How to add Scrolling Text in a video using VSDC Free Video Editor

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hi friends today I'm going to share with you how I create this trolling text on my videos using the VSD c video editor actually a lot of people ask me how I do that so today I thought I would share the entire process with you so let's begin as you can see the VSD c editor is open on my screen and there I am able to select a new project first now the new project I've selected a full HD video from before and only and so we are going to do just that and wait for the video to open so here's the video I'm opening it it's a video of an aquarium actually ok ok here's the video and if you play it you can see that you know the fish is moving and also it's a full length video our nice one actually so let's see what I am going to do next the next thing that I am going to do is that I am going to select a text because I'll have to type the text what I want my stron to contain leave whatever the dimensions that I have been given just look at the position duration don't change anything now our dialogue you have to open a dialogue box over there because that's where you're going to write whatever it is that you want to write now the Box can extend beyond your video screen it's okay doesn't matter okay so let's type something in it over there now we are going to go to the timeline below and we are going to select the order because you know other to get the layering properly and we are going to select the one layer up from the order options then then we are going to go to the dialogue box we've created and type in a text let's do that so I'm tacking in the text now I am typing subscribe to my YouTube channel and press the bell icon to get notifications so that's my complete text now of course I can increase it in size because it's too small I am going to keep it at forty eight point size you can choose your own text size it's completely okay and I'm going to make it bold you can meet it go like alright Alex or whatever then I'm going to put in a color a background color and a code Brown color and also a contour color these are the things you know you can decide on your own there's really no fixed rule about this it's up to you how you want to design this whole thing now I am going to just bring this stellar box close so that my entire script is you know kind of bound it's like in a frame I'm going to take the frame out of the video stream and I'm going to make sure that the to level up properly so you see I'm adjusting so that my stool is leveling up with my video see now it's leveled up perfectly over there in the corner if you notice it's leveled up now I want my scroll to run from the left to the right so accordingly I'll have to drag it because you know I'll have to tell the computer that this is where I want my screw to go so I wanted to go from my right to the left and I'm dragging it over them creating a line to do that I'll have to just do just just watch I'm doing you will be able to do it easy I'm selecting the text from the timeline and then I'm going to go to the fire to the editor section which is already open over here go to add object add object I am going to come to the option called movement I am going to select that which is Shift + M so either you press movement or Shift + M leave whatever you say just press the O key over there right and now we are going to across like sign is appearing on my screen as you can see over there and we are going to drag that right to the left hand side continuously the left the crossed is now on the extreme left of my screen I hope you can see that clearly here it is now we are going to give a left click and there you see the line is being created rather stroll is going to move okay so now let's go to the process of actually starting to make this fraud move let's play and see how it is coming right now so I'm going to just play it see the scroll is moving the scroll is going as I wanted it to move now you can see that it's going pretty slowly that's alright I can change the speed where however I want once again I am going to go to the timeline section there you are going there there's this point position called point position to this yellow thing I am going to drag to the left side the more left I'm going to take it the faster will be this speed see this is faster than it was before I am just going to drag it further to the left and now the speed will be even more see it is going so fast so you decide what speed you want and accordingly you adjust the button over there but one thing over there to remember is that you know don't do it so fast that people are not able to read it also so keep some sort of a balance but you can choose it we have to align the text object thing button also with the speed button and why we are doing this we can see it in our next step this is very important so don't skip this step book it's important that the two are aligned together see this is how it is I have shortened the text length so that you know the Strahl can repeat over and over again and you know just cover the entire video and in order to do that I am going to use a very simple copy Placerville to copy it and I am going to paste it see how I do it again and again and again then I am going to try and then I'm going to drag up the text three text for text file and put it alongside in a single line so this means that you know my the scroll that I am making is going to just follow this pattern which means that is going to cover my entire video let's see how it is going to work I am done with copy pasting and I'm playing it once again for you so you see them I stole has started to roll that's number one that whole thing is going to just go all the way to the left side now very soon we are going to see repetition this rule coming back again on my video here again see here it comes see the stroller has come a second time so it means that you know the as long as the video is playing if the person watching a video can say whatever is written on your scroll continuously this is a good idea in order to you know get the message across so now I'm going to show you the preview you can do the ctrl f5 and see a preview of how your video is actually going to look when you publish it on your channel so this is how it is going to look see it's looking quite nice and it's getting across the message quite clearly so like I said you know if I am supp watching your video or somebody else is watching a video they'll be able to see and that is the reason I chose the colors also like this red and white because you know it's very prominent you must make sure that your message is very prominent okay don't give it dull colors something it doesn't look very nice and attractive so now what I'm going to do is that I'm going to press the cross button and I sincerely hope that you've understood it but you know there's a last step before I forget that you have takes for the project because if I don't exported my whole effort is going to go to this so export the project keep it where you want and then use it in your video and all the best may your YouTube channel be successful and but just one last message from me if you like my video please hit the like button share it with your friends and subscribe to my channel for I put in a lot of videos and different things over here ranging from English drama to writing to pronunciation to how to create videos you know the technical part as well press the bell icon so that you get notified immediately when I post a new video thanks for watching see you soon bye bye [Music]
Channel: A to Z ENGLISH
Views: 29,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: add scrolling text, add scrolling text in videos, add scrolling text to video, free video editor, how to add a scrolling text, how to add moving text in video, how to add scrolling text in video, running text on video, scrolling, scrolling text, scrolling text effect, scrolling text generator, text motion, text on video, video editing software, vsdc, how to add scrolling text in vsdc, scrolling generator, scrolling text in youtube video, youtube video editing software, Kusumika
Id: 15FIyPNPn9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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