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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you don't mind kind of shared this on Facebook or whatever other platform that will allow you to do it I want to look at something tonight that I think that bless you this is kind of impromptu I just just felt like talking to you all tonight and hopefully somebody is available for me to talk to every one of you and I need you to hear this every every one of you is built for success now now listen to me very well because I want to share my heart with you tonight you were not created God did not create you for anything short of an amazing life you have to know that God did not create you for anything short of an amazing life you were you were born into the world to succeed beyond your wildest imagination I think it's Ephesians 3 and 22 think it's Ephesians 3:20 - I may be off but it says then the Word of God that he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that's at work within us I believe with all of my heart that a lot of my mission is to stir up the power that is within people to tap into the best version of life for themselves a part of that power is faith in God a part of that power is faith in one's self and God's purpose for your life before we can even get the plane on the runway the plane of destiny on the runway the first thing we have to cover and we have to be clear on is that God has built me for an amazing life I am born into the world to live an amazing life you have to understand that it doesn't matter it does not matter what you've gone through does not matter what you've suffered what bad breaks you may have had you were born into the world to live an amazing life and so tonight I want to talk a little bit about what do we do how do we accelerate our destiny how do we accelerate the success rate on our lives and let me start with this I've taught this before I don't think I've ever taught it on on this particular platform but let's start here the people in your life the people in your life I have the pulling you into your destiny or they are pushing you away from it the people in your life are either pulling you into your destiny or they are pushing you away from it now stop for a moment pause for a minute take a break and just ask yourself do some do some inventory some relational inventory and come back with an honest answer relative to the people that are in your life are they pulling you into your destiny or are they pushing you further and further away from it now there's a reason that one one person in life is imprisoned by mediocrity and another person in life is just empowered with limitless success is it is it that God has favorites is it that God has chosen you know to stagnate one while making the other fruitful I believe we all have a measure of grace on our lives that we are born in the earth to hopefully maximize but God has created every man every woman to live an amazing life so the question is why aren't you why is your life stagnant and what can we do to put your life on track to live that amazing unbelievable successful life that God created you for that's the question because there's no doubt in my mind that you were born in the world to succeed beyond your wildest imagination you were born into the world to break generational curses off of your family you were born in the world to be the first to come out of your neighborhood to set a new standard for the next generation you were not born into this world to live a stagnant fruitless life you are not born into this world to live a miserable and depressed life in fact that is not even living that is just existing so here's the question the next question what can I do what can I do to speed this process up what can I do to aid God in His purposes because listen to me well and if you don't mind and write some people to come in God predestined a thing for us but then it is our responsibility to live our lives in accordance to or with that divine predestination God - Joshua everywhere that the sole of your foot treads upon that have I given you it's already yours see I've given it to you but your foot has to tread upon it because with God there is no such thing as well and let me read let me rephrase that with God's process of Dominion we must always participate God will predestinate God will ordain it but then there are things that we must do in the natural to manifest it now in Genesis 1:28 it says and God blessed them speaking of Adam and Eve mankind and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion there you have it from the very beginning Genesis 1 God created you to be fruitful to multiply to replenish to subdue and to dominate you were never created to come in last you were never created to to live on the bottom you are always created for the top that's why those that know me and a part of new-home Family Worship Center you visited our saying is we are on top and we're going higher so why do we get stuck why do we get stuck okay let me give you some some wisdom keys for accelerating your destiny how do you how do you push your destiny along and see these things that I'm getting ready to share with you our lessons that I've learned the hard way and when I say the hard way I mean that I spent too many years not doing these things and reaping the opposite of what I desired or even deserved because the truth is this you can deserve better but if you don't know better you may never get better let me say that one more the truth is this you may deserve better but if you do not know better and if you do not do better you may never get better so somebody has to pull you aside and somebody has to stop you in your process your futile process and say wait a minute consider this do these things understand that's the purpose of mentors and teachers pastors number one okay number one four things I'm going to share it in amount number one choose your friends intentionally choose your friends intentionally if I had if I had known