How to Add more outlets in your garage.

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not everybody I'm Dominic from angry DIY in this video I'm going to show you how to add some extra outlets in your garage or wherever maybe maybe in your basement whatever you don't want to do this really in your house because what we're going to do you see here you don't have any outlets no it's okay hey there's no Alice going out one outlet this whole stupid garage and it's way over there but our bench is here hey you know I can never plug anything in okay so check it out B now we have one outlet on over there okay remove the outlet what you're actually did already and we're going to mount these metal boxes or something like that boom on there I mean that it's a workbench I'm going to put quite a few of them so let's get over the other side not sure what we're going to do I know I'm ready removed our outlet and that's when I discovered sin hey this would be a great time to make a video okay so you're just removing the outlet okay but what we have to do obviously we going to turn the car off and I want to do I want to establish where is the power coming in and where is it going out to somewhere so it's actually going out this way which is going to a light not a big deal but this is our power in okay real important that we remember that because we're going to be putting a GFI outlet in and on the GFI outlet it has a spot on there which is the line in the power in okay now here's our metal box what we're going to want to do you get when you get these metal boxes now I have all these listed on the website or what I use so make things a little bit easier for a little shopping list if you will okay yeah on on these boxes you got these little punch outs yeah I'm using my finger I'm not knock out the middle one there just push it out and there you go nice little slug so for those who use laundromats I didn't tell you to okay so anyway throw it out out here's your hole in your box and there's your box that we actually want to cover up but before we do that you got a romex connector okay little connector you spin it off like that stick it in tying it up okay not not brain signs okay so this is what we're going to end up doing we're going to get a piece of roll mix made like a footlong we're going to stick it in here then tighten these screws down in there so we have a wire sticking out I'm going to get the wires we're going to attach them all which I'll show you in a minute and then we're going to attach the box so they're within us with a GFI outlet here and then we're going to go with conduit 1/2 inch conduit we're going to be using and we're going to go across all to the other ones pretty simple so follow along okay I wasn't assembled my little box you can see little wire sticking out we just got our piece of romex here now one thing honestly before you started is I didn't tell you you turn your breaker off now when you're turning our breaker off I realize that was a 20 amp breaker all right 20 amp means a 12 gauge wire which also is going to mean 20 amp receptacles okay or 15 amp receptacle whatever it may be so just mash that out okay check it out metal box with electric what we have we have a bunch of holes in here that we're going to use to mount it but if you look at one of them it's a threaded one okay which means we can put this little green screw right in there just like that alright that's what we're going to use to ground the box all right you got electric and we have metal boxes yeah sure we're going to have is wrap that around we're going to have ground on our outlets but we still want to ground on all these boxes okay alright so that's how we do it just wrap it around like that and we're going to bring this up to our outlet you know why should be a little bit longer alright so now we're going to go ahead and mount it we're going to connect our two hots together with our new hot here so three hots going together or three neutrals and our three grams all right look we have our two hots out that were coming out of our outlet now tides going to our new outlet and our ground our neutrals and our grounds now we're going to shove the wires into the box and then we're going to mount our metal box okay our box is man we have our wires coming out now we need to go that way on our case that way and how do we do that we're going to use a conduit a metal 1/2 inch conduit we're going to connect box the box the box to do that we're going to use a conduit connector which is 1/2 inch or an EMT connector to go on the same way it's going to get get it we're not that are a little hole here and put it on and just screw this in there and I like to do is hit the edge of it with a screwdriver tighten it up good okay now we got this big huge heavy thing in our way and listen for the sake of myself in the video I don't care if there's an outlet behind here and I don't feel like moving it so we're gonna have some fun I'm gonna just snake it around okay so this is what we're going to do it we're going to start cutting our con another con wood it's not heavy steel it's metal okay use a hacksaw measure hacks or whatever anything anymore than you teeth will cut it we're going to go box the box the box so when I mount the boxes on the studs I'll show you that and then we're going to connect them all okay ah seems like alright you see we have our three boxes mounted up a 1 a 1 here and then wanted to put more feet down