How to 3D Photoscan your Face for Free!

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so after my last video went for scanning I got asked a whole bunch in the comments if it was possible to force ki on a human face obviously it presents more challenges but I thought why not it should still be possible right so that's exactly what we gonna be doing today we're gonna be for scanning the human face I'm gonna see what kind of results we can get using absolutely free software this ought to be entertaining but before we get started I'm excited to tell you guys that sketchfab is sponsored this video skips forever it's one of the biggest online websites for sharing your 3d models and now they have a store where you can browse sell and purchase a huge variety of 3d models but the coolest part is how you can view these models first completely rendered in 3d right through your web browser before purchasing check them out with the link in the description below and you can save 25% off the entire store using the coupon code to see GG [Music] the most important aspects to a human is first of all you have to find someone that's very still but preferably not dead that was dark so one of the most important aspects to for scanning the human face is to have any well-lit room so I'm gonna use some studio lights here to ask even more lighting to our subjects you don't want these shadows and stuff on the face because things like that will not for scam very well and you'll get some interesting looking results oh my gosh is that a zombie so yeah wait that to the second most important aspect to for skinning the human face is that your subject remains perfectly still if they move their face of all it will ruin the photo scan so you have to make sure that you opt your person object is gonna be remaining perfectly still and that's why it's really hard to foreskin obviously like an animal because it's gonna be impossible to have your pet stay still unless it's stuffed of course that might be possible another factor to keep in mind when you for a scan the human head is that here obviously will not full of skin well sometimes you can't avoid it I'm just gonna go ahead and photoscan my subjects here and it will come out you know a little chunky but I'm expecting that it'll look a little bit anime character maybe um but if you want a perfectly clean photoscan you're gonna have to have your subject shave their head course you could have them wear like a skull cap or a hat or something because hair is not gonna photo skin very well just because it's thin you can't pour skin here so keeping those three factors in mind nice great even lighting and actually that can remain very still for a few minutes and obviously for scanning anyone the long hair is going to be quite difficult unless you haven't put it up tight in a bun or maybe in a hat or something then for everything else basically the same things apply as I said in my previous video you want a foam with manual camera settings or DSLR I'm gonna be using the DSLR in this video just because it will get a little bit better results yeah you don't have to get about 50 to 100 shots all around your subject from the same distance and then when you're shooting shots of your subject you want to keep the camera a little bit further back then you really expect to because you're gonna end up having some cropping going on between your photos so I would say shoot about about here like I have framed from the waist to the top of the head making the top of the head is always in every single shots and yeah I staying about a metre a year and a half from your subject get some close-ups get some details on the eyes and the face a little bit as the full scanning software will automatically be able to put those shots where they're needed to to get a little bit more detailed in the textures so now that you have to know how you need to have a subject to shoot like I've been saying and you can't photo scan your own face because you have to be surrounding yourself and not moving it possible so first subject I'm gonna go see if I can't grab my younger brother to shoot a whole bunch of nice up close and personal pictures up that's not awkward at all here thank you okay so we have my subject here my brother John all right so now I'm just gonna set up a few lights to get that nice even lighting I was talking about both sides and you want to place your lights in a way that you won't be shattering your subject when you walk in front of them so either move them a little bit closer and walk behind the lights or move them up high enough that you can walk underneath them either way you can't be covering shadows onto your subject as that's gonna definitely change the lighting lights are set up the subject is happy and still now we're gonna start shooting some pictures [Music] okay so as you just saw push not around 80 or so photos surrounding with subjects and close-ups on the face every different angle all around body something a little or some a little higher so now it's time to dump the files onto the computer and start to work the magic you can go ahead and just take all the images off your camera and drag them onto your desktop to copy him over I'm just gonna select them all right here you can see I had 89 photos and you can then open them in the software of your choice I'm gonna be using mushroom again because I really like it but something that I forgot to mention in my previous video is that mushroom does currently only work on CUDA GPUs so it pretty much limits it just NVIDIA GPU cards don't have an NVIDIA GPU you're not out of luck there is some other free options out there like visual sfm I'll link to that in the description and give a link to a good tutorial on how to use that I'm not gonna use it in this video as it's a little less user friendly but it still can get very capable results so if