How To Add AppImages To Your Linux Applications!

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welcome to recording Loft my name is Samuel and today we look at app images on Linux and how we can make them part of our applications window because if I open up right now here my applications overview and I would have downloaded a new app image then it wouldn't show automatically here and that's what we want to be doing today [Music] now it's actually very easy we just need to download the app image then we need to make it executable we need to save it in a specific folder download and save a logo file and lastly create a desktop file where we tell the computer where to look for the application and the logo so let's get started so for this example I will look at an app called click up so click up is a very cool project management software and if you go to the page download you can find all of the different download options so right now here we have download on Linux and you see that it starts downloading the app image and now here's what you need to do I will show you everything both on the terminal as well as on the GUI interface so in my terminal I type CD downloads to open the downloads folder and I look at the files in there we have this desktop app image file right here I can also open it via the GUI downloads right here and we want to rename it first so we do that by using the move command and we say move and then we type the name of the currently of the app which is image and we want to call it click up dot app image and now you can see right here in the GUI it automatically changed you could have also just changed Name by right clicking and clicking rename here now back in our home directory we want to make a new folder where we save our application so I say make the applications and you can see created the folder right here and then we go inside of that folder applications and there's nothing in there yet right so we want to make a folder make dur and we call it click up and now we want to move the app image inside the click up folder right here and you can just do it with the GUI or in the terminal you type move and then it's our root directory slash downloads slash click up dot app image and we want to go to our home directory inside of our new applications folder and in here inside of the folder click up and then we also want to call it click up dot app image and now if I click on the folder you can see that it has moved the file inside here now the next step is to make it executable what that means is that right now we can't do anything with it yet right so if we double click it doesn't know what to do with the file so inside of our applications directory here we go inside the folder click up so we say CD click up and if we list all of our files here we see that click image only has read permissions and there's no execute permission so we can change that by saying change mod to mod 755 and then the name of the file which in this case click up dot app image and now if we say ls-la again you can see that now this execute permission so now we can run this file and you can see that now it opens click up but the problem is that it's not part of our applications view here so we saved it to Applications folder and now we want to download and save a logo image and lastly create the desktop file so for that I'll just go back to Firefox and I look for click up logo and then I want to save this file right here so I'll right click this file save image as and then you go inside the folder in your home directory which is applications click up and then we just call it click up.jpg and you can see we have the file in our folder now the last thing we need to do is we need to create a file that tells the computer that it should look for this executable and this image right here and the way that we do that is that we Define a file in a specific folder so if we go back to our home directory and there's a hidden folder if you click on a menu here and on show hidden files you will see that there's a hidden folder down here called local.local share and then applications and in here we want to create a new file so we will do that using the terminal so we say Nano which is basically a text editor and we want to go to the home directory inside of dot local slash share slash applications and we want to name the file click up dot desktop make sure that you spell it lowercase this is quite important and in here we write desk top entry and the name of our app which is click up in exact you want to specify where you can find the app image so we had that under home slash Samuel that's my home directory and in here we created a folder called applications slash click up slash click up dot app image that's the file that we want so basically you tell the computer hey look for this executable app image right here whenever you want to open the program and you also want to tell a computer where I can find the icon so let's also we start from the root directory home and then your username in my case it's Samuel now we're in the home directory applications and then in the folder called click up and then we have a file called click up dot jpeg okay and lastly we say type what kind of file is it well it's an application now save the file by pressing Ctrl x y and enter and now we've created this file so if I double click it here you can see that's what we just defined and now lastly we want to update the desktop database and do that simply by saying update desktop database and then we want the home directory and then the other dot local folder slash share slash applications and now if we open our applications you can see that we have a click up right here as an application we can click it and it opens up our click up application if it doesn't show up here yet then you might want to just click here and log out of your desktop and log backing and if that still doesn't work there might be just some spelling mistakes so make sure that you spread everything correctly and that you defined the right paths here and that's how you download an app image and make it part of your applications window if you did like this video please leave a like and a comment down below subscribe to the channel and see you in the next videos [Music]
Channel: The Coding Loft
Views: 211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Web development, Frontend development, React, Linux, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Responsive design, Frameworks, Version control, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Single-page Applications (SPA), Full-stack development, Functional programming, Docker, Git, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Linux command line., AppImages, Download, Save, Tutorial, Applications View, Integration, Linux Apps, Desktop Environment, Open Source
Id: xhfaV02RYdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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