Dr. Joe Dispenza - Get Out of the Matrix and Manifest Anything You Want I Gratiela Baias

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hello I am a Graziella by Ashe and I'm very honored to have today's against Joe Dispenza dr. Joe Dispenza he just came to Romania for a conference that he will have this evening and this is an introduction to the progressive workshop that will take place next year in March dr. Joe Dispenza is the best-selling author of was free books the last one being you are the placebo making your mind matter he's a neuroscientist and researcher he is traveling the world being an international lecturer thousands millions of people all over the world so we are very very lucky to have him here to bring to Romania the tremendous amount of knowledge and experience that he gained through many years and he also was featured like 12 Enoch years ago in the film what the bleep what do we know so very happy and welcome to Romania Thank You Francie I'm very happy to be here I'm grateful and very emotional in the same time so excuse me if I make a little pause here and there but we also have a very short time so in the I want somehow to get to the essence in order for the audience to have all the benefit they can from this short interview so my first question is how can we create our life how can we become a creators and getting out of the social hypnosis that we are in getting out of the matrix mm-hmm well I think that if you look at just the scientific model of how we are structured that by the time were 35 years old we've done so many things so many times that it becomes an unconscious habit and 95% of who we are is really unconscious thoughts automatic habits emotional reactions beliefs perceptions attitudes that function pretty much behind the scenes of our awareness so the process of becoming conscious of what your unconscious about yourself begins the process of change so how you think how you act in how you feel is called your personality and your personality creates your personal reality that's it so if you wanted to create a new personal reality you'd have to change your personality which means you'd have to start thinking about what you've been thinking about and change it become aware of your automatic habits and behaviors and modify them and then look at the emotions that you've experienced that keep you anchored to the past and really look at them and decide do these emotions really belong in my future so when you begin to think differently when you begin to act differently you begin to feel differently your life is going to change so most people like to wait for a reason to change like a crisis or a trauma or a diagnosis from some disease now all of a sudden they realize that they can't go on living the same life any longer they have to change the something about themselves so I think that my message is why wait for that trauma that when you teach people that they can begin to create a better life for themselves and even improve their health and give them the tools on how to do it it becomes more effective for everybody you know here's the key is that we are already wired to do this we're always always in the process of creation if we're truly relaxed and beginning to think about what we want for ourselves in our lives when we're living in stress and we're living in survival then it's not a time to create so getting people out of those survival states into more creative states allows them to do it we're innately wired to do day to day your life because it's pretty hard to you have to survive first in order to [Music] like the greatest challenge the biggest challenge of our test of our society these days to do this shift of state of mind in order to be able to yeah well I can tell you from traveling around the world now and doing this for many many years that many many people are actually doing it very well and it's a skill just like anything you do over and over again you get better at it and in the beginning it's difficult because we always come up against some aspect of ourselves in order for us to move into a new life so the hardest part about all of this is really making time to do it that's it and many many people spend the majority of their life waking up every morning and running through a series of routine behaviors seeing the same people that push the same emotional buttons doing the things at work that they know they can do so well thinking the same thoughts living by the same emotions all day long and as a result of it if you're thinking the same thoughts making the same choices demonstrating the same behaviors creating the same experiences and living by the same emotions every single day your inner world is going to be a complete match with your outer world in other words your biology is going to be in a tango and then dance with your outer world and nothing will change so then if you keep thinking and acting and feeling the same way you condition your body to become the mind so then if you're waking up every morning and you're running through a series of routine behaviors that you did yesterday then your body's already programmed into a predictable future based on you did in the past so we use the model of meditation so a person sits down and they close their eyes and they disconnect from their outer environment the people they know the things they own the places they have to go the experience is that not normally they create every day that reaffirms their same emotions so if they're not experiencing their environment and they're closing their eyes and they're playing soft music in the background there they're plugging their ears with earplugs that's less information if they're sitting their body down and not getting it up and doing something I'm not eating or smelling or or tasting or feeling with their body that's even less sensory information coming into their body and if they're sitting down they're not thinking about all the schedules they have to keep or all the past things that happen yesterday they're truly in the present moment it's when we get beyond our bodies get beyond our environment and we get beyond time that we really fall into the sweet spot of the generous present moment and that's really when we connect to the quantum field where all those potentials exist so then getting to that point where you are being defined by thought alone because now your inner world is more real than your outer world begins for you to begin to condition the environment to get beyond your body and to create some new experience in your