you want to try for scanning and don't have NVIDIA GPU you can still try that method down in the description but from this point on I'm going to be using mushroom and go ahead and download it now and fire it up here we are in mushroom you just can go ahead and grab all of your images drag and drop them right over to the left side here and let me go so there we have all of our photos surrounding our subject and from every different angle so this is gonna be great this should work well and actually you don't have to bother going through and deleting blurry photos like I mentioned in my previous one because I guess mushroom will automatically detect if it's blurry and still take what information it can not using the blurriness though obviously the one thing you do want check though is when you're shooting a human like I did here you don't want to make sure you don't have any shots where your subject has blinked because that could easily mesh mess mushroom up that's kind of hard to say mess mushroom up look through the photos it doesn't look like any of them have any sort of errors with them this should all work well our subject never closed our eyes so good job Johnny and yeah as you remember me saying possibly in the previous video the way mushroom works is off a node based system so right here you have your nodes laid out and it's gonna work its way through each one of these nodes doing the different processing steps along the way like meshing and texturing etc and I have to say I do recommend actually not really messing with any of these settings as the default settings are quite good and due to it taking a while it usually takes me like 30 minutes to do a photo scan it would be very difficult to tweak a setting go back and change a setting go back and change the setting and keep rescanning so one thing you can do though if you want like I said in the previous video a variety in texture sizes or something you can go ahead and just duplicate your texture node here just right click here duplicate that texturing node and then in your second texturing node here you could change the texture size and you get two different texture maps baked out at different resolutions so things like that you can do if you want to change few settings like that and that's why I recommend changing I'm not doing the process over and over again but just duplicating a node and having it done two different ways if you want two different results but like I said the first but like I said the default settings are very good so I'm just gonna go ahead and delete that node we can leave it at the default settings here and we're just gonna leave all mesh room settings and defaults and do our photo touch-up or model touch up over in blender so all you have to do then is just save your file right here and once you have it saved you'll be able to go ahead and scan it with our file saved all you have to do is click start and you'll have this long loading bar and you'll see if i zoom out enough nodes here where mesh room is currently at in the process right now it's doing the feature extraction and it'll work its way through all of these nodes processing your 3d scan and delivering your 3d model it's really cool and it's fun to sit here and kind of watch it work its weight out but it also can take up to 30 minutes for me and that's on a gtx 980ti so it can take all the way up to a few hours depending on your hardware just it back sip some coffee read a book listen to some music wherever you want and I'll join you guys when this has finished scanning so here we are about an hour or so later and the processing the texturing everything has finished with an mesh room and we're ready to kind of take a look at our model so if I give yourself a little bit more room over here and I zoom in you can see that we have the point cloud generated right here it's actually upside down if I flip that around real quick and you can see that you have this point cloud of your image and you can see it got most of the textures right in the right spot so it looks this actually looks really cool right now and actually I posted a picture this in my Instagram page because I thought this point cloud looked really cool so yeah it's just kind of who like art form almost soulless it looks pretty cool and you can change the scale and rotation with these here I'm just moving around I middle mouse wheel and the left click here and then what you don't want to do is you want to click load model so go ahead and click load model it'll load it in take a second and you'll have the actual mesh that was generated within mesh room now you can turn off the sfm up there so you have just your mesh and you can see that it's actually done a pretty decent job you have a pretty solid mesh although there's a decent amount of smoothening that still needs to be done and that's gonna be done like I said within blender right now you have I mean it's kind of like the borderline zombie it's not the zombie yet but it's headed that direction and it can be cleaned up and looked quite a bit better within blender then you can soothe the hair like I said you get kind of that chunky sort of hair but it's not it's pretty usable and I definitely workable we have a little bit of a chunk missing out of the neck area there so that's gonna be a little bit of a problem right here maybe an extra image or so around the chin were to fix that so I did the scan a few times actually with a variety of images and this is the best one that I've gotten out of mesh room I think this one is definitely usable and like I said in the previous one I showed you there you had kind of that big chunk out of the chin this one actually has the whole chin area maybe just a little portion missing here but that can be fixed within blender so this is actually pretty usable and this is the one I'm gonna use in the example now to