this well let me let me not tell a lie my late father Bishop Robert Charles Blake senior told me said son you need better company you're choosing the wrong people the people you're running with they're not really in your corner and because of you know some got this loyalty that a lot of us seem to suffer with law to the people that are never loyal to you Lord to the people who only make withdraws and never make deposits I kept these people on board and all they did was consistently sink my ship oh that it was consistently sink my ship and I was so I was so emotionally weak and I have to call it like it like it was because some of you are there now I was so emotionally weak and vulnerable that I I knew they needed to be gone and didn't know how to get rid of them so God had to just do me a favor and kicked him out of my life and so God emptied out my relational closet and then God allowed me through wisdom and the experience and the pain of those experiences to restock my friendship closet and I began to choose my friends intentionally see before I did like a lot of you are doing I allowed people to just simply attach themselves to my life and I took on a lot of hitchhikers that hitchhiked into my life and they rode on the train of my destiny and they got off wherever they chose to get off and sometimes they derailed me but once I learned better once I went through that process and the painfulness of it all I learned that winners choose their friends intentionally I don't I don't have people in my life anymore that are just haphazard randoms I don't have randoms in my life if you're gonna make your way into the inner circle of my life I'm going to choose to let you in there you're not going to break in you're not going to sneak in or you're not going to you know hitchhike in with somebody also maybe in if I'm going to let you into the inner circles of my life or in a circle of my life it's going to be intentional and there are many of you that are watching me right now the problem with you and why things are taking you so long to get why it's taking you so long to get your plane off of the ground is because your plane is overweight it's it's overweight it's loaded down with random useless pointless relationships with people that are adding absolutely nothing to you just bringing bringing a lot of weight and you're trying to figure out why can't I get things to move you have too much weight you cannot get off of the ground with the weight that you're carrying god I'm saying something I hope you understanding proverbs 27 and 17 says iron sharpens iron so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend you need to make certain that the people in your life are sharpening you I don't want anybody in my life that's not sharpening me I'm not even going to waste time on social media watching people not sharpening me I'm not going to church that's not sharpening me I'm not going to spend a considerable amount of time with people that are not sharpening me I have to intentionally choose the people that are in my life because relationships are designed to strategically push you into purpose if they're not adding to you they are weighing you down so you need to start there you need to start there because maybe your maybe your maybe your process is taking too long because you have the wrong people in your life and I made this statement I don't think I've taught this only I just decided to teach it I know I've never taught it live on on YouTube maybe a turtle on periscope I don't know if I put it on here but I'm teaching it again tonight if I did you cannot do big things surrounded by small people and there are many of you who just have too many small people in your life you have big dreams your big potential you have the big ideas you have big plans but you have a small squad everything about you is big but your your team is small they're small and they're thinking they're small in their own personal vision if a person does not have a personal vision how can they participate in yours you have too many people in your life man that cannot even relate to the language that you're speaking and a lot of times you're stuck in that rut because you're bogged down with people who are not going anywhere so sometimes watch this sometimes you have to eliminate to accelerate sometimes you got to throw some stuff you know overboard sometime you got to get rid of some stuff before you can get off of the ground and I know the last thing you want to do because one of the things the devil uses against us is our good human nature I don't want to I don't want to get rid of I don't want to lose anybody man I'd rather lose somebody than to lose myself and to lose my future and to lose my destiny there are some of you that your biggest hold up is that you do not have intentional people in your life and watch this when intentional people show up the space in your life is preoccupied preoccupied by randoms who are bringing nothing to your table so sometimes you have to you have to clean it out you have to clean out your clean out all of these random pointless relationships so that God can send people into your life who will really help you who will really hold you down people who will really put some wind beneath your wings you don't need people putting weight in your cabin you need people putting wind beneath your wings why is this important God put you here for more you know you know in church we want to spiritualize everything we want to make everything spiritual is just amazing to me how how antiquated you know Church thinkers are people in church is just antiquated everything is not spiritual you have a body your physical you have a mind your soul your thought everything is not spiritual and if God has allowed you to stay here it's for morning I'm say full of the Holy Spirit I speak in tongues and got it out God wants you to accomplish great things don't you get that you are you are here to accomplish great things but you cannot do great things with