How to Add Data to Firebase Realtime DB in Next.js React App (Step-by-Step Tutorial) | Bug Ninza

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Hello everyone, my name is Rohit, and welcome  to another Next.js video. In this video,   I will show you how to data to the Firebase  realtime database using Next.js and React   Applications. If you face any issues,  feel free to reach out to me, you can   comment here or DM me on my social handles. So,  without any further delay. Let’s get started! I started a next.js app and these are  my default settings for this project.   My project name is firebaseapp. Next,  navigate to the firebaseapp directory   and install the firebase package using  the command: npm install firebase. Next, I opened the app in visual studio  code and without writing any code,   I ran this project using the command: npm run dev Ok! This is the default rendering of the  next.js app. But before writing any code,   we will setup our firebase account. Go to the and click  on Get Started. Then add your project and   give your project a name. Follow the  video to setup your firebase account. Now, click on the web and register your app. We will use this config  keys in our Next.js app. So,   inside the app directory, create a  file and name it as firebaseConfig.js Copy this and paste it here. Modify the default config keys for  the firebase realtime database. Now, inside the build section, click  on the firebase realtime database. Click on Create database and choose your  database location. I also read the rules,   here I wanna go with the test mode so,  select the test mode and click on enable. We are all set!! But we have to use this  databaseURL inside the firebaseConfig.js   file. So, copy the URL and paste  it into the firebaseConfig.js file —-- Now, head back   to the page.js file and let’s write some code  to add data to the realtime firebase DB. First,   we will import all the required components. The  first line of the code is ‘use client’. This is   a directive that tells Next.js to only run this  code on the client-side, not on the server-side. Next, we set up two state variables, title  and subtitle, using the useState hook. These   variables will be used to capture the  input values from the user. The state   allows us to keep track of changes and  update the user interface accordingly.  The handleAddData function is where the  magic happens. When the user clicks the   "Add Data" button, this function  is triggered. Here's how it works: We obtain a reference to the 'users'  node in our Firebase database using ref.  We create a new data reference by  calling push on the usersRef. This   generates a unique key for our data. We then use set to write the data into   the database. In this case,  we're storing the "title" and   "subtitle" that the user has entered. After successfully adding the data,   we clear the input fields and display  a success message using alert. Finally, we have the user interface  elements. We're using a main container   to structure our page and provide  some basic styling. There's a title,   two input fields for the "title" and "subtitle,"  and a button to trigger the data submission. Now, we are all set!! Let me  add some data to our database. But it’s not working!! After checking the console.   I missed importing the set  component. So, import it. Now, it’s working as expected!!! That’s it. You now know how to add data  to the Firebase realtime database. Thanks   for watching. See you in the next next.js video.
Channel: Bug Ninza
Views: 1,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firebase, nextjs, react, web development, coding, code, programming, tutorial, Developer, javascript, backend, frontend, tailwind, css, beginners, guide, how-to, html, realtime, database
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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