How This Ugandan Became A Billionaire Before 40!

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what is a western you've ever heard about yourself like I told you Africans and negative in general ugandans inclusive but uh when you apply reason like I do you come to realize that everything comes at a cost why do you expect to be richer than the majority of the people in your society and you expect them to clap and love you so much no it is a natural thing hate is part of the human cycle so I I instead of you know making me feel bad I've learned how to live with it and our best can I use it towards Improvement of my twin towards my progress and Improvement of the society where I live so instead of people always hate you if you're better than them regardless of where you are people will always hate you it is but so the better you adjust your reasoning capacity and and you accept it you move forward I want to know why aggro processing we export a lot of raw materials and import a lot of finished goods at 10 or 20 times the price for what we imported at so I was thinking if I can set up Integrity that group processing plants I can add value and look for the demand for Agro produce domestically through import substitution but also regionally and internationally that way I would have improved the lives of majority of ugandans because you see I'm not going for farming no the ugandans will be the outgrowers then I'm staged at Value addition if I can mark it if I can aim for the market so specifically moving within the directions of demand and Supply I look for the market I process and Export and bring money back home that way I will improve a lot of layers for a lot of households in Uganda so that is why I moved into Agro processing and value addition okay it will also at my a network here in the wrong run but this time the difference would be it is not limited to me as an individual but it is cutting across majority of ugandans and I don't expect to do this just in one central region Uganda I mapped Uganda into 10 zones and I plan to put integrated Agro processing plants in 10 zones of Uganda if God grants me the life and the time and the reasoning capacity to pull it off now all these structures you see right here okay that we are houses they are gonna house all the activities of farm Agro processing Industries including cold rooms packaging storage and everything involved like here where we are this is the pilot project uh Mr hamis Chicken has set up for others to emulate and develop our country through our group processing and value additions country so we are going to stop exporting raw materials and importing processed Goods but rather process everything from here add value make quality controls and only experts that's a good one because we have the market for everything right here at home okay what kind of products will you be processing in here then all right here we are going to be processing the vegetables like the fruits we manufacture juice that meat chicken that's that the cereals we are going to put up Cyrus the other place where we are we shall be stored in over 500 000 metric tons we export it like the way you have been seeing we have had challenges with Kenya that our series are low quality right now we are we are going to put everything in perfect we are going to import expatriates here with the one the existing ones who have experience and make everything World standard [Music] when it comes to the real estate how many buildings have you built so far in Uganda do you have numbers no I have quite a lot of commercial properties in Uganda in various areas from commercial structures to now real estate housing structures for for residential I have quite a number of projects quite a number apart from Uganda what other countries are you investing in I have quite a number of properties I have a logistic a logistics company in the United States trading as um Express Logistics in Dallas own property in the UK I'm quite straight out but I'm mainly focused and invested in Africa I read on the internet that you are self-made billionaire yeah is that true yeah I also read on the internet that you're being supported by the government or whatever you're doing that's what I read on the Internet or whatever you're doing is backed by the government is that true [Music] I am an infinitive and a private member of the society I don't hold any public funds for clarity and when you say government if you mean that the government has put in place the right prevailing circumstances or platform under which a reasonable man like me has been able to exploit the prevailing circumstances like security and freedoms to make it to where I am today it is 100 true [Music] government has provided the right prevailing circumstances for me and the people that can apply reason in Uganda make it big that is a fact otherwise if it was in security and maybe I would beat it but it is government that keeps us secure and it is government that protects us without properties and it's a game that gives us the rate Prosper with all they said they're trying to pull you down yeah I have zero government I don't have any coin from government I've never taken any money from government [Applause] [Music] what inspires you to do what you do near fact that you are leaving you are not dead struggle is a constant factor for as long as you are like when you are dead everything is done but for as long as you are living and breathing you have to keep moving what else is there to do [Music] if there is life there's everything right yeah if there is life because you see in the initial stages of prosperity a man looks for a nice house a nice car better ways of survival what happens if you're no longer Limited to survive you can Brave the car you want you can live the biggest house possibly you can afford then what you still eat one plate of food you still drive one car at a time you can still stay in one house regardless of what you possess so what then how many Africans have what I have there are very few yeah so the best I can give anyone watching this show right now the best anyone hearing us now listening to us now is how can I kick start your reasoning capacity regardless of where you are you see it is never too late to reason I'll give you an example of our education systems majority of Africans have gone through education systems and now they are the old phds their professors but have you ever asked yourself where the most educated people of our society the list outside rich or wealthy wealthy in our societies yeah just because you see by nature and character in Africa we've been told that you should draw the difference within username does you should draw the difference between knowledge and wisdom professors have acquired