mediocre people I'm sorry I love them I love you I'm here for you but I'm not gonna let you just wait my life down and prevent me from stepping into everything that God has for me I'm just not going to do it because if I'm going to accelerate my destiny I have to have intentional people in my life I cannot just have these relationships because I feel sorry for you and because I feel sorry for you and I know I have what you need and if I'm not in your life you're not you're I'm not gonna be here to meet your needs everybody that needs you doesn't necessarily deserve you I paused like that because I want you to think about it everybody that needs you does not necessarily deserve you I agree it does start in spirit realm but we got a line up all of those areas of our lives everybody who needs you necessarily deserve you and if we listening to the Spirit the Holy Spirit is even giving us discernment about certain relationships what happened with Abraham God told Abraham I'm bringing you to a place land don't bring your family don't bring no friends he brings lot LOD gets over there with him he has to give lot part of his land and lots men fighting with his men creating all kinds of problems like going and it creating wars that Abram wasn't even school to be fighting all because he did not listen to the Holy Spirit he said don't break this man it slowed him down and when you read that account of Abraham's life you find that God didn't talk to him until he got rid of lot Hebron stepped back and said wait a minute man look you take whatever part of this land you want you go and do your thing let me do mine just leave me alone and then God start talking to him again sometimes the voice of God is hindered because we have relation ships that are not ordained of God and we're wondering why is the fruitfulness being eaten up you got the wrong people sitting at your table sometimes alright okay here's a statement we may choose your choose your associates like your future depends on it because it does see now this at this phase in my life I you know I categorized my relationships they're people that I'm called clearly called to minister to you understand and I minister to people in all kinds of ways and I teach them I love them I support them I give to them you know whatever whatever whatever because after all if you're not of a servant's heart you're my new denies of God but then they're people that are called to minister to me and these are people that would have a knowledge base that I don't have these are people that had insight to my future in my destiny that I need these are people that can I can rub up against them and I can come away with understanding about khun complex issues surrounding my vision these are people that need nothing from me they are here that pray for me they're here to build me up you got to be able to distinguish between who you're called to minister to and who God put in your life to minister to you when Jesus went to the home of Lazarus and Mary and Martha Martha was busy you know cleaning the kitchen and cooking and all that and Mary was worshipping and was that Jesus's feet and Martha got angry and wanted to pull her away from that experience and Jesus said leave her alone Martha meet mary has chosen the best part because very few people in Jesus's life ministered to him who do you have in your life that really ministers to you that when you around them you're energized when you around them you're empowered you build up you know what I mean you if you won't accelerate your destiny you have to surround yourself with people that are intentional you have to have intentional relationships you understand now-now-now please don't don't misunderstand what I'm saying to you I'm not telling you that the people that need you you're supposed to get rid of I'm not saying that now there's some people that God will show you they're just users but there are people that God will bless you to be a blessing but you cannot have your life stopped with people only people that need you and go to the next level you have to have people in your life in your inner circle come on now that that brings something to the table was two Sundays ago I think it was I dealt with three people you need in your life Jesus though we had 12 disciples whenever you got ready to do something great in miraculous he usually brought Peter James and John just read three through your Bible the New Testament the Matthew Mark Luke and John he usually brought Peter James and John here twelve disciples they had all these thousands of people that followed him but when he got ready to do something miraculous he brought Peter James and John Peter warfare Peter was go always fight for him James faith you need people in your corner that will always believe God and believe in you John love you got to have people that love you unconditionally you got to have people that can see you in a broken state and still love you John was the only one that was at the cross and saw him in his broken state because John represented unconditional love you need at least those three people you need somebody that's gonna fight for you you need somebody that's gonna believe in you and believe God for you and you need somebody that's gonna love you unconditionally there are a lot of you all that are watching me right now who have none of that you fighting for everybody else but nobody swinging in for you they're going to dinner with you but they won't want to walk here with you they don't believe in themselves how can he believe in you number two you got to stay inspired from within and to be inspired means to be in spirit literally it means to be in spirit and and watch this high achievers winners do not allow their inspiration to be in the hands of do not allow their inspiration to be in the hands of anyone winners people who are in pursuit of destiny and on course on track on schedule are people who take control of their own inspiration what you say or don't say or hell impact on my