there why I don't know why so many lots of different reasons my radio so I can boogie while I work I don't really do this right I don't do it like that anyway thanks fine they're chargers for whatever okay alright so check it out you see I already ran our 12 wire which is just a 12 wire romex now normally this is what you have you can buy a short pieces from the home stores or you can use what you would really use is a wire that's just on a roll to use stuff around the neutral and a hot and then you just Inc them through this is actually the hard way of doing it but it's the cheaper way because if you can and the head we're not teaching electricians how to do addition here we're going to DIYs right Oh simple stick it in there and push it through the next one leave enough doubt what I like to do is stand between your thumb and your pinky let's go to the outside of the box to the two-wire and that really give it a good idea of how much water you got sticking out by code as well as it's easier to work on the outlet the same thing here I just go like that a grab wire cutters like that and then we're good I'm going to go ahead and do the rest again the pinky to your thumb it's a great way of filling and no one else you know how this resembles the length the distance between your pinky and your thumb you figure it out okay now you can see we got everything all mounted we tightened off our scent screws all right our little nuts in here so everything's old nice and tight now we have our wires all right come for a closer look oh by the way why am I on the bench because I'm short and I can't reach over to show you okay I am I'm not like a clown short but you know not seven foot okay check it out now this side here is the power coming in now we're using a regular outlet so it doesn't mean anything anyway what those mean we want to get our hots up out of the way our neutrals up out of the way we're going to get all our ground you see we have our ground to our box okay which is real real important is it overkill maybe so is a code yeah but one of these becomes loose because they're all grounded everything's grounded together but something starts getting loose and everything then something goes wrong well you kind of kind of wish it was grounded okay we have all our three grounds so we're going to do we're going to tie our three grounds together we're going to wrap them all okay they're going to get one of them like that and we're going to connect to our ground screw on an outlet and then we have our our neutral side and our hot side we're going to go and do all those we're going to do it to this one to that one and our all right you see I wired this allit we got our ground we have our neutrals and we have our hots now one thing on these outlets which is a 20 amp outlet see the difference here 20 amp alright now take a look at it now you see got these little ears here these ears are fur the sheetrock you know normally you know so it doesn't fall in and keeps things square and blah blah blah but you want to do is pull those off just like you see in here so it fits in there now normally I see how you pull these off just get it and something like that this one's being a little bit there we go I mean and that's okay okay but anyway I got screws that you would hold the outlet in well just pull them out and roam away okay now the new cover is going to go in like this okay and that's screwed it will tighten up everything just like that okay okay now we put the other outlet in the other side now we are here to work GFI is our box all our wiring as we explained now this is the wire that we had gone through to our old existing outlet so this is our power in to our outlet this is your neutral and the ground and these are the wires that are going to all our new outlets turn the outlet around if you look upside down over here it says blind what line means is power into the GFI outlet so of course you want to put your hot and your neutral that where they go we get our power in and then our power out ceases attention I'm here ba ba bla which means rip that off okay so this is our power out so what this means is all those other outlets will be protected by this one outlet okay okay we're all done put all our outlets in and we put our last outlet in which is our GFI just so you understand what a GFI is well not what it is but how you wire them we have the power coming in out of the wall to the line side of the outlet which now the outlet itself of course is protected but the load on the out of the GFI outlet is supplying let me show you the rest of our outlets so every outlet although it doesn't look like the GFI is a GFI so they're all protected so in other words if you lose power and any of them check these let's go back this way check the GFI outlet and see like in this one one has a flow indicator where the little turns red their little button pops out so now we don't have power anywhere and we push the button in and now they all have power pretty cool huh now I got outlets in the garage what can I do maybe uh cut a piece of wood ah look at sound of that anyway that's how you do it so go wire your house and when you're done say yeah I got power baby tell feed-in you
Channel: askmediy
Views: 670,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outlets, diy, electrical, askmediy, dominick, 120v, 240v, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 05 2014
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