a lot of knowledge with ability to articulately pass it on to others but with total inability to practically apply it towards their own progress and prosperity of their societies reasoning is key it is deep critical analysis of the prevailing circumstances without necessarily prompting personal emotions and desires because you see with reason we do what is right with desires and emotions we do what we desire Africans are taken up by short term desires and emotions not Progressive reasoning I think people need to have a copy of this book because we've been talking about reasoning so I would say that the secret behind your success is risen [Music] if I've managed to make it in Africa yeah where everyone believes conditions are very poor that means I have managed to reason out a difficult situation in Africa maybe if you was in America or be the richest man today because I would apply my reasoning capacity within the prevailing circumstances did here in Africa all systems are down in America systems are up someone can wake up and become rich in Rich from something as small as you know people liking funny you put something that people like it and you are because the marketing strategy is there people have access to information you know the book is that systems yeah present for someone to make it already but here in Africa we are still in manual analogue everything there is fast it is modern and you don't think that is the reason why so many Africans cannot break through that system but for us to make it as a continuity we shouldn't be limited to to just individuals like we said but reasoning must be evident within all our structures and systems including our governments to change one thing in Africa what will it be our reasoning capacity the reasoning capacity of Africans reason and you see reasoning is simple simply being open-minded design element of Reason open-minded the ability to take in information when someone is talking to that ability to taking information and analyze it before you connect that is an element of Reason believing in yourself that is an element of reason being patient yet consistent with what you want that is an element of Reason never giving up once you fall that is taking personal responsibility and you say you see I owe myself the responsibility to make myself better understand where I live that is an element of reason you you don't wait for anyone to come and carry forward so you don't blame government for your failures you don't blame your principle failures you simply adjust the fact that look if I have anyone in the world I have me then how do I better my life you know that alone is an enemy to reason so success or failure a mere reflection of arising capacity so if we could attack the African mind towards reason I think that's the best thing that can never that can never happen to Africa in Africa funding a project is very difficult yeah I interviewed a one of successful man in Ghana and then he told me that he actually got the money from his friends I told you this story because I was on the street for some time yeah it toughened me up right so just imagine you being on the street for some time with what guys you you and then getting a formal employment not easier because her friends now yeah so in the morning oh Charlie you brought a kinky I'll come and eat so when I joined the Valco we miss you soon and I think this is that you made you take all the money this month is for you all 100 right the next month and next month I was the last person to take it so I think that is second month I took also the money that's how I get the money to be trading now that is the story and that's the money that I had to today hasn't left me not that I had money from a loan from anybody that I had you know that's how I've nurtured it from from that time to this time that money has never left my hand what was the first money that you receive for your first business the first capital to start your first ever business [Music] made Family background is business so I come from a business family wow so this from that background that I started working with small substantial capital no too much actually too much money is not Capital then you can't make it productive capital is that little amount of money you insert in a business we own a probability of losing it or gaining more which I call a risk then it starts multiplying the multiplier effect is what translates into actual success and progress and Prospect in the long run so a constant engine a constant productive changing is what makes a person work okay where can we get this book uh in Uganda you can get physical copies but the internet you can get it from Amazon Amazon both books success and failure based on reason and reality and reason as the world Masterpiece for I believe there is nothing above reason and if there is anyone who can successfully challenge immune this please you are most welcome I think reason is above everything when it comes to human progress or failure reason is the governing Factor okay in a lemon is language I would say it all starts and ends in the mind [Music] you're building a 40-seater 40 000 capacity stadium yeah in right in the middle of the city of Kampala yeah and when I got there I saw only black engineers and I was amazed because I've never seen anything like that before because anytime you see any big construction going on we tend to see either the Chinese or maybe the white surveying everything no but maybe when you look at the stadium how many Africans have built a stadium like I've done maybe I need to be the first one of the few what I've done in its totality as building a stadium it is an illustration to my fellow ugandans and Africans that look here even for massive projects like this one we can do it ourselves and I've made sure all the people employ all the engineers and everyone on the stadium is totally absolutely completely African so I'm trying to show them the look here we can do it if I've done it you still can you can do it let us put our hands together and make sure we build Africa before it is Our obligation as Africans to build Africa if we don't take that honors or responsibility upon us that it is Our obligation to build Africa then Africa shall never develop when I talk of an investment or investor in Africa is synonym to a foreigner and that is what we are trying to change right now we are trying to show everyone that look here yes we can develop Africa as Africans this is our identity this is our we are defined by oh yeah we are Africans Africa asks us and we have Africa so we leave it for who will develop Africa if we don't take a responsibility upon us to build to build and develop Africa we have limited ourselves to mediocracy and and for any big projects you