How to 2D animate with GREASE PENCIL | Blender 2.82 | Tutorial

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hello and welcome pixels today I want to introduce my personal basics for starting 2d animation with squeezed pencil in blender 2.82 if you mess anything it would be creates to tell me this by writing a comment I have tried to do this video in 2.83 beta and 2.9 alpha but this versions are not stable and some features doesn't work like masks or effects I'm sure this will work in the upcoming versions as well but not in state of this state 14th May 2020 I won't bring to mind that this is not a video tutorial about the principles of animation he focuses on technical side for blender 2.8 tube and the tools to create animation here's a little overview for the topics of this tutorial and time stamps are in the description below let's jump into the first topic first of all some basics for beginners an animation is time dependent a video file can be rendered if you add an camera within specific canvas every video is separated into many single images which is called frame if you play those images very fast your eyes get bluffed and you get an illusion of movement the lowest rate of images to create an illusion of movement is 24 frames per second in short fps all that is more than 24 fps feels better and many games prefer to play with 60fps but I think this is a matter of taste information a matter of time and effort and Brenda you can check your settings for the FPS value in property shelf output properties dimensions frame rate I have currently 24 fps but you are free to change this to any other value in my basics of interface video tutorial I presented you where you can find the dope sheet workspace but didn't talk much about it because I will do this now and directly underneath the dope sheet workspace is the timeline workspace which you need as well for animation the dope sheet required and marks every single action in your scene along a time axis which is defined in two frames it ends at 250 frames by default but you can adjust this weather in the timeline panel here the blue marker tell you at which frame you are currently working those little rumble signals that there is already a saved information for frame one track and drops the highlighted number to a different position if you want to check other frames for your animation I will deepen frames in my next chapters left side of the dope sheet is a brown and blue highlighted category summary and Stroke which can be minimized or expand they are already two subcategories in the stroke line lines and fills those two lines are the layers for your create special object it is very important to understand the hierarchy and connections for animation all brush strokes and fills belongs to layers which can be found in property shelf here there you can add or remove layers those layers are listed in the dope sheet panel as well here when you add a new layer now this will affect the dope sheet list as well currently all layers are sorted 2 stroke category which is actually your object in the outliner if you expand this crease pencil object and rename it then you see that this is affecting the dope sheet category as well in summary we have one object in the outliner which contain layers and those layers contains our pressure ox and fills for changing activerain position click on a specific position of your frame line in dopesheet varrock space jump one frame ahead with the left and right arrow key if you want to play your animation in actual speed then click the play button in the timeline workspace or press Shift + space before starting while stopping number of frames are set by default as your display in table sheet you can define start and end frame in the timeline here and this expand the dope sheet frame line use the slider for navigation while use the middle mouse button by drag-and-drop inside the frame line in dopesheet this is well an opportunity for zooming within the frame display by press ctrl + keep middle mouse button pressed blahs pull the cursor to a specific direction right direction is zoom in and left direction is zoom out creating a forum is pretty simple for drawing just set a brushstroke and you get a mark on your current frame position within the selected layer line I know four ways how to create new frames a sets the marker on the view frame and try stroke B go to edit mode select everything which should be brought to your new frame move the marker on your wanted frame and press Shift + D in your view panel for the placate set your selection to your pointer position keep in mind that you created a duplicate and your structure is two times in your frame now maybe you have to delete the old structure for your needs C select a marker symbol often specific layer or select more with a box selection press Shift + D in dopesheet and move those drawing structures to a new position enter your position with an left click you are able to select an whole keyframe by clicking on the marker in the summary category d go to edit mode select everything which should be brought to your new frame move the marker on your wanted frame and press the cheeki for a move command just for information to select stroke points there are two selection modes which are very helpful for me select only points and select all points of an stroke in first mode you can select a specific part of an stroke by box selection and select the whole stroke by pressing L key for all linked points the second mooch just selects the whole stroke I think the second mode is much faster and simple to understand well Truong ephraim is permanent for all following frames till you tell plan de that there should be something different now if I place a stroke on frame 20 now and there's no frame in front and behind it then the strong is permanent for the whole clip when I go to frame 10 next and draw something else there then this frame will overwrite everything before the first frame till the first frame starts you tell blender this figure looks like this now and next it looks like this and next it looks like this and so on the more frames you are adding the more movement the figure gets if one frame feels not good in time then you are able to crap it and pull it somewhere else if there is an object which you don't need before or