Fetch Data From Firebase's Firestore Database Using React and Next.js Apps | JavaScript | Guide

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Hello everyone,   my name is Rohit, and welcome back to  another video on Next.js. In this video,   we will integrate Firebase with the Next.js. we  will also fetch data from the Firestore database.   Feel free to comment if you face any issues.  You can also DM me on social media handles.   The links are below in the description. So,  without any further delay, let's get started! I started a Next.js app and these are my default  settings for this project. My next.js project   name is nextfirebase. Next, I navigate to the  nextfirebase directory in the terminal window.   Here We will install the Firebase package  using the command npm install Firebase Next, I opened the app in Visual Studio  Code. But before writing any code,   let's run this project using  the command npm run dev. Ok! This is the default rendering of the  next.js app. But before writing the code,   I am going to set up our Firebase account. For this, search for Firebase and click on the  link. You just have to follow the video to set   up a Firebase account for the web. The Firebase  developer team has made this really easy for us. Now, click on Web. Give your application a name. To connect our   Next.js app, we have to use the  Firebase config code in our project. To do this, head over to the app directory  and create a file named firebaseConfig.js. Copy and paste the Firebase config  code into the firebaseConfig.js file. We are not going to use Firebase Analytics,  so remove the Firebase Analytics code line. In the Build section, click on Firestore Database. Click on Create Database. If you are  developing your app for production,   read the rules. For now, I am just testing  the app, so I will select the Test Mode. Select the Firestore database location.  I am from India, so I will select Mumbai. Wait for a few seconds and  your database will be ready. We are going to use Firestore, so  inside the firebaseConfig.js file,   import the Firestore database  and add it to our project. A few moments ago, we saw the default  rendering of the Next.js app. These   code lines are the reason behind that. But,  we are going to delete this default code,   because our goal is to fetch and render  data from the Firestore database. Here, I am going to add a header first. —--------------------- The first line of the code says  ‘use client’. This is a directive   that tells Next.js to run this code on  the client side, not on the server side.  Next, just import all the  required components and objects Next, we define an async function  called fetchDataFromFirestore. This   function will do the actual work  of fetching data from Firestore.   Inside this   function, we use the getDocs   function and pass it the collection function  with two arguments: db and “users”. This means   we want to get all the documents from the  “users” collection in our Firestore database. The getDocs function returns a promise, which we  await. The promise resolves to a querySnapshot   object, which contains information  about the documents in the collection. We then create an empty array called data. We will   use this array to store the  data we get from Firestore. We use the forEach method on the querySnapshot  object to loop through each document in the   collection. For each document, we push an object  to the data array. The object has two properties:   id and …doc.data(). The id property is  the unique identifier of the document,   which we get from doc.id. The …doc.data()  property is a spread operator that copies   all the fields and values from  the document data into the object. After we finish looping through all the documents,  we return the data array from the function. Inside Home component, we use the useState hook  to create a state variable called userData and   a setter function called setUserData. We  initialize userData with an empty array. We also use the useEffect hook to run some  code when the component mounts. The useEffect   hook takes two arguments: a callback  function and an array of dependencies.   The callback function is where we fetch  data from Firestore and update our state   variable. The array of dependencies  is empty, which means we only want to   run this code once when the component  mounts, not every time it re-renders. Inside the callback function, we define  another async function called fetchData.   This function calls our fetchDataFromFirestore  function and awaits its result. Then it uses   the setUserData function to update our state  variable with the data we get from Firestore. We call this fetchData function  inside our callback function. Finally, we return some JSX code that renders   our web page. We use some Tailwind  CSS classes to style our elements. we have a div element that contains our user  data. We use the map method on our userData   array to loop through each user object  and render some elements for each user. For each user, we have another  div element with a key attribute   that is equal to user.id. This helps React  identify each user and optimize rendering. Inside this div element, we have three p  elements that display user.name, user.age,   and user.bio respectively. We  use some Tailwind CSS classes   to make user.name bold and large,  and user.age and user.bio normal. And that’s it! That’s how you fetch data from  Firebase Firestore and display it on a web   using React and Next.js. I hope you learned  something new today. If you liked this video,   then give it a thumbs up and subscribe  to my channel for more content like this.   Thanks for watching and see you  soon in the next next.js video.
Channel: Bug Ninza
Views: 4,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firebase, nextjs, react, html, firestore, web development, coding, code, programming, tutorial, Developer, javascript, backend, frontend, tailwind, css, beginners, guide, how-to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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