look at in Africa it's either done by the west by the Europeans by the Chinese they have the same red blood like we are flowing in our veins we are humans we like life we can actually even do better than them if we address our mind's reasoning and for me I've decided to stop talking about it and illustrate maybe talking May to not be confusing enough within perimeters of reason that look it is possible for us to make it that's why I wrote a book success and failure based on reason and reality for reality is what it is as you see it not what you want it to be how many people have you employed Garden Day employee close to 4 600 employees directly under me and they're all ugandans [Music] o is leaving proof that I've done it because you see a stadium is something communal me and my family cannot accommodate and utilize the stadium this is something communal success and failure based on reason and reality it's a realistic fact that this one is present statistic fact that it's going to be used by ugandans and it is a reasonable fact that it is a communal Stadium do charity work yeah what kind of charity work do you do depending on the prevailing need and circumstances like there was covered I came through and gave 500 million to the community to buy drugs for vaccination so it depends on the prevailing circumstances we are going for Ramadan I have already bought a lot of things I'm going to give to different mosques and people communities to undo their facts [Music] when you hear the name Africa what comes into your mind Africa is blessed with a lot of natural minerals Africa is blessed with energetic people you know Africa is blessed with everything apart from inability for us to reason on how to express and explore the prevailing circumstances and available resources to us towards our progress and prosperity as a continent the only missing factor in Africa has risen otherwise God has blessed us in with everything we need for us to make it it will be unrealistic and unreasonable for any African to blame that we are not blessed by nature to blame God that we are never blessed by nature for we are fully blessed if we can only reason how to now to explore and express the prevailing circumstances and resources we hold at hand towards our prosperity as a continent you made it in Africa but on ordinary African is saying that it's not possible to make it in Africa but that statement from a reasonable perspective is wrong how can you say that it is wrong it is it is impossible to make it in Africa yet the Africans that have made it it is defeated by reason and reality you see that is exactly what I'm fighting inability for Africans to believe in themselves if I can do it you can do it what is the difference between me and you we all have the same time in a day we have 24 hours I don't have any different what do I do different from you that has made me prosper and accept you in a state you are at for me I think it is all about it's all in the mind it all starts and ends in the mind I have a lot of Africans in the diaspora that watches my videos yeah if you have a message to them what would that message be no Africans go abroad looking for better ways of survival and majority will tell you they go for a reason which is a fact but [Music] I can give an opinion on what it is in Africa today maybe majority have left because of the prevailing circumstances like our week education system that has made them believe you can only make it abroad not in Africa like I told you these are imported and imposed education systems that were never drafted realistically to meet the challenges and prepare the African child with the equipment to articulately analyze and understand the challenges at hand and Forge corresponding Solutions maybe one of the biggest problems Africa has is our education system because you see we are born Africans but It prepares us into modern Western slaves if I can put it attitudely whereby by the time someone is leaving University all they can think of is go and look for better resources abroad and maybe that's why a majority of people living abroad so if qualified Engineers qualifies doctors qualified nurses all live in Africa how is Africa going to grow maybe we should start believing in ourselves our origin I think most of them are also living because the systems in Africa don't really work you are an African are you an African yes so why don't you first believe in the fact that you're an African Identity Design element of reason understanding your identity it is an element of Reason saying by the names of a mischievun and by such and such age I am a black man and I'm an African and what can I do to improve my life and the lives of those around me so does running away from a problem solve it now if I'm looking for modernity I should go look for it elsewhere have you solved that problem no actually you've moved to say that you're not you're foreign that is why I decided to do the White House in Uganda let us trouble or strive towards achieving our desires in our motherland instead of struggling and striving so much towards living our motherland I know majority leave because of different living circumstances I don't want people to get me wrong but from a reasonable point of view that is a person opinion which may to be a fact or not depending on the reasoning capacity of the read and the other reasoning capacity of the person listening to me but that is my opinion within perimeters of reason self-identity is very key and taking personal responsibility is equally key so whose responsibility is it to develop African political is it for the westerners is it for the Europeans or is it for the Africans so if all Africans are living Africa whom are they leaving Africa for [Music] eign to everyone listening to me my message would be if you get a chance to get hold of my two books success and failure based on reason and reality and reason as the odd Masterpiece I would advise you to read it for I'm not trying to tell you how much I've achieved but how can we Kickstart each other's reasoning capacity to make sure we make the world we live in and the African continent a better place [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: WODE MAYA
Views: 164,267
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Keywords: africa, wodemaya, african entrepreneurs, african entrepreneurs success stories, african entrepreneurship, african entrepreneurs network, Hamis Kiggundu, richest people, richest man in uganda, top 10 richest people in uganda 2022, wodemaya in uganda, inside, inside uganda youngest billionaire, ham kiggundu, richest politicians in uganda, ham kiggundu cars
Id: Y2uCAzV9zzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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