cleaned up a bit so if you don't get great results in your first attempt don't give up try it again try it with different lighting try more even lighting and yeah you'll get it eventually a few attempts maybe it will take if you if you're really trying to get the best results but with this done here all you have to do is quit mushroom and open up blender and we'll start doing some tweaking on this model so in blender now I'm just using the latest release of blender 2.8 alpha we're gonna go ahead and import our 3d model scan right out of mesh room into blender so I'm going to just jump into a default area here delete the default cube with X and then go file import I'm going to choose import let me do that again I'm going to choose import wavefront obj and then we have it imported down here we just have to do a little rotating on it to get it into the right views I'm just gonna go one on my number pad zoom in a little bit and then rotate it 180 degrees so it's standing upright and you can see we have a pretty decent sculpture it actually kind of looks like a statue right now and that's that's good because that's exactly what we're looking for if you zoom in and unselect it with double tapping a you can see that there's some smoothing that could easily be done and make this look a lot better and that's what we're gonna do is I'm touched up on the textures and the model now and blender so before I touch the base mesh I like to actually duplicate it and start on a second one so I'm just gonna shift D on the first one and then hit em and we'll just create a new collection here collection too okay and then I'm just going to turn the view off on the collection over there by clicking the little monitor there and so now we just have our first one here to work off of and I'm going to start off by taking down the quality as it's a bit too intense to work on and sculpt on and it's gonna be running really slow at this level of detail so I'm just going to scroll over in my modifiers tab here if I pull the window up you have a little bit more room down to your modifiers tab here click add modifier and we're gonna go for the let me see the decimate modifier right here decimate and we're just gonna take the ratio down to about a point 4 hit return and let it do its thing it's gonna reduce the quality down more than 50% about 60% here all right you can see that it barely changed the look of it but it's actually a lot less pixels in the model now and so if I just click apply and let that go it will apply the modifier and we'll have a lower res version that looks almost identical so here we can see it if I just tap into edit mode I want to move it over to our origin point here I'm gonna grab it along the y axes there and just pull it back to be in the middle of our viewport there hit 1 on your tab on your number pad and then hit 5 and a banana mode so you can see that this is a little bit lower res but definitely a lot easier to work on now so we're gonna be using a few different modifiers on this starting with the smooth modifier so I'm gonna go add and down to smooth and this basically does what smoothing them up and your mesh does without actually permanently applying it so you can always come back and tweak it and that's why I recommend using this Muse modifier I found like giving you this a factor of about a point nine and then cranking the repeat up to about two is the most smoothing you can do with the modifier and then everything else here needs to be done with the sculpt tools so to do some sculpting I'm just going to let's quick save our project as we're using an alpha and you never know if it might crash okay so now switching from object mode right here over to sculpt mode we have a few brushes here you can see and we'll start with the draw Bosch brush this is the basically your main brush for adding and taking away geometry and I fix that sort of chunk that's missing in his neck here a little bit just by drawing along there just clicking and dragging until it kind of fills in that cavity without going beyond what looks normal kind of matching it to the other side there a bit this is something you have to be a little bit careful with you don't want to go too crazy when you're adding geometry but something like that looks good and then you could just hit s and I'll drop you down to the smooth brush there you can use F to make your brush a little bit bigger and you can kind of smooth that out a bit now the strength is a little too strong so you don't want to take the strength up here down to about a point three or maybe 0.35 would be okay and then you can go along and just kind of smooth out all the bumps in your mesh so I'm just going around and anywhere the geometry is bumpy as you can tell you need to smooth it out quite a bit now something like the bumps in the hair and the shirt here actually are okay and you can see the shirt three scant or really well it's just the face that doesn't look natural because when you see it on human skin those bumps look really bad and those obviously have to be smoothed out so I'm just gonna go along and do a bit of smoothing along here so you don't want to take out things that are supposed to be there but sometimes you can just kind of tell when something doesn't belong like maybe this yo John you don't have like a hole above your left eye do you no no I didn't think so either all right yeah that's definitely not supposed to be there so one thing you might notice when you zoom in too close you start to have clipping going on on your mesh to fix this you can just hit N on your keyboard and half the clips start be a little bit smaller of a value right now it's at point zero one meter maybe the point zero one and then you won't have that clipping then you can hit end to close off your toolbar again there and we just have to kind of fill this hole in I'm gonna go to my clay or