How to Add Halftone Effects on Portraits | Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

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hey there what's up this is rob from panther i'm gonna show you how to make these interesting halftone effects in photoshop uh this is one of the models and you can apply half tones in different way this is the twirl effect and this one is the straight hawk tone effect there's like a couple of more settings how you can achieve this effect also make sure that your model you know is some high quality image made in a studio for example an image when it's done in the studio basically it's sharp you can see the light and the contrast and and the shadows like how sharp and strong they are rather than in this image where like the photo is taken outside the lights are more natural they are more soft and these are like other examples as well i'm going to try it out with this eventually where like uh the lights are more soft first you need to make it monochrome and to achieve this just go here on this filter this is the black and white adjustment layer and this way it creates this layer and this is basically the black and white in my case i don't need it next uh make sure your contrast is on point and i'm gonna select the levels and with the levels as you can see here in this zone is pretty much empty and here it starts the levels and here it ends so i wanna pull these handles somewhere on these parts and as you can see the image starts to be more contrasty okay this should work pretty good i'm going to go to layers create a new layer here you create the new layer go to edit fill make sure you're on 50 gray opacity is a hundred also make sure that uh you're on white here on the field and then click okay as you can see we know we got the gray uh background image right click on the layer convert to smart objects and from here we're gonna go to the filter gallery okay i'm gonna delete of course this one so make sure you go to sketch and select the half tone i'm gonna put the size on four to contrast on zero create a new effect layer down here the right click on it and select torn edges it's right here basically this is going to flip the half tone right now it was like this it added like more edges and you can also decrease the contrast or increase it we're gonna decrease some around here smoothness is a 11. this should be some around in the center click okay from here i'm gonna i'm gonna go to select the hard mix as you can see it created this halftone effect i also can flip the dots because right now the dots are white and that way is going to create the halftone even better so i'm going to go to the adjustment layers and go to the invert go back to the layers press and hold alt when you're on this layer when you're on the invert layer press and hold alt and drag the mouse a little bit down when you're gonna see this uh arrow which pointing down on the layer which contains the hot tone and click as you can see it reversed you know now we have the dots before we had you know inverted so it basically flipped it uh it's pretty nice i also can change you know the dots to be bigger i'm going to double click here on the filter gallery i'm going to go back to the half dome pattern it's right here located and i'm going to increase the size even more to six as you can see now we have achieved a different result interesting i think i'm going to go back uh half tone size to be five stars to be better i think and also you can modify the contrast you can decrease the contrast you're going to see like more interesting results or if you pull this middle one and i decrease this you're gonna make it different okay i'm gonna increase it a little more so it's gonna be more visible a little bit don't go to the extreme because we still need to decrease uh the opacity you know the field sorry of the layer so i'm going to decrease some around 70 percent now it's even more you know better accentuated this effect [Music] so you can do like multiple adjustments you can adjust the feel you cannot adjust the levels you cannot adjust the filter gallery and so on and so forth now we also can achieve another effect i go to filter go to distort and twirl click ok on 50 is good and this is going to make the dots twirl around so this is even more interesting you can also uncheck the twirl it becomes normal and this is how you make these interesting effects so yeah basically this is the tutorial i also can show you another technique how it's done and i'm gonna show you that on this model same way basically we go to the levels first so you go to the adjustment layers select levels if of course you have a colorful photo then you go first with the black and white and then you select the levels or pipes and vice versa so it does the same thing i'm gonna pull this and add some contrast you know something like this select both right click merge layers and now i'm going to go to the filters pixelate color hop tone as you can see we have some channels going on if you add channels it's going to add colors like more uh colorful uh colorful dots so i'm gonna remain with these uh numbers i'm gonna increase the size of the dots here at max radius you can increase the size of the dots i'm going to go with 20 let's see what happens and basically this is how it applied the half tone effect as you can see if i zoom in we got these arrester points color for raster points and also we can achieve this effect you know with uh multiple effects let's say i'm gonna apply this these and i can apply a new one i'm gonna create some new copy as i i just going to drag it and you know make some more color often let's say i want to make it with 30 let's see what happens this was it this was this is even more interesting um as you can see it has like bigger dots i'm going to create a new copy and uncheck this go back to this one and now i'm going to apply a black and white version so i'm going to click select zero zero zero zero on these channels and go back to i can either go with 23 click ok and now we're on you know pure black and white version make another one and i'm gonna check uh if i add something to this channel let's say like 59 or something and it's going to add like two colors or three sorry actually two sorry but uh you know the red and uh cyan so these also bring like different results you can like experiment uh with all kind of uh effects here color half tone all right let's add i don't know 100 to this one and it's basically going to add the yellow as well so yeah uh and it's all it also basically moves the dots in different directions how you change the values and yeah this is it and this is how you make uh you know how how you work with the halftone in uh adobe photoshop thanks for watching don't forget to check out the other videos as well subscribe hit the notification bell and have a good day bye [Music]
Channel: P A N T E R
Views: 41,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, design tutorial, graphic design, how to design, tutorial, design, design project, foundation, Fundamentals, Adobe Photoshop tutorial, adobe photoshop tips, adobe photoshop tricks, panter, panter vision, adobe photoshop tools, method, guide, teach, lesson, video tutorial, teaching, exercise, photoshop tutorial, halftone, photoshop halftone effect, halftone tutorial, halftone effect, rater point, raster point tutorial, dots, dotted, dotted portrait, halftone portrait, effect, portrait
Id: asMPGaXY3h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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