life and it takes practice but we've measured enough brains now in all of our research that it becomes a skill and people slip into these states very naturally if they practice we do several scientific measurements during our advanced workshops and our advanced workshops or we just did a few in Mexico just last month and it's a it's an opportunity for people to retreat from their lives for five days I'm really deepen their understanding of the work and really create when they walk out of there create a different life for themselves and so we do the measurements right in our advanced workshops we measure brain waves but you know we do brain scans we do a heart rate variability we measure epigenetic changes in urine we measure transmitters we measure cortisol levels we measure the energy the room energy around people's bodies we measure as much as we can because we we want to demystify the process what about the higher potential of energy that is when it's a group of people doing this kind of meditation instead of you doing alone in your house well it always we have a community of 500 or 700 or thousand people in a room it's not just the energy that they bring is the type of energy they bring so when you combine a clear intention which is a function of the brain and an elevated emotion which is a function of the heart it tends to create a more broadened electromagnetic signature that surrounds people's bodies now the type of energy that's created is very rhythmic it's very coherent it's very orderly it has its synchronized and it's like dropping pebbles in the water they become very very rhythmic that energy carries an intense of thought in so if I'm sitting next to you why there's a thousand people or 500 or 700 people in the room and everybody's energy is becoming coherent the moment those two energy fields interact they interfere when they come together they are going to create a bigger amplitude a bigger wave that bigger wave is a higher energy and we've measured this over and over again in our advanced workshops and and we've made scientific history because the energy that at the end of the event is way higher than the energy when we start now what does that mean that's available energy for people to heal that's available energy for people to create a new life for themselves that's available energy for them to have a mystical experience and on and on so there is power in community but it has to be the combination of that clear intention with an elevated emotion because the majority of our time when we're living in stress we're actually drawing from the field so the energy balloon will go down so how do you teach people instead of taking from the field to give to the field and we know that when you get a community of people together and they're all wearing heartrate monitors which is a function of the autonomic nervous system if 50 people are sitting in the front of the room wearing heart rate monitors and everybody else in the room is creating a clear intention with an elevated motion that all those people wearing the heart rate monitors that their lives be enriched that 90 percent of them all their hearts go into coherence at the exact same time in other words they're being influenced by that energetic field and we are bound by that field and the emotion that binds us is love it's the glue that keeps us forming community emotion like [Music] appreciation well this is a great conversation it is it is it'll just take you longer big you longer so bit more elevated emotion the higher the frequency the higher the frequency the shorter amount of time it takes to manifest in a person's life the more they're living in competition and struggle and suffering and guilt it's a slower vibration of energy so it's still producing in a field but the energetic field is slower which means they're going to take more time in their life to create it may take twenty years may take 50 years but an elevated emotion tends to collapse if you get to that point where magic can happen and then you well we know that from looking at enough scientific research in studying people in the process that I can tell you that you are at your absolute best when you get beyond yourself and there is a moment where we can predict when that's going to happen to a person so the resistance that typically takes place with a person is that they're afraid of the unknown they'd rather hold on to their suffering and rather hold on to their insecurities they'd rather hold on to their bad habits then take a chance and possibility because the body is not comfortable in the unknown that's why we feel uncomfortable when we change but that place were you feel uncomfortable that that unknown that void that is the perfect place in the last month people do supernatural things like well heal themselves from very serious neurodegenerative diseases create objects out of nothing you can create like this object healing just creating like this I wouldn't be saying and if it wasn't yeah so our van students are working diligently in understanding the science behind how that's possible and then at the same time giving them the opportunity to do it and we've had many people actually dimensionalize an object now it doesn't appear right in front of them when they finish but it appears in a very short amount of time by the time the event is over and the objects that they choose you're not objects that are common there's someone uncommon so yeah and much much more I I witnessed it many many times and experienced it myself also what about healing at the distance it is possible can we all do this if we train our mind to do it well let me just answer that in two ways okay and the first way I want to answer it is that we've made scientific history in the last four years over and over again and the cool thing about it is that the people were just common people like you and I that's point number one point number two is that we use science as the model the language to demystify the mystical and that when you start talking about religion or culture or tradition you divide an audience so we use the scientific model to help people understand we by combining quantum physics with neuroscience and epigenetics and everything else but in an easy way a really simple way so then once they understand that we put them into the experience and once they see Graziella stand up and say I just had this amazing experience the next person sitting next to you is going to say well she looks a lot like me she's not a monk or a nun or a minister or an academic or a