How This Website Makes $150,000/MONTH! PASSIVELY

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hey guys my name is Dale from creator Pro website and in this video I'm gonna be breaking down how this website makes these two guys a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a month passively meaning that even while they sleep money just keeps rolling into their bank accounts that's the new American Dream so I'm gonna be breaking down what this website is how does it make money how many visitors they get to their site each month where the visitors are coming from how do they get those visitors and then at the end of the video I will show you where to get started with building a successful website like this and before we get started I want to mention that this video is not sponsored by dollar sprout it's not sponsored by anyone for that matter nobody pays me a dime to talk about this the reason why I chose it is because I think it's a fantastic example of how to make a ton of money online and it's got all of their public income reports so that I can show you data to back up everything that I'm saying so let's jump in so what is dollar sprout com well it's basically just a website about money or a blog about money to be more specific so it teaches you how to make money how to manage your money and how to invest your money and if I go into these little categories you can see make money they have categories on how to make money fast how to make money online online surveys or even just getting a job where you can work from home and your trading hours for money or money management same thing everything is broken up into these very simple sub categories so they teach you tons of stuff and they've got articles on everything how to start a blog online business ideas best apps to sell things literally anything about making money this website will teach you okay so now how do they make money with this website well it's mainly through affiliate marketing on their blog posts so I'll explain that so if I go up to the top here and go to make money let's just say I want to click on one of these because I want to learn about it so how to make money online that's a pretty highly searched topic so whenever I click on that you can see dollar sprout has written an article called the 20 legitimate ways to make money online and basically what they do is they write this amazing article that beats out all the other competition because it's very informative it's organized well and they've broken it down into 25 different ways that you can make money like leverage money making apps the top ones market research and basically how they make an income through this website is these little affiliate links here so these little green links are affiliate links so right now they're saying for number one which is participate in market research they're saying for a first-time survey taker we recommend starting out with swag bucks and swag bucks is a place where you can you know take surveys and make money so if you click on that there is this URL at the top that's obnoxiously long and this URL is actually an affiliate link so whenever somebody signs up for swag bucks using this affiliate link dollar sprout makes a commission off of that and the commission is probably somewhere around two to three dollars which doesn't sound very high but if you get hundreds of thousands of signups that's a lot of money and this is only one of many affiliate links on their site so I'm gonna go back and I'll show you a few more so if I scroll down so other survey sites that they're recommending survey junkie so if we click on that once again URL up at the top is also an affiliate link so they make a commission whenever somebody signs up for survey junkie and another one that they recommend is vin dale research right here and again a affiliate link up at the top here so they make a commission off of that so what they do is just sign up for tons of affiliate programs that have to do with this niche of making money online or finance pretty much anything to do with money and then they write articles where they can include these affiliate links so like i said when you've got hundreds of thousands of visitors to this website that money really adds up so i'm gonna go over to this website which is breaking the 1% comm and this is actually just a sister website two dollar sprout they're owned both by the same guys and breaking the 1% just kind of is about blogging and they break down the money that they make with dollar sprout so how we made three hundred forty seven thousand dollars blogging in two months January and February that's actually about dollar sprout so if I click on that we can go to it you can see the two owners of dollar sprout right here Jeff and Ben and you can even see he's wearing a dollar sprout t-shirt in that picture so if I scroll down so obviously this January and February income report is the latest one that they have which seems like months ago but they actually say in the beginning here that they're actually not going to be posting their income reports anymore because they're actually kind of paranoid about people knowing how much money they make you can use it as a way to get visitors you know to come click on this article and read all about how they make a ton of money online and that could convert to sales but they're actually getting to the point where they're making so much money they're afraid of people knowing how much anyway so January 2019 the revenue was a hundred and eighty thousand dollars their expenses was fifty thousand they profited about a hundred and thirty same with February 167,000 they profited about ninety nine thousand so even with those high expenses that's still a lot of profits and split between two guys so that's a ton of money so what I'm gonna do is actually go back and I'm gonna go to their income report for December of 2018 because there's some helpful bits of information in here so if we go down you can see this is their monthly revenue when they started it's not an overnight deal so January 2017 they actually started dollar sprout back in 2015 and it didn't make any money for quite a while and then just exponential growth but it was not an overnight thing so if we scroll down here's the income breakdown so as you can see ads they make about a thousand dollars a month which really isn't much affiliate marketing they make a hundred thousand a month with and that was just in 2018 they've made even more money since then and then courses they make about seven hundred and forty dollars from that but affiliate marketing is the bulk of their income so that's all those little links that I was talking about that are just sprinkled all over their blog posts and signing up for that many affiliate accounts can get a little crazy so if I go to their expenses breakdown again this is all for dollar sprout their payroll they pay about ten to eleven thousand dollars a month for writers virtual assistant content editors etc virtual assistant would be the one that probably manages all of those affiliate programs that they're signed up for but you you know this isn't stuff that you need right away if you're looking to start making a website that's going to be successful like dollar sprout you can easily manage you know a dozen