How to Add Text Tutorial | Premiere Pro CC 2019

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[Music] to get started I just added a video clip that I'd like to use as my background into my timeline to add our tags let's begin by selecting the type tool on the side of our timeline then click anywhere in the video preview and start typing to add your text premier will automatically create this pink clip for your text above your video clip on the timeline you can drag the clip Center to change where your text shows up in your video you can also drag the edge of the text clip to adjust its duration now to change your text properties like it's fun hover over your text and drag from the beginning or end of your text to select all of it you can also just click your text with the type tool and use the control a keyboard shortcut to select it all once it's selected go over to effect controls under text you can do things like change the font and its size you can use these buttons to turn your text bold or italic under appearance you can change the color of your text by clicking the color box next to fill and selecting your desired color to give your Texas stroke check the checkbox next to it and change the stroke color if you desire to increase your strokes width just drag this number to the right you can also easily give your text a background or a shadow by checking their boxes and adjusting a few settings you on do transform you can drag these position values to change where your text is located in the frame although I prefer to just use a selection tool and move it in the frame one other thing you might want to do under transform is decrease the text opacity to make it more transparent okay and that's it for this tutorial thanks for watching and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Adobe in a Minute
Views: 1,609,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere, premiere pro, premiere pro 2019, premiere pro add text, premiere 2019 add text, permiere pro 2019 add text, premiere text, premiere pro text, premiere text tutorial, how to add text, how to add text premiere pro, how to add text premiere, add text, insert text, insert text premiere, premiere pro cc 2019, premiere pro insert text, adobe, tutorial, premiere pro tutorial
Id: Fk2XIJ56AAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 59sec (119 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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