my dry brush again and kind of fill that in a bit and then we can smooth it over whoops not to grab the s4 smoothes out a bit and then looking at us straight on you can also fix little things like if the nose looks crooked and you know it's not supposed to be you can use the grant brush by hitting G and just do light little tugs to kind of pull the proportions and where it's supposed to be again you don't want to go crazy especially if you're not sure how it's supposed to look but if you didn't positive it's not right you you can go ahead and tweak it a little bit like this and this just ends up giving you a really nice looking model that would work great if you're planning on Rita pologize doing or something is the reference sculpt to work off of as you get very accurate proportions for the most part obviously you have issues here and there that need to be fixed but for the most part you get accurate proportions and stuff so it'd be amazing to use something like this if you're planning on like reat apologize in your model as you can't take something straight out of this and animate it as the geometry and stuff will not hold up in animation so another thing you can do when you know supposed to be a little bit more of a crease like in the ellipse here what you can do is you can hit shift C to grab your crease brush and kind of crease something like the ellipse here that aren't creased as much as they should be right now and just run that along where you can see the geometry there but it needs to be just a little bit more intense and that just gives you a little bit more geometry to work with a little bit more accurate of a scan sometimes you have to turn off your smooth modifier there a little bit to do some smoothing and then you can turn it back on and you'll get the result you're looking for if it's not working okay so that's why I'm going to leave it for now guys on the sculpting there's a bit more that could be done but I'm just gonna move on to the texturing stage now so I'm gonna go ahead and switch from my sculpt mode back to object view here and what can also help when you're doing the sculpting is changing the shading view if you go up to the shading and change it to matte cap here you can see a little bit more geometry and see maybe where you have missed some of the smoothing so if you do that you can see there's a few areas that you might want to touch up the smoothing a little bit more this mode does seem to be a little bit slower in your viewport so depending on your PC you might notice a little bit of lag but um yeah you can use this mode to definitely kind of touch up the geometry a little bit better as you can see it's a little bit better and maybe grab some of these portions now and just kind of get the the proportions a little bit more accurate all right that looks pretty I'm just going to go back to object mode now and see if our object real quick and what you can do now is turn on the texture so if you click over the texture tab here the texture should already be on your model and you can see right there that we have an actual pretty nice-looking photoscan I mean I don't see too many errors with this so you can see what the texture loaded it's actually looking pretty good so one thing we have to do though is smooth the mesh still not as far as the geometry or as far as the shading goes so this just hits space and then search up smooth and you can see shade smooth if you choose that they'll smooth out your geometry give you even better results now this is the texture that I've actually cleaned up a little bit off camera but I'm going to show you guys how I did that and how you can touch it up yourself right now so you're gonna want to switch from object mode to texture paints and if your texture is remaining purple all you have to do is go over here to your texture slots and grab that you might find that when you come here you have a weird blank color or whatever and if you just come here and grab that texture you'll be good to go so up here you want to choose your check texture and I'm gonna show you guys how to clean this up a bit now so what we're gonna do is when you use the clone brush here you want to choose your clone brush you want to hit F make it a bit smaller and then you want the strength to be about a point three or so 0.35 is pretty good and like right here for example you can see there's some issues with the texture not looking very good on the mesh and what you're gonna do is you're gonna control left click over here and then you can paint right here as copying that texture over to this location so I'm gonna do it again right like you for example to show how this works if I control click on the lip there I could start painting the lip right here and I obviously don't want to do that but you can kind of copy mesh areas of the mesh that look good and pasted over areas that have issues like his chin right here I'm gonna grab that right there and kind of paint that over the issues there and kind of paint out all the issues here you can have we have another little issue now you might have even more issues on your mesh as I've already like I said done a little bit of touch-up on this and unfortunately couldn't revert back because I saved it so I just have to show you guys you already touch mesh but this is how I did it you go along you all click where you want to copy and then you go to that spot and you can kind of paint out the issues that might be there so you can see this time of the mouth is a little messed I'm gonna grab some of the skin from right here and just lightly sort of fade that a bit as that will touch it up a bit and make it look a little bit better kind of feeding that mesh usually when it's messed up a little bit like this it's because the geometry is also a little bit messed up so you kind of just have to get away with what you can do to fade it