affiliate programs by yourself but once you have as many as they do it definitely helps to have a virtual assistant so Facebook ads they spend about four thousand dollars a month on which actually isn't as much as you'd think so as far as affiliate income goes you've got two different types you've got high commission affiliate programs and then you've got low commission affiliate programs and there's pros and cons to both so the pros to high commission affiliate programs is obviously that you make a lot of money per sale so these are products that probably cost around a thousand dollars and you might take home two hundred but the con there is that it's a lot harder to convert website visitors to customers because the products cost as much as they do now with low Commission affiliate programs the con is obviously that you don't make quite as much money per sale it's usually a little bit of money but the pros is that it's a lot easier to actually convert visitors over to customers because the sale isn't as high so people don't sit on the fence for very long there's really nothing wrong with either one I've seen websites perform great with both avenues but no matter what the most important thing is that the more website traffic you have meaning the more visitors you have looking at your website the better because this means more sales so I'm also going to go over to a I called and if you're interested in getting into affiliate marketing and you want to try to make money online this is a great place to go and check for products that you could possibly sell so you would basically go down and look at these niches over here on the left and if you are knowledgeable in any one of these niches you can click on it and figure out what products you could actually promote so all of these products here the vendors or the people that actually make the products put them on here because they allow affiliate income so let's just say that you are interested in health and fitness maybe you're a personal trainer you know you're pretty good at your online presence and you want to start promoting some products well there's tons of diet plans and muscle building programs and detox programs lots of stuff in here that you can choose from and you can you know take these yourself see which ones you want to promote and there's nothing wrong with writing multiple articles so you could do an article on diet and sell a diet plan or you could do another article on muscle building and sell a muscle building program but Clickbank has tons of options so I would recommend just going through any one of these and just seeing what they have to offer the benefit there is that you don't actually need to spend time focusing on building your own product and trying to make it a really good product you can shop around for which products that you want to promote and all you do is focus on putting out the best content which is what dollar sprout does they put out the very best content for the finance niche okay so next how many visitors do they get to their website and where are they coming from so in order to make money online you need customers just like any other business but customers online just start out as nothing more than a balls browsing the web so you have to turn those eyeballs into customers so let's go ahead and take a look okay so to see how many visitors dollar sprout is making I'm going to go back to their income report and I'm going to go to the January and February 1 which is the latest one and I'm just going to scroll down and actually posted this so as you can see here's our traffic info for dollar sprout and this is for January and February so it's two months and they've got nearly 2 million page visits so if you see here January page views 1.1 million February page views 1.2 million which is a ton of traffic and the bulk of this traffic is coming through Google so if I scrolled back or sorry go back to their December income report they've got certain bits of information on both so if I scroll down they even mentioned they'd post another screenshot right here of their Google Analytics and even say at the top that the bulk of their traffic is coming from Google meaning that this is organic search so when somebody types in how to make money online and clicks on one of their posts that's where that's coming from but I'm going to get into how they actually get this Google traffic in just a little bit first I want to talk about how they're actually optimizing their website for all this Google traffic so if we go back to their website I'm gonna go back to their home page and basically when they get tons of Google traffic like that coming into their website their home page has this big call-to-action on the front of this big white box that is asking for your name and your email in return for learning new ways that you can make extra money basically asking if you want to stay up to date with all the tips & freebies of making money so they're trading valuable information for your name and email and there's a reason for this this is called an email opt-in and they can use it as a way to create a sales funnel so let me just break down how a sales funnel works so that we can better understand this so first you've got the lead and this is basically just the interest so whenever somebody typed something in on Google or maybe clicks on one of your facebook ads because they were interested this is the lead and then that lead turns into a connection and the connection is made whenever you are giving them some information for their email so once you get their email that connection is formed and then you've got the follow-up so whenever you actually put your email in here and hit subscribe within an hour so you'll probably get a automated email is going to give you a bunch of free information and it's probably useful information in real info and it's also probably promoting some affiliate links to maybe subscriptions or services or products or courses and that's the follow up and then you've got the conversion which is actually getting them off the fence by describing how this thing that they're promoting is going to make your life better or easier so they could also give you a coupon code so they might say something like you know we've got a thirty percent off coupon code if you want to get started right now and this will help people get off the fence and then convert to the final step which is a sale so a lead turns into a connection and then that turns into a follow up which turns into a conversion which then turns into a sale and if you want a lot of these emails so that you can turn them into customers then you're gonna need a lot of visitors to your website because not everyone's gonna put in their email but a percentage will so I usually explain this one with the hundred ten one rule so one hundred being you've got a hundred percent of your visitors that are coming to your website so let's just say that's a hundred thousand people well now only about ten percent might actually put their email into the box so ten percent being ten thousand people which is a pretty high rate but this is just for the sake of explanation and then only one percent of that ten thousand might actually convert into a sale which really only ends up being a hundred people but