How to Add Text Watermarks Using Power Automate

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hello everyone and a very warm welcome in today's tutorial we are going to add text watermarks using power automate but before creating the power automate let's quickly look at our use case we have a folder in one drive known as Watermark demo when I add a file to this folder the document should be automatically watermarked with the confidential text and it should be placed in the SharePoint folder and under my username so now that we understand the use case let's quickly get into the demo so here I'm going to create an automated flow and I'm going to click on skip firstly we need to add the trigger so our file is in one drive so I need the one drive trigger and I'll use when the file is created properties only so whenever a file is created go ahead and pick the file and add watermarks to it I'll select the unique folder so under the root I'll select the watermark demo folder and now that I have selected the demo folder the next step I need to go ahead and get the file content so again I'll type in one drive for business so in this step I need to add the ID click on the ID and that's pretty much it now that we have the ID this is where the real magic will happen that is we are going to go ahead and get the Mimi action to add watermarks so I'm going to go ahead and use the add text Watermark action the add text Watermark action can go ahead and add watermarks to PDFs docx pptx and xlsx documents so let's quickly look at the configuration the first thing it needs is the file content so the file content is the output of of the get file content action second I need to go ahead and add the text that I need to add Watermark so I'll type in confidential next I need to select a font family that is aial I want the watermark to be big so I'll put in 72 as a font size the font color is fine the text alignment I'll add it in Middle Center word rra is good middle Center looks good as well and here I'll specify the width so I'll specify the width as 600 by 600 these measurements are in points the other Advanced parameters would be the font style the font outline you can specify a watermark start page and an end page you can also specify a watermark inter interval you can go ahead and say what should happen on fail on error and finally you need to pass in the source s file name now this is important because this will help us identify which file it is right so I need to add the file name now that my action has been configured The Next Step would be to add the SharePoint create file action so I'll type in SharePoint create right and I need the create file action the site name then I will select so it's the communication site and the name of the folder is employee files perfect within the employee files this is my folder I'll need to give my file a name so file name right but this time I cannot use the base file name because the file can be of any type so I'll use the name out here and then I will pass in the processed file content which is the out output of the create file action so I'll give my flow a meaningful name saying confidential Watermark and I'll click on save so I'll quickly go ahead and try to manually test my flow so I have triggered my flow and let me drag and drop a document so my file has been uploaded and this should trigger my flow so let's wait perfect so it picked up the file it got the file content as of now it's trying to add the watermark it's trying to do it and it created the file so let's quickly go into the SharePoint site and look add the file so the file has been created let me quickly open it in the browser and here you see my friends that we have a confidential Watermark perfect right so if we want to fine tune The Watermark I can go back into the add text Watermark action and what I want to do is I want to rotate rate The Watermark right so let me find the rotate so I'll click on show all and I'll give it a rotation angle of minus 45 right now that I have given the angle to minus 45 I also want to change the opacity I'll change the opacity to 50% I'll change my water mark to be added at the background I'll again save my flow and I'll upload a few documents into my one drive folder right so I'll click on test click on manual test right so let me upload a few documents and let's wait for our action to get triggered and add watermarks to it so here you see that it has picked up the file it has got the file content and now it's trying to add the watermarks and it has succeeded adding the watermarks and also creating the files so let me quickly go back and if I look at the Run history it seems that it worked for all the file types so let me go back into my SharePoint and let's quickly check the files so this was the new file or the new PDF document that we added you see the watermark is nice and it tells confidential in the background the next file that I'm going to try and use is actually a Word document so let me try to open this in Word application perfect so here you see that it has a confidential Watermark next comes the PowerPoint so let me add open the PowerPoint perfect it has the confidential Watermark and finally the Excel file so you'll see claven where is the watermark in the Excel file file The Watermark should be there when you try to go ahead and print it so firstly I need to enable it and then click on print and here my friends you have the watermark the reason you don't see the watermark in an Excel file when opened is because an Excel file can be a single cell or it can be maybe a millions of cells right so where do we add watermarks we add watermarks in the print view I hope this quick tutorial was informative thank thank you for your time have a great day and [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Muhimbi
Views: 129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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