scholar a famous person she just looks just like me and so we're breaking through that barrier now and the beauty behind it is that anybody can do it anybody can do it we can heal ourself and we also can heal through intention I just witnessed it in Seattle this past weekend we our advanced students were working on healing others and a woman with a very serious neurodegenerative disease who had difficulty walking who had difficulty speaking who had difficulty thinking had a very very significant change in her health she was never touched ever touched during the process and she was in front of an audience of just about 500 people and on the stage I walked on the stage and she was standing up and sitting down standing up and sitting down standing up and sitting I had no idea what was going on she was so happy because she hadn't been able to stand up on her own for the last four years and so I am personally mystified when I witness this and so when we ask the person who did the healing on her to stand up you would never it would never fit into your definition of what a spiritual person should look like there's a woman in her 60s just you know average person but she connected and when you connect and it moves through you the beauty behind it is is that we break down our our beliefs and our condition states that have us think that spirituality should be a certain way once we start breaking those down then we're free the future of medicine well I think medicine is really amazing for acute care I think when you break your arm where you have appendicitis or you know something goes wrong in an acute way I think medicine is a great thing for acute care when you start moving further and further into chronic care chronic care requires a lifestyle change which means you've got to start making different choices you got to start paying attention to your emotional states you got to start taking care of your physical body you got to start looking at your chemical States and in and the beauty behind that is that people are beginning to wake up with the understanding that they can be a participant in their own health and we tell people look if you're treating for cancer or you're treating for diabetes or you're treating for MS continue your treatment but let's add this element to see if we can quicken the process and let's take measurements every three months let's take a measurement let's see what your body looks like let's measure your blood let's move to a radiographic study let's measure something and let's see if you're in fact improving and if you're not let's add something or change something so that you continue to move in the right direction so I think medicine has this place and I think there's a great thing happening the world right now information is so available you went to your doctor 30 years ago and she told you you had this condition you would you'd say okay what do I do and she'd say well you need to do the surgery or this treatment and of course you'd sign on the dotted line and you'd get the surgery fast forward to today you get a diagnosis everybody goes home and gets on the internet because of technology and they research their condition they come back to their doctor knowing as much about that condition or the alternative treatments as their doctor and they say I want to try this and the doctor says well that's not gonna work or I don't know anything about that and they say really time to find a new doctor so people are taking their power back because you don't need an authority to get answers any longer whether it's a priest whether it's a teacher whether it's a doctor governor you can get information on your own and that begins to empower people so but this is a time in history where it's not enough to just know this is a time in history to know how and so there's a division there people cling to the old models that's normal but more and more people are stepping out into this understanding because they have a greater level of awareness and a greater level of awareness means they begin to look at more possibilities thank you very much I had a lot more questions to ask you but it's no time anymore so if you have a last thought that you can tell to the people that they are listening to us til next interview that I hope I will have with you in March what would this be like the first steps the first mmm well you know it's it's not that hard number one take time out of your busy life to invest in yourself when you invest in yourself you invest in your future number two before you open your eyes every morning sit up and ask yourself this question Who am I gonna present to the world today what is my greatest version my greatest expression my greatest ideal of myself that I could be today and begin to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts notice them become aware of your automatic habits look at the emotions that you live by every single day and the more conscious and familiar you become with them the less unconscious you'll become what meditation means to become familiar with and then sit down and decide what thoughts you do want to empower and fire and wire in your brain what behaviors you do want to demonstrate and rehearse them in your mind the research on rehearsal shows that you begin to install the circuits in your brain you prime your brain ready for the day your brain looks like it's already in the experience and then decide I'm not going to get up from this meditation or my morning until I feel in love with life till I feel abundant until I feel worthy till I feel empowered invincible free caring and when you begin to feel it it's that emotion then that begins to become more familiar to you as well and so if you get up and you can maintain that modified state of mind and body your entire day get ready because something unusual is gonna happen in your life that's the law so let's get ready thank you very much thank you
Channel: Gratiela Baias
Views: 225,085
Rating: 4.867969 out of 5
Keywords: joe dispenza, dr. joe dispenza, dr dispenza, Brain, law of attraction (religion), law of attraction success formula, law of attraction mind, life, coach, quantum physics, subconscious, dr joe, you are the placebo, what the bleep do we know, manifesting, manifest anything you want, medicine, dispenza, dr joe dispenza, coaching for excellence, future of medicine, neuroscience, personal development, gratiela baias, joe dispenza meditation
Id: 2-mEtp8qHO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2016
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