inspiration what you do or don't do will not have any impact on my inspiration because I'm inspired from within let me read this the difference between high achievers and non achievers is sustained inspiration achievers are not easily discouraged sometimes non achievers actually have more training and skill but they lack the inner fortitude to stay up they allow outward circumstances to shove them into lows of depression which only serve to waste time if you're going to be a person that's going to really stay on course with your destiny and be on track you're gonna have to be a person that's inspired from within because in this life you're gonna find that you're not going to have a lot of cheerleaders you're not gonna have a lot of people rooting for you and clapping for you and cheering you on you're going to have to have an internal inspiration you're gonna have to wake up like this no matter what the world is saying no matter what they're doing never let them see you sweat always never put your inspiration in the hands of another person my inspiration as much as I love my wife in those of you that know me know I love my wife I am NOT my wife is not at a place in my life where I need my wife to the old me up no man that's too important I got to be able to do that for myself because what if my wife is not here one day and there too too too too many of you that are depending on people and I know you're depending on people for your inspiration because you keep talking about how their absence is draining and you just keep talking about how they're gone and how they hurt you and what they did to you and we already know this now what are you gonna do from here you cannot control what people did to you in your past but you definitely control what you do for yourself moving forward and if you sitting there in a pity party you already know that you're behind the 8-ball you have to be inspired from within if you're going to see your destiny come to pass you got to stop whining about how you don't have people because you're gonna have more than a few times in your life or you're not gonna have people to be quite honest with you god it's you know relationships coming in The X Factor it's like milk I don't care how good that gallon of milk looks sitting in your refrigerator it's expired relationships come and they expire God brings in a new set of relationships but there are very few relationships in your life that are for life can I just tell you that there are very few people that are in your life now that are going to be in your life at the end in fact about it a lot of the people that are in your life now 10 years from now you want to know where they are so if you don't learn the state let me read for you proverbs 4:23 through 25 the amplified version says keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that that you guard for out of it flow the Springs of life put away from you false and dishonest speech and willful and contrary talk put far from you let your eyes look right on with fixed purpose and let your gaze be straight before you you have to learn how to guard your own heart he's talking about maintaining your personal sense of inspiration man have a party by yourself have a party by yourself okay all right let me see spiritual keys to sustain inspiration are know the Word of God speak the Word of God think the Word of God know the Word of God speak the Word of God think the Word of God know the Word of God speak the Word of God think the Word of God reject anything that contradicts the word joshua 1:8 this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for them thou shalt make that way prosperous 9 and then thou shalt have good success have not I commanded thee that's verse 9 and be strong enough a good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee with a Sabbath outdoors but it is your job Joshua to stay inspired and the way you stay inspired Joshua is keep this book of the law in your heart and on your mouth meditate on it day and night don't turn to from it to the right on the left just keep your eyes fixed on know the word speak the word think the word number three never stop growing and producing if you're going to accelerate your destiny not only must you choose your relationships intentionally not only must you stay inspired from within yourself but you must never stop growing you can never get to a place where you say ok that's it I'm done I've arrived no there's no such thing if you're still hearing if you're still breathing it means that there's more to accomplish it means that there's more to conquer there's there's more there's more of your life to unpack but when you stop growing see when you stop growing you there's no such thing as neutral you're either in Drive or reverse you're either going forward or you're going backward and when you stop growing you are moving backward when you get to the point that you you you you you don't you no longer have a desire to learn you know you're no longer teachable you no longer surround yourself with people that can show you different ways and new ways to do it you know that you're not growing anymore achievers are often paralyzed by distractions that stop them from growing and in John 15 and two it says every branch Jesus has every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit he takes away and every branch that beareth fruit he purges it that it may bring forth more fruit God is concerned about your fruitfulness and if you want to be on track with destiny you must always be fruitful fruitful growth is a personal choice you know for me to be sitting here right now come on now for me to be sitting here right now talking into a device on to YouTube there was a few years ago wasn't long ago that they came to me and said hey perhaps you need to be on Facebook everybody's on Facebook in fact they came to me and said long you need to be on myspace everybody's on MySpace I mean I got time for that that's for children and then when myspace went out then