How to Add or Remove Microsoft Print to PDF

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hey there geeks tim with today we're going to show you how to add or remove microsoft print to pdf actually we're going to mostly show you how to remove it there's a few different ways here but if you actually want to add or remove it there's only one way that works really really well and that is windows features so you can find that in the windows 7 control panel or on windows 10 press the windows key plus s start typing turn windows features on and off for example there's a lot of things you could type to make it show up but there it is you could even start by typing windows features once you have it the advantage to windows features is let's scroll down and find it here sometimes i can look see what i'm doing so we want to scroll down from microsoft print to pdf there it goes so you have two choices if you uncheck it you remove it if you check it you put it back the reason this is more important is a lot of these other steps we'll show you how to remove it but they won't show you how to put it back say you discovered it was gone this is one way to check where it possibly went and that is that this was unchecked there you go so let's talk about removing it this will only take a minute it's pretty easy to do we can go to devices printers and scanners so go ahead and click your start click your settings find your devices right here and we're going to go to printers and scanners over here be a list of all your printers that you have and find microsoft print to pdf and click remove device you'll be prompted to make sure you want to remove it and you go ahead and click yes and that takes it out of the list of printers now powershell command prompt i should probably come back to that once i type it it's kind of late but we'll we'll jump backwards control panel now of course obviously windows 7 start control panel and as long as windows 10 keeps any of the control panel we can do windows key plus s and start typing in control and there you have it so once it's open you want to find devices and printers again just like we just did right here and we want to find microsoft print to pdf and where's there's our printers microsoft print the pdf right click and click on remove device and once again follow the next prompt it'll be gone so powershell same thing we can remove it and you can copy this line here once again as always we provide a link to the tutorial here in case you need to copy some of this code and in the video description so powershell we can copy that and we can press the windows key plus x windows powershell i run it as a min out of habit and show up you just ctrl v to paste that code in there and give a minute hope it works there you go now we might get an error on the command prompt version simply because we already removed it let's see what it does so again windows 10 cmd cmd run as administrator now we're going to do the same thing we're going to control v and again we might get an error nope that was it so once again there it is because it's already been removed so again if you ask me you can do it any way you want maybe you can't find one thing maybe you don't you're having trouble with it that's okay but given the choice let's do windows features because that always allows you to either remove it or add it which is you've noticed the other ones did not and there you have it that's how to add or mostly remove microsoft print to pdf bottom right corner majorgeeks logo click subscribe or don't thanks for watching as always everybody see
Channel: majorgeeks
Views: 23,663
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Id: EOnQeCy5xaQ
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Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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