a bit and kind of hide the fact that there's issues there something like that looks okay um yeah and then just going along you can see down here there's some issues that I haven't cleaned up yet and you just gonna want to choose something similar to it like right there and then kind of paint it over and blend it in it actually works really well and blenders texture painting tools have gotten a lot better with the latest release this makes life a lot easier to be able to do this all in real time on your mash it's it's actually pretty amazing it's kind of a dream come true to be able to do this kind of touch up right in real time to zoom in around your mesh picking a spot with alt control right click there left clicking I'm sorry ctrl left clicking and yeah touching it up right on the spot so you can see that this is an easy way to clean up your mesh and get much better results if you go too far with this again you might kind of end up looking like a wax model or something so don't don't go crazy but you obviously have to fix certain issues and you can kind of fade other textures in and out but um it depends on how picky your gonna want to be and it depends if you're going to be selling this model or just using it as an example or a reference for another model but um yeah you can go ahead and do whatever you need to kind of get your mesh cleaned up so the texturing really isn't looking too bad right now you might want to zoom in and get some details if you're getting really picky with your mesh and wanting to keep it as nice as possible you can get in here and touch up the ieaving a little bit here making it look a little bit more round like it's supposed to be little things that the the domestic aunt really can't really do anything about unless you come in here and just kind of touch it up but um once you're happy with that you can do a little bit of sculpting on it with the texture and so I'm gonna do that real quick here I'm going to switch to sculpt mode and save this real quick and the reason you want to do this is you can actually see areas where the geometry should be a little stronger once the texture is there and kind of sculpt it a little bit more so hitting X to go to my sculpt brush you can see that the lips are a little flat you can come in here and just kind of sculpt along the ellipse where you think it should be a little bit more intense and you can get a little bit more geometry just using the texture as reference and you want to be careful with this again because you can easily mess up your mesh if you go too crazy but a little bit like this and then a little bit of smoothing to kind of feather that in can can give you a little bit more geometry in places that measurement just wasn't really able to pick up the geometry on a detail like that and it looks a bit better I think switching back to the drama brush you can even do a little bit on the eyeballs here kind of round those over a little bit as you know the eye is supposed to be a little bit round and uh you can kind of smooth it back a little bit yeah doing these kind of things just kind of adding details using the texture as reference it's a really easy way to give pretty cool looking results now like I said this won't be able to be used for animation as it's obviously not gonna have the geometry you need to get good results but this would be amazing as like a base model to go ahead and sort of read apologize then because you have all this detail right there and then also if you're just looking for a still you know you can get some cool looking results out of this maybe a little bit more smoothing up there but that's gonna almost do it for the blender part of it once you have a little bit of shading on there too it can help to kind of see where there's bumps that need to be smoothed out like I have right here now one thing I want to mention is once you're done with the texture painting aspect of it if you want that texture to actually be saved within blender this is important you have to go to your texture slots and choose save all images you click that button and it will save your image texture there that way is it won't when you quit blender it won't lose all the texture painting you just did so you want to make sure that you save that texture there so the texture will be there when you come back next day and you would be pretty ticked off if it was all missing the next day so yeah go ahead and make sure you save that texture otherwise all your information would be lost and all your hard work will be out the window and that would be frustrating so make sure you save that then after that we're going to we're gonna upload this model on sketch where we can share it with anyone and across the world so over one sketchfab then we're just gonna choose the upload option in the top right corner there choose your file you don't want to locate where you see if your blend on your desktop grab that file right there and choose open you'll want to make sure that it's under 50 megabytes in size otherwise it won't work on the free account and if you do have too big of a model chances are there's something you can do to reduce the file size you might want to delete the extra high-res version version that you kept and that will make the file size a lot smaller then alright and now our upload has finished we can click continue and let it process but here we go our model is already loaded right into our web browser where we can scan around it and see it in a full 360 view but that's not that's not even half of it now we can go ahead and add our texture back onto our scan and you can set up some more advanced writer settings you just gonna click manage model right here and then go to your 3d settings here you can set up all kinds of interesting or rendering settings to make your model look really cool so first off let's load that texture onto