afterwards a specific frame then create a new frame at this position and delete it if you just delete it then blender don't create a keyframe for this you have the opportunity to draw something on first frame and don't change anything till the end of this clip then this will be a static object like a background or something like this so what is onion skinning this tool should help you to draw in betweens and show the previous and next frame with less opacity it is easy to calculate movement and position of your current frame layers are very useful to organize your drawing or animation for example creating a layer for your sketch and another one for your outlines if you finished your outline from then this April does caching layer we're cool and blender is that the layers are interacting with each other if you want to fill your outlines now you can do this by creating a layer underneath the outline layer and create a new face with fill material it is as well possible to select the fill tool and just click inside your outline with the wanted material activated but this is only working if you have closed outlines if they are not closed for any reason for example a stylistic reason then you should add some for a stroke to close the form fill it and remove the helping lines afterwards masks can be a very nice opportunity if you want to add shadows or highlights to your drawing in a very fast way starting position is a layer with outlines and the layer with fills create a new layer which is above the filling layer in the lair management overview you have several options block visibility onion skinning and mask layer by enabling mask layer you interact with the layer below and use only those surfaces just a quick information filling out lines can be buggy if there is a mask in the previous frame this Eber the mask layer will create a new shape for this frame as I mentioned it before the frame is permanent till you order it to be different you mutual effects can be added to an object as a whole it is not possible to add effects to just one layer probably there may be cool effects for your drawing for example a rim light or a trap shadow we are able to zoom in and out in 3d viewport the camera size is based on the output setting in the output property tab if you want to add and backgrounds to your scene which is static you have several options first option is to drag and drop an image from a folder to your scene if the image is not the same ratio than the canvas setting then the image will be stretched to fit but you will not find this image in the outliner currently we're still in 3d viewport but with the zero key on number bet you enter the camera view this camera is able to load and background image select this camera in the outliner and enter the object data property tab there you find the background function which can be enabled or disabled expand the settings to remove the image or load a new one another option is to create a new image select background and place your image to your wanted location this image can be scaled rotated or moved as well which can't the background image of the camera this image can be animated as well if you want you you may be recognized that there is an hard cut each time a new frame is entered by the time and marker if you have drawn just a bunch of frames so far sometimes there is no need to create a special animation because you need a simple movement for this particular object it is possible to interpolate frames which drawing structure is pretty similar or in best case the same this tool is not advisable for complex shapes I present you two different rays for interpolation first you have to be in draw mode select which kind of layer you want to interpolate it is not possible to interpolate all layers at the same time bring the active frame marker to the frame where you want to add a new frame click on draw button here and now you have two options interpolate and sequence click on interpolate foreign signal interpolation frame once clicked you can adjust the interpolation level this depends on the movement speed of your object and frame position between the two frames left click for enter your interpolation lever sequence is a little bit different this function will automatically interpolate every single frame between your existing frames the movement for interpolation will be constant second method works in edit mode best result is when both frames are the same stroke maybe just on a different position or size then hits the interpolate button here you have as well the option for interpolate and sequence which works same as I mentioned in method one but now you have more option interpolate all layers and interpolate selected strokes this really depends on your needs you you scout mode helps you to etch us brushstrokes or felt you can smooth strokes as well here by interpolating frames or creating new frames that may change volumes of your object or character it is possible to just fill the new space again for a duplicate the previous fill frame and sculpt the form till it fits my last point on this list is a question for yourself what are you animating the crease pencil strokes or your object basically the origin was always on cereal cereal cereal position till now and we just animated The Strokes itself which belongs to layers and which belongs to the outliner crease pencil object in dopesheet workspace menu you are currently in crease pencil mode feel free to switch to top sheet which is animating the object itself or the origin if you have drawn a walk cycle of a character based on zero position then you are able to give it distance now you can combine your drawn animation with squeeze pencil and animation with object mode that's all so far this was again a very long tutorial but I think it's not possible to trim it thank you very much for watching it would be very nice to give this video a like and or subscribe to our YouTube channel for more game dev videos Cheers
Channel: 25games
Views: 46,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamedev, indiedev, Blender, 2D, animation, Grease Pencil, brush, stroke, fill, principles, tool, basic, frame, outline, sketch, concept, image, movement, shortcut
Id: ogowBEyV44s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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