How to Add Moss into a Mesh using PCG in Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys welcome to new unview engine 5 tutorial today I'm going to show you how to apply Mass into a mesh using PCG and also the meshed points plugin it's gonna be a very easy build to follow so let's get started alright so the first things I will need is of course my mouse model and the thing that I want to apply the mask to in this case I literally have this imported two Mega scan assets so I basically have a trunk which I will put my mouse into so let me drag it into the scene and then also I will have my mask itself now Quixote does not have in a specific a 3D model for mods so I just gonna be using this um little guys so I guess that they will access masks you know they will actually when they replace here they look like moss so because there are very little and so we'll do this thing okay but of course if you have a proper Mouse model or whatever you can use and of course this can be used for anything not only moss and I'm just using moss really an example so once that we have our thing let's go ahead and start actually you know creating the PCG graph but make sure that you have the PCG plugin enabled and also just to remember you guys you have to be in I'm rewinding 5.2 or above so let's go and enable the plugin go to edit plugins and type in procedural content generation framework so I have already enabled this but basically just click it a warning will pop up that you have to restart the editor so restart and you should have it enabled so now we can go into the content browser right click go into uh PCG and create a new PCG graph so let's explain this PCG underscore Mouse and let's open this up so if you haven't seen my beginner beginner monster I was going to say my beginner PCG tutorial I will be leaving it in the description in this case you want to get started with PCG okay um so I'm not going to be doing a quick introduction here but we're gonna be using a special note because right now here we can only access for example um actor or landscape properties but we want to be you know able to plot points in a mesh so to do this we're going to be using this node which is the uh mesh circus to points but we want to use a different type of blueprint template so with this selected we're going to search for mesh and go into directly mesh to points and that is the one that we want so on here we're gonna place the static mesh of our um trunk over here so in my case it is the trunk a tree I don't know how it's called yeah it's free so let's go ahead and just place your starting mesh over there and with that we can actually start making some tests so we can use Dragon our PCG into the scene and make sure to put it in the same position so let me split the location to be at the center so there's a zero answer the same for this three zero zero zero so it has to be in the exact same position okay as your PC graph so aligned with the one in the world uh so right now we cannot see anything so we select our node press D always right click and press debug now we can debug and as you can see now we have all the points if you don't see whatever reason make sure to click generate just in case but you can see all the different points in the tree now they're very bright I don't know why they're so bright and so big but you can actually change the debug settings here so I could put the scale method to be relative and put this to 0.2 and now you'll see that okay that's way bigger actually for some reason 0.02 it's because I changed the scale to the relative 0.01 well basically yeah there we go you get a point it's plotting a lot of coins in our mesh and how it works is basically it basically plus a point in each triangle okay we can change this and be used instead of triangles with vertices but overall uh notice that for my experimenting triangles do best for me there are more triangles in this uh mesh over here so it just I like how it is placed so I'm gonna be living it like this okay so now we need to go ahead and change this points with our Mass model so what I am going to do is just get this and do a static mesh spawner as we do with other stuff in the vegetation and so on as always so we have to add an image entry spend it go in the descriptor and put on our model which in my case is this one so let me put this one and two you will see that's already there it will look very bad because there's like too many of them you spare with me for a second but let me also add another entry so I have a bit of a variation actually I'll add maybe another one more too so it's always to have a bit of variation between this one so I can use for example two actually yeah I wouldn't need to go crazy the thing is that right now of course it is uh very very very full of mass maybe too much so what we are going to do is basically use a uh density filter node now you'll see that when I plug this here it will actually not do anything all right let's see nothing changed we can change a bit of the properties here and you'll see that still it doesn't change in fact it will remove all the points okay uh so what we need to do also we need to start debugging this so press D or right click detail with debug so we have to convert first of all this output to B from normal to density and now yes we will be able to basically plot our density as you can see now is a bit less so I could decrease this and you can see now the density is less so I can control how many mass will be in my object as you can see so it really you can start to play around also a thing that I could do is before I apply this type of mesh I could use a transform points here we go also make sure to every time plug it something before okay go ahead and delete the yellow one and plug it in because not it can stay connected more than you know it can be connected to more than you know multiple inputs more than one input at the same time so don't do this make sure to delete it and plug it in because now we'll be interfering so in transform points I'm gonna add a bit of a skill minimum size of 0.1 with it locked on let's do the minimum is going to be 0.5 and maximum uh 0.7 for example another a bit more random bit more smaller we could even make it a bit smaller 0.4 and 0.5 you know you can play around actually I I liked foreign so with that you can start playing with your thing here you know with your density scale and so on to get what you want and of course this will not only work for mass and you know just use an example um but basically this will also work for other type of stuff okay so for example you good point grass and things you could put you know I don't know I can't really think an example but you could put so many things on here Now quickly gonna mention this is that if you want to do this via a very easy to use tool I'm gonna be living in the description and I actually made a video on it too so I also leave that video but basically my friends add polygon flow um have basically created the graph and Library which enables you to do this what I did without putting any single note literally with a drop down some buttons and parameters and that's it so I'm going to be leaving that description just in case you want to check it out too I literally used even this example in in the video and basically it's extremely useful extremely easy to use so I'll use them in the descriptions in case you want to do all this I'm doing right now in literally seconds okay even less than that so with PCG now it's very easy to use you can see but you know compared to the thing we just literally two clicks it it definitely you know it is it's worth visiting and checking it down and so on oh that's it guys if you found this so helpful I will show you a little video And subscribe to my channel post will be available in my patreon and YouTube members so check it out and join my Discord uh follow me on my socials and now yes with all that said bye bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 21,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, 5.2 procedural, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine procedural generation, unreal engine 5.2 pcg, ue5.2 pcg, ue5.2 tutorial, ue5.2 pcg moss, unreal engine 5.2 pcg mesh to points, unreal engine 5.2 pcg moss on any mesh, unreal engine 5.2 pcg place points on mesh, unreal engine 4
Id: BpFiVLNemXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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