that hundred people is a lot of money especially with high commission products but no matter what the whole thing is a numbers game so the more Google traffic that you get the more visitors to your website you get the more sales opportunities you'll have so how does dollar sprout rank on Google and get all these visitors to their site well the number one way is through SEO which is search engine optimization and I've got a whole video breakdown on what is SEO which I will put a link to in the description if you want to get a better explanation and there's also some really helpful SEO tips that you can start using on your website okay so I'm gonna open up a new incognito window so that none of my cookies or anything are saved on here and I'm gonna go to Google and I'm just gonna type in something like how to make money online and then you get you know all these websites all these ones at the top are all ads so they pay to be in that spot but if we scroll down there is a dollar sprout post the 25 best ways to make money online for free and I think this is like you know seventh spot or six spot something like that that's pretty high so there are two basic reasons why this article is ranking here on the first page of Google so number one being that the title to this article has the keyword inside of it so make money online is a keyword this is something that somebody would type into Google just like I did how to make money online and make money online is actually in their title and then this article is probably also tagged with how to make money online or easy ways to make money online tons of relative keywords to this make money online main keyword so titling and tagging is number one and then number two this article serves up way better information about this topic then any that are underneath it or on these second third pages of Google this article is serving up the highest valuable information for this topic so Google is recognizing that and allowing this article to rank higher which is in turn giving them much more opportunity for this article to be clicked on so I can actually show you the traffic that's going to this article so I'm going to show you a helpful tool that I use it's called uber suggests so if you go to neil patel calm and use uber suggests you can type in any domain or keyword so i'm gonna type in dollar sprout calm and then it gives me a ton of helpful information about the traffic that's actually going to dollar sprout calm so organic monthly traffic 1.5 million which is a lot but I already broke that down earlier backlinks here so backlinks are another very amazing way to rank on Google so what a backlink is is when another website links to your website or an article on your website so they've got 21,000 backlinks now these don't all have to be from separate websites but regardless they've got that many backlinks and Google recognizes this big time and rewards you big time for this and getting backlinks is very hard because you actually have to do a lot of outreach and actually talk to other people within your industry and get them to actually link to your site but you also have to have valuable enough information that they want to link to it so if I scroll down that you can actually see the top pages from dollar sprout that are actually clicked on so 11 best work from home jobs for 20 18 and has it 2 million visits so this is like their number one page that's clicked on so they probably have a lot of their best affiliate links on that page so if I open that up and we go to it so they actually changed it to the 2019 edition so now they've got 12 best work from home jobs but same thing and again green links everywhere and they've just got probably tons of affiliate links on here so how to become a facebook marketer they've got this hustle course so if we click on that boom affiliate income it even says affiliate right here Vancouver which is one of the owners of dollars brow and I'm sure this course is probably a high commission product and then over here on the right you can actually see how many backlinks are going to these articles that they've written which it's kind of a lot and then if we scroll down you can even see the keywords and then their position ranking for all these keywords so work home job survey money swag bucks you can see they're ranking first second third fourth I mean those are great rankings and the reason that they are able to rank that highly on Google is all to do with SEO so they're spending a lot of time making sure that their entire website articles and all is very SEO friendly so if you want to actually figure out which SEO keywords that you want to write articles for for your website if you just go up here I'm gonna go to Google I'll just type in something again I'll type in make money online and let's see here once it pops up okay so I've got this tool that's called keywords everywhere it's actually a free tool that you can get for Chrome you can see it up here at the top keywords everywhere so if you search keywords everywhere it's probably gonna be the first link and you can find it and install it for Chrome but it tells you the volume that it's searched so how to are sorry make money online as search 200,000 times each month which is a lot so the fact that they're showing up dollar sprouts is showing up for something that's being searched 200,000 times a month on Google is why they're getting all of that traffic and then it also shows you relative keywords sorry related keywords which is super helpful as well because then you can write articles on these relative topics so the idea is to get as many of your articles on your website to rank on Google and ideally you want them to rank for these search terms that have high volume because then that means more potential clicks and by rank I mean try to show up on the first page of Google so this is gonna take a lot of SEO work and a lot of time because a good article is like a flower it's gonna need time to blossom but you can speed that up by doing a lot of outreach which is what I talked about with backlinks just the helpful little tip okay so hopefully you're psyched up from this information and maybe you're looking to get started well the very first place that you should start is by learning how to make a professional website that looks and functions beautifully so if you want to do that I will put a link in the description to my step by step tutorial that shows you how to do just that or you can click right here and you don't need any previous web design experience in order to do this alright guys thank you for watching it feel free to subscribe to the channel if you want more videos like this I will see you on that tutorial
Channel: Create a Pro Website
Views: 480,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online, make money online, how this website makes 150k a month, how to earn money online with google, how to make money with a website, make money with a website, dollarsprout, dollarsprout income, what is dollarsprout, breaking the one percent, breaking the one percent income, how to earn money from website visits, make website and earn money for free, passive income, how to make a passive income online, how to make a passive income
Id: E0y-YL4tmb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.