How to Add Images into Shotcut

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in this video i show you how to add images to  the Shotcut video editor if this video helps   you please remember to like subscribe and leave  a comment down below hi everyone my name is Joe   and welcome to Ubitronics on this channel i help  you learn open source software today we're going   to look over adding images into the Shotcut video  editor so the very first thing i'm going to do is   just create a new project i'm just going to call  it test and put it into my normal videos folder   now this is the default layout and the setup for  Shotcut so once that is created click onto your   playlist you should see a empty playlist  option over here and then navigate in an   explorer folder to your images that you want  to drag in now I've got some jpgs and you just   select and drag they'll add into the  playlist here and I've also got some pngs so the difference between a jpeg and a png  is a png can have a transparent background   the jpegs won't have a transparent background  so depending on what type of image you import   into your video will depend on how it  displays in Shotcut so just to make this   a little bit clearer i'm going to also add  in a video example where are they in here and then i'm going to drag  the video into my timeline okay so if i play that now it's  just going to play the normal video   what i want to do is put some images over  the top of the video so i'm going to go to   track operations and add a video track and  now i'm going to add dog into the top layer   and as you can see the image applies over the top  i can move this around on the timeline to wherever   i want it to be and i can extend or shorten it as  i need to so first of all that's pretty good but   let's imagine we didn't want all of this white  space around now with a jpeg there's not much   you can do about that but with a png there is so  let me get rid of the dog file and let me put in   the cars file now as you can see i have trimmed  around all of the cars already so now you've got   a white or transparent background and then just  the images on top so hopefully that makes sense   let's just delete that once more and then add  in the car jpeg the car jpeg means there's no   transparency and then let's add in a flower  png which means there is transparency   they're the major two file types that you'll  probably be using in Shotcut and there are others   available you could pretty much drag anything in  and it will work but if you if you stick to jpegs   for full images and pngs for transparent  backgrounds then you're pretty much set to go   now before we finish let's work out how  we can actually resize these because it's   great having the image on the screen but actually  that's probably too big for what you want   so let's work out how we do that the thing  we need to do is make sure you've got the   image selected in your timeline so not up here it  could be anything up here but in your timeline you   want it selected here and then go to filters  and click the plus and then search for size you will have size position  and rotate pop up click onto it and now you'll get these options here  and as you can see you've got this block   over the image now you can use this to resize  and this button here in the middle to drag   or you can use the settings over here to be  more accurate if you need to have them at a   certain dimension and from here you can also add  in transitions and other effects so your images   can do different things and even move across  the screen and stuff but we'll go into that in   another video so i hope you found this helpful  and please remember to like subscribe and leave   a comment if you have if you've had any issues  or anything that i've missed off then please let   me know i'll make another video on it otherwise  thanks very much and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Joe Cullen - Shotcut Tutorials
Views: 22,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe cullen, ubitronics, how to add images in to shotcut, adding images into shotcut, using images in shotcut, inserting images in shotcut, add images shotcut, images in shotcut, shotcut using images, apply shotcut images, how to add pictures in shotcut, adding pictures into shotcut, using pictures in shotcut, inserting pictures into shotuc, add pictures shotcut, pictures in shotcut, shotcut using pictures, apply shotcut pictures, images and pictures in shotcut, shotcut images
Id: pT0aqtTtOss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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