How to Add an External Amplifier to Your AV Receiver | Home Theater Basics

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what is up YouTube how are you doing today China de or techno dad here and in today's video I'm gonna show you how to add external amplification to your AV receiver we're gonna get into it right after the job and I'm back now if you're new to the channel and you want to learn about 4k home theater and audio products and how to set them up properly you should consider subscribing because I'm here to help now let's get into it alright everyone so I've had questions about this topic along the way and I really haven't had a power amplifier to kind of show you guys exactly what you're gonna need to do to you know connect external amplification to your AV receiver we'll be needing some RCA cables and that's pretty much it oh and of course a power amplifier and I'm assuming you already have an AV receiver with pre outs so one first thing I want to talk about before we go up and dude like the connections and everything is why would you want external amplification here's one scenario let's say you have an AV receiver that can process 11 channel so for a full seven point two point four dolby atmos setup however it only powers nine channels Meeny you are left with two channels that you can't power it with that specific AV receiver what do you do there's two options now if you have like small speakers and power isn't like a huge deal you know like you don't need 250 watts per channel you don't need 300 watts per channel you only need let's say 75 to 100 watts per channel then you would probably want to just power the two extra add most channels with like you know pretty decent you know like I don't know two three $400 power amp that'll give you like you know the 75 to 100 watts per channel that you're looking for now let's take a second scenario on why you would want external amplification now for instance in my AV receiver it can power and process eleven channels so I don't have to worry about it however I'm pretty sure my Denon is not pushing out 140 watts per channel and whatever it's supposed to be rated at you know a seven channel figure because you know these ant manufacturers don't tell you that they just give you a two channel rating and I'm pretty sure the two Channel rating is not pushing out 140 watts RMS in the 8 ohms like it's advertised so what's a techno dad to do we're gonna get more power so in my situation and I'm sure a lot of yours out there and this is actually what I recommend if you do have you know bigger speakers that can handle a lot more wattage I would recommend looking into a three channel amp to power your left your Center and your right channels okay that's what we call the front stage or front sound stage and that's I think more important than just powering too little add most speakers so if you have a system that's got these big honkin speakers give yourself a big honkin amplifier for the front three channels and that will change your home theater experience drastically and yes there are debates you know if you want to do this you should probably go with the dual subwoofer setup first before you add power amp for your front stage but you know teach their own whatever this is what we're talking about in this video and this is just scenario number two if you have an AV receiver that's got 11 channels processing and only nine channels of power definitely think about getting a three channel amp for your front stage if you've got big ass speakers okay simple enough I think that simple enough alright enough talking let's get upstairs and get into it so first things first I have a Denon AVR X 6300 H and just for you guys to be able to see these connections I had to remove some of my HDMI ports and here we have the left right and the center RCA s so in this example I'm just hooking up a left and right so we're gonna use the left and the right plug those guys into the back of the Denon and around here we're gonna plug these right into the proper ports on the of the halo integrated now it's just a matter of plugging in my speaker wire to the halo and guess what that's it we're done alright guys pretty simple stuff don't you think you just plug in a couple RCS and everything's done for you at least that's how it is with the Denon and I can't you know explain if there's another setting that you need to set in any of the other amplifiers or I mean AV receivers I'm not sure now if that's all this video was about that'd be really quick okay because it is fairly simple but here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put up pictures of all the different manufacturers well not all but most of the popular ones that you'll see in Crutchfield and Best Buy and kind of point out to you where the pre outs are so here we go let's start off with the Denon since we had the Denon upstairs but I was a little cluttered so this is what the Denon looks like and here are the pre out section of the Denon and here's the left center and right if you guys are going with scenario two now if you're going with scenario one here's where the second set of high channels are located in the pre out section alright next let's go over to the anthem this is the anthem MRX 720 now here is the pre out section and I'll label up the front center and right channels and if you're in scenario one here are the pre outs that you're going to use to power the second set of at most channels alright now let's check out Marantz this is the SR 60 12 now here's the full pre out section and if you fall in the scenario one this is what you're going to plug into now if you're on scenario two which is what I recommend and you got the bigger speakers here is the left center and right connections for scenario two now let's look at Akio here is the TX RZ 810 this is where all the pre elfs are located now for scenario two here are the inputs for the left center and right channels moving on to pioneer here is the SCL X 8'o 1 this is where all the pre outs are located and again here's scenario one the two extra Atmos channels and scenario to the left center and right channels your front stage there you go and moving on to Sony here's the STR za 3100 es that's a mouthful I think anyway here are the pre outs and for scenario two here are the RCA pre outs for the front stage now let's get into Yamaha this is the RX 870 now here is the entire pre out session for scenario 2 here are the pre outs for the front stage so hopefully that gives you guys kind of an idea of where these things are located on your AV receiver and I know I couldn't really get all of the model numbers you know to help you guys you know all the different model numbers of AVRs but at least you'll get kind of like a general idea of what these pre outs look like so that if you're actually back there and you're looking for it or you're looking at a picture of the back of your AV receiver that you got from Crutchfield or Amazon or wherever you got the picture from you can tell where the pre outs are and you know it's kind of tough to read the labels a little bit here and there but you know zoom in your guys are smart people you'll figure it out however if you guys still have any questions and need my help just leave it down in the comments you know hit me up on Twitter hit me up on Facebook I even have the Instagram going so there's you know whichever platform you like to ask questions on and get responses back definitely check me out alright everyone that's pretty much it for this video if you liked it go ahead like button and don't forget to subscribe to my channel using the button in the middle of your screen once again my name is Shawna Dee I'm your techno dad and I'll see you next time
Channel: Techno Dad
Views: 497,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Techno Dad, How to Add an External Amplifier, | Home Theater Basics, How to Add an External Amplifier to Your AV Receiver, Add external power amp, add external amp, add external amp receiver, add more power to your AVR, add external amplifier, add external amplifier receiver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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