they came said hey pastor you need to be on Facebook everybody's on Facebook and something clicked in me and said man you know if you're gonna reach this generation you not listen to it and you got to grow you can't take all the stuff that you brought from out of the eighties in the 90s and bring it up into this new millennium you gotta listen so I said okay you know let me try this grudgingly and I tried and I learned it frustrating too much depressed too much to remember you know but they kept saying past this is what you need to do and I realized watch this that I needed to grow and I knew if I stayed the same I was not growing there are a lot of you that want to deceive yourselves into believing that you are growing but you're the same today as you was 20 years ago you're not growing big you're not growing you're going backwards and because I grew and I began to bear fruit in in an area that was uncomfortable maybe it was even outside of my generation something called social media all I have a new bout was television and radio that's the only media I respect out respect on social media now because I listen to young people because I listen to people who were in tune the stuff that I was not presently in tuned to now the thing that drives my whole ministry is social media it's not television it's not radio we own the radio stations radio doesn't drive my ministry social media Facebook YouTube periscope these are the things that drive my ministry board if I what if I did not grow I would have missed an appointment with destiny and there are a lot of you that are watching me right now who are refusing to grow because the lessons that are being taught disagree with your generational teaching or training if I'm gonna stick with my generation watch this there's no such thing as I don't I'm not going embracing as such thing as iTunes because I I come from the eight-track generation a cassette tape generation I've got a rock my 8-track y'all feeling me oh I don't know if I'm getting over you we are not to function in neutral we either going forward or backwards God has put within us limitless potential that must be expressed the moment you begin to settle into a comfort zone you are then moving backwards and in Luke 13 7 through 9 there was uh let me read it it says density under the dress of this vineyard behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none cut it down why come birth hit the ground why let it take up space and the answering said unto Him Lord let it alone this year also till I shall dig about it and fertilize it and if it bear fruit well and if not then after that now she'll cut it down God wants you to grow you know anything that is growing is producing fruit what fruit are you producing stop worrying about you know a lot of us get discouraged because we have this great vision and we worrying about seeing the end of the vision when we're not working on the assignment for today stop worrying about the end of the vision and produce through today with what you have to work with right now produce fruit grow get better every day learn something every day sharpen your skills every day become better at what you do every day you gotta grow you can't accelerate your destiny ok without whirling you gotta grow in all areas you got it you gotta grow spiritually clearly foundation as someone said earlier you're not growing spiritually you trying to figure out why things are not working you're not you're not growing spiritually you just you're spiritually dwarfed you got to grow intellectually you know you you want to do this but you're not learning anything about it can I just say something and I don't mean I'm I don't know I'm not I'm just I'm just really trying to help I'm just really trying to help I'm not being I'm not trying to be critical I'm just really trying to help I don't know how a young preacher today can see this generation that he's facing with all of the knowledge that this generation has access to just by hitting a button of something called Google or whatever and they can know they got access you know this generation has access to information like that and how a preacher today can not understand that ministry has to move beyond just emotionalism and screaming an island I don't mind I grew up in a black crab stretch and sometime I get happy to be quite honest you all might be surprised but sometimes I get happy in i holla I really do but that's not gonna be the calling card of my ministry I gotta grow in terms of my my knowledge I got to grow in terms of how do I create life application teaching how do I take this generation of people and show them how this Bible lines up with their everyday life how do the spiritual principles fit into the the the practical pragmatic process of living I got a grow you got to grow if you're gonna if you're gonna accelerate your destiny you got to grow spiritually you got to grow intellectually you got to grow emotionally you got to stop being hung up on things and people that clearly don't help you you gotta grow financially you can't continue to live your life financially recklessly and think that you're gonna ultimately manifest your your destiny you got to grow let me set it down and see y'all tired of me number four you gotta follow people who are walking in your future you must follow people who are walking in your future scene this this category here of relationship look back to relationships we started off actually with what relationships we said that you you you must choose your friends intentionally number two we said that you must stay inspired from within number three never stop growing and producing number four you must follow people who are walking in your future watch this you have those relationships that you're called to minister to people that's going to be the bulk of the people God blesses you to be a blessing you're called to minister these people are your ministry then you're gonna have those people that minister to you but then you're going to