don't think I have have the right um may have my midi remote being used elsewhere yeah it's not showing um so yeah my my pitch Bend isn't isn't transmitting right now so I probably won't have time to do that I could see if I could get that going for Friday's live stream all right so I just see a quick question from love cubas can we listen to a 5.1 surround mix in a car so some cars do it Elliott Shiner had designed a car Acura integras um or Acura cars has the L's sound system so that is designed for surround but most cars don't do that but some do so Acura as you can do that all right so with that we are just about out of time uh I want to thank everyone for all the great questions that they've asked I want to um and thanks for spending your evening morning afternoon learning more about Steinberg products we'll be doing this again on Friday starting at 1 pm us eastern time we will be going all the way through the 22nd that'll be the last live stream of the year um I want everyone to please stay safe and healthy and we will be back on Friday thanks for all the wonderful questions uh and see how many live attendees we had pop in and out so 256 61 so thank you so much and we'll see you back on Friday goodbye
Channel: Cubase
Views: 10,031
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Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: K_LdnN8CSlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 50sec (14390 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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