our mesh so to do this we're just gonna jump over to our materials here and on our main texture map here we're gonna click it we have a texture right there we're going to import the texture you go to where you have that texture saved on your desktop so in my case I have it saved right in the same folder here I just texture 0 go ahead and click open and it will import that texture right there you're gonna choose that texture and you can close that off and there it is our textures loaded right onto our model all we have to do is turn this specular off because we don't really need that in this scene per se and you can see we have our textured model right within our web browser now it's a little bit of dark so we can just jump over to our lighting tab here and choose a load lighting preset so I'm gonna choose that right here we'll just choose a nice three-point lighting setup here and here you can actually grab these three lights and rotate them around controlling the lighting like you would in a 3d render program right within your browser so how cool is this being able to move around these lights and change the rotation and stuff getting the perfect lighting set up for your model I mean this is this is pretty top-notch stuff to be able to do this all within a web browser so that's one of the reasons I really love sketchfab it's pretty cool you get all kinds of control and yeah you have these three lights that you can grab pull around and just orientate in your scene to get the kind of lighting you're looking for so there's some basic lighting that I'm pretty happy with now a few more things that you can do one of them is your shadow basis here this is gonna kind of control how the lights shadow is controlled you can choose contact shadows if you want to add those extra shadows or not and you can see you get some nice shadows all over the place you might also get some issues on a mesh like this though where the geometry isn't that great but I'm you can try it depending on your model you can try to see if the contact shadows work nicely or not and this isn't actually too bad and you can kind of soften the shadows a little bit and tweak them you have all this control right within your web browser which is still pretty crazy I'm still not quite over how cool that is to be honest and then you can go ahead and brighten up your HDR if you still want a little bit more lighting that's right it's being lit all with HDR as well then you can control the shadows again if you want of your HDR as well but that's looking pretty cool let's go ahead and add just a little bit of depth of field to this so to do that you jump over to your post processing filters I'm going to choose depth of field right there go ahead and check it on and now we can just go ahead and click on our mesh and that's gonna be setting the focus essentially then you can change the foreground blur and the background blur a little bit each can give you kind of cool results and you can get a little bit of depth of field right within your model if i zoom out you can see it's out of focus and then I click and it sharpens it pretty cool a few other things you can do like vignette go ahead and check that on and I like to add a little bit of green as well so go ahead and check the green on you can tweak that if you want a little bit more a little bit less and yeah there's all kinds of cool things if you're actually going to render your model you can do some things like subsurface scattering and stuff in this case it's just a portrait that doesn't have all those materials set up on it you can also check some more sharpness here if you want a little bit more sharpness on your model and that can kind of use some cool looking results but yeah guys that's that's about it once you're done with that you just save your settings and it will automatically upload any textures you connected to it or whatnot but that is it that's our model that's our three scan using mesh room touching it up in blender and then publishing it on sketchfab pretty cool I have to say the whole process has been quite fun and I'm really excited to see if you guys can create some cool-looking things mushroom and blender combined and then if you do go ahead and post them up on sketchfab and share them with me so I can take a look at your models because I'm excited to see what you guys create but that's gonna do it for me guys I'm you know it publishes model if you want to check it out it'll be on my sketchfab page there'll be a link in the description but yeah that's gonna do it for me hope you guys have been fun in this little tutorial example test challenge you could call it I guess it was kind of a challenge I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it and I would say you got pretty okie results listen do it guys that is it for our little photo scanning face tutorial I hope you guys have had some fun learn some things and create something cool if you do feel free to publish it over on sketchfab and share your model with me so I can see exactly how cool you got it and you can go ahead and share your model right through here with all the social medias um that's gonna do it for me huge shout out to sketch Fram for sponsoring this video the guys over there really cool I definitely recommend you guys check out sketch trap and post some of your stuff for sale over there if you have some products available um that's gonna do it though I hope you enjoyed this tutorial had some fun created something cool and I'll see you in my next tutorial [Music]
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 447,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photo, scan, photoscan, free, blender, meshroom, tutorial, 3D, human, face, people, realistic, photogrammetry
Id: 9Ul9aYhm7O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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