have those people that propel you these are mentors and spiritual fathers that are already where you want to be or where you see God bringing you and you line up behind them and you walk in their footsteps and the lessons that they paint dearly to learn you learn by observation the grace on their life that they paid dearly to attain me you attain it through serving that's why if you don't have a servant's heart you will never maximize your life because at some point you're going to have to serve somebody and the person what will it mean Hebrews six and twelve says that should be not slothful or lazy but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises don't be slow full of lazy but follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises who are you who are you following who's already stepped into your future that you can follow you can only be next to receive what the person in front of you is already receiving who do you have in your life that's already attaining whose faith you can follow you you got it you got it you got it you got to ask yourself that Matthew 1041 he that received the Prophet and they in the name of a prophet shall receive a Prophet's reward you got to receive a prophet in the name of a prophet you then received a Prophet's reward and the prophets the prophets reward is God promising to deal with you in the same way he deals with his prophet in other words whatever's on that person's life transfers to yours you just need to be in bank in the vicinity whatever grace is on your prophetic connection transfers to you but you got to get behind some people you got to stop following in furious and I'm done you got to stop following inferiors a lot of you who have a bad habit of following inferiors and you're trying to figure out why is it that your life's product is not maximized man when you get behind people who are already walking in your future it's amazing how it elevates your perception of things you know I love to get around people and see we need mentors in all areas of our lives I'd love to get around people who are already where I want to be and when I get around people like that though y'all see me doing a whole lot of talking I don't do a whole lot of talking when I'm around people who are we're walking where I'm trying to go I shut my mouth up and I listen and I pay close attention because watch this more is caught than is taught a lot of you make mistakes and when you get in the company of great men with men and women you run your mouth trying to pretend you know something let me tell you something anybody that knows more about the thing you're trying to act like you know about already know that you don't know what you're talking about the best thing for you to do is to be quiet and learn so when I'm around people and the conversation gets above my paygrade I don't have a problem saying could you explain that could you repeat that one more time sir or madam because people who are already walking where you're going will respect the fact that you respect the process enough to get the information that you're not allowing your ego to separate you from what's in their head see God didn't bring you into the company of great men and great women just to be in their company God brings you into the company of great men and great women that you might get in their head and if you if you spend three hours with a great man who's already where you want to be and you've not tapped into what's in his head you have failed yourself you failed yourself you've paid yourself actually you played yourself you got to walk away with what's in is it because watch this if you can get what's in his head somebody who's already walking in your future if you can get what's in his head you can attain to the same success on his life so if I had if I had three hours with whoever the person is that I might esteem to that level I would be equipped with pad and pen like a student because I'm sitting with someone who's already walking in my future now when you really stop and think about this point most poke that we'll watch this or are watching this teaching right now are mainly walking with people who are still in your past and you have no one in your life that's walking in your future and I have somebody said oh I can't no backing you you don't have to you don't have to be in the physical presence of a person that's the beauty of social media you know many people that mentor and and and father from all across the world other countries because when this thing goes off they hit a little ding and they tune in and if they have serious questions they email me and I'm if I get a chance I get so many sometimes I'm slow to respond they'll send it again and out you don't even have to leave the comfort of your home to find mentors but you got to put people in your life you can't you can't fill your life with foolishness and think that you're going to get a quality product of your life so I'm done I just wanted to drop in and say this to you could not reach you're [Music] missing please explain what do you mean by stop following your what was the last part of that I mean that very last word I mean well you I've got all of the things except what do you mean but stop following your and the last word is the word on this inferiors are clearly you know people are on different levels you know what I mean emotionally or spiritually intellectually emotionally physically and that's why the Bible talks about being equally yoked and sometimes you're five or let's say you go to him and you're trying to follow some madness a fire and what a fire do for 10 hmm what lead it backwards that's desperate about it you have to make certain that the people in your life that you follow are a hitter you don't for people who are behind you I see it all the time in the church where people are following folk who are behind them financially spiritually but some kind of way to convinced you that they got something you need you got to follow people I'm not I'm not lining up behind people that are behind me all I can line up behind you is to lose my place in life I gotta lose ground a lot about you that's what I meant by don't follow an interior it's like if you got 15 people before you you let into whatever it says Black Friday you do 15 person in line to get in the store and you got somebody that's 30th back there to McConkey come on back here with me get behind me you got to lose ground to go and follow an inferior not that one person is better than another that's not what I'm saying but I hope you all get what I mean got it got it good good I'd like to be clear all right love you all thank you so much for your time I'll share this with your your friends tell them to follow me here on YouTube yeah follow me tell them follow me on youtube era scope all that other stuff you know I find you for the first time yesterday well thank you for tuning in tonight thank you God bless you I had to get some people in my past and treating me like the old me question is there such a thing I found out I can stop this thing from moving is that such a thing as being late in your purpose yeah of course there is but that's why we have grace you know I missed a few cycles I missed a few cycles in in terms of my purpose I missed a few cycles to everything there's watched us look at the Word of God says to go deeper into your question about is that such a thing as being laid in your purpose to everything there's a time and a season to every purpose a time and the season please asked is now seasons are always controlled by God no man can create a season no man creates a season that's why it's it's October and it feels like July in Houston right now because God controls the seasons well what man controls is the time the seasons keep coming around because there's six six ten cycles and if the man does the right thing with his or her time and if if you use your time right when the season comes the timing and the season will collide and then purpose will be birth so the seasons keep passing and many times we fail to use the time properly and God keeps sending the seasons around and hopefully sooner than later we get we do what we need to do in time we control the time what we do with time that's our part and we do the right thing with time God controls the seasons and so God gives us grace because most of us are not on schedule I missed a minute a many cycles you know mister many cycles hopefully one does not live and die without ever getting on track you know but there's such a thing as a delayed or a late purpose a one coming into that purposely I had to deal with deliverance and healing but did not have anyone around me who seemed not to be able to help me that is true quite often that's true and that's when God will take you up brand new to you such a blessing I so appreciate it thank you that is quite true that quite often you will have no person around the hill but you know that's when God takes you into his own care grateful for your ministry I'm glad I got to answer your email there's so many that I don't get a chance to answer because they're just so many and I want y'all to forgive me don't please don't take it personally but I don't allow I don't let people my wife and I you know we we that's our email share together for you know that's where we get our email from our people but I don't have like staff going through my emails and answering people when you get an answer from me it's for me so a lot of times you know I miss a lot because I'm really trying to do them myself and do it myself so if you don't get an answer for me don't take it personally it's just that you know if you feel me all right I'm outta here yo you can reach me at pastor ROC Blake's at uh you can go to my website ROC Blake's comedy you know when you are living your purpose you can go to my website RC Blake's comm pick up my books queen ology the soul ties father-daughter talk if you're dealing with father wounds I promise you you dealing with self-esteem issues as a woman Queen knowledge is the book for your father daughter talk so Ty's women wisdom for women and ministry pick all of that stuff up you know that you're walking in your purpose when your life is meeting a need in the lives of others and you are perfectly and totally fulfilled completely fulfilled in what you're doing your purpose will encompass your gifts your burden or your desires your purpose will encompass the things where you bear fruit and God puts all of that stuff together and he assigns your life to this particular area where you bear fruit sometimes the thing that distracts us from purpose is ambition and sometimes our ambitions are divorced from our purpose and we have to get back to the nitty-gritty of what do I do well where do I bear fruit where is my burden you know what what my heart like I'm sitting here talking on this thing tonight because one of my life's burdens was always I grew up in the church my father was a pastor I missed that and one of the things that I one of the problems I had was that I felt like we needed more I wanted you know one I want to church do more teaching I needed to understand you know because I wasn't falling out I needed to understand so I knew that was a you know so I hope that answers your question that's a long situation as I'll see you tomorrow pastor thank you see you tomorrow see you tomorrow yes all right I'm gone yo do you like CDs and tapes well I'm gonna take my alright praise the Lord hey maybe you have need of that to convince yourself of certain things that you missing I love you all god bless you now I'll talk to you soon RC Blake's calm you can reach me by where the email at pastor ROC blinks at alright I love you all have a great night practical equals good teaching thank you god bless you thank you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 52,766
Rating: 4.9213758 out of 5
Id: lmzcS8XByw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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